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Great cxcitement was occasioneel in Jack6on on the lst tast., when Sheriff Winncy made acomplaint against DanK 8. Holcomb and Jud D. Crouch for the murder oí Jacob D. Crouch Henry White, Eunice White and Mobs W. Polley on November 21 last. The arrest of Holcomb was effected ht the íarm or Jad, whlck is known as the Crouch homestead and Jad was taken into custody later at the Hurd Heuse in Jackson, whero he has been stopping eincethe exeitement oí the shootiDg ot Detective Brown. Tb; warrant? were issued by Horace Hunt, Justice of ihe peace, and the accused were brougbt before htm about une hour after their arrest. Bot.h pleaded not gullty and were -emanded to .The immediate cause oí the arrest is new and damaging testimoni against the accu;ed in the form of bloorty clothinglately discovered. The work bas been done bv the Pinkerton detectives, aided and assisted by Sheriff Wiuney. Eacti of the prlsnners is arrested on four separate w arrants cbarging them with murder in the flrst degree. Detective Harris has been upon the trail of this testimony for some time, but was waitine until the evideuce was etrong enough to bring the, acCQBed psrties to couri, to stand trial for murder. Before tte warrants were issued the Prosi'cutiug Attorney took counsel with Hon. Austin Blair and other legal lights, and6ubmittedall thefaets and eviience in hls po6sessiOD, and these gentleman at once, ad yised the prosccuÜDg attorney to order the arrest muiie. Before leaving the farm Sheriff Winney rdered a pólice man to r( main at tsch of the houses - Dan's and Jud's - and a man was ltft with each offleer to assist him and see that nothing was disturbed until the offleers can have timo to search the premises in a systematic minner. As quietly as the arrest was made, it got noised about neverthless and a deiife crowd fllled the i fflee of Justice Hunt, and the two accused men were the observed of hundreds of eyes. Holcomb seemed nervous, and keet clasping and unclaspiDg his fingere, and did not sprak to anyone, unlvss it was to wbisper to his counsel, while Jud's nerve did not for a moment desert him. VVhen question ed as to the newly discovered testimony, the detectives said frankly that.wuile they had come into what they considered were important facts, they nevertheless could not teil th nature nor extent of it for a few da} p. Seineneed lor Life. Oeorge WUeod, who was convicteá in the Recorder's court in Detroit of the murder of offlcer Bullard in that city in November last, has been senteneed to the state prison at Jackson for life. The sentence created great surprise, but is generally regarded as a just oue. Wllson is eonfldent of getting anewtrialin the Supreme Court.' He sajs that much of the tetimony olfertd agaicst him waa not trun, and speaks as though he expected to get a life sente"ice. The re of hls wife and cbild Í3 a sonrce of much worry to hlm, and he saya that he woald not think so hard of his sentence were it not for theoi. He made no statement in cour.% as he kuewit wouldayail hlmnotbing. The convict appri ciates the hard fight male for him by his attornejs, but says the prejudlce against him was too great to be overeóme. st VTK l&Ëtmn. According to the Coopersville Observer the nlgbt watch of that Httle burg put a tramp in thé "coop" and built a warm tire íor hira. The tramp placed some wood on the store to dry and then went to sleen. The rateh in making his ruunds smelt smoke, opened the door and iound the wood on fire and his prisoner nearly suffocated. In a few minutes more the village would have had smoked tramp for breakfabt. Judce Sayle--, a former Citizen of Evart, died .receTitly in Pomona, Cal., whither he had gone Lor his health. A fire broke out in Petersburg, Monroe Co., the oi her inorning, destroying Gradolf & Tafes brtek Btore. Gun? olus' harness f hop and tbe Jourmil compaDy's printing ofBce. The total loes is ahcut $3,000. That of Guusolus' is $800, with $400 ineuriince. The origin of the fire is nknown. The Adrián authorities, in reply to a cali for help, sent an engine down to their assistance. ' The thiH body was taken from Lhe ruins of the Jackson fire on the second day after the conflagratlsn. There is strong probibllity ot a greater loss of life. The following story is from the Port Huron Times : John Burt and Frank Fuller, of Riley Township, St. Clair Co., men not over 35 ycars of age, beeame euiiruored of each othere' wives, and tbe four being all t!eeiriou6 of a trade,they took legal advice an3, and findingno onc could interfere, Mrs. Fuiler beeame mistress of Burte huusehold, and Mrs. Burt of Faller's. Deaioa and Rundal], the young bliods of Hudson who aseauited two farmers near that I lace some time ago, have bien sect to Adrián iail in default of Í3,000 bail to await trial ut t.'ie circuit court. The Second Mich'gan Cavalry at, their re üsion held rtcently at Ionia, elected tbe folkwiog officers : President, Lieut. Gen. Philip H. iüieridan; viee-pretldents. Capt. Dan T. Fargo. Ionia; Maj. Henry Vunce, Sairinaw ; George A. Douglass, Aun Arbor; W. D. Mody, BUr RapidB; T.F. Howell, Charlotte; secretary and treasurer, Adjt. Edwin Hoyt, Jr., Grand Rapid; corresponding seeretary, ,1. W. Gladdin. Charlotte; historian, Capt. M. P. Thatoher, Detroit. The ti ial in the Probate Couit of Kalamaxoo in the matter of the will of Barney Cunning ham, late of Schoolchaft, mysteriously murdered last Novemjér, is ended. Judge Buck Bustaineil the will and admitted it to probate. The conh'st was on the erounde of the testator beinr, frorn habitual use of liquor, unable to raake a wil The decisión bars out the claim of the widow, who put in an appearance after the murder, and will be appealed from to the Circuit Court. Hiram Jacobs, aged 83, for 53 years a resident of öturgis, and one of l' c best Known and universally respected citizaus of the town, was buried there recently with much ceremony. 11e was a masón, an oddfeüo'v, a granjrer and a prominent m ruber of the M. E. "cburch. There were oddfellow lodges present from Coldwater. Bronson, Burr (JdÈ, Coion, White Pigeon, Eikhart and LaGrange. He was buried in an old-fasntoned black walnut cóffln, made from the timber of a tree set out by his own hands 50 years ago. Hon. Orauge Jacobs, exchief justice of Washington Territory and member of CoDgress is a son of lhe deceased. Lx-lovernor Croswell belieres that Stockwell bas the inside track in the next gubernatorial race. Congressman Uouscman says Michigan Democrat6 will not be divided in their tupport of the tariff bill. Willard Stearns of Adrián ha3 received the appointinent as commiseioner to the World's Fair at San Francicco. Mrs. Vanderhoof of Niles has been held for trial at tbe next t'-i m of the circuit court on a charge ot poisoning her husband. Lee Fon, a Chinese laundryman of Ionia, and Sylvia Oens, a young colored girl, were marrk-d in tbat city a few day ago. Cheboygan expects to be teleplionlca'ly connected with Maekinaw City, Indian Kiver and Petoskey next seaeon. George E. Smith, village attorney of Union City, ehot himself in an atUmpt at suicide the other day. It ie alleged that there was eorne crookedness in his butinees tracsactions which accounts for the dted. He was about 32 years of age and of a good family. He shot himself twiee, one shot taking eifect, the ball lodgini; in the abdomen. He had eettled with the North Briti6h Insurance Company, with which his accounts were said nol to be "straight, and when he saw the special agent of the Sun Company coming he went in and shot h.mself. James Atherton, the alleged treas urer of Oscoda county, was acquitted. lhe following is a synopsis of the cafe; On Marca 18, 1883, James Atherton, Treasurer of O-coda county, arriyed in East Saginaw from Detroit, and reported heving lost $1,800, a portion of whicliwascountvfunds. Subsequentiv the Prosecuting Attorney of Oscoda County, John Kettle, claimtd that Athirton did not lose the money, and the Board of Supervisors reniorod him from offlee, and appoiated another person treasurer. It was also claimed that Atherton was a defïulter to the amount of W.Ü00, and he was arrested charged with emhtzziement. The trial took place at Mode, the countv seat of Osco1a, in October last, and the jury dieagreed. A changc of venue to Crawford county was obtained, and the secoad trial refulteó: in Atherton's acquittal, the Judge also holding that Atherton is still Treasurtr of Uscoda County. Atherton served iu a Michigan reeiment during the entlre war, was a faithful soldier, and always bore an excellent reputation. He has a hoEt of friends in Oscodi Coun:y who will feel gratilied at his acquittal. The state central committee of the antimonopollst party held a meeting in Kalamazoo rtcently and resolved to do vigoroui work in the coming Farr & Vincent, contractora, have already dcmolished thenorth wingof the central building of the reform school, and are clcauiug bliek and clearing away the debrls p-eparatory to trectihg the new wing as soon as the weather will permit. The building will be 50 by 98 feet In sfze, and, three stories. Tlils firm is alsö pushing the work at the school for the blind - Lansing Republtcan. J. W. Robey of Plainwtll was convicted last June of keeping his bar open on Sunday. He took the cate to the supreine court and the verdict was affirmed. Now the circuit court. orders the original fentence carried out - $25 fine and 10 days in jail. Elmer Shuler, the Uuion City postoflice clerk who was shot by James F-oy, has so f ar recoyered as to be cble to resume his duties r.r. the ifflce. For sonif time post Mrs. L. ji. Sce oí Bloomirgialc, Van Burtn county, bas been quletly 6aving the tobáceo bags. emptiid by her busband, untll she has dow got enough to line a bed quilt, and carnful commitai.ion shows this linlng to tave cost $2i. ïhis has so dísgusted her other half that he has thrown away his pipe and 6worn off. A roller proeess flouring mili is to be erectfd at Mecosta by Gould Bros, The citiiens give them a.'ah bonus of 11,000 and fjuarantee a loan of $3,000 when. the mili is compkcjd. AVilson, the inurderer of Patrol'man Bullard of Detroit was taken to Jackeon prison the m xt morning af ter he waB sentenced. Mrs. Margaret A. Smith, who has resided in Saeicaw City 6inci! June last, was arrested in that city a few days ago on charge of murdering Ler husband in Poutiac in June 1880, George E. Smith, the Union City attorrey who tr;ed to "shuffle of this mortal coil" by the aid of a revolver, is gi;ttirg alocg flnly, and seems rather glad the thing didn't work. There was rafted on the Au Sable and trlbutaries last scason 213,000,000 feet of logs. W. H. Knight of Chicago has been appointed general agent of the Waba6h in Detroit, vice Frank E. Snow resigned. James Eichardson of Adrián claims to be the oldest cooper in the state, having worked 69 years at the trade. A. H. Lane's livery barn in Hudson was totally dPstroyed by flre the other day, at a los? of 2,000. John Gillispie of Nilep, one of the pioneers of that section of the Btate, isdead. newJy completed residence of E ias Steele of Caro, Túsenla county, whr totally destroywl by flre with all lts contenta February S2. Loss $6,000 ; Insurance $800. Charles H. Long, tqe young man who recent )y eseapcd from Ioniawith a companion, was nabbcd as soon as he