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Stray Straws

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üordon has bombardee! and captured Berber. Pittsburg tiad a $L 0.0C0 fire the other night. President Díaz of üextoo was inaugurated on tbe 2d inet. Bancroít, the Listarían, celebrattd bis 84tJj binhday on the 3d inst. ■Ten Uves were lost duríng the barning of Danish royalpalace. A strong Encliah forcé is to be stnt to South África to crueh the Boers. Theeptimatedrcouclion of the pubüc debt durirjg September is tl3,C00,C00. Gen. Grant refused to be a Republican elector, eujing he was out of politics. When the French occupy Kelung the war between France and Cbina'will be declared off. ReporUd that President Arthur will soon marry a daughter of Sccretary FrellBghuyeen. Frank Chanfrau, the uottd actor dled in New York a few days ago, from a paralytic fetroke. ' Colnage at the various mints duriog September 4,13,363, cf which $,350,000 was standard dollars. Nearly 30,000 fquare miles of Ualted States and -1 are D0W uwncd by iori:iSa sjiicUcatfS Cattle coming írom the United States must be quarantined before being allowed to pass tbrough (Janada. Frarce emphatically decics that the United tales has been asked toinediate in the FrancoUbiue; trouble. The United States offers its services at the request oí Franee as mediator in the FraueoChlnese trouble. The famous hotel, the Glen House, en Mt. Washington was burned Oet. lst. The wcods adjoiniDg are on fire. Wah Lee Tow, a Chinaman, has been gract ed ctizeEship papers in Cleveland. He had married a white wife. Issue of btandard eilver dollars for the week endiDg Oclober 4, 491,997; corresponding period last Year, Í6I5,999. OwiDg to the prohibition of the importatlon of foreign rags, ibe prlce of paper in this country is to be advauced. I Ibereports of Virginia tobáceo Instectors show that the present crop has been much injund by the preícnt drouth. T,Jf,ali' ,Granl'8 resldence on Chestnut street, 1 hiladelphía is to be sold to help pay debtsl Ihe valué placed 021 it is $30,000. John McCullougb, the eminci.t asedian has become bo broken down, phygfcally.tnat he has been obligtd to cancel ui engagement. Agrandson oí Henry Ciay, tho tiaUiuan, ivas shot in Louisvllle, Ky., a few days ago Ín a quarrel with a councilman of tiiat'city TheCanadian Pacific rallway íb seekimr the establishment of a line of etesmers between rort Mcody, British Columbia, aad China and J apun. An Ottawa, Ontario, dlspatch ebvs it is understood eight captains of email sleani ersfes Québe tÜe cïpeaüiov, starttog f rom Kentucky cattle breedtrs have n6ked the governor 10 cali a special sossion of the legislatura to take aclion on stamping out the cattle disedfce. The London Daliy New's Suarclal article eays it is generaliy expected the Bank of EdKlaud wlll raise the rate of discount to two aud a nalf per cent. The Massachusetts humane eociety aas voied tummodore Schley a gold medal, and Lieut. Jtmory a silver one for bravery on the Greelev relief expedition. á John McCulIough became very violent in St. Luuis tbe othtr uight, and knocked dovvn a conductor who attemptcd to prevent hlm from gcttlug on board a train. Dr. Ward, state veterinarlan of Marylsnd, reporta that dlseased hogs are belng killed in that state and salted down for luture coniimption. The dieease Is f aid to be of a diphtheretic nature. Prince Albert Victor Christian Edward, eldest eon of the Prince of Wales, wiil be of age next January, and parliament wiL be asked togrant him Í5U,OÜ() a year to malntaln bis rank. The radical will oppose vigorously. Some one flred a ehot into the car in which Uov. Bt. John was traveling, between Terre .naute and Carlisle, Ind., the other night Ihe bullut lodgtdinaseal, just beside the governor, lie took the attempted assuBSinatlon cooliy. r Capt. Burton, tLe arc'.ic traveler, writes the Loudon Academy, excustDg the aüeged cannlbaliem of the Greejy party. He says that ie L-1 Ulam, '-the relinion of comruon seDse," the action would uot be blamable under the clrcumstances. John ilcCullouuh ha3 recövered his reason tnough to see that he cannot continue hls work, aud has accepted the decisión of lis friands to have him take a long rest. He will probably be placed in a private asylum, or will stay with hls sister, in Pennsylvanii for some time. ilenry M. Stanley f ays the trade of the Congo country will be of great benefit to (Jreat britian, and that theway to secure tbis advantaga is to urge upon the British Government the njetf sity of sending two cruisers to the mouth of the Congo River, pending a decisión by Jiuropean powers of the Congo ijuestion. Within a few months a numDer of Chinese aborers on the railroad lu British Columbia have mysteriously disapi)earcd. Near Hope, b. C., a few üays ago the mutilated body oE a Chinaman was found, aud it is supposed that the murder was committed by white navvles who are determined to drive Chinese labor out of the provlnce. A single sunflower stalk has beei found in Georgia upon which wero growiue: 118 disti.ict üovrers, and Kentucky ia credited with a stalk bearw lOöüowerg. " The Panamacanal companyhas higaed a contract with a New York dredging couipany for tbe cutting of the lani section of the canal. Tais contract provides that the work shall bo fioished iu 1887


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