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S. W. Talmate, the wt-11 known orop ilati.tician oi Milwankee, is in receipt ol lt iutormation ia relation to the i rt, eondittcii au.l i reteat ontlook ol tlie wiater wheat erop. The report hhowa the acreage to be largtly tíecreasecl as compared with luai yar. The condition ia very un.'avorablt and the prospecta tor a fair yield are most anpromisiQg. the report ara trem the statet of Oüio, California, New York, Indiana, t'ciiiisyivínis, IRiaoie, Mitsouri, Micaigan, Keutuosy, Virgmia, Máryland, Teuneesje, Nwrth Carolina, West Virginia, Georgia ana tíoath Carolina. A cecrea:ed aoreego oí trem 5 to Su per cent, i rrpoited, a losicg cha states uamed 3,910,100 aurts. rtua shortage, at the average yield of last year (18 oasael) wiü aaow a íalling ofl of 50,800,tÜJ baehela. Adding 1 1 tais the reported daaiage by wiater killicg and oiher uaa.-eB, wkicn will average at ieast 16 per cent. (ihe=e Btates predacing ldtt year 340,000.000 bjEhtsU) will Bhonra ttxrttu r íaliiug oti ot 51,U00 010. makícg frora precect iuaicdtions a total snoitage in the yieid oi thess 16 ststes ot lOl.SUÜ.OUObuskiels. TANNEK ÜUTDONE. A iiigular case has jase been made pubho at A&ruD, wherein ït u Bbosrn that jtnuit Hult, sged 15, lived 75 daya without laking a varticlti of feod tava a veiy email bit oi orange once or twice a week audoccasionalJy a swaliotfof water. The girl was bnried on r.he 17ed iatt. tihe ate her la?t meal on N.-.w YtKt's dáy. Boon afterward she c:l frota a high chair and sastained injuries to her back, out. had appareaüy bcm in good health othgrwise, TREATIES RATIFIED. T ha Senate lai rdtiBed the treat with the khtdire of Egypt and the oonventioa rtlitiütt to boaodiry between this conotry and Mtxioa. The traaty with the khedie extends to the Uuited States tae oommercial privileges which Great Britain enjoya, by virtue ouhtitreaty between Egvpt and Ureece, male abom a year ago. Tae tieaty wilh Mexioa reoogaizis ihe principie ol iuteruational law in tae ttlemtnt ot disjuUs which my ojonr over changing the sed ot tbe Rio Grande river. IN THE 1NTKRKSTS LABOR. Cirroll D. Wr'ght, commisaioner oí labor, recouimen'Js that ihree aptcialagents be sent to Eiropu fot trom thrte to hve mjnths, aad v.titit or ten kach agenta be appomted or the United 3catea to iLVdstiate the ]atKr qutstiou in al Hu variuns raniiüca ons Ttie euggsstiuna meet the approvil oi iSecre'ary Lautar. . SHE USED KEROSENE. Betsey R. HoadLy, agei 82, met a 1 orr - ble de&th at South Lay, near byraensa, N. Y. Willie Danham, a nephew, crossed tne stieet to pay her his usual morring greetïiig, wheu he wa horritied at eeeing lur dtad laos protrading throagh a broken window pane. Running back home hedescriSed vhot he had seen. Mis. Uoadley was the widuw ot Lonard Hodley, who fongat in the war ot 18L2, and tor which sur noe she lectived a pension. The r.ody w&a found in a knecling posture rnd the hands were olasptsJ us il in prayer. Tnere was a trail of uurnt footprints fiiled with baked 3esh on tne c&rpes trom n stove to the window. Not a shred of ulothing lemained on the 'udy which . was barned to a crisp. Mrs. Hoadley lived alone. She was of sound luind and in excellent health, but used os;ns lo light tbe tra.


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Ann Arbor Democrat