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In spite of all that canbeaaid in favor of Adam aad Eye, they were undoubtedly a shiftless pair. Gkiogs' Glycerine Salve. -The best on earth oan truly be said of Grigga' Glycenne Salve, whioh ia a aur cure for outa, bruisea, aoalds, burns, wounds, and all other aorea. Will poaitively cure piles, tetter and all skin eruptiona. 8a t isfaotion guaran teed ormoney refunded O nly 25 oenta. For aale by Eberbaob. & Bon. There is something in a name, eapecially when a wife happens to find at the bottom of a letter to her huabandtbat of another woman.- Cbioago Sun. A Lady's Perfect Companlon. Painlbss Childbirth, a new book, tells how any woman may become a mother without suffering any pain whatever. It also tella how to prevent and overeóme morning aicknese, s weiled limbs, and all other evils attending pregnancy. Phyeiciana hinhly recommeod it as the wife's true private co'mpanioo. Send two-cent stamp for full descriptiva circular, testimoníala, etc., sent in sealed envelope. Address, Fkakk Thomas & Co., Puba., Baltimore, Md. Barnum'a grest white e'ephant hymn for next season will be "Just as Siam, without one flea." Is Fun Better than Phtsio ?- Fun is excellent; a hearti laugh ia known the whole world over to be a health promoter; but fun doea not fill the bilí when a man needs physio; on the other hand people take too much phyaic. They would be more healthy, live longer and enjoy life thoroughlv if they used Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonio, which ourea all blood diaordeia, indigestión, kidnev and liver troublea, removes pimples, and is a perfect tonic. Oan be taken by the most delicate. Only 50 cents a bottle, at Eberbaoh & Son. A funny young man asked his love tbe other day, " What's the difference between me and afemaleaheep?" and when hia love gave it up. the funny young man said: " Why, just the same difference there ia between ewe and me." Grave Robbers.- Of all olaaaea of people the profeasional grave robben are the most deapised. He roba us ol our dear f riends for a few dollars. How different ia the ncw grave robber, Dr Bigelow's Poeitive Cure, which roba gravea of thonaands of conaumptivea This unequaled remedy for coughs, colds and consumption, whooping cough croup and all throat and lung diseases subduea and oonquers these troub'ei apeedily, safely and thoroughly. Tria bottle f ree, at Eberbach & Son. A woman never feela the need of a medical education so much aa when she has haa a sore-nosed pug dog, and ia un decided whether to give it a dose o brimstone and molasses or to put a strip of pink court plaater nn the painf ui spot Merited Praise. The universa praise bestowed unon Kidney-Wort aa an invaluable remedy for all disordera o -ihe Kidneys, Lrver and Bowela, ia wel merited. lts vtrtuea are universally known and its cures are reported on al sides.' Many obstinate cases have se oumbed to it fter they had been given up by the doctors and a thorough treat ment will never fail to cure. Sold by all druggiata. See adv't. A sewing machine agent was recently sttaoked by a floree oatamount near Mil for. Strange aa it may appear, the cata mount eacaped without buying one o the maabines.- Philade'phia Cali. Fashion is Queek.- Faat, brilliant an faahionable are the Diamond Dye colora One package colore 1 to 4 Ibs. of goode 10c. for any color. Get at Druggsts Wells, Riehardson & Co., Burlington, VI What a country fo r learning is this Even the water comes in vo lumea.- New York Commercial Advertiaer. Rheumatic Syrup Co. : Hurón, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1882. Gentlemen- I 'lesire to teil you wha the Rhematic Syrup haa done for me after using it for three months. For the last fifteen years I have been one of the worst of aufferers with rheumatism. M; limbs, arms and hands, in fact, my entire form was drawn out of shape, and I have for yeara been unable to do any kind o] business, or to wait upon myself. ] have used up nearly all of my means in doctoring, but I grew worse and worse all of the time nntil all hope had left me and I had f ully decided I would buy no more of the ao-called remedies; but one of your company hearing of my case came to see me, and had so mnch faith in Rheumatic Syrup, that he said be would cure me or furniah me the medicine f ree of oost. I have taken it ra he directed, and to-day am entirely free from all rheumatic pains, and have almoat entirely regained the uae of my limbs, and am able to be about and do my farm work, and I believe the Rheumatic Syrup haa done what no other remedy on earth can do. I am, Truly youra, Jebome McQueek. P. S. - Please bear in mind that for the last ten years I have been unable to walk a step without mv crutohea, and much of the time could not move even with them; was aa heluless as a child. This talk of the girla taking advantage of leap year ia all nonsenae. They know that the man hasn't the courage to pop the queation would want his wife to pop out of bed and do all the fighting when burglars were heard breaking into the house.- Philadel phia Chronicle-Herald.


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