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Hereditary Taints

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ïo any ono who has studied Uio lawa of life, and especially tbose which relato to roproducLion, ari cxperience anch as we aro about to relate, will como with special force and interest The transmiss:on of certain mental traits of prorninence, and of certain physical traits of equ al prominence, are ffiota which all aeknowledge, but which nono can understand. The faihev inay be distinguishod, - ihe son, an imbecilejor, the paient mny bo decrepit and unknown, and the childacheivo thohighest place possible to huma-nity. Butthrough it all, thero will bo certain characteristic8 which mark ïbe individual as descending from oertain ancestors. Too often, indeed, thnso characteristics aro intirmities, and often of a physical nature. These facts werc strikingly brought out durina: a conversation, wfaicli a represent ative of this paper recently had with Mrs. Carrie D. T. Swift, who is the wife of ono of our most prominent citizens. This lady related that she inherited from her parent certain tendoncies, over which she had no control, and which vvere in tho naluro of blood diflïculties, assuming the furrn of rheumatism. Her experience can bsst bc described in her own words. To tho writer she said: 'I feit the beginning of this heredi tarv taint maty years ago, in vague pains, which seemed to como unaccountably and at uncalled for times. They wero annoying, exhausting, and interfered not oñly with my duties. but also totally destroyed my happiness. At first, they would be only transient, appearing for a day or two, and then disappearing; then again they would come in such violent forms, that it was impossiblo for me to lift a cup to my mouth. Afterwards, my feet and hands swelledso that it was impossible for mo to draw on my shoes or gloves without tho-greatest tflort. I realized what the difficulty was but seemed powerless to avert it. I h'nally became so bad that I was conüned to tho house snd to my bed most of the time. My joints pained me continuously and my feet swelled to enormous proportions. Kuowing that l inherited this tendency, I had about abandoned hope, when l began the use of a remedy, which was recommended tomo by a ifriend as beingspecially efficiënt in cases of a similar kind. To my great gratitudo, I found thaL it ro lieved me, restored my appetite, aud am ablo to say that uow 1 have gainec forty pounds in weight, feei perfectl well and am in the best possible cond tion, owiiig', wholly, to Warner's Sat Rheumatic euro, which was tbc ïoined I ustd." "No ono would ever suspect you hat suffered so, Mrs. Swift tosee you now, remarked the reporter. That is what all my friend3 say Only ycsterday, an acuuaiutance o mine, vhom I had not seen for som time, hesitated, before speaking, anc apologized by saying, 'Why, 1 reah dld not know you, you have changod s for the botter since I last met you, hoi well you do look.' " 'Have you any objsetion to giving the name of the party who first mentioned the remedy to you?" "Not the slightest. It was Mr. E. H. Furnian, the photographer. '' The newspaper, after bidding Mrs. Swift good-byu, repaircd to the photograpbio roomss of Mr. Furman, wben the following conversation ensued : "Have }-ou beea a suffercr from rheumftiem. Mr. Furman?" "Well, Ishduld Ihink I had." "For how manyjears?" "Twelve or fifieen." "Did you trv to cure il?" 'Yes, I trifd. everytbing, and, at last went to tne Hot Springs uf Arkausas, aud nothing -eenjedto do me any good iiDtil I trled WarnerV Safo Rheumatic Care. ' "And it cured you, did it?'' "Yes, completcly," "And you can cordiaPy rcoommend itl" "Yes, indeed, more cordiaïly than anytiring I have ever know of. It is simply a vvonderful medicine. I believe that two-thirds of all cases, both acute and cbronic, could be cured as 1 was cured by the usa of thi3 remedy. In fact I know a number of petsons who have been in the worst possible condición, aud ave now coinplefely well wholly through i:s use." The statements above mado are from sources, the authority of wluch cannot bo qi'estioned. They conclusively prove the vaiue of the preparaüun. nauied aud show tbat tven hereditary traits can be removed by the uso of the proper moana.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat