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Ituckleu's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bnuses, Sores, Ulcera, Saltlieum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coras, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay requirod. It is guaranteed to give perfeei satisfation, or money refunded. Price 2Ö cents per box. For sale by Eberbacb & Son. Secoud-elass matter - The average Blaine editorial. A WaijKIng Skeleton.- Mr. E. Springer, oL Mechanicsburg, Pa, w rites: "J was aftiicted with lung fever and abscess on luiigs and reduced to a walking skeleton. Got a free trial bottle of Dr King's New Discovery for Consnmption whioh did me so much g.od that I bought a dollar bottle. After using three bottles I found myself once more a man completely restored to healih, with e hearty appetite, and a gain in Üesh ol 48 pounds " Cali at Eberbach & Son's Drug Store and get a free trial bottle ot this certain cure for all Lung Diseases. Large bottles $1. The man with the mn jtiw- The bookagent. Thousands Sat So.-Mr. T. W. Atkins, Girard, Kansas, writes: " I neyer hesitate to recommend your Electric Bitters to my customers, they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sellers." Electric Bitters are the purest and best medicine known and will positively cure kidney and liver complaints. i'urify the blood and regúlate the bowels. No family can afford to be without them. They will save hundreds of dollars in doctor's bilis every year. Sold at fifty cente a bottle by Eberbach & Son. A rolling mili - A rough and tunible fight. Ali. in the Line of Natuke. - There is nothing in the line of magie or niystcry about that wonderful and popular medicine, Parker' Tonic. lt is siinply the best and most scientific combination possible of the esseutial principies of those vegetable curatives which act powerfully and d rectly uu the stomacli, liver, kidneys and blood. But there neither is, nor will be, any successiul iinitatioB of it. It is all the t me curing those who had despaired of ever gettiug weü. For y -lureelf, your wife and children. A trying situation - The district-attorney's. Don't Look Like a Wkeck - "When a man is going down hill every Ijody is ready to give him a kick." Yes, that is so. lt is sad, but natural. Why, many aninn and woman, seeking employment, wonld have got it if their hair liadu't been so thin and gray. One bottle of Parker'a Hair Balsam is then the liest invcstment. It stops faliing hair, promotes new growth and restores color. Ole in, highly perfumod, uot a dye. A great improveineat over ai. y similar preparation, and sold at the ïow price of 50 een is. A prickly pear - The porcupine and hornet. A Lady's Perfect Coinpnnion. Paint.kss CHILDBIRTH, a new hoek, tells how any woman may become a mother without raffering any puin whatever. It also tells how to prevent a;d overeóme morning 8ickue-s,swelled limbs, and i)l (ithcicvils atteading pregnanoy Physiciiins highly resommend it as the wife's true pr.vate eompanion. Send two-cent stamp for ful! descriptivo circular, testimoniáis, etc., sent in sealed euvelope. Address, Fuank Thomas & Co.. Pubs., Baltimore, Md. As black as he's painted - The African. SA PopuIíAB FaIIíAoy. - Many people ink that Kheumatism cannot becured. It ís caused ly a bad state of the blood which dposit poisonous matter ín the j intrt and muscles, causing lamenees, stirl'ness and swelling of the joints and exoruoiatrag pains. Kidney-Wort will certainly effect a curo, lt acts on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, stimulatiiiff them to a healthy action, purifies imd I enriches tlie blood and eliminatea the poison f rom the systern Go to the near est droggist) buy Kidney-Wort and be ca red. Evergreen- The newly-landed Irishmnn. ESKeep this in Mind. In the Diamond Dyes more coloring is givcn than , in any known dyes, and they give faster and more brilliant colora. 10c. at all druggists. Wells, Richardsou & Co., Burlington, Vt. Sample card, 32 colors, ond book of directions for 2c stamp. A Ciiucher- Matsada Sorakichi. If you wish to know what you eat in the sha pc of Baking Powdt-r, boil a little ÍD water. Ammonia smells, alum also and tastes bitter; starch, flour or filling of any kind, which is dead weight, will be left in the cup, while if made f rom Cream Tartar and soda, like DeLand.s Chemical Baking Powder, it will leave the water oler. Citr Locáis. Thompson & Herbert, who are running Hacks together, attend to all orders promptly. Leave word at C. Rinsey's, R. Granger's, State-st., or at residenee of Thadd Thompson, 10 Maynard-st. Wanted. - Girl wanted at boarding house, 49Wasbington-st.( east. Over 200 buildings have been painted in this city in the past nine months with Sherwin, Williams & Co's. Mixed Paints. This is sufficient testimony that there is no better Paint in the market. For sale by Oscar O. Sorg, 60 South Main street, Ann Arbor. A car load of Cider Barrels for sale at Emannel Wagner's, South Main street. The only place that you can buy Sherwin, Williams fe Co's. Mixed Paints is at Oscar O. Sorg's, 60 South Main street, Ann Arbor. To Rent -Finely furnished Rooms to rent wilhin three minutes walk of the un ivevsity. Cali at the corner of Caiherine and Ingall's-st. To Htuldans. Several genuine old Italian and German Viohns for sale at a bargain. For particulars address Prof. B. Faeder, 273 Fort street, West, Detroit. Go'and see the prices givcn with goods at Enmnuel Wagner's grocery, South .Main street. Lamps- A large assortment at Emannel Wagners, Sout Main-st. For California dryed fruits cali on Chas. E. Wagner, No. 17, Ann-st. The only pure Cider Vinegar that is sold is purchased al Emanuel Wagner's, No. 33, gouth Mam-st. Everything is first-class boughi at Chas. E. Wa?iier's, the grocer, No. 17 East Ann-st. I pay cash for Butter and Eggs, at 33 South Main-st. Emanuel Wagner. A Bargain. - First.class chamber and parlor set. Chaire, stands, etc, new. Inquire 10-12 Hurou-st. For all kinds of Salted Fish cali on Chas. E. Wagner, No. 17 East Ann-st. A full line of Crockery Ware at Emanuel Wagneb's. Chow Cnow and Mixed Pickles, Dried Beof, Smoked Sugar-Cured Meats at Chas. E. Wagner's, No. 17 East Ann-st. Oranges and Lemons clieap, at Emanuel Wagner's store, No. 33 South Mainstreet. "Wliere do yon get your puhe cideiï vinegar?" At Emanuel Waguer's, of course, No. 33, South Main-st. For Bargains in Groceries cali on Chas. E. Wagner, No. 17 East Ann st. Smoker's Articles of all kinds, choice Chewing Tobacco, Cigars, etc, at No. 33 South .Main-st. Emanuel Wagner. All kinds of farm produce purebased at Emannel Wagner's, No. 33, South Main-stk Oranges, lemons, canned fruits. A large supply at Chas. E. Wagner's. Bananas, Cocoanuts, Lemons, Oranges, Confectionary, a fine line at Chas. E. Wagner's No. 17 East Ann-st. Chas. E. Wagner's is the place to tmy your groceries and get bargains. All kinds of Canned Fruits and Green Vegetables at Chas. E. Wagner's, No. 17 East Ann-st. Dry and Wet Groceries, nice fresli stock to select from. Emanuel Wagner. Chas. E. Wagner pays cash for bntter and eggs. Canned Goods in great variety at Emanuel Wagner's No. 33 South Main-st. Go to Chas. E. Wagner for smoked hams and dryed meats. UNIOÏNF HOTEL. FIRST-CLASS in all respecte. Everything new; fine rooms, well furnished. Terms, $1 per dayand upwards. Special rates to weekly ooarders. John Sehneiuer, Jr., Proprietor. Corner of Washington and Second streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. PETER LONG, 1JROPRIETOK of the Ann Arbor Bottling Works, north of postofflee. Office on Main Street. Ano Arbor. Beer bvthe bottle only 10 cents. Also by the case. Trade solicited. All orders promptly attended to. Taïfce TSTotri-oe I No moro foolishness, I must have what is due me. All porties against whom I have accounts, had better walk up to ÏHE CAPTAIK'S OFFICE and settle the same. By so doing you will save costa. I mean business. M. ROGERS. CAÍN I Health andjappiness. tp „"? DOASOTHERS (yTsxyuF fr HAVE DONE. Are your Kidneys disordered? 'Kidney Wort bi-ought me from my grave, as it yrere, af tEr 1 had been given un by 13 beat doctora Ín Detroit." M. W. Dtiveraux. Hechanlc, Ionia, Mich. Are your nerves weak? 'Kidney Wort cured me from nervitua wrakness Acafuirl was not expected tollve."-Mrs. M. M. B. Ooodwln, Bd. ChrUtian Monitor Cleveland, O. Have you Bright's Disease? "Kidney-Wort cured me when iny water was Juat llke chalk and thuii liko blood." Frank Wilson, Poabody. Moas. Suf f ering from Diabetes ? ifKldney-Wort 1 tlie most succt-Hftf ul remedy I havo orer UBCd. Olvcs alinost lmnic.Hato rt-licf." Dr. l'hilllp C Ballou, Honkton, Vt. Haye you Liver Complaint? "Kiclney-wort cured mo of chrouic Llver Disoawa after I nrayed to dle." Honry Ward, late Col. ÍOth Kat. Guard, N. T. Is your Back lame and aching? "Kldney-Wort, (1 bottle) cured me when 1 wanso lamo 1 had to roü out of bed." 0. M. Tallinage, Mllwaokee, Wls. Haye you Kidney Disease? "Kidney-Wort made mo sound in llver aud kidnyys (ifttT years of urmucct-ssful drutorinfr. Its worth tío a box."- Sam'l liodgos, WUlianmtown, West Vn. Are you Constipated? "Kidncy-TVort causes easy evacuaíions and cured me after lfl yeara uho of othnr medicines." Ki'lsOQ Falrcbild, Bt. AlbaQs, Vt. Have you Malaria? "Kidney-Wort has dono bettor than any other remedy Iliave ever iumi fu my practlce." Dr. 1L K. Clark, South Horo, VL Are you Bilious? "Kidney-Würt has dono mo moro Kood than any other ranedy I havo ever taken." Mrs. J. T. Ualloway, EUt Fíat, OreKo". Are you tormented with Piles? "Kidney-Wort permanently cured mo of blecding piles. Dr. W. c. Kiine recommended lt to m." (ir,,. JI. llorut, Ca&hior M. Bank, Myentown, Pa. Are you Rheumatism racked? "Kldney-Wort curca me. nfu-r 1 was tcivcii up to dle by physicínri ant I Iifid euff. red thirty years. ' tibrul0 Muicolm, West Uatïi, iliilue. Ladies, are you suffering? "Kldney-Wort cured mo of peculiar tr.. útiles or Reveralyuarsittindiiiu'. Manyf] onda ase nd pnlae lt." Mr. H. Lamoreuux, lsle La. Jluttc, Vt. If you would Banish Disease i and gain Health, Take Thb blood Cleansbr.


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