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UNE HUNDRED DOSES ONE DOLLAR Can be applicd truthfully to Hood'sSarsapirilla only( and t is an nnanswcrahlc and convincíng argument as to the strenglh and real cconomy of ihís reat medicine. Hood's Sarsaparilla is made of roots, hcrbs, barks, etc., lonff and favorably known for thcir power in eradicaling disease from the íyslein, and punfying1 tlie blood. Hestored to Healh. "During the summer monlhsl have been somewhat debilitated or run down, I have taken Hood's Saríaparilla, wltich gave me new lifc and restored me to my wonted hcalth and strenh." Wii.liam II. CmiT,H,Tilton(N. H. Given an AjtpeHte. "Wilhin a weck afler takinp Hood's Sarsaparilla, niv appctilc bejfan to improve, my headache left mu, my strength seemed to be renewed, and I feit botter in cvery part of my body. I rejoioe when I Ihink of the good Hood's Sarsaparilla has done me." , L. Haiuiitt, Syracuse, X. Y. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Sold by all druggists. 8'; for Made on!y by C. I. HOOD CO., Iowcll, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar ! WlraS iMI i W BEST TÖmC. ? This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, qiiickly and completely ( 'liri'M Dvopriinht, IiidKstiii, VVl'nUnonM, Impure Illnuil, ,laliirin,( Lili and Fevern, and Nruruliihi. Itisan unfailine remedy for Diseasesof the Iüilncys nnd I.ivcr. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead scdentarj' lives. It does not injure the teeth, cause headache.or produce constipation - oAt Iron medicines do. Itcnrichesand pnrifies theblood.stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilatlon of food, relieves Heartburn and Jielcliing, and strengthens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, &c, it has no oqiial. t& The genuine has above trado mark ivtid crosscd red lincs on wrapper. Take no other. Bd. ooljlir IIIKIWS tllKJIICAI. CO., BALTIXORE, Uil. catarrh catar RH A dlsease of tbc n bp- - iB cous mpmbrane, itH Ea LY'S 81 generally orlainates W&CRfAtJl RftUoi inthenasal paseagcs ■FC pi 5E C0$l and mainlains lts H rÍSMSÍRES . ! Btronghold in the ■ sgSLc2?W ADl polDt it sends forth F HAVFEVER a polsonous viras fcgQ KS s Ion the Ik . 4fy m 0U3 llnings andHT "?S throu)?h the digestí _ xO'iS lve organs. ■ ■ irï$?swflm Ing thf blood and WJkI J? proJuclng o t )i e r ■■fer,V-gi ♦■ ' ] troublC3Oiiie and Hy V U.5A. dangerous fHAV"FEVER C'reara ICalm ia a remodv founded on a correct diagnüisol this dise-fse and can he depended upon; 50c ' druginsls, 60c by mail, sample bottle by mail loc ff.LV HRO8, DrueKisls Oweco, N, Y, Life is a book of which wo have bul oue edition. Let each day's actions as thoy add their pages to the indestructable volume, be such as wo shall be wiJlingto have an assembled world to read. Plso'a cure for consumptlon Is noi only ploaínnt to take butít lsure to cure. Determined to keep abreast o{ th9 times.Farwell aspires to have a salt well. THE MIGHT OF THE PEN. Ob, the Orator's volee is a mlghty power As it ecbots aloug the green, Butthe fearleES pen has more sway o'cr men To sound praisee of Carbolinc. Keoley motor stock is sold in New York anti Philadelphia at 9 cents on the dollnr. Cole's Crbollalve instantly relievei the pafi uf Burns and Scolds and nevor leaves a ecar. It i tho botBalveln tho world for general familyuse 26oaadwAtodUooryman.raU Anewbrand óf gin is C-illed "May Blossom." That'sso, itmay - onsomebody's nose. - Burlington Free Press. "Of all thesaws, we ever saw saw, we never saw a saw saw liko this saw saws." This is tho universal verdict oí aü using Tho Batde Crook Patent Self Feed Wood Sawing machino. The company have had a largo and constantly increasing trade on thein for more than twenty years past, throughout this and in many foreign countries. They are the World1 s Standard Machine. Send for circular and prico list lo Tho Battle Crcek Machinery Co., Battle Cr6ek Mich._ Advertisement in another column. Thore are 17 training schools for nurses in the United States, Boston having three. TO THE UNMARRIEO. An Association for Their Benefit and Wnat it is Doing for Them, There are but few of the many unmarried persons in Michigan who are aware that an inslltutton organlzed to asslst lts members upon entering the matrimonial state, has been In exlstence the past year and a half. This a;scclation is known as the Mutual Marrlage BeDevolent Assooiation of Marine City, having been Incorporated under the laws of Michigan In 1S8S, it Is the only institution of lts kind in the state. The assoctatlon has patd In beneflts eiree August 2, 16,000, aud is pa) ing scveral thousand ainon'h to lts niembers. ThefoüowinE letters of acknoidcdKement are a few of the many the association are rccelvlnir. Marine City, Mlch., Aug. 2, 1884. M. M. B. Assyciation : Gentlemen- Picase accept my thanks for the very prompt manner in which you have paid my benelif, amounting to on; thousand dollars (tl,COü). Thlsspeedy setllement should makc the Mutual Marriagc Bcnevoïent Assoctatlon deserving of coniideDce and patronage of every unmarrted perêon In the 6late. I have derlved a larger benefit by being a member of the assoclation than I ever antlc!pateil. As an investinent I know of no equal, and I would advise tvury unmarrltd perBon to Join the association ; and hoping that success may continue to crown the Mutual Marriage Association, and that It may be tbe means of making happy the bcarts and homes of thousands of youug mirned people, I um Yours, thankfully, GEO-. McHANEY. Marine Citt. Sept. S, 1883. Tothe Officers of the M. M. B. Association Gentlemen - I take this opportunity of thanklug you for the promptness in which you have pald my benefit, amountlnsrto one thousand dollars. 1 am very much plcased wlth the manner in which my claim bas boen setUed, and wlshlng the association every success, I rcranin. Very truly yours, MB8. KÜSE McDONALD. Mabike Citt, Mich., Sept. 10, 1884. R. McNeil. Sec'y M. M. B. Association : I am in reertpt of benefit on my certiflcates, and am much pleased witn my investment. This benefit, will be the mean oí off the mortgage on my home, lcavlng me out of debt and a balance to put in the bank for a ralny day. Thankti g the association íor what it has done for me, [ rimaln Very trulv vourí, ORVILLE W. McLünald. AM unmarried per&ons, of either sex ehould joln. Wrlte for clrculars cxplaining the plan. Addres the Sccretary, R. MoNBIL, Marine City, Mich. TüEY WILL SÜRELY FIND YOU. They are looking for you everywhere. Urafts of air In unexpected places, goiDg from hot rooms to cool ones, carelossncss in cbanging clothing:- In short anythirg which ends In a "common cold in the head." Unless arrested ibis kind of cold becomes seated in the mucous membrancs of the head. Then it Is Catarrh. In any and all its Btagts th'.s dlsease always ylelds to Ely's Crcam Balm. Applied to the ncstrtls wltn the ÜDger. Safe, aurcrablc, certaln. Prlce fltty cente. The simplcBt and best regulator of the Dlsorflered Lirer in the world, are Carter'i Llttle Liver Pilis. They give prompt relief In Sick lieadache, D:zzlne66, Nausea, fcc. : prevent and cure Constlpatloo and Piles remove Sallowncss and Pimples from the Complexion, and are mild and gentle in their operation on the bowels. Carter's Llttle Liver Pilis are small and as chsy to take as sugar. Une plll a dose. Price 25 cents. "KOUGH ON Pain," QulcK euro for colic, ersmp Dlorrhoe. Ache, rln, Sprtiln, HcnOacbe. DO THEY TROUBLE YOU? HAVE THEM EXAMINE!) WITH OUR NEW TEST LENSES HY WIIICH WB OFTEN SÜCCEED WIKN OTIIERS PAU,, ROEHM& WRUJHT. IMPOUTERS JEWELERS, AND OPTICIANS, 140 WOODWARD AVE.. DETROIT HICII. David Presión & Co., BANKERS. OETROIT, - MICHIGAN. ESTAB11SJIET) 1852. Wo transad aseroral bnnklna busicess. Prompt anti cnreful altttntiun to CoUecttonB on any purt oí U.e Klobo. We bu; and sell all classos of relmble Hccuritles- United ritttts, Htato, County, Town, and Scbool li&trict Bonds. Guod REAL ESTÁTE 31OHTGAGES Imnd VVarrants snd cholee commercial pp per. Interest allo ed on timo deposite. ; :ir--t uV attenttcn ulvt-n to ttie accounts if out of town Banks and Bankera. IM Vio 1'HBdTON i Co. mTieCIM Weil Boring & ÍMACHINERY! & For Horse or Steam Power K Hundreds of the best men in SO States ■ miei Tcrritories uso it and wiU have no ■ REUABLE! DURABLE! SIMPLE!! Establlshed over 35 years.wo have ampio H f acilitics to fiU orders prora ptly, andD to satisiaction of our customera. Ml loguö frkk. Address fc MARSH'S CYLINDER BEO FOOT LATHE! L IA -rt- -vT ta Thís U a ncw I -nl 1) e and 2 È&-. - 3.--=gHfc L on a iiow plnn IiayiiiK a InSZsr ""■ h S' (jylimlvr lied. whicb is B IMNt J ? mucli uiore siinplo and ■ m v ii" 'A r rouvfiiirnt tbHii the old v IWff N fl ? Ktylc. IihaHntlürliiiieulH Vin i Í for Circnlur and Neroli Í IMJ 11 5 SnnlHc, niidfiirltriickï luZl JI in MoulrilllK. New, 5 JU ? novel, nndTIIK BEST 8 W" - """ r 5 liivciitu!. CKí-MimuíacZ, Ylltg a tured aud fold ly tho BATTLE CREEK MACHINERY CO., Ba tle Creek, Mich. l l ■!■■■- M I rij 5a h N P ■JLYÜMCTT#mi U J 1 TH E SU RE CURE " FOR ■- - KIDNCY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION, PILES, AMD BLOOD DISEASES. [Thysígíams endorse it heartilyT] "Kidncy-Wort is the most bucccsbíüI remcdy lover uccd." Dr. P. C. Eallou.Monkton.Vt. "Kidncy-Wort Í3 alwaya reliablo." Ur. It. N. Clark, So. Hfro, Vt. "Kidncy-Wort hos cured my w ifo aftcx two yearo Bulïcrinc." Dr. C. M. Summerlin, Sun HUI, Ga. IN THOUSANDS OF CASES it ho3 cured whorc all elao liad failed. It is mild, but efficiënt, CKüTAXN IN ITS ACTIOX, but liarrQlcss in all caces. t r It o léannos the IïltiotT anil Ktrcnjythen and Klvcs New Uio to all the important organa of tho body. llie natural actlon of t?io Kidneya ia restorod. Tho Livor ia olcansed of alldisease, and tho Bowcls move Creely and healthfülly. Ia this way tho worst disoaecs aro cradicatod from the Bystcm. q PKICE, $1.00 IlQnD OU DBT, SOLD BT DEUG01STS. Dry can be sent by inail. EU&, IÍICII ARDSOX &. CO. Curllncton Vt. Iwln servantB of pain are those dreadfu jllseases, infiammatory rhcumatlsm and nm ralïla. They arp met. In evcry walk and 6tatloi of llfc, and hyffle ordiDary attempts to deal wlth them. Ia Atblopboros is iound tli conquerlnfj agent. It attacks the stat of dis ease, whlch ib lu the blood, and drives out th forelgn substanci s whlch have polsoned anc Inflaraed it. Price tl per bottle. If jour drueglst hasn't it, eend to Athlophoros Co. 112 Wall Street, N T. "BÜCHU PaIBA." Qulcï. compete; cnroa all an noytng ktöney and urnlary dlseasess. tl. ïoriik Jlen, Read 't lil! TnB Voltaic Belt Co., oí Marshall, Mich. offer to sena thulr Electro-Voltaio Belt and other Electric Appliancbs on trial fo tnirty days, to men, (yuuiig or old) afflictec wlth nervoua debiüty, loss ol vitali y n( mauhood, and a!l klndred troublee. Also fo rheumatlsm, neuralgia, paralysis, and many dlseascs. Complete redtoratlon to health, vig or and mauliood euaranteed . No riek ís In curred as thirty days' trial is allewed. Wrlte them at once fcr illustraled pamphlet irte. MINSMAN'S PKPTÍí.VlZBD BKBP TOCTC. tfi On!J prcparx-tion of beecontaininK lta eiitire nutrtttou proporties Itcuntalns bluod-maktnK. force-Kener AlinK ana lifeaustiiminK proporties: in vulUHble fo Inoioe.stion, DrspKPSiA nurvous prostration, ani All forme of general debl'lty; also. In all enfeet-led conditiuns. wnether the repult of exhausüoD ner vous prostratics. overwork. c.racutüiReaoü.partic alarlyif resultlnafrom pulmonarycomplainta. CA8wll, Uazaki & üo.. Proprletora, New Vork. 8ola ov Druxtfists „ROUGII ON UOKNÍ5." 150. Ask for lt. Complete cure, htrd or sof' oorns. warts. bunlons. A To al' wno r Bnfferlnit from er rors of youtn. nervous we iKneB. early decay, loss of roanhood. &c I wil I send yeu a receipe that wil oureyou, KReB OF OIIAUdiS Ihlsgrea' remedy wan diacoveood by a;mlsalnnttry In South America Send seir a4ére.ioil envdlopeto KKV. JOSUPII T INM AN, Station O. New York. "ROUQH ON ITCH' cures humors, eruptions rlnworoi. tettor. s tlt rhuoin, fria.ed l'.tL-t, chllbiains. CTTaES ALL L EISEA3ES OF THE tp- tT . yfl UnTEB, BLADDEU, 'ff Mvj;tlJ unrwAKY OEOANa, 'KIONEY;&Í; DHOPST. ■ÜÜifeiyE2GRAVEL, DIABETES. HRMEffV :ïMMLÊ By Tiio nee of thia KEMEDY, the piT Stoimeh aud Bowels speedily regain JJfi thcir Btrcngth, end the blood is M purifled. rH It is pronounced by Iiundroda of tho best doctors to bo the ONXjY CURE for all kinds of Kidney DiEcases. It ia puroly vegetable, and curca when other medicines fail. Over 100 Physicians in tho Stato of Xlhodo Island on record teatifyinje in ita favor and vriio preBCribc it regula rly . It is preparad expressïy for these diseases, end haa ncver been "kr own to fai1.. Ono trial wlll convinos you. Por sale by nll dn.ggist3. PEICE S1.2D, Scnd lor Pamplilct of Testimoniáis. rilOVIDEXCE, R. I. A. W. Browa, M.D., of Providenco, B.. I., eays: I liavo used HÜHT'3 [Kidney and Iiver] KEMuEBT in my practico for thd past Bixtoen years, and ehccrfnlly recomnicnd it &3 boing a safo and reliable remocly." b Protective. No aWlBhi such protective -rfP g Si flCSliL. SÜSttLfSK!, Sií Mü L !i K type exista ws w S!ïdII18treKih'!0Kor Pfe-w STOM áj ,nd Dealer OJ j "HALOS JJatmhgure is Recommended by Physlclan9l siooBSfAaDB&iafii Wo manufacture nnd scliitwilha positivo cuarantco that !t wlil cure any case,ail wowill forfcit the above mouut iiit ïaiisin a single nstance. Itia uniiko nny otlu-r Catarrh remcdy, 53 tistakon internally, acting upon the 1)OO?I' " y" a truublcdTvnh thia ilistressiugcliscaso.askyourDruggistforit.nWi ACCEPT KO IUITATIOK OK SÜBCÏlTOfK. I' " liasuotgot it, ecná to ui aml we wlll forwaio immediatcly. Priro, Tó ceuispbi)ttle. _ FtJ. CHV i.:üo. OhiB. Rn n RADWAY'S H K READY . II. II. RELIEF, In from one to twenty minutes, never fallí lo relieve PAIN wit one thorough appllcatlcm. No matter how violent or eicruciating the pain, tbé Rheumatlc, Bedrldden, Infinn, Crippled, Nervona, Nenralglc, or prontrated wlth dJseaae may euffer, HADWAY'S READY BELIEF wül rïord InnUot BOWEL COMPLAINTS, DYSENTERY, JIARRHCEA, CHOLERA MORBUS. It wlll, In a few minntoe, hen taken accordlnt to dlrectlone, cure Orampe, SpaomB, Sour storaoch, Heartburo, 8ick Headache, 8U.M MER COMPLAINT, Dlarrbcca, Dyseutery, Collc, WlDd In the Bowel, and all Interna) pitnu. Traveler sbould alwaya caray a bottle of RADWAY'S READT RELIEF wltb Miem. A few dl-p in ater wlll prevent alckneas or pain from changt of ater. It 1b better than French Brand "r Bitten aa a etimuluit. THE TRUE RELIEF. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF 1b tha only ■ olal agent in vogne that wlll lnatantly Mop pain. It Ïnstantl7 relieves and aoeo curei headache, whethei dek or ief7ous, tooAache, neuralgia, nervonsne, and flleiplossness, rheumatlam, lumbago, paina and ve&kncflB tn the back, eplne, or iUlueya, palDS around the llver, pleurisy, swelllng of the Joint, apralDt, brulsea, bltea of luecta, and pains of all kiod, Badway's Read; Relief wlll afford lmmedlate easx, and II contlnued uie for a few days effect a pennaiient care. MALARIA IN IT8 VARIOUS FORMS. FEVER AND ACUE. There In not t, remedial agent In the worM that wV jure Fever and Agne and all other Malarioos, Bllllona, Scarlet, and other fevera, (aided by E;adwayt Pllls) io qdck as Radway's Ready Relief. Prtee flftj cents. 8old by drugglste. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLYENT The Graat Blood Purlfier. For cure of all chronic difteaseB, Scrofula, Con umptlon, Glandular Disease, Dlcrii, Chrouic K.ieumaUrao, Eryslpclag, Kidney, Bladder and Livor complalnts, Dyspepsia, Affections of the Lungs ani Chrot, pnrifles the Blood, restoring hoalth and vig' THE SKIN, After a fel I dayB' iwe of the Saraaparlllian bcconiei cloor aud besutifal. Pimples, blotchee, black Bpoto, and skin cruptlona are removed; eores and u.cer toon cureil. Persons suflerlng from orofula, enipJve dlseases of the eycfl, mouth, MM .cs, throat ud glands, that havo accumulattl and epread, elthor from .mctirp'l disea3ee or murcury, may rely upon ft care if thp rf.xrsaparillian la contlmied a sufflcleot timo to mate lts impreesion on the eyflteiü. 8old by droggista. Prlco gl per bottle. RADWAY'S REGULATIHG PILU, The Croat Llver and Stomach Romedy, Perfcctly tastcless, eleganUy coateu vlth sweet gumt purgo, regúlate, purify, cleanae, and etreuKthen. RADWAY'S PILLS for the coro of 11 disorder of tho Stomach, Llver, Bowels, Kldneye, bladder, Pain in tho back, Loss of Appetite, Languor, Nwtous Dfc.Oa8es, Headache, Oonstipation, CostivenoH Indlííestion. Dyspepsia, Biliousnees, Fever, IuflammatioD of the Bowels, Pllee, andallderanRemenUof the Internal Visira. Pnrely Vegetable, eonuinlng no mercury, tninerals, or deleterlom dru;8. A few doses of RADWAY'S PILLS wül tn Ui system of au the above nanjod diaorders PRICE25 0ENTSPERBOX. Sold by 11 lnu5glU. Read "FALSE AND TRUË." Sond a letter stamp to RAOWAY A W !o. 'At, Warren St.. IWew Vork. IV Information north thcaaanda will be sent to yon. TO THE PUBLIC Beaure and ask for Radwa'e au-1 iee that Uw auoa of "EftdWM" 1 on what oo buT . The Buyers" Guide is issued Sept andMarch.eachyear: 22' pages, L}x 11 inches, with over 3,3OO iUiistrations - a. whole picture gallery. Gives wholesale prices direct to consumers oa a!' oods for personal or family use. Tellshowto Hht frder, and pive3 exact W B cost c' cverythingyou ML mm se, diink, eat, wear, or MBg havo fun wittU These mm inval'iable I)ook3 contain information pleaned from the markets of tho world. AVe wil' wail acopy Frec to any p.ddress vipon receipt of the post?ge- 8 cents. Let us hear from you. , Kespectfnlly, MONTCOMERY VVARD & CO. BEST IN THE WORLD! THE BATTLE CREEK Wei 3Jü WÓOD-SAWING MACHINE Mude In tw ï-ea, and ftold wilh ur without nowor. ALSO CiRCULAR WOOD-SAWS. BATTLE CREEK MACH1NERY CO., Battle Creek, Mich. Senil tor Circular and JZS&. . „LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S.. ÜPÜ VEGETABLE COMPOUND TWSI . IS A rOSITIVE CURE FOR - JS ti All thoxo palnfal Complitintú CJ3 and WtfknesMfl fio coiuniou ♦ f&lÊ&. t0 our bcst " My$P FKMALE rori'LATIOX. ■ . Pricc $1 In llnuli!, plll or luitnp lor. m purpose ië tolell ft the Uglti.nati nealinj o (lisman and the relief of pnin, a,d that it doet all it claims (o do, thoutandaoftarlics cangladly testify. '„ It will euro entirüly all Ovarían troubles, Irttairm tlon and Ulceration, Falling oud , (mu consequent Spinol "VVeakuess, and is par tcuiarli adaptcd to the chanffe of lifo. # ■ It removes Faintm-sü, Flatulcncy, ck-ntro' sa]i cravin forstiamlants.androllevis Winos r , thu Stoma -li It euros Bloaling, Kradai-ncs, Nurv Jrostratloii, Uneral Debillty felplnoss, Df on and i„u' gOHtion. That feeling of beannsr down cauinj? patn. and backacl.i-. Is alwaya ,entiy ,.„r,.a l,y lts use Send etaiup to I.ynn, Mass., ' or pmüphl.;. I.ttWrs u. inqulryconlldeutüüly answ . 'cir sat' af dr..jwi. rt The Oldest M edicine in the World is M II probably D'. ISAAC THOMPSO.VS IJ Uelebrrted Eye WateR Thls artlclf. 8 a corefuliy prepared phyldan' preicrlptlon, l ad ha been In constant Ufe for nearly a century, and notwlthitandlnK the many other prcjuri Jon that bave been lntroduced Into th aiurk".t, the sale of thls articte 18 constautly inrjreainR. If the direcllons are followed it wlll never fall. Wc partlcularly Invite the mteniiun of phyelclans to in menu. John L. Thompaon. Son, Sí Cq,. Ttoj, N. T. ÏAsTHwiA QmEM6 Htermaa Anhin Care ueiefaits to give tm& ymntüiate r?ltfm tho worut c&xee, lnaoroa com-& Wf ortable sloep ; eílecis carea whero all others f&llH m.i trial cominee the most ikeptical. PrloaB ■50c. WA 81.00, of DrugKista er bj iDallJB ■Saaplo Freo for Etamp. Dr. B. SCJIiyP-H ffnMiMÍi3M?ji."P''' JÜSËPHCTLLOfTf STEEL PENS SoLoByALLOEALERSTHtwucMoirrTHEWORIO j GOLDMEDALPARIS EXP0SITION-IB7By iiiiniiRinariiiiui ypsILAjfTi, niCJI Sclatlca. Rheumatism. Catarrh, ('anror. NerVDiiü )eb'lltT, Koniale Dlsett-e1, Llver. Ktdney and Skin )lseasen luceessfuily trkatbh and cuhbu IlunIretli oï testimoníala furnttsbed on nppiioallon.. or Board, Treatmcit or ot'-er lnfcrmatmn, Address. Dn. W. H. Ham. rroprletor.. fik CUriES iWuTrE ALL USE I FAIIS. I mm Ui-h'. Cou'h.syru[). TaRtesgood, B rï Use in time. aofd by dxuggteia. jttj I mMW COUHT8HIP and MARRIAGK. ■ ■■ m Wonderful Becreto, rcTöl&ÊicDs ui ' diacoveriofl for married or ringlo. bavV I ' ■■ccurinirhealtliwealULaiidhappiiien j wL 'hi uamisomo Ixwk of uo uairex, mailed for oalj 0 mts by tha Union Pubüsbing Co.. Nowark, M . J. lIEil' WAMJtl). FCHAlü! Wnnieu - Ltidles ano Kentiomen to uike iitee, Iljlht, ilcasant work at thelr own homes (distunce no obectton); orlcsent by mail; i' to io a dny c:tn bo 1 sii.-t y made; no cauvaá?tiiL. Pleafie atidressat once Ki;r.l.l!l,l-. M'K'U Co„ Pniladeluhia, l'a.. box ljta 10 TUMI A Helicved immedialely and circd. IN I flillU l'v "ing Oom Asthma Cox, fW I 111111 agjau Pnce 3 per boltle , u K)ttlcs for $S, delivcred. Address Dr.C.Mahkv ►I.inacr, Mumiltou, Out. }■ s PLAC18 toieeureathorcj'Knxn v &r-J llfefu] efluciitloü.ls UheO'H.A .YU viC&jfl L""' WrltefordoliweJouroAddross O. O. SWttNSHC"u-'flIIMP MCM IarnTWphyorS ... „,„., UUnU mtll 's a paymp bui BltuWliS! Dlt.lJXOU18T-B(XHJÍ5f..(i.l.'4',VB';;.'tfy W.W . Zïïï ADIIIUI ?' rpulne KlubltCnrwI Inlt Ub Uní X.-pa.TtlIlC'nr. M ■■■r iju. j. üriü'iiKNs. JLt-ounoii, oblOi


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