got back to his old stamping ground at Grand Rapids. The nominal assets of Whitney fc Co. of Hudson are $57,086, bu', it is admittcd that here will be a considerable shrinkaue of these figures. Here is the ticket holsted by the Lke City Journal: For President, "Black Jack" L'igau of Llinois; President, Thomas W Balcner of Michigan, and for Govfrnor oí Michigan Frank B. Stockbridge is named. During the absence from home of tho family of J. F. Donehoe of Harrison, the house buraed, together with its entire contents. A liitlb ;irls who was aslee? when the flre broke out was taken out oí a burning bed and saved. Loss $1,500; no icsurance. Wm. Tretheway was found frozen to deiith near the Allouiü mine at Calumft, Lake Sn serior, the tln-rmonaet r being 24 below and ;he wind blowing h giJe. Friends of Crouch &nd Holcomb laugh at iheir arrest. In the meantime the prosecutton ook very and remain very leticent. An explosión occurred in the etiglne room )f the Sanitarium at Batíle Creek a few mornugs fince. Fortunately uo lives were lost, although the engineer, fireman and several patients were badly shaken up. The loss is about $3,000. A saoitary convention will be held at Hillsdale April 17 and 18 under the auspices of the State Board of Health. Niles wants the Michigan soldlers' home and s makirg vigorous effortsto eet it. Charter elections were held invariousvilagts in the state on the 2d inst. Hudaon, Gales)urg, Howell and 8t. Johns report swteping Rpublican victories. Middleville rejoices in a Temperance victory. In Rockford and Linden the Union ticket was Chosen. Jouesville and Morenci elected Independent tickets by goodly majoritiee, and Blissfleld's ticket was entiitly non political. Col. J. H. McLaughlin of Detroit wonl the contest in the second wre6t!ing match with H. Ü. Dufur, the Massachusets athlete, in the Setroit Opera House, on the3d inst. George W. Woodwnrtb, bne of the most promisiag young bufiucss men. of Hudson, rlled in that villaue recently of consumptioi), aged 33 years. For eleven years he was conneeted with Thompson Br( ë.' bank, and one yearagoin conjuuction with WilburF Day, if Hudson, embarked in the banking business for himself at MontpvlK'i , O. Dr. H. W. Jones, of Houghton, against whom Mary Huber brouaht charges of atsiiult andmalpractice, has been disebargt-d and has n Je complaint against the girl for perjury. Thcodore C. Evans, a Ludington genius, has atented a horse-3hoe that will fit by a hiuge o any hoof. Mrs. Margaret A. 8mith wae arraigned in 'outiac foi the murder of her busbaud ia 1880. She demanded an txamlnation, and was remandad to jai!, refusirg bail. ThR new log erop for the Muskegon milis is estimated by competent lumbermen to be fully 5,000,000 ft et, conside.rably more thau was at flrst cont'.'raplated. The favorable winter accounts for this increase in a large measure. With the old logs in the river the stock for the milis wili be ampie for a full season's operations, and a busy time may therefore be exected utxt suuimor in the city. For a!l of vhich the merchants and the workraen will be glad. - imskegon News. OETKOIT KIAKKEXS. Wheat, No. 1, white $ 90 @ 1 03 Flour 5 25 (3 5 50 Corn -18 @ 5 Oats 3) @ 36 CloverSeed, f ba 6 (0 @ 6 05 Apples, f bbl 3 50 @ i 00 Dried Apples, $ ÏÏ 7 @ ï% Peache6 12 ("5 14 Cherries 20 ü 22 Turktys 18 @ 19 Geese 11 12 Ducks 14 @ 15 Butter, tb 23 & 25 Esgs 22 (A 23 Potatoes 50 @ 55 Honej IB @ 18 Beans, picked 2 25 @ 2 3 Beans, unpickcd 1 50 t? 2 00 Hay 10 00 @H 00 Straw ö 00 @ 7 00 Pork, dressed, f 100 8 25 (A 8 75 Pork, mess 19 00 19 25 Pork, iamily 19 00 @19 50 Hams 13 @ 14 Sboulders 7 (d 8 Lard 10JÍ@ 10í iteef, extra mess.. 11 50 $12 Ou Wood, Becch acd Maple 6 50 Wood, Maple... 7 00 Wood, Hickory 7 00


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