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Eli W. Moore was iu Jaekson Monday. Electi m tour weeks trom next Tuesday. Corn socials are now the rage in Saline. Buyers are paying $] barrel for apples. Potatois are selüng for 25 cents per busbel. There are seven divoree caaes on the calendar. Considerable wheat is beiugmarketeil. Price 87 cents. Mrs. G. E. Guinon is visiting friends iñ East Baginsw. D. Honning, of Chicago, was at the Cook house over Sunday. Stephen Adam lias again resumed the janitorehip of the M. E. churoh. The jurors for the present term of court have been excused until Nov. 17. Phoeba C . Stevens has been appointed guardián of AnnElizaM. 'Stevens. W. Poote Hall Isas gone to Marquette, which place he will make his home. Thos. Clarkeu is repairing his resiaence on First-st. at a cost of $700. Harvest Home was celébrate cl at 8t. Luke's church in Ypsilanti, S'indry. John A. Stevens iu "Unknown" at the grand opera house to-morrow evening. Dr. Boylan, of Brighton, was the guest oi his brother John over Sunday . Mrs. 13. F. Grünger has gone to Texas to spend the wiutor vvith her daughtcr. The annual ession of the board of supervisors will commenoe next Monday. Jas. G Blaine's menagerie will be on exhibiti n in this state only three da 8 The regular monthly meeting of the school board wiii be held Tuesday evening. Hon. 8. B. Thompson will address a democratie gathering VVednisday evening. Nat Goodwin's comedy company were entertained by Landlord Stone, of the St James. Republican representatiye convention, first district, will be held in thi3 city tomorrow. Jacob Jedele, Jr., has purchased for $9,000 the Jesse Scott farm in Dexter township. Jas. Galick is building a $2,000 house on Bowerv-st. Wm. Biggs is doing the joiner work. The T. A. A. & N. NV. R. R. is ing to buüd a new passenger depot at South Lyon. Geo. W. Fuller, clerk at the Russell, Detroit, has been home on a vacation for several days. Rev.' Mr. Mayo, of Boston, ooonpied the Unitarian pui pit Sunday morning and evening. The power for the new electrio light willbe furmshed by the engine in the Courier office. Geo. Wacker, of .Freedom, died Fri day after only a fcwo days illness. He was 50 years of age. The Saline band furnished music on the fair grouuds Friday. Tn the cvening the boys eelebrated. The prohibitioniste raised a pole at Salem Station Wednesda.v. Prof Stoere addi essed the or wd. Fall &.Hendricks tok tvvo ürst premiums on olothing and gent's furnishing goods a' the county fair. The armory hall hop on Thursday of last week was wel] attended ujil dl participan tu had a grand time. Messrs. Orainer and McEernan speak at Salem Station to-mght, and to-morrow evening at Sylvan Center. A few loada of gravel would be quite an improvement to .Main-st. from the St. James hotel. 10 the postoffice. Chas. Braun, a Germán living in YpBilanti got gloriously full Sunday and attempted to iilow Ihh braine oub. Mr. WillF. M. Belles, editor ol the Western Newspap r Union, paid The Demochat a friendly cali Friday. Kobert Wilsou, many years a resident of this city ;md sou of the late Judgc Wildon, died reoently in Chicago. The good and bad reultsof the present cumpaign is the subject of iiev. Dr. teele's discourse Sunday evening. The play of "Only a Mmer's Daughter" win be rendered at the grand opera house uext Monday evening, üot. 13. A mmber of the Saline band bad a , ' $Sú overcoat stolen Fiiilay. With a number of others ït was left in a waexm The Germau Lutheran s .ciety, of 8aline eleots Michaei Burkhart and Geo. Hertier trustees and Geo. Ebnis janitor. In the absence of Mayor Harriraan frora the couiioil meeting Monday eveuing, Aid. Lawreuce occupied the chair. Watson 8nyder and family who have been living at Petoskey for some time, have returned to their old home, Ypsilanti. Lucas & Tessiner will build the stone culvert on Fifth-st. over Allen's creek for $195.50. The Walker Brothers bid $215 30. There will be a re-union of the 20th Michigan Infantrv at Chelsea next Wednesday. Gov. Blair wül deliver the oration. ïhe superintendents of the poor setied with the county treasnrer Monday.' There is a balance to the poor fund of 1,198.10. To-day a number of prohibitionists 'rom this place are sroing to ' dence lake to assist in rnisiug a ' tion pole. ' WoodrufFs red is a new grupe, propogated by Chas. Woodrufï', of this townshíp. It has a fine rlavor itnd of very ! large growth: : Col. Geo. Sanford, of Lansing, and Hon, N. B. Kldredge, of Adrián, ( dressed a democratie meeting in Saline ( Friday niglit. { Mr. A. VV. Ames and daughter, who ( have been visiting friendi? ia California c for the past two months and a half nave f returned home. ] Unknown when presented by Mr. t vens at the Surrey theatre, Loudon, England, made the greatest hit ever made by t an American aitist. I Manager Sheehan will open his iipw f dancing academy in the old Baptist i shurch on C itherine-st. with a grand lect hop this eveniug. 9 A. W. Porter has been appointed deputy marshal. His beut wül be arounri the Michigan Cen'ral depot and the fifih ward. A good selection. Unknown. John A. Stevens in thie givatplay, supported by a powerful company, wil] appear at ihe grand opera house to-morrow evening. The horse and carnaje stolen from Norman Dwight, of Delhi, was recovered in Ypsilanti. The thicf, who proved to be a young lad, has been irrested. After the presidential election many students who have remained home to vote, are expected to swell the number already in attendanee at the university. Unknown has been played for more consí cutive nights than any American drama ever whtten, being now in its eiglith year and luis been plaved nearly 2,5(11) times. A petition signed by all the business men and many eitizens asking for the re-instatment of Milo Puloipher in the telegraph office, has been forwarded to headquarters. Geo. D. Irish of Chicigo, proprielor of the Commercial hotel is in the city lor the purpose of settling np the estates of his futher and mother and (lisposing of the property. Gasoline lamps are asked to be located fn the corner of Madison and South Fifth-sts., and on the north side of Volland-st. The matter is in the hands of the general fund committee. On the eveniiig of October 18, Hou. N. B. Kldredge, democratie nomines lor congressin the second district, will adr dreas the eitizens of this ilace on the great politica.1 questions of the day. Though G. A. B. drama did Jiot palm out as well financiully and otherwise, as was expeoted, the boys wil] nevertheless not be disconraged, but will try ind show at sine olher town. Swathel, Kyer & Peteraon's cooper shop was broken into Monday night by two tramps who loaded up a quantity of tools. They were found in a freight car nd carted to jail, together with the thieves. The siim of $16,084 will be raised by tax the coming year to run the city government. In this amount is included $2,584 court house aid bonds becoming due Fib. 1, 1885, and interest on the same- $584. The regular term of the circuit court commenced its session on Tuesday the 7th inst. with 47 cases on the doeket. Of this nuniber 6 are oourt cases, 25 criminal cases, 3 jury cases, 2 imparlance, 7 pro con divoree and 5 chaneery, 4th class. During the month of September the marshall drew orders on the contingent fund to provide for the indigent poor, the sum of f141. 29 as follows: First ward, $17.03; second, $12.43; third, $54.08; fourth, 43.75; flfth, $14. A hunting party consisting of A. D. Seyler, A. R. Peterson, N. J. Kyer, J. D. Stimson and Paris Banfield, surrounded a piece of woocU in Livingston county, Wednesday, and the way the poor squirrels had to take it was a caution. Jianchester Enterprise: Fred Belser, depuiy county treasurer and candidate for treasurer on the democratie ticket gave lis a friendly cali on Monrtay evening. He is a young man of good addrets and wc do not wonder at his great popularity. Sam Burroughs, who addressed a temperance meeting in the opera house during the red ribbon exctement, is a candidate for prosecuting attorney on the democratie ticket in Wayne county. Frank Eobison, son of John J. is also a candidate. The personal property belonging to the estáte of the late Thos. Earl was divided among the hens Tuesday, O. H. Iiichmond, the administrator, paying over the foliowing sums: Jas. Earl, $825.83-; John Quigley, $412.91; .Mrs. P. O'Connor, $412.91. Kev. Mr. Mayo will preaoh Sunday in ihe Unitarian church. bubject of mommg discourse: "The Goodness of God;" and in the evcning, "How to Beid the Bible." Mr. Mayo is one of the most accomplished and eloquent Unitarian clerg_ men in this country. The residents on the south side of Or leans-st. have petitioned for a tour footf sidewa'k between South University-ave. and Forest-st. Also at the south west coru( r of West First and Madson-sts. and on Maiden Lane, fifth ward. Referred to sidewalk committee. The Germans are up in arms at the conduct of the Washtenuw Post for the position it has assumed toward Judge HaiJiman, after havmg been so well treated by the judge The paper has had more than its share oL the legal pnniing, nndbecauseit couldn t have it all the editor kicks. The two Sams gave nway several hun= dred boys caps Saturday. The store was crowded at an early hour and the sidewalk in front was fairly alive with the litile ones of all ages who had learncd of the give away. As each urdiin was fítted with a cap lie walked proudly away, nmch to the amusement of the donorsAl the Eastern Michigan fair in Ypsilanti, Capt. T V. Quackenbusii, the well known ahec p breetter took live Bret and one second preaiiuni on thoroughbred Am; rican Merino sheep. Fir t on ram two yeais oJd, flrst on ram one year old tirst and second on ram lamb, tirst on yearling ewes and tirst on yearling grade ewes. The coui'cil ilouday evening gave permi ssion to the Edison electric hght company to erect, opérate, maintain and run in the streets and public, places the necessary parapahnalia for the purpose of furuishiiig light, heat, power and signáis. Unless the same is in successful operation in hix months, the authority granted shall be forfeiied and vojd. OnThursday afterrtoin of last week Messrs. Lewis & Gibson were notitied by telegram of the death of Mr. Chas. (Jonkling, who Uad been omployed in their ai t galler' for the past year, but had recently given up his position to start into business for himself. About four mouths ago he moved to Omahii, whsre he was doing a good business. The Arm Arbor Van Depole light am power compaii v are ïiot oiily furoisuintr a fine iro electtio light for our streets and large business places, but are now leceviug subscriptions for tbe inc indescent ligbt, Wuioh can be distributed thioughout the buildings and residences at small expense. Some persona are aitemptin to make . capital &g linst Ey bert P. Harper, democratie nomiute for representativo in the secoud district, because he was serenaded one night last week by the Saline band who had been playiug during the day at a prohibition meeting. The truth is the boys had been to a wedding after the meeting md on their way home ihey gaye Mr. H. a serenade. Was there nnything criminal in thit? The play of Unknown will be produced with special scenery and mechanical ef'ects, including the beautiful illumiriated scène of the New York ind Brooklyn )ndge at night, illuminated stearuers md ferry boats passing to ind fro upon he East river, JSIew York, as realistic as life, special atteiition being given to every detail f or ihe proper rep resentation of tuis, one oí the most popular dramus on the American stage. In the circuit oourt Tuesday the following prisoners were arraigned and pleaded guilty: Homer Seaser, larceny; Patrick Collins, unlawfully entering freight car, six months at lonia; Frank Taylcr, same offense; Jas. Brown, same oflense, six months at Ionia; Martin Ü'Brien, obstructing operatkms of railroad operative, sentence suspended; ühaa. Moore, larceny, plea of not guilty entere'!, F. E. Jones appointed to deferid; Jas. Powers, assiult with intent to íill and murder, plea of uot guilty en;ered. Everybody is asking are you to attend tbe theater on Monday eveuing next, and from present indications we are safe iu predicting a large atldience, as the nierits oí the great play fnlly .loserve aud the reputation of Miss Emma Hendri, ks eertainly warrants. Observe the following notice from the Keading Times, tme of a thousand from all over the couutry: The 5 h Avenue comedy oompany pl.iyed to a splendid audienoe at the urand opera house and gave an excellent present ition of "Only a Miner's Daughttr," with Miss Emma Hendricks as Hosalie. It is a play which calis out much sympathy, anti was made more than efl'eciive by the touching manner in which some of the pathetic scènes were produced. The vanous situations ire all admirably interwoven.


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Ann Arbor Democrat