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The Mecosta county poor house and asylum, n building temporarily leased by the county for the purpose indicated by lts name, burned to the ground Jast nlght. The fire was first discovered by Mr. East, the keeper, about midnlght, the flatnes burtiog from the roof, ncar the chimnc-y. Mr. East giive the alarm, and while an a9sietant attended to the removal of the paupers, East attempted the re6eue of three insane persons who were loeked in thelr Ccll9. He got two of tbem out without much difflculty and returned for the third. By tbls time the flre had progressed so far that the emoke and heat were stiflitg, and the keeper aud the insane patiënt were hoth nearly euffocated, but floally tucceeded in Cfcapiug. All the inmates were eventuallv removed from the burniug 6tructure without" loss of life or srious iDjury and were taken to netghboriug house for shelter. Temporary arrangements will be made fur the care cf the unfortunatc charges at the city hospital until the new poor house, now in course of constructiOD, will be ready for occupancy. There was sooie Insurance on the property, but not a vestige of clothiDg, bedding or furniture was saved. ihis is the sccond time within about a year that the couoty poor have been turned out by fire, the poor house at Stanwood having burned a few montas ago. NEWAYWO TRAGEDÏ Au i nlVildtlüiWilo Hiid lier Iuriiuuiir Mnrdcred. A thrilling tragedy ecourred at Newaygo just before midnight Sunday, Oetober 5. A inau natntd Armstrorg, who moved to Newaygo a few months ago iroin the southern part of the slati', saw his wife on the bid with a man uaiced ücorte Bates in Bateb' loom. batte, who cme to Newaygo froni Bie Raplds but two weeks ago, wcs toarding with ihetn. Armstrong selzed au ai to battor iu the door to Bateb' room, which was upstairs, and rushed up. He had seen them from outdoore. On knockicg at the door Mis. Arinstrong opened it, teized him about the waist to hold him and told Bates to go down Etairs ior the revolver and they would fix him. He soon broke loosi; irom her and struck her with the axe, and then cut herthroat wlthit. Then he rushed down stalrs, met Batea and struek him eeveral times with the axe, kilKng him. Then he went to the jail and gave himself up to the EherifE and is now in cU6tody. Armstrou{ is about 30 yearp of age. His wife was some youEgir, and they had one child about a year oíd. Batee was about 22 to 84 years o!d. The comaunity at Newajgo i= Dot Üercc iu its condemnatlon cf Arm6trongaad sterns to have galned the impieísion that Bates was a tough fcllow. A üisantrons Coonlns Expedlllou, A horrible calamity occurred in Green Oak townshfp, just ea6t of Brighton, Saturday nlght, 0;. 4 by whieh Cieo. Hooper, 35 jeare I ola, a son oL Mr. Peter Hooper, loet hia liíe. ín I company with a younger brother he went out for a night's sport "treeing coocsy' and aftcr considerable labor rom whicb they txperienced niuch wearlness the pair went over to the railroad track to reet aud walt for their dogs to come up. Bef ore they were awar. of lt, they had both fallen victirns to slumber, and a freight ccioirn; alont; shortly afttrwards cut ofE the former'sTjead. The jounger brother barely escaped the eamc horrible fate, bb he had but rolled over acd cleared himself from the track ae the traiu went whizzing by. Fate 6eems to be discipliEg ol j Mr. Hooper, as it was but a few moüths ago he buried a beloved son who was the victim of an ecoident n the umber woods. Much sympatby is ezpresEed for the hesri-broken pareute, who are gcnerally koiva and híghly respected. IN 1HE STATE. Hattle Crittcnden cif Adriai', goes to Japan as a missionary. Kalamszoo glories in the fact that she is entirely out of debt. By a vote of 6 to 2, the Adrián city council voted to abandon etand&rd time. Battle Creek biliiard salnoDs are not ailowed to be kept open later than 9 p. m. The Oakland House has a private postofflce of its ownt St. Clair Öprings by name. The will of the late Dr. Rynd of Adrián bequeathes all oí hlsproperty tó hls faoiily, Thomas Külduff of Rodney, Mecosta coucty was killed at Luther whlle ualoadlne; logs from a train. A farmer naraei Abraine, living two miles from Brlghton, eommitted suïcide by taking morphlne. A. C. Wilbur, of Alma, Van Buren county, had an arm so badly lacemed by a buzz saw that he died. The question as to where the Crouch trial is to bc held is ayitaticg the minde of Jackson couuty officials. Elias Chantelier was killed by a íallicg trie near Farwell. He was a Canadian and had only been ovtr two weeks. The celery shlpxents írom Kalamazoo are enormous. For twoor three days last week 40 to&s a day were shipped. Four Michigan iron furnaces are includeil in the list oí those pledged to shut down on accjuut of overproduction. Mrs. J. M. Hough, a resident of Plymouth and vicluity for over 35 yearp, died at her BODie in that piuco on the 3J inst. AU of the lake shore- west Michigan towns -liad reniarkably fine exhibits ot frults and vegetables this year, except peaches. The niurderers of Wm. McCllntock at East iaginaw were too drunk to escape and were odged in jail within fifteen minutes. The new Episcopal church at Kalamazoo, now n process ot erection, is pronounced one of the mofat beautiul and unique in Michigan. l'ou can ehoot turkeys, partridges, snipe, woodcock and wild oucks. That is if you can find the game and kuow cnough to shoot. The home for olí peoplc- a most worthy charity at Adrián -is to have new and more cotnmodlcus quarlers if the sisters can do it. A 10-year-old son of George E. Curry of I lastings was smoihered by btirg dr&wn luto a whtt.tbin. Whcn taken out lile was extlnct E. N. Wsgcrman, a butcaer, drove too near ,he St. Clair River at Fort Gratiof , bis horses ■ecame frlghtened and Jumped Ín acd he was drowned. For simpiy pounding hig wlfe untü her face ookcd like raw beef Geo. Johnson of KalamaO') will spend flOdas in tie Ionia hou3e of orrectiou. U. K. Crandall, of 8t. Helena, has invented a lerpetual motion machine thatlssatd to be a very useful a3 wel1 as a vcry handsome plece of inechanism. It is alleged in Chippewa couuty that in proortion to its populution that eoucty suploris more pau; trethananyothertwocountles n the state. Charles Masón has btcn arrested at Bay City or stealiDg a $100 cow. He painted the animal fter appropriatiog it, but the natural color hone through. Mrs. Angus McLellan, of East Tawas, has eun jiileü on account of dlsobeylng the liquor aws. The offlcers are also lobking for Mr. Angus McLellan. Henry Hoflnian of Monroe, the man who hot joung Berdue whom hu caught 6teahnR rapes.has been arrested on a charle of assault with iment to klll. The light-house board has issued instruc[ons for the erections of a llght-housc and eeper's dwelling at Grand Marais, northern hore of Lake Superior. Andrew Sundín, who murdered Wm. Berg at Jntanagou on toe nightoí Sept. 39, wascaugbt in a swamp near that place Oetober 'í. fie his been committed for trial. E. T. Pearl. of Sumpter township, Wayne county, tbe flrst oí Oetober plcked a Eecond crop of raspherries, both blaek and red, froin bushes growing on bis farm. The Firtt National bank of MenoEinee has been orgauized with a cash capital cf $50,000, und will soon be in operation, wllh Mr. G. A. Blegch, of Green Bay, as cashier. The eherlff of Kalamazoo county offers $50 Teward for the body of Chas. W. Boweu, of Kalamazoo, whose friends think he was drowned in Long lake a Xew days ago. The wife of Frank Parker of Hoy al Oak received her tbird Btroke of paraljgls tbe othei evtning and díd not snrvive. Shc was among the early settlers, although but 50years oíd. The body of a man was waehed ashore at Point Ircquois, above Waiski bay, Lake Superior, and it is supposed it Í3 that of one of the victims of the Ösborn Alberta disaster. Ceph Wright, a carpenter employed on the new tkatirg rink in CasBojKilif , whlle raising an adze slipped and the tooi conipletely severed the tendón Achules or heel cord of the left leg. J. B. Wood, a Bi'tle Creek baker was out huntiug the other day. In taking his gun f rom the wagon it was accidentally disehargtd, inflicting wounds from whtch he died in n few bourg. The nezt Michigan state gazetteer, to be issued by R. L. Polk & Co., oí Detroit, will contaln many new features, among thetn being full lists of the norse, ho, cattle and sheep breeders of the state. The 8eventh-Day Adventista while holding their