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Our Manufacturing Establishments

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As the readers of The Democbat are not probably a ware of the extent i f manufacturing industries of this city, we thiuk ït proper to speak of thein. The Krause Tanning Company is doing a ateady business, which pays the etock holders a srood profit. The Keek Furni ture Company bas steadüy increased its business from the time it bogan operations to this date; its produotions find a market in varioua parts of the country and the stockhoiders receive a eatisfactory return on the capital they have invested. The Ann Arbor Agricultural Works are the successors o! Moore & Son The latter started business, and engaged quite largely in making grain drills Sinee the Meaars. Moore sold to the present owners, the facihties for the mnnufacture of agricultural implements has been laigely increaned; and the increased facüities have been needed to meet the inoreased demand for the implements made by the company. The work turned out by this establishment finds a market in portions of our country widely separatd from one another. The Eertile praries of Nebraska and Iowa, the boundless wheat flelds of Dakota and Minnesota, and the cotton plantations of Tennessee, Georgia and other eouthern ïtates, ure cultivatfd with plows made by the Ann Arbor Agricultural Oo. What the city of Ann Arbor needs is more niamifaeturing establishmen.ts. And the practical question ia. how shall such works be secured? The answer is, nake known what renl advantages m:ty oe had iu this city for mnnufacturing Durposes. And the experience of other cities shows us how that can best be done, which is substantially this. There should be a oommittee composed of thè 363t quahfled men in this city and vicinty, who should secure f uil information on all local maters connected with tfiis subject. The fact of the existance of such a committee would induce men 'rom abroad to investígate the advauai!es which might be secured here for namifacturers In that way our eitv would rapidly bocome known throughmt the country, and as a result, such Muufacturing estabhshments would be juilt up as could thrive, be profitable, and adj to tho permanent prosperity of our beautiful city.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat