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Judge Kent read kis first lectures last week. Among the junior dents there are four Jadíes. Why don't the univereit.y bel 1 riug at 6 o'clock? F. N. Bonine, medio '86, has returned from Harvard. A university glee club is being organized by Prof. Uady. The junior hts will have class meeting to-moirow fonnoon. Walter Miller, Ut '84, is now studying in Leipzig, Germany. Fred Ramsdell, lit 'S-, was in Northvile on Saturday last. The lawn tennis association held a meeting on Mond . y evening. 1 he Adelphi literary society held its flrst meeting on Friday evening. Many of the studenis from Ohio went home to vote in the state election. The Beta Theta Pi frati rnity have bought the old Alpha Uelt house. "Sub" Reed, ht '87, has enterea the íush Medical College at Chicago. The senior pharmics overéame the júniora in foot ball Saturday niorning. G. E. Cutler and D. C. Scheinm, both lits '86, expect to gradúate in June. Prof. Dennison attended the Episcopal conference at Detroit on Thursday. The Chronicle appeared on Saturday witty, lively and handsome as ever. Tlie freshman medie -il class is the largest that everenlered the uniyersity. The first meeting of the engineering society was ht ld on Saturday evening. Prof C. K. Adams spoke Sunday befort: the Btudents Christian association. Sheehy is managing editor and Kobinson seeretary and treasurer of the Chroniole. Freshmeu social to-night at the residencu of Mrs. J. Q. A. Sessions, Williams street. Seeretary Wade and Treasurer Soule now receive a aalary of $1,8()() instiad ol 1,400. A. Van Valkenburg, lit '84, will leave next week for an extended tfrip through Florida. A large number of students went. to Detroit Tuesday to see the Blaine demonstration. B. W. Edwards, law '84, is in Arizona, where he is interested in several mining companies. A. G. Pitis has been elected nianaging editor, and Délos Thompson sec. etary f '85's Palladium. W. January, law '83, lias been appoint-' ed sergeant in the Alger república n troop of Detroit. A large number of visitors attended theDickens evening ut the Alplia Nu huil on Friday last. F. A. Travis, pharmic '84, is in Mnple Rapids, Mich,, engaged in the laan and colleeting business. L R. Iionmis, law '85, returned Saturday evemu!' from a two weeks business trip to New York city. President Angelí returned on Friday from a convention of the Oongregational church at Oolumbus, O. On Mond;iy evening Librarían Davis gave tUe first of his "October lectures.'' Subject: "The Library." Prof. A. B. Prescott was in Monroe last week in attendance at tlu; Prebyterian Sunday soliool conveution . Dr. Vaughan has been called west to tiie sick bed of his mother unil bis leave ol absence has been extended for one week. Dr. Herdmiin lias been elected president, Dr. Palmer, vice president, and Prof. Payne, secretary of the citizens' league. The lawn tennis tournament in Detroit List week was atteud d by a uuinbor oí th [rominent tennis players of the univ ersity. ProfDewev read a paper on "'Mental Evolution" at the fint meeting of the Philosophii al society on Wednesday evening. Owing to sickness Dr. Wilson will not be able to lecture for some time and Dr. O. R. L' ng has been appointed tu lecture meanwhile. L. O. Jones, who did uot sucoeed ín graduating with the medical clisa of 'H4, isnow pursuing studies in the Detroit medical college. In the Detroit Evening Journal of Oct. 14th appeared a well executed portr;iit and a short biographical sketch of President Angelí. The present address i f Clarence A. Lightner, lit '83, is in care of H. J. Merck, bankers, 19 Alter Wandrahn, Hamburg, (iermany. Only two innings nf thefootball game between the freshmen and sophomore hts were played, both of which resulted in favor of the latter. Prof. Cidy is aetively engaged in trying to secure subseriptions in order to bring the best musical attr.ictionB to Ann Arlior durmiithia winter. The Ghronicle in Saturda 's issue publishs a comple e list of members of ail the enterius classes and also a full record of the U. of M. base ball club. Wright, lit '85, has gone to Orchard Lake to teach during the illness of i Rlioades, lit '84, who is professor ofJSng1 lish and History in the Miclnguti Military Academy. A pub'ic rehearsal of the school of tnusic was held on Fnday afternoon. Mrs. Page, of Boston, Mrs. Haviland, Miss Ida Belle Wiuchell, Mr. Luderer, and Miss Wood were the peiformere. The junior pharmics last week elected the following officers: C. A Bowdish, president; C'. S. Stinchcomb, vice-presideut; A. J. Buckham, secretary; ii W. Clark, treasurir; A. K. Eaton, foot ball captain. E. A. Itosenthal is president, S. Higifins, vice-presidenl, J. L. Skinner, sccretary, E. L. Dom, corresponding seoretary, K. Alahon, treasurer, and 11. Kilhlea manager of the university rugby assooiation. The officerg of the senior medical cías are M . C. Eaton, president; H. Carey, vice-president; A. J. Hosnier, secretary; G. B. Pease, treasurer; J. H. Andrus, marshal; J. W. Bosman, orator; A. N. (Jollín, historian; VV. E. Fly, prophet; J. H. Scott, poet.


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