ancua! state camp-meeting at Jackson, raised,$50.0C0 In subseriptions. This moneywill be used in defraying the expensesof the college, and home and foreign missions. Thomas Flannigan, who mysteriously dlsappeared from Carrolton last, August and was thought to have been murdered for money he had received from the sale sale of a house, has been heard from in California. A young man nained Burt Yorker living in Detroit, was throven from á train on which he was Btealing a ride and out into just above the hips, part of the body being carrled scme dtjtance from the eeene oi the accident. John McCullough, the tragedian. who was taken 111 in Chicago, made a desperate attempt to get to Detroit to flll hts engagemeut in that city but was prevented by hls manager. All of h8 engagemcDts have been cancellcd. The Charlotte Blaine and Logan quartette club has been eugaged by the state c. ntral committe to sccumpany the Blaine party on lts tour through Michigan. The club consiste of Thomas Cary, Jumes Bailey, Charles McKinney and Ctmrlt Stubbs. The Standard roller milis in Holland had a narrow escape irom complete destructton the other day. The buildings and contc-nts were damagedto the extent of $15,000. Onlythe Bucceesful working of , 1 1 water works saved the entire property from l estructlon. John Murphy, a young man 19 years old, in theemploy of the boom compaey la Midland was drowned the other day in crossing the river on logs. His b.)dy wis reoovered after two hours. He lived in Edeuvllle, Midland county. His parents reside In Maine. Ozlas Osborne, an inmate for ten years of ; the Van Baren couaty poor house, and for eigtit yeais perfectly helpless from rheuma[ tlsm, has just receivid a bick peneiou for $9 555, belng $72 a uiontn. Oáborne vas a prl7ate ia Corupsny 0, Third Michigan Catalry. J. S. MeDonuald, an old man 70 years of ace who rcsidtd at Mareliai), Mich., died at the B;rridge house in Sturgis the other aftcrnoon, Irom an ovtrdoee of morphtne which was taken wlth suieidal intent, the jury said. UU reruaiES were takeu to Bucha'nan, when: he had formctly livcd. Rev. Thomaf'Stalker, one of the most prominent, widely kuown and talented Methodist ministers in this state, whose recent charges have been Detroit, Pontiac, Port Hurón, etc., has been appointed to one of the moet important ehureh positions in New Orleans, acd will eoon laave fcr that city. Flftefn dinamite cartridges expbded over the spot in Lon.i' .Lake where C,ï,. Bjwen, the Kaiamazoo irturance agent, is suppostd to have drowntd, faiied to brii,L; hls body to the surface. Many &re ture that he Bklpped, though how he got away withcut. any dothing is another myeiery. A. P. Martin, an Allegan connty farmer, attended the Plainwell Fair, and, gerting drunk, exhibitcd a large roil of bilis. He was induced to put up at the Cartrlght House and put to bed, when he was robbed during the night. He claims he had $140. Pat Kelley, of ütsego, was airestcd and jailed for the crime. Rev. Eaiery Curtie, a well known Baptist minister, died at Burne, Montialin county, recently. He was the husband of tbe Airs. Curtis whoe death at Lapeer some three years ago causedagreat Etnsation, and for whose murd( r a Mrs. Barnard, who was infatuated with the reverend gentleman, was trie J. ASpriagfleld, 111,, dSspatch says: "A 11cense to incorpórate ihe Phillips gold mining company of Chicago, which proposes to oper ate in Michigan vas issued "by the secretary of state yi sten? The capital stock named is $l,090,C00 and the ineorporators are John FhilJips, H. K. Durkeeand Andrew J. Cooper." Bishop Ames, a Ludson fruit grower, has a model Iruit huuse for the stomge of apples during the winter. Ventilating flues above let off the g6(s and dampness and cold air flues between the floors keep the rooms at nn tven temptrature of about 33 ilegrees uutil spring, wheii the fruit comes out dry and crisp. f red, Ackerman, a convlct sent from Kent county on a eevf-n years' sentence for assault wtth intent to kil), was discharged the othtr morning, his tirae having expiied. He reiased to leave the prison, Btatlug thathe had another year to serve, and he did not propese to be imposed upon by the prison officials. He is undobtedly insanc. About 12 o'clock the