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A -writer ailvises that girls -who wish to have small mouths shoulrt repeat at frequent intervals tluring the day : "Fanny Finch friecl fourteen flounclemig frogs i'or ïrancis Fowler's father. How He DoubJed His Trade. Mr. Benj. W. Patón, pharmacist, Globo Villaje, Mass., Bsya tnatthe niiraoulous pain-oure, St. Jacobs Oil, bas groatly helped his othor business, and the sales of the remedy have doubled in one month. He keeps a large supply alwavs on hand. Ofïiuers of the Army and ÍSTavy pronounoe St. Jacobs Oil, to be the reatcs1 pain euro of the age. Mrs L. H. rium, of Stieator, 111., has been cleoted amemberof the Board of Trustees of Wheaton College Important. When yon vi6it or leavu New York City save Baggage" Expressnge and Carriage Ilire and stop" at the Grand Union Hotel opposite Grand Central Depot. Elegant rooms fittetl up at a cost of one million dollars, reduc.fd to il and upwards per day. European Plan. Elevator. Restauran. supplied with the best. Horse can?, stages and elevated railroad to all depots. Families cai better for ltss monoy at the Grand Unioi city. __, English sparrows were first introüuced into this country in 185S by a gentleman named Dubois, In a sarden in Portland, Mc. Carbo-lines., Full oft we feil tbe surge ot tears, Yet joy has linht for all the years. Td all whose hair is gfittinu thin, Our Carboline will keep it in. .). Stanley Brown and the younger of the Garficld bays are roughing it on the Western frontier. Instantly Relieved. Mrs. Ann Lacour of New Orleans, La., writes : - I have a son whotaas beensick for two vears; he has been atteuded by our leailing physicians but all to no purpose. This morning he had nis usual spell of coughing, and was so greatlv prostrated in consequencc, that death seemed imminent. We had in the house abottleof DE. WM HALL'SBALSAMforthe LUNG3 purchasedby my husband who noticed your advcrtisement yesterday. We administered it ácc.ording to directions and he was instantly reiieved. Look Oat For F aad! Tho etcnuine "Ilough on Corn" is mado odIv by ]S 8 Wells. Proprletorof'KoiiBhonRats"), and has iniiL-hiPg faceofa man on labels. 15c. &2ic. Bottlos. Thë Boy who Munches Green apples all day, doesn't thinkwhat a time he is eoiag to haveat night . He will have a sharp attack of colie about raidnight, and the wholc: family will be alarmed. If mother has taken preeaïition to have a bottle of FERRY D.-VVIS' PAIN KILLER where she can lay her hands on it, the trouhle will soon be over. Hay Fevek. My brother Myron and myself were both cured of Catarrh and Hay-Fever last July and August by Ely's Cream Balm. Up to December 28, these troubles have not returned.- Gabkiel Fekris, Spencer, N. Y. Pkevent crooked boots and blistered heels by wearing Lyon's Patent Heel Stiffners. Of the many remedies before the public for N rvous Debility and weaknesB of Nearre Generative System, tbere is none equal to Allen's Brain Food ; it never fails. $1 pkg., 6 for $5. At druggists, or at Allen's Pharmaey, 315 lst Ave., N Y. If the internal grief s of every man could be read, WTitten on his forehead, how many who of pity.- Metastasio. Chablottevillb, Va.- Mr. C. il Harman, President oí the Peoples', tesiifies to the value of Brown's Iron Bitters lor rclieving indigestión . , Moody, Üio evangelist, is an expert horsemnn. PERRY DAVISf PainKiller! ti. SAFE ANI SÜUE KEHEOÏ FOK Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cramps, FÖR SALE BYVLL DKUUUUSife, p ti rT1 T PB Isme well-tnen ana trusted t -TillN -lS.l-il-1 i-ilvjrjen(j of yi wilo wuni asure and safe medicine which can be f reelv usea lnternnllyorcxtcrniilly without few of liarm and with certainty of relief. lts price brings It witmn the ranso of uil, and it will annn nlly save many times tta oost in doctor bilis. Prlce 26 aud 50 and 11 per bottle.. Directions accompanv eacn bottie. FOU SAUS BT AJ.L DBCOG18M. CatARRH, elys MipLLYHaCream Balm STCRCAli aWwhel1 "liplied by the Sr !?'"" "■rVuStlnK'-rinlol;henostr113 B BaST'vWif „ HjÁnl tually cleanslng the ■"" io(in tuihead ofoatarrhal virV HAYFEVER W M n, causlng healthyse fáf- iy$ fJÊBA cret'ons' Xtaliays ini;"1 455"öBB'imatlon'P1'otectsth0 ff óMÍB mombrano of tbc nasal WB&I&. SCbB P!lssil""s i'i'oi" addlH'Botóv'BI''0""1 colcls.cimiiU'ti; SPÏ' c v'VI iy !"!iiis tiiB s"'ia uiki JSyxo u.sA. 1 restores taste and "5"f--= - _'nmell. AfewappllcaUAY' fËVË S? tllllls relieve. A thorfa a " 1% wge treatmeot will noBitlvely cure. Agreeablc to use. Send f or circular. Price 50 cents by mail or at druggists. ELY BROTHERS,Owego,N.Y Ton nutlawB were hurg by a matked mob, at Little Rock, Ark. the other day. lf tliure is anylhing in this life will give onc ;i ioretasteof hell, as some represent it, that thing is Neuralgia. It is the refinement of torture. Uut there is a simple nnd inexpensive remedy for it. Johnson1 Anodyne Liniment snaffed up into the head will give ingtatit relief. Ex-Senator Wiiidoni was tendered a receptioD in London the other day. Pure noli blood gives us health, long life and a "green oíd age," but how few pay any attention to the state of their Dloodi Parson's Purgalive Pilis makes new rich blood. and tasen one a Ímght for threc months will chango the blood in the enitre system. aiiu uHiauuu ui luición uaue i& lareiy m our favor. Makianna. Fla. - Dr. Theo. West, oavs: "I conalder Brown's Iron Bitters the beBt tonic thai. ÍS BOUJ." Girl graduates in Lngland wear gownB lflce UniviTt-ity men. mm l ERMAN.REMEUT ;; neuralgia. Sciatica, Lumbago, B?.usche, Headache, Tuothachc, sireTlirat,Swc!ling.prnlll.BruUc BtmviiM. S-alcl, iiort Itites. h ASD AU, OTHF.R UODILÏ l'Alí.S AND AC1IES. iM W Qrugnist :id Dealers overvwhere. Fin? Centsa boit Directioos la 11 Uuguoges. 3 ■" ZI#IV VULSIOKS, w r"NEVER FA!LT! i FALLING SICKW n rl-a NKS, ST. VITI.S Rflfctei' - a8w. dance, H aff OPIUM F ATESÓ, V ' ■ " DT8PEP8IA, s 'I I NERV0C8XES8, SC R ?J E SICK IIEADACHE ' E SÍ Y E KJIEUMATISM, I -I NERVOÏJS , . j ■ f EAKNE8S, LÖ 0 H 0 lllE R 0 RJ pkostration, BILIOÜSNESS, COÍ3TIA ETiESH, KIDSEÏ XKOtBLES oud all IKEECtTLAUITIES. 1 53?" 1-50 PSn EOTTLE AT DRCGG1STS. _J ' The ir. S. A. EiciiiaM Med. Co., Prop. 8t. losenTi, So. : a Correspondencefreely answered by Physicians. (60 VAIiUABliE TliSTUIONlAli. '%& and Sales atable, H8 Ba-t ■ sQfr a4th S ., bet. d and LexiDg"i ' JUSv. ton Avas., New York, Aug. .5í'ÍV18Bkk lt, 1888. B" fS1-'3 "jwIkli.isSp-wixCuueCo.- Wr1 fepwiii l B DeakSirs. WewerenavT Eíü irtK an occasion to puta valV L---: ly uable hnrse in condition f ■ -r a race. ín giving th horse his y?'"' threw ont a cul-b, in consequence of which I youln ave -olrt him, uttnat time, or thrce hnmlrcd oollars (í 00), ur lesa, llnnring of Ellis's Spavi Cure 1-iniment, I tiied it with Ko"d reauít. In two weeks the curb waa g ne and the hoisegonií! sound. I pul ,fliin condition again. and in two niontna we scu! him or aa man; thouandsas we va ued htm wort! hundreds when he luid the curb. The horse is at niesent boardingat ourstuble an I be:ng ar ven or, theroadevorj day. We cansafely recommend yoiir Spav n Curo l.iniment' r all nono diaeasea und callouslumps of any kindif properly used ïours, wi h respect. ÜUKH .t BCHIIBK. STAHKl.N I'LACK STOCK fAUM, Fultonvüle, Monigomery Co., N. Y., July 24, 188SThe Kllia Spavin Cu e Cu - (i ntlcmtn: llpined es receive ' in bocio sh pe. Bendmeaglast pign by express, to Fonda, well . aclied, and 1 1 hink itwil conieail right. A.BO send me Sumeofthos carda with a horse head and shoa on. 1 have taken offseveralcurha. ' O1 e very bad:" cured a case ol Sween y and Kavi ular i-is-ase witn Spavin Cure ano resiored several wrn out horses with thc Powders. voura reapeclfully. . Cha -dler Quintín, V. S. ,T. H. Whitson & Son, 24.h St., N. Y , ays: "We have used El is's Spavin Cure in ours'ablt-a fortwn y. ara and have triert it on thi foilowing w th pe - teetfucecss: Splints cura ring bones, bunchea n tní neck. awe'led ankles. also qui' ey sore thrput and lor general sta lel.niment t is the best article wc have 1 ver ued." ■I wou'd giadiy recommend your Spnvin Cure c all with perfect neo as to tle resu'.t," wnte H. C. P rry V, 8 , Boston. 'We be'ieve Kllis's Horse Remedisato bethebtst anieles on he Am rican market." - Stranss & I 1 - men.Eastí th Street, Ni w York City "Too mueh cantot tieaaid 1. praiaeof your m si valúa ler medies." saya Lingan Uros., N, .; '-wi have prodice-í resulta with them uch as we ha vi notbenabletodo with any othera." Send for f ; ne book of t stimo iuls. ciescribini? al our specialU: 8. K1J.1S BP VIN CUBE CO,floB ton Mass., and Kew York. ■ Ity, N. Y, TWEiWY-ílVK Úm m CiNCINNATI Treating ConsuiniJtion, .A_slliinft Broncliitis, Nasal Cntarrli, Son Throat, Loss of'Voiee, and othe: Maljiclies of tlie TsTose, Throat une Lunes. 1 I)R, WOLFE treata the abovo naiiied diaeasc by Medieated Inhalations. When thus adminiater ed, remedies are brought "face to face" in contae with the dlsease; whereas, if they are swallowec tljoy mix with the contents of the stomach anc never reach the orííans of respiration. llt. WOLFE haa, by the judlcious employmen of Medicated Inhalations, aaaisted thousands te .,,.r..jn thaíp limilth mnnv nf whnm hnii hftfin nrO" nounccd Incurable, and gtven up to die by tlioi. iamlly physicians amd frlends. DU. WOI-FE hai j?epared a list of questwus foi sickpeople to ansv. e „ mai!. Theyai Ja naraeter the same he would ask were he by the Sedside oi tlie invalid. By wrlting answers to these questiom any one can send an accurate statement of nis disease and reeeive and use inhalintï remedies at homf in any part of the United States or Canada, withou incurnnR the expense and dlscomfort of making Tlslt t6 Cincinnatt. Any one sendtng his name an. post-office address with a three-cent postag stamp, will reccivo a copy of the "Circular oQuestlons" by return mail. Dit. WOLFE has publishcd a medical book callee "Common Sense, Cause and Cure of Consuniption, Asthma, etc.," a copy of which he wlll send to any body who orders it, by mail, and incloses nim cents in postage stnmps with his name and postofflce address. The book is of greatvalue to any one afflicted with any Sisease oí the Nose, Thront, Lungs. IK. WOLFE has also published another book o m pages entitlod "Light about the House we l.ivt in," which every healthy person as well as sici ought to read. This book has a special interest t persons who have weak lungs, or any symptoms o' Conpumplion, Asthma, Bronchitis, or Catarrh Sent to any address frec by mail, on reccip cents in postago stamps. Address, SR, X. B. WOtFl 1-tfi Smlth St.. GiüCinnati


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