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MARCII 17. Skkane- The oimir Jaid beore the Senate be reeolution offered by Kr. Blair auMioriz eg the committee on tducation and labor to continue, witii a view to iïs completion durAg the ensuing vacation, the iuvestlgatioi. of Lha reiations betweea isbjr and capital. Adopted. The resolution offered by Mr. Oullom, that a select committee ot tive be appoiuted to investígate and report upen the subject of the regulalion ol commerce amoug ne teveral átales, with authority to tit daring the recess o ongres, was then taken up and debate epsned. Hr. Saulsbury opposed Mr. Cullom'g regulalon of commerce commhtee resolution, and ie wa fiaally ruodified so as to make it "an nvestigation of the regulation of the trans oriaiijn by railroads and water routes, in connection therewith of freighta and passen gers bttween tne tevtral states," and as tttus modiñed it was adopted. The resolution empowers the committee to summon witüfc-Kss and do whatever is necestary for a uil cxamination ot the sub eet. The _n - ate at 1:15 p. m., on motion ot Mr. Miller oi üiiifomia, wtnt into xecutive Bession. Tne Senats confirmed Cel. N. H. Davis as inspector geneial to succeed Gen. Sackett, deceased, wilh lank ' ot brigadier gtneral, and Col. Edward D. Clark 01 Mississippi, as atsistant secretarv of the interior. march 18 Eekaïe- Tne ohair laid bafore the Senate he resoiution offered by Mr. Miller of New Yortr, authorizing the oommittee on agriculture and lurehtry to sit daring the reaess ofCoagress to concider the best mema of reser?ing the iorests of the public domiin, and to employ a clerk at the rtgalarper diem, to be paid irora the coiitingent lund of the Sea&te. Mr. Catkrellprottsttd Bg&inst he praciice of tne öenate iucurrins; so niuch expmsv for special oommitteee daring recéis, and nuli sa it is stoppea he taid tbe majority ill find that they ars making an extravagantly larga and unprecedented expenditare trom the contingent lutd for this parpóte. White the majmty ot the Senate had the power to do thm, be wiahed ;o pat on rerora his protett againat it. Mr. Huler of New Jersey ezp.'ained that the only txpenditure contemplatd by this íesolation was fur the regalar per diem ($6) of the clerk. A debate iollowed on the general sabject ol senate clerkshinB, daring which it was submitted by Mr Yon Wyefc that the only com mittees asking to eit aaring the recess aud to employ a clerk were tnose not entitled andar the rales to an annnal clerk. Tne resolutiou was finally adopted. At 12:30 p. m. , on motion of Mr. Miller of Cali ornia the Henate proceeded to the consideration oi executive business. MARCH 19. Sknate - The cbair laid be'ore the Senate a reaoiation reqaesting tha presiJent to transmit to the Henate all information in his possession retpeoting tbe invasión ot Uklanoma. Laid on the table. Hon. Gao. Gray, eltcted to saccesd Hon. Thos. F. Biyard, was saxra in. Mr. Bolph sabmitted a resolation aathorizing the cammittee on coast dettnses tu bit during the recesa for the pnrpcsj of investig&ting and inqairing into the charaoier of exitting and neet ssary coast defenses. Laid over. On nioiicu ol Mr. Van Wyck the resolatijn prohibiting the sale of lands describid in the act approved May 17, 1856, 80 far as the same lie within the line ot said railroads bttween Waldo and Tam pa bey, Florida, until CdBgress shall have aatnoiizad the same, was relerred to the public lands ccnimittte. A resolation was tubmitted by Mr. Manderson providing that a committee ot fiva senators shall be appointed to prooeed to Alaska -'uring the recees of congies, for the purpose of making a general investlgation of the csndition o! niainL, etc , in that country. The resolation was discussed, bat no action was taken. Mr. Wil jou, elected as saccessor to Mr. Groóme of Maryland, was sworn and took his se&t. The Sonate then at 12:30 p. in , went into executive session. In exbcutive session Mr. Sherman offered a resolution directing the chair to appoint a committee ol tiro sumtovs to wait on the president and inform him that unless he has tome farther eonimuuication to make that the Sánate is re&dy to adjonrn wittout delay. Tne resolation will probibly be adopti d to-morrow. At l'i;30 p, m., wheu the doors wtre rejpentd, the Senito ai jonrned. SIARCU 20. Senate- The chair laid bif jre the Senate a mr mortal from tbe state legislatura ol Maiae, advocating the adjustment of the diuerenots ia interna'.iona! laxsb a high coart ot arbitration. Kufeired. Mr. Maiderson's resolation, autnoriziog the ujiioiatrxisnt ot a committee ot üve Dy the committte on territcrit-s to proctel to A'atka during the rece-s of Congr sx to make eertalu iuvextigatiens, was tben laid betore the Senate. It ijioted aa i xesJiugly protricted debate, in which extravugaut commitsions were hanled back and forth over the caals. No aotiou wis aken on the resolationa. Tbe resolation of Mr. Harrison resoinding the order giving Mr. Van Wjcks' committee power to investígate the MUaissippi ri ver and employ a clers: during reoess was referred to ihat committee, and the 8enate went iiito xtcutive sessicn. Ia execative session the tollowiag nomiastious were conarnied Joseph K. Byan ot Nevada, to be coiner of the mint at Utirson, Nt.; Wm. M. Garranü of Nevada to be superintendent of the mint at Catson, N=v ; Milton J. Durham ot Kentaoky, to be first comptroller of ih trea%uy; Martin V. Montgomery ol Micn ican,to be commissionerotpateats; Malolm Hay of Fennsylvania, to be first assiatant postmaster-general ; John D. Atkins ol Tennessee, to he commissiouor ol Indiaa affairs; James D. Por'ter of Tem.essee, to bt an as sietant secretary of state ; Samuel E. -Mauirr of Louisiaiia, to be a first lieatexaut in reaenae service, Orin 1). Myrick of Massachusetts, to be tecoud lieatenant ia revenar service; Henry X. SUke of Hev York, to be a captain in revenne Bervicu MARCH 21. Sbnatb - The chair laid betore the Benate the resolation offered by Senator Pike thorizing th? committi e on claims to compila the Iftws relaiing fcj pirate eliims, to digest the judicial decisious reiating theeto , and to continue and eite irt the llit of private claims. Referred. Mr. Mit!fie)l of Pfnusylvania. subouttrd tes. In on looking to the appoincment ot a special coaimittee o five to iuquire into mullera (ertaining to the trade dollar. Mr. CoekrtJl offered a kubstitute, providiuK that auy tw or more senators might coneliluui tLematives into a uommittet to inveH;;;-. t RL'jtLin and employ clerke, etc, anu liim moved that both the original and suba.i.ute lie nn the table. So ordered. The chair sppointed Mtasrs. Miller, Gorman acd Harrm a sub comoiittee on inter-atate comnitn e. Mr. Kiye sabtnit ted a resolation aathoriz tbe committee on ralea to propare an Gffietal teid tor the Uniled States aenatt;. Lad over. AHer aa animated discaadion on tbe qutation ot matter which shonld appear in Uik coiuren6tonal ncurd. tr.eScuaie v.eLtnwtii u iventsaion, and when the doors optatd. adjouriie'. MARCO 23. Sknati - The followlng nomiaation wee sant to theSenatennd ojutiruiei in exentive mBsion: To be envoje txtraordiiiaty and ministers plenipotentiary of thr di.ed Sutiej - Edward J. Paelpa of Vrmon-, to Great Britain; J'obert McLace of MaryUnd, to dance; Geore H. Pcndleton ut Oino, to Germany: Henry B. Jiokson oi GeorgU, to Mexico ; Macanas L. Benton ot Missouri, to be Onited Btates attsrney lor the western diitriüt of Missouri; Assiatant Engineer John W. Saville ot MaryJand, now on the retirad list, to be a paa ed a aislan t enginecr on the retired lut.


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