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i. rival of El Mahdi lus appeared at El Oöeia. President Cleveland tu 48 jtars oíd Marca 18. A $100,000 bUz5 at agilita, Ca., on the 19.ii lunc. The Oonnecticut Saaate nat rejeoted woman tudrage. The Ntz Perces Indiana are to ba rttarned [o iiie.r rttervatlon in Idai.o. Gen. GraM'a daughter, Mrs. gaiins, ariivealioui -l.a j,uu, Miren 20. The i rdSibiuoii iaw has been deoidtd constitntion&l oy tha suprenie court ot 1 jwh. Ltoui, "aingoi the air," feil Irom tight rope ac dtou&ioii, CaI., aud broke hls neck. Trade dollars contÍDue to tiovt into the PhiUdephü miut tur rudemption at bulliuii ratea. A mrgical operition il t j be pertormed on Gen. Uranc's tyjgu :.s oau aa iie is able to Deai ie. The building occupied by the Sisters ol Chariiy in Enjinitaourg, Mi., has been toiall; deetroyed by lire. Two lirea were lost and $5.000 damage doue to a ooal beaker bj itie explosión ot a buiier in tjbenaudoah, l'ii. Marsh 20. ice was solid bttween Saadnsky, Ohio, and the Canada öhorf , and heavny loaded teams orossed in sarety. Atlanta, Ga., had a $60,000 fire on the lSth wtitu me Jauies oank laiouk was bnrned. l'ivo men penshtd in the flmes. The lower house ot ihe Ohio legis'.atare has rejettod the bill to provide iree text Dooks lor the public schools oí Cleveland. O rer 200, (j00 pension claiais are awaiiiag adjasiiueuv, and new ones are being hled ai tha rate of om 1,500 to 2 000 per niontb. N"jwburn, N. O., was visittd by a deBtructive fire March. 10. 'JVtnty houHss were laid in mms, at a loss oi $LO,Oou; paitiaJly insurol. Alter a strike agiiast a redaottoa of wages organizad lase April, the miner in the UockiuK (Uhio) Vahty huve rtiurned to woik at the old races. A nnmber oi army officials whose prinoipal duty heretolore aas betn iodr.nv uieir naiary, are to be sei-t to tbe Iroutier to engage ïu utrvice. John Moliau's board'ng hoase in Bridgeport, Conn., was Oestroytd by tire on me Mih met. Mre. :i olían and bcarder were burned to death. W. H. Spanldmg, faead bookkeeper oí tue Raciue wagon auu carriage compauy ol Mil rankte, has aitappeaiel with $3ü,UoO ul the tirm's moiiey. The New York board of he&lth has directd honse to house inepection oí the city .orthwuh, in view of theprotableappiaranoe j! the cholera thig tummer. The Oanadian Puciüc ij agitatiog a noten e to Eecare the land graut of tbe Winnlpeg & Sjatbcm to build a nrancn to the Turtle M.oantain country ia I) jkota. The Qovernor of Massachnssits has unec the bUl whioh ptovidta that uo Jiquor oai be solil exoept by inn-keepers to registerei gaests between 11 p. m. and 6. a. sa. Reports from tbe priccipal heat growing oountits in Virginia show that the acrtag ia email, and hav beii to a large txti-n ousofthe groand and greatiy dainaged. Au hcoidmt occarred on the Central roac four miles Kust ot Locfeport, N. Y., and bev era. prr&ons were serioasly injured, f.m property to the valtie ot $40,000 destroyed. Kobert Landy, sged 47, while oleaning ou a clicker pit in the Michigan Central yare t Sfc. Thomas, Ont., wag struck by a train nd beheaded. He leaves a wife and fonr hiidren. The protocol preceding the Egyp ian greemeijt Btipulates that alter three year, i the English arm; is not thtn withdrawn' Earcpean conference will dealde the Jitai f oe.apttion. Inhalitants of Southwtttern Virginia lounües are goicg west on account oí the icfc of laiiroad communication and the rcuth in tunmer. The movement is in the hape of au ezodao. The paraffine factory at Elizabethpoit, N. ., was fired Mie other morning by tfce burstug of a etill and was toiaily destroytd. The oss is $150 000 t $200,000; no insnranoe. The actor? tmploytd üity iiautia. The Ar zoLa legidatuie dnring ita ssssion oteu Í1 ,000,000 lor subsidies. An itdignas ii ii meetiu.K has been keld at Tucson, and ongrets wiil be aiked to tase measates to rtvent pj ment or the raoney . A htirmish iceurrtd betweeu the British nnl'sctsr Hdttittiiüiilhe IT.b, in whioh hoAiabi wre ihe iciors. Sevtrnl were ulied uu both 6id, bat the British retreated, ravmg the Aiaba in poseeteioD. Geo. W. Burnham,New Tork millionaire, ied of pnenmonia at New York the other ight, aged 3. He kaye $20,000,000 to his wo Bons, and f 100,000 to Miss Kate Sanborn, heanthorees and Jectprer, who was a contant attendant &t hia sick bed, A large portion of the capítol building n Trenton, N. J., bnmed early the otber morrting. The fl.inies were i'xuijjaibtd iter a tur licurs' fight. The 'os will be boat $100,000. Toe chatotry offite, contining all the records of the conm, ibe sa e eeds, etc, wa) dettroyed. The Langham hotel in Chicago was comletely destroytd by fire on ület. About 00 gnest were in ihe hous Kt the time. 'he fire occurred early ia the evening, so bere was no trouble in getiiiig ont, althoagb. everal carrow es.apes are rtported, Oae afl y was iatally injared, and snveral patrolmen wtre sufiocited. The Continental Sogar Reünery storthonae n Sonth Boston, with $10,000 barrels of ugar, barned the other mornint. The uildingas oppoeite the Boston Machine rorks, barned the night bafore, and the ire probably statrted Irom sparks lodged in he roof. Loss $100,000; insnrance $75 000. iOss by'the bamiag of the maohine works, 250,000, 'nsaranoe, $120 000.


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