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Bucklen's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcera, Salt R enm, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblaius, Coras, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no i ay requirud. It is guaranteed to givu perfect satisfation, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by überbach & Son. A Naahville man was finei $333 for kissiug a school teacher. If it hadn't been lor two or three of the Bcholars.who caught them at it, slie wouldn't have oharged him a cent.- Burlington Free r'ress. A Blesslng to all Mankind. In these times when our newspapers are tloodei with patent medicin adverisements, it is gratifymg to know to rocure tnat will certainly cure you. lf ou are bilious, blood out of order, liver nactive, or genera ly debilituted, there s nothing in the world that will cure you so quickly as Electric Bitters. They are a biessing to all mankind, and can )e h d for only fifty cents a bottle of 2berbach & Soa. A Stevens street little girl was playing n the yard Sunday, when she tore har ,ck. She showed ttie rent to her mother and asked her to mend it. "Not to-day, t w Suuday," ex lained the mother. 'But can't you do this, and pay God to et you off this once?" Toledo, Aun Arbor & tJranU TrunK U'y. THUOBGH TIME TABI.E. Taking effect February 10, 1884. Ooing North. Going South. i 2i Si ATlOA-. i j 3 Ex. I Vlail 1 Standard Time. I Ex. Mail, p. m7iá7ñr Tiave Arrive a. m. p. m. 0:40 7:05 Toledo ■ 9:0 4:5. f -45 4 Manhatten Junction 9:2b 4:4S 5b-i T:23 Alexis Junction 9:1 4:S8 B-aOl 8 15 I Monroe Junction.... 8:43 S:o 6 4 1 1 8 80 Dundae 8 3) 3 51) 65i 84Ö Azalia 8 01 3 40 TÍO 03 Milán ... .. 80o 32 722 9-23 Urania 7 6á S I o 73; 8 Pittsfleld 7 4( I 08 7 J5 I 950 An.n Arbor 7 27 i29 8 25 10 35 South Lyon - o "' - m Counections at Toledo vvith railroads d.vergne At Manhatten Junction w th Wlieeling & ake Erie R. K it Alexis Jnuction with íl C. { E h. S. K'yand F. S P. 51. tí.. K. At Monroe júnctiou with L. S. & M. S. H'y. At Dundee vith L. 5. & M. S., an 1 M. & O. R'y. At Milán with W., St. D. & P. R'y. At Pittsfleld with L. S &M S R'y.. ai.dat Souih Lyou with Detroit, Jansing & Northern R. R., and U. T. R'y. H W.ARHLEY. W H.BEjyETT (Sen. Superintendent. Gen. Passenger Agt. Enfants and Children Without Mcnhine or Narcottne. What gives our Children rosy cheeks, What cure their levers, makes them alpep; 'TÍ8 antoría. When Bables fret, and cry by turns, What cures their colic, kuls their worms, Bnt Castoria. What qulckly cures ConsMpation. Sour Stomacn, Colds, Indigestión ; But Pastoría. Farewell then to Morphine Ryrups, Castor Oil and Paregoric, and ITail Ci'toria. Centaur Liniment.- An absolute cure for Rheumntiam, Sprain. Borns, Galls, &c, and an instantaneons Pain-reliever. HENRY MATTHEW3, fias" the pleasure to lnformthe pubno that hoi-, ready to receivs them iu lúauev oríck MEAT MARKETÍ 0TE DOOR EAST OF LEONAKD HOOSE. Ererythlng ia his lino wiil be flrst-claes. and At Reasonab'.e Rates. He returns tía sincere thanks (o all his oíd cusiomers fui their guuurou patronage, and cordi ally invites tliem, aml alí new cusstomei's to his new quarters, where lio hopes by fair dealing tu jularse bis alt eady growins business. A03I7C 8n1 síx cents fnr pos'age, and rn!4C. rseieve free. a c.osilyboxof joods whlch will help y u to more mouey righr, away i than anythlnií else ín this world. All, of either I Bes. aucceed fra n ftr-it tiiur. Ttie bro u road to fortune opona before the workera, absokitely pnre. At once address, % Co.. Augusta Maine. TVÍICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAU. TIME TABLE, FEB. 17th, 1884. AU tralns run by Nlnetieth MeridUn, or Central Standard Time. GOINt WEdT. ! i g- ti Hs o 5 40H.. = i.]ffl j?_ ea; w Im sL f? . m . r. m. p.m. p.m. üctrol' Lv. 6.55 9.80' 4 00 5.r u 7.5-3 9. li.T. June 1-0 9.45 4 15 6.06 8.10 9.3' Wanie Juuc... 7.60 4.41 6 35, 8 41 ld 03 Ypsilanti........ .IN 10-J3 6.00 7UÜ, B 03 '10 3 Aun Arbor x.40 10.66 5.17 7.17i 9.20 10 49 1J.JXHT 9(3 5.34 7 38 9.87 1 Cbelnca„ 9 20 6.47. 7-8 9.0 3tnslake 9 4) 6 07 8.13 10.10 p. u. i.M Jticksnn Ar. 10.05 j 8.45 10 36 1 Jickeoü Lv.i 10.J6, 1210 6.60 i.M, 12.10 Alblon 11.10; 12.4) i.tS 11.22 12. )8 „..rsball 11.4-i 1.25 8.0: _ g 11.48 1 1 1 p.m. BattleCreek-, 12.14 1.60 8.45 ? 12.15 1.42 . M. diUeburg 12.48 9.15 a. Kiilamazou I 1.'8 2.31 9.35 4.45 1.07 2.27 LiwtoL 146 5.18 145 Dfi'.ttm ïOü 5.35. 2.ti imwagiac 2.23 5.58! 2 32 Niiee 2.48 3.67 t.4ü 3 00 4.05 Bucbauai o.U 6.Ö4 3.15 " l'hret' Uaks.... 3.v8 7.82 3.45 New Bunulo... 3.42 4 5C 7.3) 4.121 Midi. (Jitv 4.t 5.i2 8.03 4 38 5.18 Uke 4.5(1 5.58 8.60, 5.37 6.U7 K üiiiliiiton ti.00 ti.5O 9.451 6.40 7.15 Cliicag Ar Ö.50 7.40 10.35 7.30 1 65 OU1NG Eli. s . ëa s „TATIONS. = -sl _= Si S ? ga f go $5 sa A M. A.M. P.M P.M. P.M. hi-ago Lv. 6 45 8 f.5 3.35 8 4o Ü.5F KxnbiiiKton 7.3i .45 4.25 9 25 10. 15 Uke K.13 10.23 5 25 lü.03 11.27 Miuli. Cky 8.?f 11.16; ö.2i 1042 14.10 New Buffalo... 9 2D 11.27 6.52 12.35 rhree OaK8 9 37 7.G5 ,. A. 51, Buchanan 10.05, p.m. 7.32 Niles 10.20 12.13 8 05 11.40 1.40 Dowpgiac 10 47 830 2.i 5 üecatiir 11.18 8.51 2..S Uwtou 11.80 9.10 a.m Kalamazoo 12.07 1.3b .45 6.45 100 3.17 Baieebnrg 12 27 1 5" 7.03 Battle Creek... 12 57 S.iol .a" 7.83 1.42 4.05 P.M. I Jfg. Marshall 145 2 55 -=0 8 00 2 09 4.2 Alhion 2.10 8.45 2 3) 5 57 A.M. A. M. Jacksoii Ar. S.00 Jackson Lv. 3.14 4.00 7.00 9.26! 3.25 6.46 SrassLake 3 27 7.23 9.45 6.07 Jhelsca. 352 7.45110.01 i.W [jfxter 4.1'' 8.OO1 ln.l Í 1 6.43 Mm Arbor 4.32 5.02 8 20' 10.28! 4 35 7.03 ypilatti 4.60 5.18 8.38 10.43' V2i 7.8 '.Vayne Juuc... 5.15 5.4 9.0Í, 11.021 6.12 7 40 'A.r. Jnnc ó.5" fi.JO H.40, 11 30 F.4 1 8.10 Detroit Ar. 6 10 6.251 fl.Sól 11.45 5.. 5 8.25 The New York Exprés, a f ast train leaves Ch: íajío at 1.15 in the afternoou and makes the fol jnving stops, Mich'gan City. .02; Niles, .69; Kalimazoo 8.10; Battlu Creek, 8.45; Jackson, 9 57. Ann Arbor, 10 49; Ypsilanti, 11.01; G. T. Junotion, 1 .44; arriving in Detroit at 11.69 P.M. 'Miud y excepied. i ialurüuy & hunaaj exceptei DaiIy. O. vV, Ruqgl s, H.B. Lbdyabd, U. F 'f. j xi Chicago. OerCl Manaaer.Petrdt 1 POSTOFFICE News Depot! A fvül line of C H E A P LIBRARSES. STATIONERY ! A complete aRortmentof Common and Fancy Note and Letter Pi per, Envelopes, Invitation and Regret Cards, Wnttng Packets. Fine Box Paper, puitalile forpresents, and all kinds of Stationei'ssupplies. BLANK BOOKS! Pass Books. MemoranduTi Beoks, Scratch Books, Student s' Nte Bnoks. Index kerums. Legal and Medical Iiid-xej. Bill Books, and all grades of common Note Books. WILLIS BOUGHTON, Prop. And Agent for all Newspapers, Magazines and Periodicals.


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