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Home Items. -"AH your own fault If you remain slok whenyou oati Get hop bitters that, oever- Fait - The weíkett voman, Eicalleet cliild, and ickest invalid can us'; hop bitters with safety nd gr ca t gooi 1. - Old men totteriug around l'rom P.heumaIsm, kldney trouble 01 any weaknees will be lmost new by usiiig hop bittere. - My wife and daughter were made healthj y tbu usb of hop bitters and I recommend them to my peopli'. Methodist Clerfrynian. Art any good doctor if hop Bitters arenot the best family medicine On earth. - Malarial fever, Aeue and Biliousness, will eave eviry m ighborhood as soon as hop bitters arrive. - "My mother dreve the paralvsis and nturalcia allourof her system with hopbitters."- Ed. Oswego Sun - Ki-ip Uie kidnoys heahhy with hop bitters and jou need uot fear siclsnCES. - Iee-water is rondercd hnrmlrfs and more ref reshing and r eviving with l:op bitters in cach drauiiht. -The vigor of vouth for tbe agcd and iniirm in hop bitters ! - "At thi chango oí Ufe nothing equals Hop bitters to allay all troubles ineidetit Thereto." onthlv and from which they will receive the eatcst beneüt is hop bitters." - Mothers with íirkly, fretful, nurslng ehildn, will cure tlie cbildrui and benefit themlvcs by taking hop bitters daily. - Thousands die annually from some loira of dney disease that mieht have been preventtd ; a tlmely use of hop bitters. - Iudigestion, weak stomach, irregularitieg ! thebowels, caiinot existwhen hop bitters are sed. A timely use of hop Bitters will keep a wñole family In robust health a year at a little eost. - To produce real genuine sleep and child-like. pose all night, take a little hop bitters on rering. -That indigestión or stomach gas at night, reventing rest and sleep, will dis&ppear by usig hop bitters. - Paralytic, nervous, tremulous old ladies re made perfectly quiet and sprightly by uslng op bitters. l Bad Case of Kidney ïrouble Cured. AtJBTJRK, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Sept, 29, 1882. ïheumatic Synqj Co. I should have writtcn yon before in egiird to the Rheumatic" Syrup which ou sent me, but have been waiting to ee if the result was wormanent. I can :onfidently say that it bas had a very ;ratifying eflect ou my wife, relieving ïer of all pain within three days af ter he commenoed taking it. I also gave iway one bottle of the Syrup to a friend, vhich had the same effect as on my vife. My wife has suffered great pain rom rheümatism and kidney difficmty 'or years, and at times could hardly nove. She had tried a great many medcines recommended to no purpose. It is the onlv remedy that gave her permanent relief. Yours, ROBEBT S. ÁHMSTKONG., Wis., Jaly 20, 189B. Dr. Pengelly : F'ease send me one more bottle of your ZoaPhora. The one bottle I have used has done wondere. I have been uuder doctors' care more or less for flve years. Have suffered trom inflammation, Ulcêration and Prolapsus Utcri, weakness and heavy head, in fact feit worn out, not able to sit up. I am feeling just splendid, now, and :.hall continue Zoa-Phora until cured. Mrs. N. W. Hahak. DON'T DIB IN TUK HOUSE."Rougli on Rats, ' clenrs outrata. mlce.ttiea, ruadles, bed-bngs. 15c. MENSiHAN'H I'KI'l'OMZBl) bEKK TUMC, the Only preparation of beef contalntng its entire nutritiou pruverties. It tdntains blooa-makins. furce-Kenerittiiig and life-sustaininp propert es; invaluable tor IND1OÉSTION, DT8PIPSIA, nervous prostrution, and allformsof general debility; alto in all enfeebled conditions, whether the result oí exhaustíon, nervous prosiration, overwork or acute disease, partlcularly if resulting irom pulmonary comj lalnts. CASwell, HiZAED & Co., l'roprietors. New York. Sola by DruKinsts íTl OIN'tí. irritation, inllammation, all Kidney and Urinbry Complaints. cured by "Buchu-Paiba. 11. Frazer Axle Greáse is best in tlie world. razer Axle (ireaKe ia best in the world. Frazcr Axle Grease is best in the world. SKINNY MEN. "VVeTls' Health Kenfcwer" restores liualth and viKor. cures Uyspepsia, Impotence. ÍL Hay Fbveb. F was arHicted for twenty yiars with Hay-Fevt-r. I used Ely'8 Cream Balm with favorable result and can recomnend it to all.- Kobeut W. Townley, (exMa or) Elizabetli, N. J. aOSÜ iiKiïwüuk m vuur uwniijwii. Tenas ana % outot -pOOfree-AcldresB H. Hullett & b'o.Po' tland.ldsliie. iGBS'l'S W ANTKb for th e best and tastest Belading plctoria] iiooka and Biblea. l'rices reduced B per cent. NAT. Ppblishino Co., Phllaaalpbl. Pfc ti tt fcVI per day iit home. öaniple worth $5 ffeft Xo lu ).u Addre Sttoson & Co. Portland Mam. , SUHE CL' Ui tor epileusy ur Bts n 24 hours. [Tee ■ to )(or. Dr. KnrsK.2S4i Aret)il t..St. Louis. Mo ir.ia week fn a aay at home easily made Costiy ■P ' uut-llttree.AdiirnBa'i'rueJiC'o. A uguatii Miitoe. r il ftl r tft a A l'ossltlvc Care. Ko K-nlfe. fil fk NuPiaitm. NoPal. Br. W M 11 tl L SS v.c. Puyne. MarBhalltow lowa ZT PLACE to secure a Business X ) Educatiin or Spenceriun Peiyery y m:mshipisattheSPKN. EIHAS ÍÍ71A COLL.KUB. DewoitHich. CircatLJlAyjl larsiree. . PATENT S ('. A. L.EHMANN BoUcltor ül I'utents, Washington 1). ü. ty-Bend for Clrcular._gt Do you wtsh to ootain good and a j falid patenta then -rite to orean! O T A IJTCt upon ÏUÜS. S. SPKAGUK & SON, I (1,1, Ij II I J , i 1 BON, 3Ï West Con-1 ulvlllw iO TA 11 T Careas ít., Detroit Mioh. AttorneT I II I (ni I Ll i Patent Cautw. Estabiished 1 ■ uívhi ■Kyears. Send for pamplet. free. i-mv uuanilhll üVJSliïVVUKRE tosen tüe Machine ever invented. Will knita pairof stockiiks with 1IKK1. and TOEciimpleteinj min.ites. It will also knit a great variety oí lancy-worfc for which there is always a ready market. Send for circular and terms to the Twombly ILnlttlu i jK-liïiie Co., 168 Tromont Street. Boston. Mass. H CURES WHEREALL ELSEFAIlsTir fSH BestCoughSyrup. Tastesgood. E9 fl Use in time. Sofdbydruggiste. E f MËÏÈTfHBüif l''Uï"i"' S:; UnWERSITY, MffMÁ E7 Dcu"h ia thc West wt ; A4 M ft iif 111f);;t thorongh and practical, has f i%i Upr tiie mobt ablc and experienced 1 ■ rJffBr tea''ej;' "nest rooms, and better iT l B 1 faciiüies ever way, than any ofer ■ ft Hr L Ji'"crs ro-'ec n Michigan. Aak J jBJk W our graduales and the business raen oí 3 Ü&ÈBr lctioi:, a bout our School. Cali or 8bH9v senc' 'or Circulars. otiorthnnd by a Practical ReDorter. WÊBf JH W Began Ufe 12 ysars ago undcr the name cf WOMAFS" FRIEND. Without puffery.simply on the good wortf of those who havo used it, it bas made Mentís in every State in tlie Union. NOT A CtEE AM, But a gentle and sure remedy for all thecomplaints which destroy the freshness ar. beauty, waste the strength, mar the hapr1ness and usefulness ofinany JIBL,S AlU WOjMES. SOLD EY LL DRCOGISTS. Testimonial or our Pamphlet oa 'Diseases of Womon and Children' Sent gratis. Kvery wotnan abore 15 years of ago, MpaolaUj Mothèra, should road thc:a. Address R. PENGELLY&CO-, Kalamazoo, Mich. (C7" AU letters marked private aro read by Dr. Peogelly oaly W. s. i. no. :;r.'J Ladiess Do you want a pure, blooming Complexion? If so, a few applications of Hagan's MAGNOLIA BALM will gratil'y you to your heart's content. It does away with Sallowness, Redness, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases and imperfectionsofthoskin. It overcomes the flushed appearanee of heat, fatigue and excitement. It niakes a Kdj oi THIRTY appear but TWEN TT ; and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its efiects, tiat ft is impossible to deteci its applicatiou.


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