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TnE supreme court of Kansas has ruled that the circulation of an offensive articio about a candidato lor office is a "privileged" proceeding, "even though I the principal matters eontained in the article are untrue and derogatory," provided that such articles be circulated 'only among voters." Should such a publication fall into the hands of an alien itis apparently a libel. A Des Moines, Iowa, "gentleman of education and experience," and evidently of liberal views, advertises to write speehes for or against prohibition, iemale suffrage, or any other subject for members of the Legislature and others, at the rate of $5 for a tenminute speech, and $2 for eacli addi;ional five minutes. "Satisfactiou guaranteed" and "confidence observed." A recent letter from Florida Sftys" that no doubts can be entertained to the rapidity and permanence of new settlenients in Florida; that they are springing up as if by magie all over the length and breadth of the land, and that p.rices are obtained for town lots whioli would appear fabulous in many of the old oities of the east. It is claimed that the population of the state has noarly doubled since 1880. The case of tho Sarah Burr will cseo in New York is a leading evunt in law circües. and the ■will being sustained, $500,000 will be divided in 55 cliaritias. More than half a century ago Isaac Burr died, leaving a persona? estáte of $12,000. He alsó had some wild land in the suburbs, which was then wortó. less. His three daughters lived on the interest of the $12,000, and kept the land. When tho last daughter -die l the land had become worth more than $500,000. _ Among the scientific results of Gretu land expeditions it has been disooverea that, contrary to the general belief, the west coast of Greenland is washed by cold water, while a greatiy heated current coming froni the south runs along the east coast at a short distanco only from the shore. This current must exercise a great influenco on the climatc of the east coast, which may bo more moist, but, in the scientist's opinión, not colder than that of the west coast. . A party who evidently knows a thing or two, for he signs himseif "A. B. C." vvrites the Nw York Sun that he can curo anybody of snoring, no matter how bad or how continuous they are. Ho says: "Mv cure is simply to say, aloud, 'Don't snore!' and repeát it until the patiënt quits. Don't allow him to íleep on his back. I recentlv cured two of my brothers, 19 and 21 ycars of age." This is the wan the country bas been looking for thesp niany years; a man. who would kill or euro the man who snores, and the Sun eau lo no less than nomínate kim for the Vjce-Presidency. His signaturo indicates that he has the necessafy educational quaHfieation, and his communication shows that he has laid awake nights studyinsj the mterests of the race. AIoitKis Lasker, of Galveston, Tex., Tho accompanied the remains of his tirother, Edward Laskcr. to Germany, has returued, He thinks that Bisniarck, having diseovereov his inistako in excluding official recognitiou of Herr Lasker'3 funeral services, eadeavored to magnify the resolution pas.sed by Congress into a political document, and thus weaken the symputhy of tié people with the ideas which Dr. Ivisker udvocated. Bismarck entortains a. personal dislike for Minister Sargenfc ou account of the troublo ubout Amorican pork, yet all but the most servile of the official press speak of iiim in terms of high respect. Mr. Lvskr beiieves that notliing would suit t'uo ierman Chancellor better than to iavt! Minister Sargent recalled in cjnect ion with this affair, as futnro American representativas would then be very g"uarded in incurrina; his (Bismarck's) animoáity, The latter has before atten ipted to secure the recall of representativos ia the same way.


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