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CAÍN Health and Happiness. & „O DO áS QTHERS yOW C HAVE DONE. Aro your Kidneys disordered? Wort brought m from mj grvo, M It were, afMrl had been giren un by 13 bfdoctore In Detroit" M. W. DTerm, onanie, Ionl, Mlnh. Aro your nerves weak? TCtdaey-Wort curtd m from nerrou wpakrlew o., tltor I ni not ezpctd to Hre."-Mr. M. M. B Qoodwln, JM. Ckrtitlaii Monitor, CÍerauuu!, O. Havo you Brighf s Disease? Uk ehtUt mi than like blood Irank Wlion, Pe4bodj, Km Suf f orinar from Diabetes ? "Ki1ny-Wort ii tn moft meoesvfnl remadr t hav rar rutO. Olrm êimmt. lmmdiat rellfif." Dr. nmllp 0. Ballou, Monkton, vt, Have you Liver Complaint? "Kldnrf-Wort cured me of chronlo LtTr Díseaaea íter I tirajed o die." Heñir Ward, Ut Col. 69th Hat Ouard, V. T. Isyour Back lame and aching? "Küdney-Woct, l bofctle) curad m when I waM lama I hád to roU. ou nt bed." O. H. TaUmag MJlwanke. Wl. Havo ■you Kidney Disease? "KJdney-Wort made me soiindln HVer and Icidneys after years of nnBUOceasful dootorinsc. Ite worth (10 a box."- Sam'l HodgM, WilUamjtown, Wert Va. Are you Cqnstipated? Kldney-Wort causea easy evacualioiu and oared ma after I yeara usa of other medicines." Nelion Falrohild, Bt. AJbaoa, Vt. Havo you Malaria? "KïdPiT-Vor has done better than any other rameoy I nava rer lued Ín mr practice." Dr. R. K. CLark, South Hero, vt. Are you BiliousP "S3dne7-Wort has done me more good than dny otbar ramadj I hare ever taken." Un. J. T. Oalloway, Elk Fíat, Oregon. Are you tormented vñXh Piles? "Kidnay-Wort pgrwawnffg cured ma of bleeding pilas. Dr. w. c. Kline recommendcd lt to me." Oeo. n. Borat, Caahier M. Bank, MyerMown, Pa. Aro you Eheumatism racked ? "Kldney-Wort curwl me. ftfter i wu giren up to día bT phraldaii5' and I híid ■ ufforrd thlrty rear.'1 Elbrldga MnJcolm, Weat Bath, Uaina. Ladies, are you Buffering? "Kldney-Worí cnred me of pect.liar troUulea of ereralyearartandir"?. Many frienc!uei-d rralse It" Jira. H. Lamoreaux, Isla La llotte, vt If you would Banish Disease i and gain Health, Take - IMlilivIÍA! ' J mú: THl BtOOD CLEANSER. tíLAD TIDIN8S, Dr. DiBf'i llonble Medica tion. Catmnh nt last Correctly Treated. Hay Fever and Aathma Surrendor. The common methods of treatlng the abovo named diieases are not iuccesafuL. So much all sufferers Icnow. Why they fall Ís another questlon, Dr. Mnses Dame' "Doublé Treatment" doe eucceed; becatue lt ausumes Cat&rrb and its corjseqnences te be botb. a local and constitutional trouble. The Treatment consts of Dame'a Balsarn Drops, taken intemally; and Dame 8 Inhalin? Powder, a local applicatlon. A neat and convenient Pocket Package, (both medicines) T5c Dame's Balsam Drqps, for the Kidneys, Catarrh of the Bladder and Úrinary Dlseases, ÏSc. Sold by druíiKisW or sent by mail on receipt of price. Addrees Tus Mosit Daks Co.. Danbury, Conn. Send for encalar. ;1 v Locáis. For Sale or Rent. - Wishing to leave Ann Arbor, I offer my place No. 16, Packard-st, very cheap, i sold bv April tst., if not I will ren the same. James W. Hulbert. Wantbd.- Kooms to rent for a famil; of three persone, near the high school without board. No children. Best o references ven on application. Addrese Chas. J. earch, Buchanan, Mich. Fob Sale- Twenty acres of Good Land, one mile west of the Court House on the old Goram Boad, at a birgain Inquire of P. McKernan, Ann Arbor, or Jas. Eearns, Dexter. Weli, Diooing.- G. W. fe D. R. Gough The old ïeliable Well Diggers and Cistern Builders. Pumps also repaired. Al work warranted. Residence, Oaks-st Ann Arbor. To Rent. A store on East Liberty-st Inquire of M. J. Fntz, Ann Arbor Savinsr's Bank. ARMORY HALL ACADEMY ÖF DANCING. Sea on of 1883-84. Class in Duncine Friday erenings frorn 7 to 9. Social Hop " " ' . 9 to 12. Gentlemen winning to join the Clasn can do so at any time durine the season. R. GRANGER, ProprietorJAMES E, HARKINS, Manufacturar and Dealer in Stove, Tin and Bheet Iron Ware, Pumps and Furnaccs. Par ticular attention paid to putting up Stores ii Fumes! I am also the sole agent for the corebined Milking-Stool, Bucket and Strainer. It malie milking eay, saven milk and keep lt clean. Kt EAST BCROH gTAIET, ANN ARBOR. - - - MICH. FOR CHINA, Crockery. Glassware and Lamps, AND THE FINEST LINE OF IN THE CITY, AT THE LOWEST PRICE HOUSE. STÏMSON'S. ANN STiiEET. An Ordiuance Relatire to Inflammable doods. Be it ordained by the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the City of Ann Arbor, t o. 1. No person nor persons sliall keepwithn thelimitsofthecity of Ann Arbor, Naptha, lenzine.dasoline or other like inflimmablegoods oanamount exceeding flve gallons, except in uch place or places as shall De designated by ie chief ei gineer of tlie flre department. They hall also keep saíd artilles in closed metalio essels and in a secure place away from flre or ny burninglight. Sec. II. Any person or persons violating or efusinje to comply with the provisión of this rdinance upon receivinjr a notice in writing or therwise from the chief engineer of the flre epartment, ►hall, onconWction thereof. be sul - et to a fine not ezceeding flfty dollars and o-ts, or in det'ault of payment thereof, be imrisoned in the county jaü for a period not exeeding ninety days Made and passed Maren 3d. 1884. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, CHARLES J. DURUEIM. Mayor. Reoorder. tÑEÍJRALGJ!A RliOürsn f cm fcn v o''1 AffíStioní, Aruic or Chronic Lumbago, Sciatica and CTEALNeryous Headache. BX,_-_TW_Their complete and perfect cure accom, KfiXlVIMJS phshr.l in a few hours.with a degree of certainty that challenges dispute. For sale by 11 druggists. Price SI. Ank tor circular. JAMES E. DA VIS & CO., Agent., Dtkoit. EBERBACH&SON ttoftlern In Drugs, Medicines AodaHnfllotof French Hair Brushes AND Enelish Tooth Brushes. WVicalJ pedal attentton toour stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemicus of our own Importation. A fiül Une of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list prioes. STTTIDZEJUSTT S Ar oordlallj (nrtted to examine our stock ui qnallty and prioes. EBERBACH A SON. IE IReirbxoIfcL, Jr. Ib doing a lartre business in the line of TOBACCO UNO Smter's Mcles In fact he is GIVING GOODS AWAY. If you don't beüeve it ask him. MR. Xu. IV. FITCH. HAIR WORK OFTVERY DESCRIPTION. Hair IV et, Itivisille Crlmps, JBrjiitl-, Ciirls, &o. Hair-Dressing for Brides, Balls and Theatricals a Specialty. Hair-Jewelry Braided in any Pat'n Main St. - - Ann Arbor. One door south of Johnson' nat store. ÏW I will not be renpontiUAe for any vxrk left days from rmtice of ftnith. Estáte of William B. Jollj . OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasbtenaw. O as. At a session of the probate court. for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday. tiie 26th day of February. in the year one thou.sand eight hundred and eightv-four. Present, U'ilüam D. itarriman, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of William B. Jolly, drceased. On readinsand flllngthe petitlon duly verifled of Edward ü Kinne, attorney for James Qalick, praying that administration of said estáte may be grauted to James ualick or some other sultable person. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Monday. the 24th day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of aald petition, ard that the heirs at law of wid deceased. and all other persons interested In said estáte, are required to appear at a session of aid court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in siid county, and show cause if any there be, wUv the prayar of the petitionerxhouH not be granted. And It is further ordered, that saic petitioner give notlce to the persous interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof , by causiug a copy of this order to be publisbed in the Ann Arsou De oCkat, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county thi ee successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. A true copy. Judge of Probate. Willuh Q. Dott. Probate Reeister wKy 'mB 'Sk LÉ éFh iiB for NFLAMMATION OF THE URINARY ORGANS, caused by indiscretion or exposure. Ho tel Dieu Hospital. Paris, trratment. Positiv euro in one to three days. Local treatment on required. No nauseous dose of C'ubebs or Oo palba. Infallible, Hygienic, Carative, PreventiTe. Pnce $1.50, including Bulb Syringe. Sold by all druggists, or sent free by mail, securely sealed, on receipt of price. Descriptire treatise free on application. AMERICAN AGENCY -Í6" MEDICINE CO., Detroit. Mieh., and Windsor, Ont. Sold in Ann Arbor by C. E. Holmes, Cook House Block. CEORCE W. ELLIS, Restanrant and Saloon! NO. 4 BAST ANN STREKT, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE. Meals, 25 Cents. Day Board, $3.50 per week. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Wines, Liquors, Beer and Cigars, all of the Best Brands, kept on hand. CEO. W. ELLIS, Prop. ANN Altnon, MIOH. CENTRAL_ MILLS! We cali attentlon to our Mite Loaf Floiir Nothing lntroduced Into our city for famlly use has ever become so marked a Rllccess In o short a time. If jou nave not used it. try it. For Pastry try our new Patent mm We also supply all kind i of ffied. Coarse Corn Meal, and üround Corn and Oats a specialty. Illinois Corn and Oats in car lotg, at lowest rates. R. K. AILES & CO., 8KC0ND STREKT, ANN A.RBOR, . MICH. Chancery Order. The Circuit Court for the County of Washtecaw, ín Chancery. Mary E. Jones, complainai.t, vg. John W. Jon, defendant. It appearing gatlsfactorily to me by affldavlt that the last known place of i esidence of the dofendnt John W Jones, was in this state and that bis present residence can not be ascerta Ined, on raotion of E. D. Kinne, solicltor for the comSlainant, it is ordereJ that the said defendaiit. ohn W. Jones, cause his appearanoe in thi cause to be entered within flve months from the date of this order, and that In case of his appearance he cause his anawer to the complain ants bil! to be flled, and a copy thereof to be served on complainants solicitor vithin twenty days af ter service of a copy of said bill and notice of this order, and in default thereof tbat the said. bill be taken a contened by thestid John W. Jones. And it Is further ordered that within twenty days, the said complainant cause a notice of this order to be published in Tri a nk Arbo Democ at, a newspaper printed in said conntj, and the said publicatlon be continued in said paper at least once in each week forsix successive weeks, or that she cause a copy of said order to be personally served on the said defendant, John W. Jones, at least twenty days bef ore the time herein prescribed for his appearance. Dated, February 26th. 1884. PARR1CK McKERNAN, One of the Circuit Court Commisaioners for t h County of Washtenaw. E. D. KINEE, oUdtor (or complainant. Chancery Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Th Circuit Court tor thn Countr of Washteuaw. In l'haiicery. Fredrick Stabler, complainant. va. Michaol Schaible, and Uegina Schaible, def-ndant. lu persuauce aud by virtue óf a decree of said court, made and entelad in ihe above entitled cause, on the Twenty-second day of October, A. D. 1888, notlce is hereby g'vsn that I shall Bell at public auotion or vendue, to the higuest bidder, on Saturday, the Twenty-ninth day t March, A. D. 1884, at leu o'cl ck in rhe forenoon, at the east front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State of Micli igan . the following fescribed real estáte, being tnosame mentioned aud describedin saiddecreu, to-wit: BegiiiDlng at a point on the section line of the est 6ide of the northwest quarter of sectiun uiuuber thiriyone (8I1, in townshlp two (2). south of range slx (6) eaat, Michigan, tvventy two chaina and ftytwo links north of tnequarterstake.thencenorth ongaid section line tour chaina and flfty links, thence east parallel with the quarter line fortyfour chains and forty-flve lin s, beiag sixteen roda east of the quarter line of said tection, thence suuth four cbains and flfty liiiks, tnence westerly parallel wcth the quarter line, forty-f our chains and fltty-two links, to the place of beginning; oontaiuing tweuty acres of land more or lesa. Then begining on the west line of said section thirty-one (31), twenty-seven chains and four links .101-tu ol the quarter post, thence east along the north line of the ubove described land, f ortyfourchaliM and forty-four links; thence north two chains and twenty-six links; thence west, parallel with the flrst line, forty-four chains and forty four l.uks to tne west line of atoresaid section; theuce south two chains ana twenty-six links to the place of beginuing, coutainiug ten acres oí lana more or less. Aiso the north half of the north half of the outh hilf of the east half of the southeast quarter of section ttiirtysix (36), in lownehip two (9, south of range flve (5) east, in the towniiipofScio, Cuunty of VVashtenaw, and State of Michigan. Uated, Anu Arbor, February 15. 1884. P. McKEKNAN, Circuii Court Commissioner ia and for said County of Washtonaw. J. F. Lawrence, Solicitor for Complaiuant. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MIlHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O 88. - In the Matter of the Estáte of Thomas Earl, deceased Notice is hereby given, that in persuance of an order grantea to the unders gued, Administrator of the estáte of said deceast-d, by the Hon. Judge of Probate, for the Ciunty of VVasht na r, on tne 5th day of November, A. L. 1883, there will be suld at Fubiic Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the front door of the store building on the premisos flrst below desci ibed, in the cu y of Ann Arbor. in the County of Washtenaw in said State, on Saturday, the t oay of M ren, A. h. 1884, at ten o'clock in the ton njon of that day vsubjeut to all encumorancea by ïnortgage or ottiei wise existing at the time of the leath of said d ceased), the fotlowiug described Real Estáte, to wit: B'ginning tweuty-one (21) feet south of the north east corner of lot tight (8). theuce sout . twent -three and one-halr (23 -2) feet, thence west fifty-two (53) ft-et, thence outh nine and one hait (9 1-2) feet, tlience west to the west line of said lot. thence north thirty three (33) ftet, thence east to the pla e of beginning. All la block one (1), north of Huron street, range three (3l east. according to the recorded plat ot the city (tlien village) of AnH Arbor, Wasbtenaw County, iu Michigan. The undersignd will also offer for Rale at the same time and place four certain promisory note belonglng to sai I estáte CHARLES H. RIfiHMQND. Admimstrator. Dated. Arn 4rbor, February 9, 1-84. See That Your Deeds are liecorileU. AN ACT requiilnz the holders of unrecorded deeds to record guch deeds ur f urnish the same for record. Section 1. The Peopleof the State of Michigan enact, That whenever any grantor who has heretofore conveyed, or Hhall nereafter convey, any real estáte wtthin this State, shall have or hoH in his possesgion any unr-jcorded deed or deeds, through or under which he derived tltle, of any lands by him so conveyed, it shall be hi duty, on the written request of hls grantenor any subsequent grantee. to cause such deed or deeds to be recorded in the office of. the Register of Deeds of the proper couuty, or cause the same to be delivered to such grantee demancing the same, for the purpose of recording, withln twenty days from the time when such written request shall have been eerved upon him. SEC. . If8uch grantor shall neglect or refuse to record such deed. or deliver the same to such grautee, after having been requested so to do, as provided in the preceding secilon, wlthin the time above limlted. he shall be liable to said grantee, h s heii's, representatives or assigns, in the penal slim ol one hundred dollars damages; and also for all actual ddinages occasioned by such neglect or refusal to the person or persons entitled thereto to be recovered ín an actlon 00 the case, with costs of suit. Approved June 1, 1881. Chancery Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN. The Circuit Uourt for the County of Washtenaw. In Chaucary. Charles rt'ells, cjmplalnant, vs. Milan 0. Reynolds. Mary Reynolds and Williara P, Campbell, defendanta. In pursuance and by rirtue of a decree of said court, made and entered in the above entitled cause, on the thirteenth day of March, A. D. 1883. notice is hereby given that I shall sell at public auction or vendue. to the highe8t, bidder, on Tuesday. thp llth day of March. A. D. 1 84, at two o'cloek in the aftrnoon, at the east front door of the court house, in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, and state of Michigan, the following described real estáte, beiugthe game mentioned and described in said decree, to-wit: All that certalu piece or parcel of land. sitúate in the township ot Manchester, county of VVashtenaw, and state of Michigan, known, boundad and described as follows, towit: Lot C, or the east subdlvlon of the southweRt f racMonal quarter of section number thirtyone, in town number four, south range number three, east. state of Michigan, and containing eighty acres of land. more or less. Dated, Ain Arbor, Jan. 14th, 18S4. P. MoKERNAN, Circuit Court Commissionerin and for sald county of E. B No .ris, Solicitor Washt3naw. for Comolainant. Notice of Attachment. The Circuit Court for the Counry of Washtenaw: Egbert W. Gillett f. A. G. Webster, in Attachment. Notice is hereby Kiven that on the 18th day of January, A. D. 1881, a wiit of attachment was duly issued out of the circuit coui t for the county of Wastenaw, at the guit o'. Egbert W. Gillett, the above named piaintift, agaiust the lands, tenennnts, goods and cbattels monevs and effect, of A. 0. Webster, the defendant, above named, for the gum of two hundredand thirteen dollars, whch said writ was returnable on the fifth dayof February A D. 18!