other night the barkicg of a dog awike A. E. Turner of "Cadillac,from a eound slumber, nearly suftocated, to find the house.enveloped in 3 ime3 and his wife insensible írom sufEocation . By prompt action he escaped through awlndow wlth his wiie and child, and saved a few articles of furniture The loss is $2 OiO- inuured for f600. Andreas gundiu ehot and Wffliani Bert; In a Swede boarding house in Ontonagon a few nights ago. The ball severed the main artcry of the heart, kilÜDg him instantly. Thp. murüerer is a yourg man about 22 years old ' and a Swede. He took to the woods ond has notyet been captured, bnl cm hardly escape, 1.8 a iaree furce are hunting him. ' Kilamszoo A fritni in California writes to Fred Britton of töis city ihat Geurgo L Gale, the noted founder of 'Gak'Etiurtr, dicd lii that Btate and that bis grave is kuown to the witter. It wili be remtmbtreJ that thu last tbat was heard of him was many years ago when a Paw Faw man wbo was wefi acquainted with Gale, met him on the pialns, iu the time of the gold txcitement. A man and a woman, tlie former agtd about 60 aud thelattcrpeihaps 18, tamps, campedin the woods on liorace Holdridge's farm in Palmyra, Lenawee counly, the other night,and the next morning the man was found dead. The couple had a marriage certifícate dated April 33, iseued by (Jon O'Neil, a justice in Muekingmn ccunty, O., which gave their names as it. H. Hasbury Hooper and Cora Belle Hiliiard. Suppoted cause oí death. heart diseaee. Dcvelopments in the cxaminationof the business affairs of Charles Vi. tfowen of Kalamazoo, the Insurance agent supposed to have been drowned in Long Lake a few nU bts ago, throws doubts upon hls being dead. The state agente of the Haoover and Germania Insurance cotnpaies, whone agent he was, have been examinicf bis accounts, and find him short a large amount. They reí use to state how muc'ü. No other companies have jet sent their sgents to examine tne accounts. Bowen had $8,000 inEuranee on hls lile. The annual reunión oí the Secocd Michigan Infantry, of which Sumuer Howard is president and Joel CowgiU socret.ary, will be keld at Fiint, October 10. ü. F. Loehead, vicenresident, Flint, or Jod Cowgil!, secretary, Cassopollp, will answiT a'.l questions. Arrangeiuents have been made with the Flint & ?ere Marquette and Chicago & Grand Trunk railroads ior reduced mts of fare for comrades and their wiyes attending the reunión, namely, one third fare returning from the reunion, on presenting the certifícate of the secretary. While the werk of drilling a well was in progrees on the farm of Edgar White, about one-half mile weet of Port Huron, haviug reached a deptl of 137 feet, a large vein of gas was tapped and the volume of gas that is said to escape is powerful enough to run a teu or twenty bomvpower engine. The well is located about ISO fect from the boiler and engine used for diary purposef, L.nd on Tuesday last a pipe was laid to the boiler and the gas ignited. It burned brilliantly aud furnished enough heat to raise steam The driller believes that the oil vein would be found at a depth of 500 or 500 feet. Henry HoSmau, a wealthy and austere farmer living four miles west of Monroe found a man stealing grapes on hls premltes. Hollinan was armed and demanded of the man ín the vineyard that he 6hould e;lvo his name eaying that unlees he did so he would be flred upon. The grape eeeker uudertook to takc leg bal!, and Hoifman flred upon him. The charge took effect in the back of the fleeing individual and the doctors who have cxamined him thlnk the wound will proye fatal. He proves to be Ferry Bordeau, a niighbor of HofEman's, and it id alleged that hls advt-uture in Hoffinan's vines was not. his flrst depredation. A most distretsing accidentoccurred in Lansingonthelst inst. Minnie Leach, a joung lady, step-daughtir of Robert Lapwortb, who lives at Flushing, visited the fair grounds iu company with a cousln and an aunt, Mrs Thomas Cade, at wjose husband'a home Mips Leach had been visiting. While pasfcing a piecfiofmachinery her 6kirts caught in a revolvlng ehait aod bhe was vio!ently thrown down and whirled around sevcral times before the matkincry couldbe stopped. When reached it was found that Miss Leach'snecK wasbrolin her skull fractured, acd her Umbs and body terribly bruised and mangled. Btker Cabe, her eousln, who witnessed the awf ui accident WRs so aftected that it is feared his mind is unbalanced. What women can do Is very plalnly shown in the following item from the Osvoeso Press The various farm txtiiblts by Mrs. John 8tewart at the fair attraeied great attentiou both from the fact that they were excellent aud from biKg the producís of woroen's farming. Last spring she purchased the "Bockee farm " which lies withlu the city limits, which she and her daughurs haye managed. They have raised over 1,000 bushels of oats; over 12 seres of com, producing 12 varietiee, oL which 9 we re onexhibüion; 5 acres of potatoeB;G acres of rutabagas; and over au aere oí beaDe. They have oaded and unloaded 69 loads of hay, mostly with tbeir owd hands; they have gone lnto toe Held daily to work and eay they eujoy H. They had irreat pride In their fice exhibits of sheep, svvine, etc. Nellie Day,oi Ogden,Lenaweecounty,aged 17 years,wasiouiiddeadinstraw6taekafew niornings ago. Bhe was married December 25, 1882, to a young man, with who she lived bufc a íew uionths, when he dtsertcd her. Since thee ehc Hved at borne, and it has been reroarked of late that she was at least imprudent in her aseociations, and her parents have feit callea upon to ckido her for fier waywardueps. Slie became intímate with oce Charles Worden, and a few nights since she was out all uijiht to a bowery dance, anj her mother on Sunday severeiy censured her conduct, saylnt; she would ratber 6eo her in her grave than to follow a questiocable llfe. The girl sakl, "Ton can dig my grave as soon as tüu ehooee," 8unday nlght ehe went out and' did not return, but in the mornirK w&a found lying on her face on the straw stack. She had voniited,aud evidently had suffertd severeiy. The phytieian present said ehe dled irom the c-flect of taney, and it was aleo found on post mortem tuat ehe was eneeinte, thus eonürminji her niother's worbt fears. Worden is a married mau, and of course severely censured. The girl was kno.ïn to be poor, but was till lately regarded as very upright in evtry regard. UIÍHtOIT iUAKKJS'I. Wbt-at- No. l.wíüte i 17)4 71% Lour T 4 5U @ 4 Ib Whcat, No. 2, 8lll@ 80V L? 25 g 80 Barley. ;..- 5 ( 75 %e 55 (tí 60 'Jiover tíeed, %t ba 4 65 to) Tliaothy seed, $ bu 3 75 6a 4 aó Dried Apolos, & 5 L 5V Peaclieí a (A 15 Cherries. 19 (j 0 Apeles per bbl 1 25 @ 1 75 Peuchee, ycllovr a bu6he) .... 3 ; 5 W 3 75 tíutier, $ ib 17 , '5 gfeïs 35 è 00 Petatees 30 rjt 35 Onlons, bbl 1 75 @ 2 (X) Honey... 1 75 ( 00 Beans,plcked 115 a 1 40 Beau, unpicked 1 50 yí 1 75 "ay 12 00 @12 50 Pork, aras6?d, $ W0 6 00 gci) Pork, faess iicw ÍS 00 (gis tO Pork,aiQÜj 18 L0 @8 75 Hanis ÍSVM 14 BhouldOT tl C9 gg 9 S 10 Keef uztra mess 12 00 'iV 50 VVood, Eeoeh and il.-ul? . . 5 75 @ 6 CC Wood, Maple 6 25 @ 6 E0 vVood Hlckorv . 6 25 (á 6 50 1 canna thlnk o' ither days, Or 8lng thetonss o'gladness: Na merrie thocht can drive awa' The ghalstly shades o' sadness. lik blrd upon the leafy tree, lik moment fleeting fatt, Ca's to my mlnd and jeers me wl' The mem'ries o' the past. Na mocklng blrd, llke thot I htar, Soft warbllng on yon tree. In bonnle Scottle stage, and yet It sadly brings to me The bitter thochts o' Hher }ears, When In that auld lane syne, She Banu to me the songs so deai , Her Uttle hand In mine. I ken the flowers kre bloomln' now, That bloomed eo sweetly then ; I ken the pebbly brooklets flow Stlll thro' the sllent glen ; [ ken the birds are building msU Amld the yellow whln ; It Kaes me turn as cauld aB dcath, Tbat all Is not ae tbln . The blushlng dalsy blooms the same The mosfy braes adornln' ; Tbe golden 6Un, stlll irae the Eaff, Prodalms the comln' mornln' ; But she, who In those happy dayc, Made Ufe so sweet and fair, Now sleeps beneath the mossy braes , An' lelt me lone and salr. The mockln' blrd's awcet song to day, Brocht tear-drops to my 'e.e, Wlth thochts o' Ither, brtehter days, For lver gone frae me. We Rware our love ehould last. furo' Ufe, By likt burn and tree ; And 'ere I wad forget my Irotii, l'd lay me dowu ami iltc. - [Ö. A. Cutkr, la the Cbicajro Intcr-0 tan.


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