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SftU wells are to be suuk at Fiankíott. Grand Eapids has adebtof aboat $700.000. Alpena lias lost $103,000 by fires thls winter. Michigan has 0,000 ludíaos, mcstly Po'.tawottamies. Evart iagetting ready fcr a building boom this spring. Harbor Springs would like a íoundry and machine hop. The State holmess asscciation wili baild a :hnrch in Qrand'Eai-ids. A norse nd cattlc fair is to be held at 8ebwaing en the 0:h prox. Elm tiiüber is being gotten out at FracKfort for the Liverpool niaiket. John Cramer, ex-sheriff, of Clare oonnU is onder indictment for robbery. The West Michigan Fiuit Growero' Astocituion has a mtmutrship ot 152. The Fiiut ad Pere Matvattte railrond is rtdncing the wares ol its empli yes. Oae of the famous Navin water bonds is on exhibition at the Adrián Art LoaD. Maaiatte sait ells now pioduce 3,100 bartls a day, and i .vo inora are goiog down. Wm. H. Parks, the oldeat, and inctt ptomment attorney of Cioillan, is uead. A lhtle invoice of inmigrante èirect rem Holland arrive in Grand Uipids eaoh dsy. A rioh gold diaoovery is reported on the Perlitego river seven miles north of Norway. Several Mormon elders have betn craising round Keat connty Ifttely, setking oonverts. 5 Dr. E. B. Danning of Paw Paw, is nnrfng a btoken leg received by faliiog on the sidewalk. Monroe eonnty Smday-schoo.'s will hold their 231 conven tioa in Monroe, Maroh 28, 29 and 30. Thieves stole $10 in cash and $700 in cotes from A. M. Gatts ol Milton township, near E k Rajrdi. Dr. Fraderick laster, or over 30 years a prominent phjtic'an of Port HaroD, died onthe21st bit. Kittle Calaban, a youcg business woman oí Adrián, broke her arm at the skating rink the other eyening. McKfhan's ehoe Ftore in Offosso was robbed of $200 worth of shoes a few nihts since. Marquette's new ekaticg rink to be completed tar!y in April, will be the lareest in Michigan. Judge Cooley has notified the Secretary of the last RepubliCEn convention of his acceptance of the nomination. Port Huron's city charter is to ba amende5 giving womtn the tight to vote and terye on the board of eduoation. Jacob Sabler, a farmer living at 8Mo feil efl a load ol straw and fractmed hi tkull. He lived but half t u hour. Mrs. Sarah A. Nobla, a sister of the hamorisi, Josh Billings, died t her home in Monroe rtcently, aged V4. On the mornin of Mroh 17 reliabls witnesses tay the thermometer reghtertd lotty(cur degrees below zero at Kalkaska. A proposition to bond the city for $10,000 for wat works will be tubmiited to the Stanton people ut the coming elestiou. The Bast Siginaw Printers and Pressmen's Benevolent Association ha filed articles ot incorporation wi'.h the Secretar? o! L5iate. Marcha 8ew8ll, one oTthe olisst pioneers of Clinton couaty, died in St Jjhns, Maroh 17. She was a pioneer of tiie war oí 1812. Charles G. Moma, the dtfauUing insuranoa agent of Jionroa, has basn held tor trial in the circuit ciart in the sum of $500. The Jamily of Loáis D9raLE, killed by a Detroit, G.and Haven & MUwankee Iraiu at Grand Bapids rcceotly will cue for damages. it is esllmated tbat the ie j blockade at Qiand Uavsn causad a loss o half a million dollars to tbe Grand Trunk raiircai eompaiiy. 6t. Johua' uuioa scuool building was des r.ytd by fie Marca L0. The building orisriüitiJy cost $18,000, end was insurad tor 16,000. Síllwood'a block, cue of the prii.cipal basK.ess l';JvckH in Isbpeming waa entirely desdoytd by üte on the lith, at a los ol $60,000. The irientis of ibe EgyptUi leader Zbehr Pdsba tbrs,tening ie take tbe lite ot the Khedive, lor whiit ihty eftll betrayal ot his country. Mrs. J. C. Lord, en old residtnt of Whittaktr'd Corner?, Augusta township, Waehtenaw Co, dioied cead while wasbing her eupper dishe A company has been found in Caes City to mine the gold which is beiieved lo exist there. Real estáte will rtceive a boom, If nothing tibe is accompH-hed. James Cari, kttper or a disreputable house near Harrieon, is under arrest and in jul at Midland, charged wita killisg Kiaakie Carr, dn inmate o! tue huu e. Mir Aau Daieï, aged 78, ot Grosse Point, was bnraei to üta.h a !ew doyaago whili workiag around a btove. Her sister, aged 90, had a narrow escape. Dr Marvin FusdicK ot Kal&mtiz;o, Las etailed a j c&ilcrt the Rintag ban, to eJuciCh'.e ü uw reügior;, of Wbica he is chiel )rophec, cal-ed Deistarianism. "Canadi Jack" who wi arrested atthe ime of the lobbery or the toll heuse near iïaj C.ty, cbarged wilh leceiving stolen piopeny, has been lound guilty. Steps have been taken tor the txtradn.on ot the eícapüd lonia conv.cts who were capuied ín Windsor, Ont. The men ate all obarged with txtradltablc offenses. Lewis MiïUrd íor Soveral years a prominent conductor on the Bay City rlivuion ui he Michigan Central railro&d was killed by the cara ia Montana en the lïth inst. Wm. Miller, a brakeman, attempted to gtt ou a moving train at Jamestownntar Caesopoüs, but elipped and teil under the wbetls. One ot his leet was campUiily ciushed. Some devil incarnale enttred Phillip PbeJp's barn in Pontiao the other night, and poiboned a hore valned at $15,00. A mixtuie of paris green and oats was foaad in the maDger. Jdckson county lias ene registered phjti sian tor every 5t7 inhabitaotü, thus givuig 60 doctors in the county, (53 of whom ate Cuates, 4 nen-raduats, and 13 never „■. uded college at ail. i. G. Wcod cf Adrián, abrakeman on the Lakc i-hcreroad, was injured in the abbomen teveral days ago while s.tíing a brake on a fieiht train at White Pigeon. Feritonií set iu, and he died ia terrible agony. Loreu f jler's farm rtsidence in Bowne toLfei.ii, near Grand Bapids, was entered by iMtvta the oiher evening and $44ii in cash aLd a silver walch itken while the famiiy wiïsavay. The sheriH is itvestigating the C4S Mrs. L. U. Hickey ot Coldwater, while attendit g upon a síck person'wa9 sevtrtly baruea hy her cloihiog takiag tire from a ga-oli.e biore. Her back aad siete were bur ei) ;o a crisp, and her reeovery is doaMful. Afier Cirelul t xamimtion Jade Rmsdeil ol UiuLd TiaverB-,an txpeiienced fruit grower, Sudo ttb peaoh trees safe, bat eo fruit for this ) e ir, while plunis, pears and cnerries aie couiparat vtly uniojured and promise a good erop. Frakk D. Poiter of Ogütn, Lenawee Co., blew out tbe gas at the Leiris house in Battle C.eek en the lStï inst., and was ntarly sutfOLattt'. llood po.ooniog Kt in, his right leg mortified nnd he died on the 2lst, gtd 20 year?. Oooar W. Martin was arrested in Jackson a '.ew diys ago charged with o itaining goods under inise pretenses. Verjr soon after being locked in jail he began tearing his hair and screaming ia a terrible manuer. He has once btfore insane. A. L. Teeleof Fort Tonnsend, Washington Te tri tor y , writes to a paper in tnat place, saying that whatever Thomas Navin niay have betn, "J. B. Voothees" (Navin's aliat; was a quare and honi-Ht man who has many frienas in that town. The lollowing military cammUsiona have been gtanttd by Gov. Alger; Fred B Baldwiu ot Jliaaistee, to be Captain of paay H. Second Regiment; W. H. Stapleton of Port Harón, lo be Sscond Lieatea antoi(Ju:irRny F. Third Rfgiment. Beading has a pensioner of the war of 1812 who is yet able to ake a spin of ten milts ia a day. " He was in the engagement of L&ke E. ie with Commodore Peiry. He does all nis own werk and takes considerable pride in hia garden, whieh he works himself. A meeting will be Ii9ld thia spring at Roscommon lo reorganiza the oil company, giyiog stoekholders in the old n equivalent in stook oí the ntw. Tb e intereeted partios Btill belitre there is oil in paying quantitiee at Rosconiraon, and they wil! tind it or bast. Hon. Austin Blair received the nomination lor prceecutiDK attorney of Jackson 3 juciy of a non-partisnn convention held in Jaokton March '0. Th8 ollowing day he was unsniuicusly nominatea for the tame position by the Kepublican connty convenliar. Adrian's ex-mayor, Ton Navio, waa arraigued oj tüe I7tu. His counsel sr-üved exaaiiiütUoï; and Navio was held for tiial at the circuit court ia the tam of $15 000. No sareiits siii be ofisred fit present and Naviu ■vü3 promp ly relamed co tiii oM q.aartj)3 .s the fail. The ñrtt efftet of ths ne Uw iu regard to sendirg .honie diseh&rged prisoafrj as scen reeently when 11 tx convicta were pat on board the Dstroir, Lanaiuit & Northern railroadat Ionia with non-transterable tiokets. They were ticketed for Detroit and Ann Aibor. John Shafer and John F. Smith (ohums) justin Irom the lamber woods, fought in Cadillac. Smith, With a Urge pooket knife, cut Shafer severely about the face and thiust the Made icto his shoalder. Bmith was giyen ninety davs at the Detroit honae ot correction. Garrett üecker, liattle Creek dry goods dealer, who failed last winter for 26,000, has compromised for 50 cents on the dollar on $18 .000 of his indebtedness. The City bank and Mrs. Decker hold secnrity in tul for their claims of $6.000 and $3,5uu re epeotively. Mrs. Margartt ArinsUal died in Poit Austin, March 18, aged 1015 yeats. 8he was in perfect postession of her faculties nntil within a few mouths. She wís bom in Kngland and has lived near Port Austin for twenly years, where two of her sons, themstlïes old men, now reside. Ed. Frobart of Sebewa, Ionia connty, who was charged witU assaalt with intent to kül, was re-airssted on tha 21 st inst. on a new complaint charging him with intent to du bodily harra, in addition to the first ciiarge. His bail was increased t tü.COO and was readily inrnished. . Maggie Carr, allegad wife of tbe notorions James Carr, whOBe "Devü's ranch" ntar Harrison was ehown up in the Miuland Ban in co"üfction with the eacape tnerefrom ot Jennie Kenney has been indicted in the Clare coanty rand jnry st Harrison ior the abdaccion of MLa Kenaey, .and released on 1500 bail. Ellsworth and Elijah Weaver hayebeen bonnd over by ücited States Commis-ioner Gilbers of Niles to answer in theÜLÍ;ed ctate) coart to the charge of manafatt uring and utUring connter.'eit United Btates corrency. The defandants are brothers ana sons ot respectable parents residing ia Bachanaa. Peter Stick, au aged citizen of Ypsilanti, aommitted tuicide a lew days ago by hauging. Tne old man had been brooding over hia self-destrnction tor several weeks tetore he snecesded in eluding the vigilance ot his Iriends. About a month prtvious to bis suicide a son of the old gentleman took hú own Jite. The conrt-martial proceedings institu ed in the case ol Geo. W. dtoue, lato assútant adjiitaat- general on the staff of Department Commaudür Shank. O . A. K , whsn adjuiani ihereo.', vere preferred by Commander Lesher, have been diopped on account of a techiiicatity in the coatticu ion of the erder which aifords him a ioap hole. The Port lluron & Northwestern railway have contracted with the Michigan salo aatociation to carry all the fait made at Pon Austin doriog the ensaing year, amoiTitin? to soiae 400 barrels per day. A throngh rata has beea agreed upon to Öt. Loaia, Mo. A track wili be at one extended :o the bloeks. The salt roanufactared at tbat place heretolüre hae all gone by ltike. n ametdment to the city charter of Hillsd&ie iviug the city the right to issue bütds !tr the ooastiuction of water works is now bclore be:ore tae legialatare. If the amenduent is made the quc&tion will be subioiited to the people at au early day. At a lecett meeting cailed to discuss the qaestion' it was unauimously resolved nottogract private corporations the right to construct the work. Tie soldiers' nonnnunl&l foantain fur Graad ISapids is to be 22 feet high,incladicg a uie-size etatue of a ecldier resting on hia gun. Tne tour sides ol the base will bear the embieois of the navy, cavairy, artillery and infantry. The water outleis will be miniature caucou. Thia will ba placed in the paik at tae cru. r of Manroa and Soath Divibion treete, and wili probably be dedicated in September. A disistroas üre oscarred bet veen 3 and 5 o'olock ihe ociur morning at Ific-iivvrime, Alarqueue county. Qttz & Parauiau'u general meroüaudise store was entirely.destrojed, and only a small portioa of the stock eaved. the iusarance o a ihe store was $3,5l0 and on the stock $8,000. Tne loss will probably be about $12,000. Other small losses, covred by inarance, make the aggtegate loss abcut (13,000. John Donglass, a lambermaa belonging to he firtn of Douglass & MoLean, eitensive iperatois on the Mickinao Diviiion ot the Uichigan Central, reportad the loss of $1,050 a casu and $1 295 in notes and dae bilis, to ha pólice in ISay City the oïher evening, which had been stolen from his pocket while asl.ep at the Cottage hotel, on Adams street. He had attended a dance at the hotel the nighc be!o,-e, not retiring nntil 7 a. m. A ooarder at the house is saspeoted. Paw has a young couple, aged respeotively and 74, wno keep boaraers. List weeK they ent to alamazio, tipped over three limes, attended three prayer meetings and quaterly meeting, madasevenvisits, reseived aud cLttirtained visi'.ors trom Detroit, mu a niilk wagen night and morning to their castomers, and never 'ost a note, strained a murcie, nor broke a bone. li any town In the state can match the pair we would li&e to htar about it.- Paw Paw Xiue Northerner. The Midland Sun saya it is related ot a certain Ciare "moonsliintr" that he sold some pine logs last lall to a Saginaw lamberman, tae tama being eur, on lund owned by the Saginaw man. Not long after he nawed the enda of the loga so as to erase the marks aud sold the sama logs over again. The thin woiked so well that he tried it again With eqaal success, and kept on doing so untii tbe logs, whicii wtre otiginally mixteen leet, were redaced to twelve teet, then ht va? mad beQiusu telve ieet w?.a the. shortest measure taken, Henry Cuikndaü was taken to Grand It&pids rom Bajne City on the 17ch and j uled to await trial in the Dnited .State court ior counterfeiting. Ha is 72 years old, seivsd in the war and is a pensioser. He lived in Grimd t -■ picis ten yeara j ricr to 1842, and i known by some ot the pioneer. Ue has been eugaged in conuterfeiting for two or three ]atp, end ij eaid to have disposed of a large quaniiiy of spmious coin in tue northern country. The officers eecured the mott o: hib moids toóla uieJ in boU3 mint ace have positive evidence of the crime againet him, South Frankfort has an o'd lady (Mrs Hinkson) who was bom in Yermont ia 1788 and consequentJy is 07 years of age. Bhe nearly loist her eyesight about ñfíeen yeart ago, bat of late years has regained the nse o her eyes, and can sew and knit without diffi culty. 8he atienda to her own honsework mili. Her son William, now 65 years old lives with her. Mrs. Hinkson has lull con trol of her mental lacuities, and remeraber (.ome of the old revolutionary soldicrs very wtlr, also the time whea the nevts reache them that President George Washington had died at Mt. Veruon. When the war ot 181 broke oat Mrs. H. had married and was th mother ot three children. Her husband loined the army and fought until peuce wa declared. Her tather, nauied lirm elt, fough gix jtaiB in the revolotionary war. Ue ha eome with a colony trom France and settlcd ia Vermont soms time preceding the war. A Jealous JHan' Deed. A terrible shooting aSair occurred in St. Ijjnace on the night oí Mareh 18, in whieh a lumberman by the name ot Audrew Desotell was killed anU Félix Paquir iatelly injared. Deaotell carne to tít. Igoacea lew (laya before and went to work ia James Reid'a lamber camp. Atter layins; np r líttle money he send H to Mrs. Lizzuwd, a graas widosr in Montreal, to joiá lurn. He went back to the woods to vork, and every littlt whiie would send her a small amonnt ot money with hich to pay her board. Wíth a part of this money Airs. Lizzon-d purohased a wedding ruusstan and married a írenchuian, a worthleas but weü known character ot Bt. gnace, named Félix Faqair. tíaturdav tho 14tb, Desoteli carne down from the woods, and when he iound what the woman had lone did not seem to care, and wonld lurn ott the jests of hia conipanions in a langhiug manner. The tvening betore the Iragedy was enaoted he wenttoPnquir'a house, sitaatedcn he biuiï back ot the business pirt of the iowö, entered the room in which were sea'ed 'aquir and his paramóur and iaimediatcly ooiuijenced uring at Faquir with a revolver. Ue fiied four shots, aud then placed the evolver close to his own brease and shot himseli throngh the heart and feil over dead with sciicely a gaap. Each of the four shots ired at Faquir took efltet in aome part of hia ody, hot i' is Lot. thought that he ia tatally lnjured. Dísotellaud tnewom&n werenever married, bat had Jivtd togethtr in Canada or four years. Pnquir's tlrst wife died t(O ears ago, ad he had sevtra! email children ind had married twice siuce, both wcmeu ut ing loose charactera. Liltle aymp&thy is xpresstd for him A post-mortuui txatmua ion was held upon the body of Desoteli, and he ballet was iound lcdged in the spinul olumn, having passed through the mart nd one lang. niiíi-.l to KII1 Her. Edward Probart of Sabewa, Ionia Oo., is noer arrest, charged with having on the Gthinat. assaulted his (Probart's) Wife with ntent to murder her. He Wiu aktu before Juttice Poner of Portand, pleaded not guilty and eleated on his own reeognizatca. Oj the 6th Mr. Probart shot his wile wiih a thirtywo selt-actiug revolver. Tae b 11 tooi erect below and back of iCia. Proban's left ar, tock a downward and backward conree nd canie out on the right side ot the ntck. ir. Frobart claims the ehooiing was aecienia! : that he was examining his revolver nd it went ofl. Tne parties were alone at he time. Probart at once ttirted tor the neighbara tor aseistauce, sent a neíghbor atter a. doctor and gut another iteighbsr to nur.-e Mr Frobart The prcteeating-attorney has (aften Mra. Piobait'g siatezneut. Bhe saya be ahooung was iutentional; that she aud her hnsbiiid qaarreled, and she was geitiug her trunes on to go home to her lather'n then Frobart in a pasaion shot her. The wound is a dangeroua oae, bat hopea are entriained for her recovery. Public feeüng is trongiy againt Probare, as ia al raya iht ase. Froburt has been married littJe more han ayear, ia abcut 25 jeara ol age and has Iways borne a good oharacter. A Punched Ticket N. G. The case of Levi J. Hafiord ggninsl the }rand Bapids & indiana railroad, was ended n the circuit court in Graad Bapida by a verdict of no oauge of action. Huffurd ii a raveüng salesman and parcLaied a ticket. rom Mantón ta Walton Junction ot the icket agent ot the former place, haviug herefor pid twenty-ltve cents. Upon peteutation to the conductor of the train he was re-tused paasage npon it, as it had Previonsly been panohed. He at &rat refaüed o pay, when the conductor put hia hand on iis ahoulder and iniormed hiin he must psy 25 ents tor hia ride or he wouM stop the train and put him off. Xkil Inghttned Hutiard, and to avoid trouble he paid. The court teld that the conductor s.mpiy did hia duty and that if any trouble arose about the ticket he only recourse he had waanhe reïunaiug ot the money so paia to the company's agett at Stanton. How the agent oiuie into poseBsion ot the punched ticket remained a mjtUry, and thij is a point the railruad 0 cials intend mvestieating. 'feu V' car at Ha; d Labor. Adrlau's "boj" anyor, ïom Niviu, whoee all, e;Cipe and le.aptureii have been chroncled irom tims to time, pleaded gailty to he charge of lorgery, in the circuit court at Adiian, on the 23d and was at oace senteoced lo 10 years impri-oameut in Jackson. He ücepied nis late voy stoicaliy, remarking hat he dtservcd it all. 7I1CHIGAN L1.(.IS1,A IKE. ' MARCH 17. Sekats.- The governor noted his approval of tiie actj to vacate a state roid ut&r Kssanaba; to incorpórate the vilKge of .Vaniatique; aaiend ing Seo. 2368, Howjll, relativa tu imited patinership; amending öcc. 5046. Jowell, relativa to public instruction. Bills pas&ed: iucorporating Lad Axe. Aujaurned. ÜOU6E. - X'he foilowing billa pdssed upon tnird reading : tor an altorney uu in loreoloaure of mortgagesr amend me uoc 112 ef '83 relr.tiug to petit jurors in the upper pcninsala; amending iawa relative to literary anu benevolent bocieties; amending actincurporating echoola of Hastinga; amending school ;at; ïncororatiug Bad Ai e ohaaging name ot Mable Wilber to Oook; amecdiog charter of Br. y City ', for the iueorporation o trades unioa societies; amendiug sesiion 6937 Howell, rela.ive tj tranler of ciajei iajastices' coarts. Ad ourned MAKCH 18. gENATi - The sptcial committea on the care ot idiotie or inibecile peraons repoitad favorabJy ou the bul recomratniftie an appropri&tion for the pstablishment of an instilution for the care and maintenanpe ot such persons. The overnor approved of the bili or the conttrustion of a bridge across Black EtiVïr, Sanilac county. The loflowing passed on t.uni reading: lncorparatiug Iron Kiver, for a patent to Ezra Jones; incorporating Urocïway Centre, forbidding üshing in Black lliver and Lake; amenling tree planting law 01 1881; to protect owners of stallions was lost, reconeidered and t&bled; for the txatuuiation of teachers in Fenton townahip; rnendin general railroad laws so as to provide lor caoie companies; f ar the inapection or comuiercial lertilizgra, prohibiting levjing ot highway taxes on ialands in Saginaw bay, amending flec. 2304, How, relative to agricultaral societies, relaiive to tonn librarles, ameuding Sec. 5649, How., relative to eduoation. lorbidding sale of adulterated honey. Adjourned. House. - The firat hour was ocenpied in receiyiug petitious for and against the minority bill. The committee on sta prison rejjorted on the governor's recommendations in reierenoe to that institution. The recomoiendat ons are indorsed and the committee (urther recommend the abolition ot the coutract Byslem and the employment of convicta on the publio account plan, the ase of sttam and niacbinery to be prohioiied and convicts to woik by hand. They also recommend thai che etate prison and state house of oorrection be placed nnder one board and that the wardens be appointed three months beforg . commencmg thir duties. The appropriaiion ot the lollowing snma is recommended: Veatiiuting shops, f 1.U00; iron bunks in cells, $1,30u; cement fljor in base celia, $810; venlilatmg cell blocks, $83u; ooal and wood house, $50J; pump lor üre protection, $1,000, cleotiic ligbt, $6.000; engine and boller house, ïncludmg two low boilers, $21,000, general repairs, $3 50U; to purchase raw material íor ate in sta'.e system of work, $10,000. The committee on mate house of correction made a report cjveriujt tne ground gone over by he senate conmiittte, whose report has been ,' iblished, ind reeommeuded iegislation to pr.'hi'oit jmuces of tne peace aud pólice jastun irot sentencing persons to Iouia. Approprtations o$7ó,000 for general and 15,360 lor aptciat needs are recommended. Fassed : incorrorating l'i,rt Harun; incorporating Wvandoite. The ufiernoou and evening wera givea to consideriug the minority represeatation bill. Adjourned. MAliCII 19. Senate. - The petition of a large number of Detroit firms and citizens agaiust the annexation of unnecessary territory and particularly of tarming labds waj rtceivtd. Billa faaavd, abolishiiig cffice ot couiniiasioner of immigration, authorizine; Uiencoe LaKe company to collect Bioney, amendiug charter oí CJrand lUpida. Tne üetroit iegistration snd elecüon bill waa discusued at length in committee of the whoie, and when the committea arose the bill waa ordcred to lie on the table nntil it can be rpriated. Adjcarned. House - The following billa paast d on third reading: Miking an gppropriation ot $50,234 lor ihe agrioaltaral college; amending btcliou 163S Howtll, relativa CO bnrial grounds; amending laws relativa to incorporación of teligious eocitties; amending eeotion 4SU1 Howeil, ïeiative to health in stitnus; iucorporatiug Ontonagon; appropriating $5000 to tle state pioneer society; ïncurporating Iron Kiver; int the compultory e Juca; ion o! juvenile ditorderly persons. All AUtr the enaoting claute was ttruck oat ol the bijl to créate a soliciting gentral. Ad jaarncd. MAKCH 20. 8enat e - The goveruur noted his appro val of acts amendiog tne law estabhshmg ibe Uastingif board oí education; amending laws relative to orghniZdiion o( rtliioas bodies. A ouncarrent resolatioa by Mr. Manwaring ïtqutstmg the governor to cali attentiou to tne imporcance of planting tress and obscrring Aibor l.)ay was aaopted. itill umendiug the cnarter of Siantcn, was paesea. Adjoarned nntil Monday at 8 p. m. Hoüsb- lhe governor approvtd ucis iuOrporating iJd Axe, Hurun couuty; Hanovr, Jnckson ccumv; bhelby, Oaeaua Co. Bil s vasfetd: ohangiug name ui (JeliaJane Marshall to Celia Jane iVlcCaig. A journtd uttïl Mondaj at 8:3U p. m . MAUCH 23. Sknati- The tíenate met at 8 p. m. As only t iVelve s.imtors weie present ibere was no qaoraui. HuUsb- The House met and pissed the bil auitnjing the cuarter ot Aarian. Tne tcovernor noitd his approval of tne au s to protubit üshing in .blaak Kiverand Lake; ter tut inajectioa of commercial fertilizers. to po taibit tae oi adullerated honey, uuiess p'a.nly labeled. A resolntion lor tne appoinirnent of a special commiitee to investígate the Mamsiee river iwpravement compixny, with power to snd for persons and papeiB, was ad o pit d.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat