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Tired all Over Thls is Ihe way many pcople 'express that terrible fcclinp of lang-uor debilitv and lass".tude which is often the forerunner of scrioua diseasc. Ii should bc overeóme at all hazard, and ilood's Sarsaparilla is the best medicine lor the purpose. It throws off the tireü feellog and gives new life and vigor to the whule body. "I bccame more and more impressed with the effectual qualitics of Ilood's Sarsaparilla. I use il constantly in my lamily, and believe tliat Üie health we constantly enjoy is due to lts lïse. It is picasant to take and makes one feel like a new man."- E. E. DROM, Editor Wcstvüle (Ind.) Indicator. "Iderivcd so much benefit from Hood'ü Sarsapa rilla that I think it has no oqual." Mrs. U. A. KNIGHTS, Charlestown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sol. by all druggists. $1; six lor $5. imlv by C. I. IIOOD & Co., Lowcll, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar. Browv3 puf 1 M ï B BEST TQnIc. l Thls medicine, comblning Iron with puro vegetable tonics, qulckly and eompletcly Cures Dyapcpgia, I rulicstlon, Weakncss, I in pu re Illoml, .Uniii l'iu, liilU umi Fcvcrs, and Neuralgia. Itis an unfallinc remedy for Diseases of the Kldneys nnd I.lver. It Is invalunble for Diseases peculiar to Vfomen, and all vho lead scdentary lives. It does not injure the tceth , cause headaehe.or produce constipation- ollier Iron medicines do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stlmulates the appetitc, aids the assimilation of food, relieves lleartburn and Uelching, and strengthens the muscles and nerves. For Internilttent Fevcrs, LassiUide, I.ack ol Encrgy, tc, it has no equal. .03" The penuine has ahove trade mart and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take 110 other. JUdc oi.l j Ij j UU0n.MIItJ1ir.lI. SULTIMOIIE, XD, ely's catar rh CREAN! baLMHRl4 Causes 110 Pain. WGtyLfëiicOl Gives relief at ■ j&#ür 'N once. Tiiorough WatíO, lM Tieatment will gjAYFEVERf L LÊ Cure. Not a Bh&jêm uid or Sauff. M _ @j ply with Fingor. MHc Give it a Trial. MflKV 50 cents at ÊWs "s a. gists; 60 cents by H "EVER mail registered. Sample bottle by mni lOcenU. ELYBROS., Druggists, Owcgo, K. Y RöckforoWatches Are unequalled In EXA.CTIKQ SERVICE. i(t-.K Ufted by tlio Chiei tiafcmi U. S. Coaat Survey: -5Ï i#5Mi5&X?-=-' ]y 1 B A d ".' ' r "■ '' &yyj(fSfc''lSt poaamandliiK in tlr VmBhBJBHH nomical ivork : and X?j5JTÍ?7''-j ."'" :"'"■ Tliey art _, _ _ __ for all uses in which close nrPTtime and durnbility are reIlir KM (iiilsili. Siild i 11 rinciia! 1 lili If liV ■ PANY'S excliiflive Aerents . Uullngjtvaltn.) wh" yive a FullWarrnuty Always late.HB Half the beauty in doing anything 1o be done consists in doin it promntly. And yfft a largo class of persons are always more or less unpunciual and late. Their work is always in advance of thoni, and so it is with their appointments and engagoments. They are late, very likely in rising in tho morning, and also in going lo bed at night; late at their meals; late at the connting-bouse or office ;late at their appointments ffith others. Their letters are sont to tho post office just as the mail is closod. They arrive at tho whaif just as the stoamboat is leaving it. Thoy come into tho siation just as tho train is going out. .. "I admit" said the young lawyer, "that I am nota very good man; but then, how could you expect it of me? It's practiso that makes perfect, you kuow; and that I baven't got ' A college of beggarry has boen discovirod in Liverpool. The school was largely attended, many young childron being sent specially there by their parents who wero chiefly of the criskinalcluss. Many of tho pupils' parents beingunable to pájT" for the tuition of their children the "professor," who has amassed a largo fortune, appropriatod tlie clothing aud money brought in by hiá pupils untill bo vas recompensed for his services. If your 'ungs are weak, if a eoM causes jou qulck lils'ress, vtu will breathe easier, you will congh lees, you will Urengthcn ihe pulmouary orear.F, you wil) feel bettcr every way if ycu will nccaeionally uee Dr. Wietar's Kalsam ot Wild Cben r. Afk your úruggi6t for i . Tho only cffectual cnreof unbeliet is to act. Every step towards Clirist kills a doubt; every thought, word and deed for him carries you away from discouragement. Reason eau not show itsolf more reasonable than to cease reasoning on things that are above reasoniDg. - Sir Philip Sydney. Wouldst thou havo thy ilesii obey thy spirit? Theu let thy spirit obey thy God. Thou must be govorned that thou uiayest govern. - St. Agustino. In all things throughout the world, the nion who look for tho crooked will seo tlio crookod, and tho men who look fpr the straight will seo tbo straightNirvous, dyepeptic hulivlüual?, whose distrC3. of mlnd aud body make life miserable, if your fuffirings have bocu prolouged and increaaed by the use oí blttcro ad pretended cure6 ol kiducy and llver diseases, throw all such nostrutrjs asldc, and tlod healtb, streneth and vigor In that siruple reioedy kaown as Dr. Guysott's Yellow Doek and Ëareapartlla. It purifies the blood, strengthens the urinary and dlsestlve organs, and iníuees new Ufe Into all parts of the body. No other reraedy equaU It. Hayo your druggtst get It for you. An army officor estimatcd that about nine-tenths of all the now recruits desert before th6 iirst year is up. Most of them never join their regiments. There aro over 100,000 deserters at largo throught tho country now. It is an actual fact that tho mayor of lirainerd. Minn., has isMied an order proliibiting Mother Hubbard costumes n tho streets. Hesays tho girls woro ;hem scant and thiu, and as a guardián of public motáis ho feit bound tointeriero. The way to fill a largo sphere is to jlorify a small one. There is no large sphere; yon aro your own sphere. The man regenérate aud consecrated is ,he lordliost thing on earth, because he makes himself so. It mtkes tvery buraaoitarlan sad to sec inyallds eeek tuch' relief a6 Is giveu them by the use of bitters, kidney medicines and other nesruuiii. The firsï few doses may make them eel bettcr on account oí its stupefyiug ingrelleots, comblnedwilhsoraestronKcatbartlcand : liurrtlc tbat are used In its composition, but ' .htj eventually trow worse. Tne only cure ór weakncës, nervousntsp, debility, achrF, aitie, rheumatism, sores, urinary anti dlgeslve troubles, is to made ths blond rich. red i md pure, by ueice Dr. Guysott's Yellow Djck i ind Sarsaparilla, a remedy widely Indorsed by I hysiclans who hive txamlned into its composiion and effect. I - - ■ DO THEY lituUBLE YOU? UAVE THEM EXAMINE WITH OUR NEW TEST LENSES BY WlIICn WE OFTEN SUCCEED WHEN OTIIERS FAIL. ROEHM & WR1GHT, IMI'OKTERS, JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS, 140 WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. POTATÖEa WANTED! fy CooflkmmenlB soíícítcd from Slorekccrsand Farmers Of POTATORS, BüTTHII, EoGS, Poií.TKY, l''KLITS and Gkniral Produce. Wriicto us; il u-ill pay you. AdJrest, JK. B. Gawley Sc Co., Commission Merciiants, 76 V. Woodbndee Si., Dktboit, Mich. tSy-ROercnces _ jVHS 4 c„NSj Uiuikers. or any Wholesale house in Detroit. A Gampaign Flag 15 FeetLong by Mail for $2.00. POSTAOS PAID OX IiECKIPT OF TBICE ALI. S1ZKS ON' HAN'I) FOR ALL TA1ÏTIES SKSI FOS PRICE LIST TO NATIONAL HANNER CO , 208 Woodward ave , Detkoit. David Ynüm & Co., BAX KERS: DETROIT, - MICHIGAN, F.STABUSIIED 1SS2. o Wetransact a general Banking Business and careiul attontion to Colloctloua or un y part of the gl be, BONDS. We buy and aeli all classes of rollable securitlüsUnlted stafs, sta. e, oounty, Town, and Sehoo üiBtrlct tiODdti. Qood REAL ESTÁTE MOBTGAGKS band Warrant and cholee commercial paoers. In tre.t allowed on nme deposita, Careful attentloi Klvfn to the accounts of "Ut of ton Banks an Uankcra. DAVID PBLB3TQN 4 Co. CHAMPION & BALING PRESSES Addrcss liimoii Manufuct'g Co., Quincy, 111 The avorage number of letters writtei by eaeh person in Ecglanrt in h year i: 36. Tho total numbbr oí lellen postee annually is 1.280.000,(100. Headache is immedlateiv rellevtd by the use o Piso's Ueraedy f'r (ïatarrn A bee-hlve reeontly discovarod in peak in San Bernardino Cal., revealedi mass of honey esumated to eop,ain a least 500 barrels. "UOUail ON PAIN." PORUS PLA8THK. for Back a che, Paim In the Chest, Kbcumailam. 25e. Timo 1 ifloney. Time and money wlll be saved by ktepingKid ney-Wort in the house. It is an invaluableremed; for ell disorders of the KUlneys, Liver acd Bowel and for all dneases arising frora obstructions o these orians. It hes curcd many cbstinate case af ter hundreds of dollars hed boen pa:tl lo physi cians without obtainlng relief It cures Constipa tion. Piles, Biliousness, andaü kindr.d dlsorden Keep it by you. t3?"TIio Volee oftlinPeoptv. No tamil Hytswerc ever no popular as the Diamond They nevor fail. Tíe Jilack 13 fur mporior t(t Ior wodd The oiher co ora aro brlliiant. Wel'ï Kichardsdn & C't)., Burllngton, Vt. áKTNNYMBNr"Well8'"HeatHllenevr3r""reíiore health and vigor cures Dyspepsia. Impotence. í 1. fUKE ("OD-i.iVKH Kjtí, maab ironi eeiecteú livon on the sea-shoro, by Caswell, Wazaiij) & Co., Nev ork. It s ebsolutety pure and swe. ï'atlent who hayo onectaken It prefer It to all ome:. Phy nicians nave decldedlt superior to any of theoih er oils tn ninriict. CHAPP3O UiiTJS, FACE.PlilPLKa androuifhSklii oured by usíuk Juxipicr Tak Soap, made byCAS WKLL. IIAZAlin &Co.. Nb Vork. "ROUQH ON TOOTHAUHK " Ask fur it. Instan relief, qulckcure. lac. DrugRlsis. A CARO - To all wno arësuflertnK irom errors of yout j, nervous weakness, eurly decay. losa of manhjotl. fec, 1 wíl send a rocipo that wil euro you, r'UEIS OK CHAKÜ IC, Thi3 ure&t reinodj was discovered bya mlssionary In ïiouih America áend sell-aCdrcssed onvelope to 11KV. JOSKi'" 1'. INMaN. Siiitii.o U. New Yurk. "EOÜUH ON DBSTIST" TOOT1I r..MKlt. Fln Smooth, Clear.slng, Hefrcshlng, l'reservatiye. 15c TO THE OMIKIUEO: All Aftsoclatiou for 'I'liclr IIcik lit an! Wliat It Is Dolug for 'I Jicnl. There are but few of the maDy unmarrled persocs ia Michigan who are aware tbat an instilutiou organized to apei6t its meuibers upor entering the matrimonial 8tat", Iia6 boen ia eiistence the past year and a half. This association is known 8 the Mutua; Marrliije BiuavoleHt Association of Marine Giiy, hüviDg beon lncoDoratcd uuder the aws of Miebigan in 1SS3, it is the only institutior of its kind in the state. The association has paid in benttits since August 2, $6,000, and Ie p:i}ÍDíí fevcral thousand a monta to its member?. Tüe tollowing Jefters of acknowledgement are a íe.v of the niany the association are receivlng. City, Mlch., Aug. 2, 1884. M. M. B. Assoeiation: Gentlemen- Please accept my thanks for the very prompt manncr in which you have paid aiy b'-mür, aaiountlng to one tbousand dollars ($I,XK!). Thls epeedy settlemcnt should make the Mntuul Marriajze Benevolent Association deéerring of conndeace and patrónïge of every unmarried person in the state. 1 üuve dcrlvcd ii larger benefit by being a member of the Kssociatlon than I ever anticipated. As an iuvs-f t:ue:ii. I know of no (qual, and I ottldadvite ivery unmarried ptrsou to jolu LheaaeodatlODj and hopiug that succeps may continué to c ro.i ii the Mutual Marrlage Aêsociation, aud that it may be the mcans of maklni{ happy the fiearts and homes of thouaands of younii ruairi'd püople, I am 5four.=, thaukfullv, " GEO. McHANEY. Marine City, Sept. 3, 1SS3. To the officersof the M. M. IJ. Assoeiation: Gentleoien - ltake thlaopportui-lty of thankIng you lor the promutness In whtch jou have paid my benefit, amounting to one thousand dollars. 1 am vcry much pleased wlth the mauner in which my claim has been seUled, and wishing the asscclatlon every succesf,I remain Very truly voure, Mlíá. ROSE MCDONALD. Marine City, Mich., Sept. 10, 1884. R. McNeil, Sec'y M. M. B. Association : I am In receipt of bunent on my certificates, and am much pleased with my luvestmeut. This benefit wlll be the meansof paying off the uiortgage on my home, leavlng me out of debt and a balance to put in the bank for a ralny day. Thanklng the assooiation for what it has done for me, I remain Very truly yours, ORVILLE W. MCDONALD. AU unmarried persons, of e.ither sex should olu. Write for circularsexplalnlng ti.e plan. Address the Secretary, R. McNEIL. Marioi; Cty, Mich. If your earthen pie-platea aro discolored, rub thern well witb whiting or sand-soap. Barbed Wlrc. If you have barhod viro fenecí, keep Vetrinary ('arbollsalveln your atables. Itiethe best remcdy for woundsdf all kinds. .C0o and l.ln) cans at druKKists orbymaU. J. W.00IiB&C0.,Bl.cliBlverFall8,tVls. A clergyman of one of tho ruMland ccunties of England recontly served out a sentence of penal servitude, and on nis liberation at onno obtained clerical employiiient. When you vlsit or leave New ïoru City, via Central depot, save Baggage Eïpressage and t3 Carriage llire, and 6top at the Grand Union Hotel, oppositc sald depot Six hundred elegant rooms Stted up &t a cost of one milliou dollurs; il and upwards per day. European p)an. Elevator. Restaurant supp'icd with the best. Horse carR, stages and elevated railroad to all depots. Families can Uve better f or less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any otlicr flrstKilass hotel in the city. In London, unliko American fashion centers, "tho season" is in the summer. From Septoraber to May Belgravia and tho West End genorally are doserted, and tho society people are all down in the country. "The beet is the eheapest." Tbls is ar old adagc and tbe essence of wisdom. The bist medicine and only uure cure for dlseases of Lhe liver, kldneys and bladder is the old and rcllablc Ilcxr's [Kidncy and LiverJ Rembdy. j Physicians endorse it highly and prescribe ltln ] their prac! ice Hay Fevek- I have been a (rreat sufferer ' 'ren: [tav Fcvtr for 15 years and Have tried rarious tilinga without doingany frood. I re&d ' ■f the many woudrous cures oí Ely's Cieam Balui, and thouíht I would try once more. In 15 minute? aítir nne application I wa wonU'rfulU holped. Two weeks acó I commenc;d ustng it BtnJ kow I feel entiiely cured. It is lic ereatest dlscovery ever known or heard of. Duhamei, Ci.aük, Farmer, Lee, Mass. Prlce 5 cents. WOMAN'S 8UFFEKING AND RELIEF. Those laniruld, tlred aensationp, causlng you to feel ecurcely able to be on your feet; that constant dram that Is taking f rom your fystcrn all lts formcr elesticlty; drlving the bloem rrora your choeke ; that continual siraln upon jour vital forc-s, rinderlDK you ini-aLlc aLd rel ru', eau easlly be removed by tbc use of ihat insrvelcus remedy, liop 4it.tcr.-i. Irrcpularltus ani cibslructlonsof jour ejsUm, are relkved at once wblle the spëcUl cuêe or perlodical pain are permanently removed. None reeelve so muchbendl', and none are eo pro loundly gratefu). and show sucb an lBterest 1recommfindlDg Hop Bitters as women. A POSTAL CARD STORY. I was afEected with klduev and uriuarv ïrouble- " "For twelve years !" After trjlne all the doctors and patent medicines I could hear of, I ueed two fcottles of Hop 'Bitters;" And I am perfectly cured. 1 Ueru It "All the time!" respectfully, B K. Bootb Salisbury, Tenn.- May 4, 1883. BbadpoRD.Pa., May 8, 1875. It has cured me of teveral dlsease?, uch as nervousuess, slcknrss a; the ètomach, monthly troublif, etc. I have uot see a slck day In u viar, eln: i took Hop Bitters. All my nelehbcra usciherp. Mes. Fannie Gkeek. $3,000 LOST] "A tour to Kurope tbat eest me $3,IX)(), done , "me less ood than onc bottle of Hop Bittere; "they also cured my wife of fiftceu yeara' ner"vous weakntss, sltcplcssni -tn ard c'.yspcDeia." . R. M., Auburp, N. Y. So. Bloominoville, O., lsy 1, '79. SiRs - I have been suffenig ten yearn, and 1 trlid jour Hop Bltttrs, and it (ioiic me more 1 goed thar. all the doctor.-. Mist, S. S. Boove. BABY 8AVED. We are thatkful to say that our Eureing babj was pormanently cured uf a daugeroun and protracted coustlpa'tlon and lrresularlty of i the bowds by tbe use of Hop Bitters by lts mother, whlco at the same time restored her to jeriect hcalth and strenjstb. Tht Párente, Roshcstir, N. Y. ES"Noccgeimine without a bu'jch of green i Hops on the white label Siiun all i be vlle, poisonous stuff wlth "Hop"or "H ips" in the [ name. i ' - - - f Bgfl Liver and Kidney ííemedy, BH Compouncled f rom the wpll knowr. H Curatlve8 Hops, Malt, Bueia, Slan- , m drake, Dandollon, Sarsaparílla, m m cara Sagrada, etc., combinad nith ftn V A sSreea')l9 Aromatic Elixir. A THEY CÏÏEL DITOSIA & HDIGESTMÍ A - HH Act bjor the Liror anil Kidnej), I U kkxiIiAtët1:Y" bowels, Ui Hhey cure Rheumatlsm, f.nrt all 3 , nary troubles. They lnrigorate, t m nourísh, strengthen a",rt quiot a s the Nervous System. ■ V f A As a Tonlo they have ro EquaL Xs. s i I Tato none bnt Hopa and Yalt Bíttsi s. K4i j 9 FOrt SALE Bf ALL 02ALERS.IBB ■ Hops and Malt Bitters Co. ffS ■■ DETROIT, JIICH. 53 i ♦ # :■ . ■ ' ■ ■ - - fc ' 'jfPlk VtaETABiE COMPOÜND i " Ws , ;■'; A i osrnvE cure for . 4j A ' -' ■ ' ;' ''ui (Jomi'laints ! y&J - :. ■ ! ■ io ■:oiiiiiioii - J, v t0OIIr bl'"( $%$■( PKBAIiB rOPl'LATIOS. ' t": l-( $ !in Mijl.:.!, jiül '-.' t.'."ic fno. ÍÍS purpoac í.s wlcty for the Uiittnntt hcaling of distase and the relief of pain, and that 'É does all it claím3todo,thouj':iid8ofladiescttngIadI[Ustfy. It will euro entitviy ali üvarLui troublea, Inflaxama tion nnd Dlssñtloa i.iJir.j? and Diyplacementfj, and consequent oakneM, and is particularly daptedtothcclii:! -n Ufo. IL removen Kip .t . ■ : ■.-■.-. (i.--trovsalloraTln(p forstimalaiiL . ;■ . . : Stomach. It curc-3 Ii!" . ."'rostrfttion, General DebUiV, s ■ ioti nnd Indi, gestión. That fei '..i f ■;' boortng down, t;u:sine pain, and bacJauïhe. is pernuu8atl7 cared ly ita uso. Sendstampto '..- ■■ , '; - ,.im :.!■ :. l,.-tterí)oL inquiryconll'liíi:li:y uuvorod. Fr xiU-atdruggitt. I The Bttyers" Guide is issjed Sept nnd March, eaeh ycar : 224 pages, 8J x 11 J ' inohes, W'th over 3930O illustraUuns- a whole picture gallery. Gives wholesale prices direct to & munters on all goods for personal or te. amJlr us. Tellshowto order, and : gives exact S B cost of ctervthingyou BB, M use, drink, eat, wear, or BXy hare fun with. These ml invaluable hooks contain information pleaned from the markets of the v orlci. AVo will mail a copy Pree to any address upon receipt of the postage - 8 cents. Let lis hear from you. Respectfullv, WIONTGOMERY WÁRD & CO. Ü7 t SL9 Wabash Atcouo, Cblcaco. 11L type vxlsts as r , promoter of heal h ..#%■ su éÊÊt and etrenuth For STOMACHr „ale by all ,,ru.(ii-ia kflÉkgHaflO tiid Dealers Vil B Tw KlB' i"t8 I % Bat HEWEYfS Stomach I Liver I REGULATOR] CUBES COHSTIPATKK . Torpld Liver, Indigestión, Henrtburn, Malaria, Hheumatlsm, Palpitation of tho Ékeart when arising from indigestiou or d.Tanged condltlou oltbe stomach, Sict Headache or Migrain, Piles and Female complaints. Tho only modIcine in the world that Positively Cures Conetipatisn, Priee, Í1.OO per bottle; 6 bottles, SS.OI 6ED TOK CIKCULARS, KREE. F. ê. CHENEY & CO., Prop'rc, Haaafaf.tarij Caemüts, 'C'OLEDO. o. S CuïtS WKERE Avl tlSi T FILS. F „ , BUSINESS COLLEOï,. „ w (V X [KstablishccllSTO] JTSMumsu. f -L Detroit,Mich.,is tho phicetoX S-214S, securoatlioroughbusinossed. r - '''■' ucation. UooHkoepinii, trith-meiic, grnmmitr, biinPstf und ornnmentaï priinwu- ehlp. OSircomonths,tia, i.lieschularhip,tó. iini.1' as!i;i',fi:iiu,i! Wanted- Ladles an1 k'eotlemen tu take ntce.tlgM, oleasttnt work at thcir own h iino. (dlstance ni obJuction); work sent by mail; $2 to $5 a day can be tiuletly mxdc: nocanvasstn . lleasad once KKLIABLE M'K G CO.. Phlladelphia, Pa., box 119B. 3SALESMEN Wantd. A wcekly salary nnd commtsslon paldto tho rlirht partios. (Jood roferences and lignt seourltv requtrod. Only ílrHt-ciass subscrlpuuu book niindled. Addroas STANDAK1) PUB HOLS1C, Ann Arbor. Michigan. A Af nlCDC or licirs send st.imp forcircuW II 1 1 r n !ars showinc who is cntitlcd ULUILMV , pension, bounty, &c. X. C. J WOOI$ I'ension Alt]., Washington D.C j v PLACB to secoroathoro'ir'i r' ' Jac-) itibeVlUÜIl SKT?J( RAPII" (Mlch.) BOSINKSS ui vLJLLJVl Liut. WrlteforOoiionoJonrnal. Add7eM____ O. O. BTfgMaBDRQ. Hp ín S.1? Ier hour at home. Nopeddllnj?. Ko JUb IU L. Humbat. Tbo Secret rovaled and .5 samóles wonh 5.00 for lOc. (Name tlila paper.) Addross, II. K. Ij ÏTON', Moncpelier. Vu VDIIMP MCM I-earn Tlprplijr or Short-II8B lUUHU ITIlII lts a pay ing business. Bitmitioa fernished. Com. di B.B. Tol College. Aan Arbuf, Mica. T F 3 RN TELEGRAPHY, er SKORT-HAITD and, I Cianll TYPE WRITING hi'ie. Situations fin Jj nisheiL Addrcia Valeutine liius., Jancsiillc, Win W. W. K. O- -41 . nnillll orfKIa ElabltCnrwf laH' 11011 IBI oJ7. .partlll t'urM, UrlUlflu. j.tuki-uixï.iixuuv. otila.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat