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RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 & 8 Washington St. Havy on band a complete stock of every tblnj; ín the Crocery Line. Toa, Golfees and 8u.jara.rm, ín larga aiuountu. and at Caslx Pricee And can sell at Low Figure. Th larere invoice of tea they Buy aod 8ell irood proof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. Thy Eoast their own Codees erery week, and none but prime articles are used. Thelr Bakery tnrn out exc-llent Bread, CakM and Crackeni. Cali and se tbem Sam. B. Revenaugn t now taking the Best Glass oí PhotoEWta In the city at Prices to Suit the Times ENTRANCE THROUGH McMillan & Randall's STORE & MVT GALLERY, NO 3O EAST HURÓN ST. JACKSON FIRE CLAY C Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe DIR-AJCUST TILE. All our Drato Tile are made of Fire Clay, are of ttnwwtí strength and light vxight, which materlally reduces the breakage and expense of transportaron. The ditching for this claas of tlling is lesa expen sive, as they do not require to be laid belowfrosr but only deep euough to escape the plow. Wbile thiB ís more economícal it also aids ohtftininscabet.ter "fall" or grade tn the draln. A f ull assortment of '11 ntzes, for ala la m quantitie, or car load lots. at tho FERDON LÜIBEB TAI JAS. TOLBERT. Aftmi. "Tile, the Createst Labor-Savlng Machine of the Age." 2V the ni The Chtoioo Triinine. Dwioht, 111., March 16.- One of the strongesi and n 8t convinoliiK faets that I have vet geen with regard to tile drainage ts brought out In the Pecember report of the Afrncultural Department of Illinois. It is this: UIUU. Aereare in com in Liringston County, 1881 S68.5W Acreatce in coro In Logan Countv. 18M. . 14Q,SM Livingston over Logan 187,738 Yield of rorn i Livingston rounty.1881.. 0,983.52? Yleld of corn in Logan Oounty, lfei 5,070,98 Livingston over Logan 1,902,688 In other words. Logan County has rained near ly as much corn on 140.859 acre as Livingston county has on 268,597 acres. Put it In anotber fonn, thé farmers in Livingston County have been obliged to plow neariy doublé the aerean of land w.Mi'.'i, and have raised but a verj Bmall percentage of inerpase of corn ever their brethern in Logan County. who only had to plow 140,8-j'J acreii. Let us give it anotber twist! A A farmT who has his land well tilled need only work eighty acres of land and grow just about as much corn as the man who plows 16U and takesallthe risksrf drouth and much befide. It Is not fair, then, to uuuclude tbat the greatent labor-saving machine to-day of the age Ir the tile drain? From the same source of iuforraaiion 1 gatner the following as regards the progresa of tlle-dralnage in tbese twocountien: Feet. Total number of feet laid in Livingston County upto 18il ,... 1,140,798 Total number of feet lalcl in Logan County up to 1881 389,49 This table proves beyond all theory that owing to the free use of tile that one county haft been able to produce neariy as much corn on ! 10.000 acre of land as anotber county has produced upon 268.U0U acres, which is uearly doublé, and tte beauty of the whole is that it was done with half the work! Mr. Editor, suppose a kind I'rovidence should Lengthen out the spin of our dayi until we saw Illinois tnorougbJy tile-dralned, where would be put the corn that this 8tat# would produce, and what would we do with our "silver dollars?' 8amüïl T. K. Primí. DO YOU 1AKE A COUNTY PAPER ? If oofc. and rou are about to subscribe for on we invite your attention to the Al ARBOR DEMOCRAT ! And respectfully Inform you that 3t is the People's Paper. XT PT7BLISBES FÜLL REPORTS OF ALL IMPORTANT EVENTS In Wuhtenaw county. It gires a conde and itrrestiug summary of THE WORLD'S NEWS, Bartdgn, American, Congressional, Western md Northern. It prints 1HE NEWS OF MICHIGAN, 3o0ed down for brief reading, and givpg a f"synopsis of the doings of the Legislature. It chronicles ALL THE HAPPENINGS OFANXARBGB, Th county seat, glving full and accurate report of the Circuit Court, Politieel Meet higs, Farmer' Clubs. Universiiy and School Mattere, Eto., Ktc. IT IS FEARLESS In it denundatlon of monopolies, and all other burdens that weigh upon the Feopie; and show up all frauda regardJess of wbo U hit. It publlihes A. OOOD S10RT Every week, aodhaa Intoresting artlcleg for tb öff Prtce it tl. Per Year, in Advcmct, And is regarded by lts subscriben) as too valuftbls to loan; bo don't try to borrow. We Invite your attentlon to some of the many eomplimentary tilinga that are belngsald of The Democrat' "It evinces shrewdness, push and ability."- Langing Journal. 'IttomaklnK friends ev y day. It is a wedconducted and readable üeet."- Pontiae B9 Poster. "A Tery enterprWng, ride-awake local jour nal, full of new and good aayings."- Gtnue (FUnt) Democrat. "It is a live, splcy newspaper, and a valuabl addition to the journalistic list of Washtenaw Tecumseh Hcrald. "Editorially, locally and typographically lt i oa of the fineat looking papers that ever cama into thisofflce."- Dttroit Evening News. "The Democrat abounds in able andvigorou editqrials, a great variety of local Information and interestinK general news and miscellaikeoua matter."- Jatfaon Patriot. 'THE DFMOrRAT" ; Is Published Every Friday momins. THE BEST HOMES FOB TEN MILLION PEOl'l.E AIÏE IN Minnoaota, North Dakota, Montana, Washington and Oregon, ALONU THE LINE Of TIIE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Throngh the flreat Wheat-Belt nf Amprlc. y f Uilllon acres of the best ajrricultural, rU mineral, forest and grazlntr lands in th United States are now open for settlement. ÜO II I II on acres of railroad lands for sale at $2 60 to $i pr acre, on 5 years time if desired. O Hillion acres of Governments lands open tossttlers FKKK. The orthcrn Pao.tflcConntrypossesses gTeat and rlch natural resources reaay lo be de veloped into profitable Industries. For tnaps and pamphlets address and mentlon this paper. CHAS. B. LAMBORN, Land Commlssioner N7P. H. R., St. Paul, Mlnn. To reach the above named land or any point on the Northern Pacific R. H. buy your ticket from Chicaeo to St. Paul vla the t'hieaso A Western K'y. It runs into the Northern Pacific depot at S Paul and Is the best for you to take. Do nott n :y tickets nnless they reaa over the Chicago and f.orthWestern K'y. 9 CC a week in your oitn town. Terms and AOboutatsfrecKtAlreu U. Hallett A C íortlind Min. ,


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat