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COOK HOUSE, Íj H. HUDSON, Proprietor. J Newly Furnished. 'J ho leading house n Aon Arbor. ST. JAMES HOTEL. JL. STONE, Proprietor. The bet heuse in ih city lor "Waphfnaw county poople. Kine rooms, welt furnishod. Everyth nL f-trctiy firgt Clwss J. M MARTIN, A TTORNEY-AT-LA W. Office- Opera House ï. Block. =--.-ti Kn. 2, Ann rbor. Mich. W. W. N1CHOLS, DENTAL OFFICE, over Jo T. Jacobs' ClothJig store. Ann ArbQr, Mii i. WILL1AM CASPARY, O AKER Y AND CONFECTIOKEKT, Cor. Kourth and Annptreet. JOSEP1I CLINTON, MerchantTailor. shop over Wm. Allaby's boot and siioe siore, A!l work guaranteed or no charge. JOIIN F. LAVVRENCE, A TTORNEY AT LA1V. A-Offlce, Nos. X and 3 Hill's Opera House, Anti Arbor, Mich. O. C. JENKINS, QURGEON RENTIST. Rooms No. 19 South O Main Street, uppu.lte the First National Bank Ann Arbor, 3üch. ANTON E1SELE, DEALER IN MONa.M'i.STSand Qravestones manufactured t'rum '1 nnessee and Itaiian Slarble and Scutcii and .merican (Jrauite Shop Cor. Detroit and Catherine sts., Auu Arbor., ilich. JACOB MALLER & SON, DEALER IN WATCHE8, .CLOCKS, Speetacles, Plated Ware. Uold Pens and -Fine JevyOlry. Special attention giren to repairing Watehes aud Jewelry. 46 South Main Street. na Arbor. W1LLIAM IIERZ, HOUSE, 8IGN, Ornamental and Fresco Pain ter. GiIiIiuü, Culeiiiiiniug; Glazingand Paper Hanging All ivorK don.: iu the best style and irarrantod to bívb sat.sfaction Sliop, No. 4 West Washington strei't, Ai.n Arbor, Michigan. S. 15. PARbuNS, M. D., ' Succtissor to Stoii; t Parspns; OFFICE AND DISPENSA lY, Corner .% Htnnuin and Fifth Streete, Ann Arbo-. Hich. S. B. THOMPSON, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, and Solicitor in Chani cery; 3J years experieuee. Divorco and Criminal Cases a specialiy. All legal business uietly and privately lono. Ofllce. Broadway, LowerTown, Particular attentluu paid to obtaining pensions and back iay for soldiers. P. O. box 318. Ann Arbor. Mich. WILSEY'S MUS1C STORE. DÍANOS. ORQANS, SHEET MUS IC, ïnstrucX tion Books, Vioüns, Uuitars, Flutes, &c. , cheap at Wilsey's SItisic Rooms, east side l'ublic Square, Ann Arbor, .Michigan. The largest and best btock of Musical tiocjds ever brought into IVashtenavv Countv Violln and Quitar Strlngs a speciaity. N. B.- It w'U bc to your interest to cali before purchasing anything in the MusiG line. C, F BUKKHARDT, WHOLESALE and Retail Manufacturer'of Harnessand Collars, Sa cl cl les and Bridles. Al.o dealer in 1 runks, Vahs, Wbips, B ankets, Brutee, &c. , &c Repairíng done neatl_r. ISo. 4 Huron street, ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHIGAN. Abstracts of Titles on Real EstáteI HAVE a complete eompilation-of the Official Records of VVashteuáw Oöurity todate. inelu úing al) Tax i'itles, Executious, auy ineumbrance on Keal Ksiat':, that is of Record in the Registers offlee, is shown by my books OiHce. in the fflee of the secretary of tlie Washtenaw mutuals ,- anee coinpany, in the basement of the house. C. il. JIANL. . Ann Arbor. Micli The Ann Arbor Savings Bank (Organized 1SG9, under the General Banking aw ut this state) hos Dow, includlng capital Sock, etc., etc.. OVE IC $300,000 ASSKTH. Business men, Guardians, Trustees, Ladies and Jther persons will oud tliis Bank a SAFE ANO C0NVENI1NT Place at which to make Deposita and do business. Interest is Aliowed on All Savings Deposits Ot $1.00andupv,anl, according to the rules the bank, and interesecompoundod semi-aunu Illy. Money to Loan n Sums of $25 S5.OOO, Secared by Uncucumbared Real Estáte and hor jood aecuiities. DIHEUTOK3- rhrl?t!n Mnck, VV. V. Wlnes W. D. Harriinan, Willuiui Denble, LI. A, Bea Daniel lliseock and W. B. Suiith OFfICIüHS- Christlan Mno. President; W W Wines. Vice Presid. ut; C. K. Hiscock, Cashler. THE Canfly Faetory ! J Wm. HANCSTERFER. Prop No. 5 Huron street, opposite the court house, and tíranch Store. No. :'A St ite ctreet, jpposite University. Fresh Candios all kinds made every day. Cotnmon Mixed Caudy, . - 12o a pound Uloice Mixed Candy, "- - 15o a pound ötiok Candy, all üavors, - 15c a pound oroken Fruit Candy, - - 15c a pound Uwcolate Cream Drops, - 20c a pound üorehonnd Drops, - - 20c a pound Lemon Drops, - - 20c a pound ppermiut Drops, - - 20c a pound jjiae French Creams, - - 25c a pound ixedXuts, - - - 20c a pound r?5lr Lemo"s. Daten, FÍR-. and all other LANDIEii at proportionalely low rates. tot Your Property Insured By C. H. MBLLEN, JSURANCE AGENT, ajpitSOiUtIMain street. Ann Arbor. The oldest wuryago. Kp.resenting the following flrst"sss. companies, with over $30,000,000 assets ?me Ins. Co., of N. Y.; Continental 6. Co of N. Y.; Niágara Ins. Co., of ïL n Glrnrcï fo., of Puil.; Oriënt, of Hartford; Commercial Union fondón; Liverpool md L.ondon and fe-n Globe. Li3t!S Hhv. uyMlLLEN.and


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