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F. A. Fellows, of Saline, father of Mrs E W. Wallace, of this place, died Mon day at the advanced age of 82 vaare Mr. and Airs. B. F. Martin, of Bay City and family, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. O. M. iMartin. . . . D. C. Fal indulges in a bath at the mineral springs house in ïpsilanti pome three times a week, and ia gradually bping rjstored to perfect he;ilth. . . .Bev. Seth Green, o Flint, and Bev. Mr. Snier, formerly pre siding eider of this district, were in the cjty Tuesday . . . . II rs. C . F. G. Meyer anc daughter, of St. Louis, Mo., are visiting O Maokand family. . . .N. R. Waterman formerly on the Courier, has been in the city several days visiting Mr. A. Waterman . . . . H. C. Waldron. who is in the office of the secretary of st ite, has been in town several days .... The wife, son and daughter of Judge Bellinger, of Galveeton, Texas, are pasfiing the winter in our oity, making their home wiïh Mrs. Joun Maymrd. The son is in th(j university, the daughter in the union, and is one eleoted to dehvor an essay at the junior exhibition. Strenge as it may appear they are enjoying our northern winter extremely .... Albert Sorg has sold to Thos. McDevit, of Colorado, Texas, the right to manufacture and use in that state Lus fire proof roof paint . . . . C. J. Garduer and Geo. Clarken went to Detroit to see the MoLaughlan-Dufur wrestling match .... Mrs. Brokuw, of ïvorthfield, a lady well ad vaneed in years, is suffering frorn a broken knee . . . . G M. Monroeisback from Texas on a short visit to his family ... Joe. T. Jacobs bas been iuvesting in real estáte in Detroit on Joy-st .... Harry F. Sayles, the evangelist iind singer who his recently conducted meetings with much success iu Detroit, B.i ttle Creek, ÏWason and other places, commences a period of labor in the Baptist church hereon Sundiy next, preachiug morning aad (ftening. During the week there wdl be two services daily, at 4 o'cl ck and at 7:30. All are oord ally invited to atteud and particípate in these services .... The trial of Sophie Lyons will be taken up next Tuesd iy. Jno. F. Lawren e and Ooi. Atkinson for the defense. . . .In Dexter Monday the fol owing corporations officers were elected: President, C. S Gregory; recorder, F. K. Taylor; treasurer, H C. Gregory. . . .P. ü WoodruffhaB been elected district chief templar. The district 3onsi8ts of Wayne, Monroe, Maoon and Washtenaw counties. . . . Joe. 'I'. Jacobs left for Florida yesterday . . . Jerry O'Brian has quit at Wajne and is now in the oity .... Final accounts were rendered Tuesday in the estates of Martin Kusch, Jacob G. Kaist, Henry Davidson and in the estáte of Chas. Sheir, the executor Eev. W. H. Shier filed his final receipts and was discharged At the Oook house Tuesday night the prop'rietor was oiiliged to turn away people on occount of the hotel being crowded Eiiz i A. Rathbone has quahfied as guardián of ilargaret I. .Montfort, and etters were issued Tuesday At the next meeting of the oouncil, the post. master will ask that an ordinanoe be passed prohibiting loafing iu the postoffice lobby A few temperance men t a meeting held in this city Sunda virtually denounced the papers of this ity because they had not taken a bold tand in favor of the new union party. And vet those sume persons when they ïave ;in thing they wish published perainin.r to the temperance question, long winded reporta etc, they go to the editors and ask that the same aprear in the coiums of their respective journ ds. Kev. T. Dewitt Taïmig" is to lecture in university hall March 19. Judge Howell, of Adrain, is presiding t the present term of court. The city treasurer of Ypsilanti only eturned $60.68 uncollected taxes. Wil H. Brown soliciting agent for the South Lyon Picket, was in the city Sátiras?. J. J. Walker started for the Cincinna'i dog show Monday with 11 of his bsst canines. The Register and Democbat will publish, next week, recorder Durheim's miiual report. By request Charlotte Thompson and company will ret irn here on thelSth inst., in the play of "The Sea of Ice." C. P. Carry won the carriego and Geo. Kerr ihe wa?gon, guessing the nearest to the number of beans in a glass jar. Geo. W. Burnham, editor of the youug and sprightly Milan Journal, was in the city yesterd.iy, and chuck fúU of business. Fall & Hendricks, proprietors of the famous one price clothing house, as usual are first in market whh spring goode. See advertisement. March 13, " Only a Woman's Heart;'' March 28, McSorley's Inilation by Hanley's coinpany, in the play of "Squatter Soverignty;" May 17, Chas. A. Gard oer in " Karl." Ihe Cook house seems to be headqu irters for the trica i i.nd concert companies when in the city. The Swedish Lad;, Quartette and Charlotte Thomp jon and company put up there this last week aud to-night Maggie Mitcheü's company will be entert ined by Mr. Hudson. It cost the city $47.77 for lighting the clock di Is in the court house tower for the thiee months ending January 31, 1884, against $23.68 for the same time one year ago. Why thedeücieucy? An individual who wi 1 present a b 11 for gas against a person who never turned ,n a buroer for one inonth, would swindle the city with impunity. The Leonard house which has been rented by Mr. Stom is undergoing repairs. 1 he dining room and kitohen will be on the tirst floor, and the old rooin formerly used tor that purpose will be coneerted into sleeping partments. The rooms re tobe papered, painted and calcomined, and the bar will be in the old part of the building coming ojj Huron and Second-sts. The Swedish Lady Quartetteand Mina Minna Wriglit were certainly entitled to a much 1 rger audknce than greeted them Saturdav night. The concert portion of the entertainment was excellent, as wa also the readings of Miss Wright, who fully sustained her reputation as a humorous and dramatic reader. Her rendition of "Bobolink," "ThePilot's Stoey," and " Helpintf A Poetess" was superb.


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Ann Arbor Democrat