-4. Dated thiï9th day of rebruary A. D. 1884, M. H. BREN.VAN, Attorney forPlaintiff. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O 88. Notice is hereby giren, that by an order of the Probote ourt tor the C'ounty of Washtenaw. made on the llth day of February, A. O. 18 1 six months f rom that date were allowed for eredltors to present their claims agulnst the esta te of VVilUain Humphrey, late oí said county, de ceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present tbelr claims to said Probate Court , at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the llth day of Aujn st next, and that such claims wijl be heard before aid Court, on Monday. the I2th day of May, and on Monday the llth day of August nezt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor. Feb. il. A. O. 1H64. WILUAM D. HARKIMAN, Judse of Probate. CommiBSloaerj' Notice. STATE OF MICrfIGA. , Countv of Washtenaw, sg. The undersigned uaving been appointed by the Probate Court for said county, 'jommissioners to rt-celre, examine aa I arijust all ciaims and d iuauds of all psrionx against the estáte of atrick Ktlley. late uf said county deceaited, lierebygive notie that six months f rom date are allowed, by order of said Pr bate Court, for creditors to prrsent tí eir claims againpt the estate of said deceased. and tbat they will meet at the office of th Judge of Probate, in the city of nn Arbor, in said county, on Tuesday the 29th day of April, and on Tuesday the i8th day of Julynext, at ten o'clock A. M.,of each of said days, to reeeive, examiue and adjust naid claims. Dated January 89, 1884. NELSON 8UTHERLAND. 1 _ „ DANIEL BERKY. f Com' Aotice to Creditors. Q1ATE OF MICHIGAN, County ot Washtenaw O ss.- iNotk-e is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the cnunty of Washtenaw, made on the llth day of February, A. D. 18S4, six months f rom that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of A n Mclntyre, late of said county. deceased. and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate court, at the Probate office in the citj of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance. on or before the llth day of August next, and that such claims will be heard before said court, on Monday. the 12th day of May, and on Monday, the 1 th 'Ut of Augut next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of eaïlh of said days WILLIAxM D. H ARRIMAN, Judge of Probate. Dated Ann Arbor, Feb. 11 A. D„ It84. Estáte of Tli os. H. Fuller. STATE OF MICHIGAN countyof Washtenaw 88. At a seasion of the Probate Court forthe county of VVashtenaw, holden at the probate office In the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the ïfe-t day of Fcbruary, In the year one thousand eight hundred and elghty-four. Present, WllUam D. Harrhnan, judge of pro bate. lu the matter of the estáte of Tho. H. Fuller, deceased. On readin? aud flllne the petltion, duly veriled. of Emeline K. Fuller praying that he may )e Hcensed to aetl the Real Estáte whereof safa deceased died seized, Thereupon, it is ordered, that Thursday, thé !7th day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aexlgned for the hearing of said petition . and that the heirs at law of said deceanid, and all other pernons intereeted in said estate, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be nolden at the proate oftice, ín the city of Ann Arbor. and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the letitioner should not be granted: Andit ig furher ordered, that said petitioner give notice ' o the persons interested in said estáte, of the )endency of said petition, and the hearing thereof by causing a copy of thii order to be published n Thk Ann Arbor Dkmocrat, anewspaper printd and circulating in Raid county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILUASI D. HAREIMAN, A trae copy. Judge of Probate. William O. Donr, Probate Rfruter.


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