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Froehlich,former]ylit'85, bas rtíturned to college. B. M. Seeds, once ht '85, has ivturned to college. H. Ames, lit '83, has entered the law depertment. 1). J. Haff, ht '84, has entered the law department. A. A. Boyer, lit '83, has entered the medical department. F. N. Bomne, inedic '86, is now at Harvard uuivers ty. The McMillau Shakespeare libra'y ci.ntains 2,(i00 volumes. N. 1). Oochrane, lt '86, is in Toledo engaged in editorial work. Dr. Mayhew, of Bosion, is in the city on a visit to the university. The 3ver popular Tewfik has agai'i sprung loose iu the Argonaut. The total number of students in all departments last year was 1,377. Arrangements are being made to have a üeld day the last t ihis month. The Cass club beat the Uu: vorsities ia Baturday'e game by a score of 7 to 6. VanValkenbmg, lit '84, was in the city Mouday guest of D. J. Hafï, law'8ti. Campbell, lit '87, will not be back this year; he will probabiy next year join '88 Owing to illne.s Prof. C. K. Adams was not abie io meet his classes Monday . E. Bosentha), lit '82, has returned to the uuiversity to enter the law department. Harry B. Hutchins has been appointed Jay professor of law vioe Judgc Oooley, reigned. Graves is the lenip.orary president and Walker the temporary secretary of the hts of '88. Owing to the absence of Prof. Payne his classes did not meet on Tuesday and Thursday. O. L. McMurry, formerly lit '84, has re.urned to college will try to gradúate with '85. EL H. Clayton, a special student in meteorology, has been appointed assistant in the observatory. H. 0. Faucher, formerly lit '86, who graduated with '84 of the law department, spent Sunday in the city. Prof. Morris left last week for Baltimore, where he will lecture at John Hopkins university the first semester. John M. Opsahl,lit '86, writes frorn his home at, Mich , that he is daüy improving, but is still far from wel). Mr. Frank, of the Ypilanti Norma school, was the gaest of Joe Mc Manon, lit '87, ttie latter part of last week. J. II. Blanchard, a gradúate of the lawdepartment was marries to Miss L. Shackieford at Los Angeles, Cal., on Sept. 30 Lawn-tennis is becoming the most popular game among students and the umversity grounds are covered with tennis courts. A. O. Copperthwaite, recently appoinled professor of Materia Medica, in the homeopathie college, has entered upon his duties. The Argonaut board has appointed D. H. Brown, lit '85, to fill the vacancv caused by the resignation of W. E. Browniee. It is hoped that the Lewis bequest may lead to the establishm nt of un art school in connection with the universiiy siiys the Argonaut. E. Hartmanii, lit '87, has for the past week been compelled to make use of a cañe while walking. Before college opened he sprained his ankle. A well executed engraving of the late Sergeant Edwaid Isiael, lit '81, a member dI' tlie Greely exhibí ion, adorns the last mimber of the Argouaui. The f reshmen have been practicmg at foot ball every afternoon this week and are conlideut jf "seriously "vercoming" the HopliH in to-morrow's game. Cha les Blair, son of ex-Gov. and Hegeut Blair, a gradúate of the literary department, is candidate tor prosecutmg attorney of Jackson oounty on the republioaD ticket. The Dbmocuaï contnins more University news ih m any othci piper in the city and should be read ly all studeuts. The Hiibscripiion pvice for the ooilege year is but 75 cents. The number oL vvomen io the uuiversity is 175, distribuled as follows: Literiry department, 116;department of medicine and surgery, 42; school of pharmacy, 2; homeopathie coUege, 4. Therepoit of the nuance committec shows the total resources for the ye ir ending Bept. m, 1884, was $2138,957.58; expenditures, (211,946.64; balance in ti easury, 827,011.94. The estimated expenses for the ciming ye ir are 190,551.94. (,)]i Saturday afternoon the ladies of the sophomore iiterary c'asK gave au elegant spread to the freshmen ladies. A ïarge number of ladies from the upper classes were present and all the participante declare that "it was just too nioe for anything." Since Julv 1, 1883, the gt neral library hns been increased by the addition of 6,754 volumes and 850 pamphlete. The library uow contains 4 i,80(t volumes and 10,020 pamphlets. During the lgmontba covered by Librarían Uavis' report there were drawn and issued by readers in the reading room 108,951 volumes. The Argonaut made its ürst anee on Monday eveninp, baving undergone quite a few ehanges. The cover hasdisai peared and f.-ifli page contains tbree columns instead of two as before. The paper has new headings, new type and is ably edited. J. V. Denney is managinu: editor, aii'l A. O. Pitts, busmcss manager. According to President Angell's bdnual report tor the year ending Sept. 30, 1884, 00 per cent, of all the students in the literary department, 40 per cent, in the professional schools, and nearly 49 por cent. of all the students were from this state. Nearly every part of our 3ountry and me foreigri lands, Eng!and, Japan; the Hawiian Ialands, Ooeta Kica and the British American provinces are represented.


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