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Fot n, "oíd In the hpad, thero la nothlnx b? good as Pisu's Remody f or Catarru. Senator Anthony declines the presldency pro-tem of the Senate. Durinsthe war, Dr. Lloyd, of Ohio, from pxposure contracted consumption. Hesays: "I have no besitation in saylng that it was by the use of Allen's Lung Balsam that I am cow alivc and erjjoying perfect health." Don't experiment with new and notried medicines. If vou have a cough or cold, take at once Allen's Lucg lialsam. Skepticism was routed when the people knew the virtues of Samaritan Nervine, No cure no pay. Fqb Thkoat Diseasbs and Coüods. Brown's Bronchlal Troche?, like ali reálly good tilines, aro frcque.ntly imitated. The gcnwbte are sold onhj in boxes '■Mv ehlküsrosyebeekedandcured; Samaritan Nervine did it." Mrs. Wm. Schelpeper, N'ichuls, Iowa. $1,5() at Druggists. Detroit, Mirti.. March 31, 1882. I)k. Pengelj.y, Kalamazoo Bear S'i:--It is atrainst my principies to give testimoniáis respectini; the raerits of proprietury medicines, but the Woman's Friend, now Zna-Phora, is my friend because it has relieved my wife, iu her last two conflnements, if the unutterable agony which attended her flrst labor. She used tht Friend for about oue month previous to expected confinement, and, to use her own language, "woulü not be without it, under such circumstances, for the world." .ƒ. H. P. N. B. - The abovc letter is from a prominon Michigan man. To anyone wishing towrite t uim wc wJttl give his full address. R. Pengbllt & Co Sold bv Druggists. __ "BUCHU-PAIBA." Qulck.comple o cure, all an novlug Kidney and Urluary Ulöas;. $1. The best and oldest meaicine for cure o: liver diseases is Dr. Sauford's Liver Invigor ator. "R0UQ1I ON f0HVS ." 15c. Askforit. Complet cure, iiard or aof ' corns, warts, banlons. I am a non BELiGyEn in Patent Medieines bat havinu experienced marked relief írom Nasal Catarrh and hoarseness by the use of Ely'ii Cream Bjlm,I can recommeud it to those satïiTing frotn this Ioaih6ome complaint and to tiloso sfBicted with hoarseness or stoppage of the throat so annojfiíg to dngers snd dergymoü.- Lodis E. PiiiLUPá, 1428 N. T. Ave., í. W., Washington, D. U. (Price 50 cents.) DON'T O1K IN THE HOUSE. "Kough on Itals." cíea mu rats mlce.jlle3.roachea. bed-bugs. lfc. Evcry woraan who suffers from Sick Headaclie, and who dislikes to take bitter doses, shonld try Carter' Little Liver Pilis. They are the easitst of all medicines. A positive cure for the above distressing complaint ; give prompt relief in Dysucpsiu and Indigestión : prevent and cure Constipation and Piles. As easy to take as Btifiar. Only ooe pill adcsc. 40 iu a vial. Pricu 25 cents. If you try them jou will not be wit'iout them. ■■Kough on Couehs," 15c, 2óc, :0c., at Drusglsts Comp tte cure couphs, Hoaráeues , SorO Thrvat. MExfous'a PEPTOííizEn beef TONtc, tne onlj preparattoE of heef containing tts entire nutritious proporties. It contains blooa-making, force-Kenerntingand life-sustainins proporties; invaluable for Indigestión. IJYSPEPSlA, nervous proitratlon, and allformsof general ilebility; also in all enfeebled conditions. whether the result of exhaustion, nervous proHlrution, overwork or acite disease, particalarly if reaulting from uulmonarycomp'.aint8. CASWG1.L, [Iazakd ót Cu., Proprietors, New York. Sold by DruKfrl8t.s hHIrI ícian eHtabushcs BM ■ I I m OGlcoin New Vork. 11 Vk EPILEPTEoVlTS; pB f JBa fFíyomAtn. Journal o f Medicine Itr. Ab. Heserolo (late of l.ondnn vho mates a spe clalty of Eptlcpsy, lias without doubt treatod and cureij inorocaseatliaiiíiTiyothernvinffpliyslclan. Hlasoccoaá hasslmplybccnastonlElilng; wenavo licard of eues oí over 20 years' standing successftilly corod by him. Há has publlshod a work on this disenso, ■whlch U fionH ■tríth alarga lattleef LU 700derrulcuro freo ti any snf ferer who may sema tiióír expresa and I'. O. AddrebS V íMlvipOtiiy un wlsMntí acnrotoatldress i)r. AB, iiiiüüftüLii, x es J oüa St„ New Yfc 30 ÖAYS7 TRIAL (BKFiBÏ) lAI'ÏÏB) pLECÏHO-VOLTAIO BELT and ottier Electric A'plinnoüs ure at nt on ;fl) Days' '1 rhil TO MKN 1NLY, YüONü OK OLD, who are sufferns from Ncrvous Bxhauslion, I.oyt V ta ii y. Wastlnu Wcakïesses. und all d.seases of a Klndred IVuture.reaultnp frora whateTer causes, ypeedy ellef at, tí complete restoriiüon to Health, Vigor and tfan-iood iuiivuntO' d. tiend at once for Illusiratod Pampulul f ; 00. Address, Voltaic Bell Co., Marshall, Mich. CThe OKlcst Medicine in the World is ■% probably Dr. ISAAC THOMPSON'b II elebrated Eye Waten This article ia a caref ully prep.ared physicla'K proecrlption. and ha boen in constnnt uao for noarly a century. and noiwlih tanding the mny otner preparations thut have been introduoed Into tüe marktjt, th sale of thia rtiele is constantly fncreasng. It the ctireciions are folluwed ït wlli neverfall. We partioulurly invite the attention of pbyeicians 10 ta merits. Jolin L. Thompson, Sons, & Co.. Troy, N. V. DaTARRH elys fSCream Baltn SSgxCn'"" n "EAnl tnR"y cleansliw the rulwrrinn!2 iu head of oatarrhal vlrir.HT T tVtH W% CH ua' causing healthysey 9 It allay in A n tiamatlon, protectsthe ËHB membrnno of thenasal Q%TH passafie from addlftAB ona' colds.completO I í 'i healda the ores and -'ö u.s.aJ restores taste and -zi - ir--- r-- r-, smell. A few appllcamY'FEVES tionsrelleve. Athor■" rB uxe treatment irlll ÏFfiI Km i 3 9 Bllh"-Ilua'umcwklch, ÏW . CEIEBRATEB'IO sli ' "'''■ f ihek dw j F nejfs, peltberex ites HK L STOM AC H- p d i s e ane s, arj i 11 hK H iM SP 1 tm lv uil Lirug-. Iets and


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