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The prettiest neck-tie for a lady - The arms of her biibv . An Important Discovery. - The most important discovery is that which brinca the munt good to the greatest number. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, wül preserve the health and save hfe, and is a priceless boon to the afflicled. Not only does it positively oure consumption, bnt coughs, colds, bronchitis.asthnia, hoarseness and all affections of the throat, chesl and lungs, yield at once to ite wonderf ui curaiive powers. If you doubt thi-s get a trial bottle f ree, at Eberbaoh & Son's drug store. City Locáis. Lost.- On Saturday, March 21, a black fur collar, on División or Hurón sis. Finder will be rewarded by returning the same to 48 E. Washington st., cor. División. I have to-day 500 pounds of choice Butter and 100 dozen Fresh Eggs at retail. Jno. W. Maynard. I have Vail & Craine's Crackers, 600 pounds of Zachmann'a Lara. and Thurbers No. 5 Cigars. Jno. W. Maynard. I have just received choice Teas, roasted and green Cofiees, New Orleans and other Molasea. My goods are always sold for cRsh, and hirgely under the time prices of the city. Jno. W. Maynard. ' No bad debta to contend with at my grocery ou Annstreet: p rices are always named for money. Jno. W. Maynard. For Rent - A nice Suit of Rooms ovej Chas. E. Wagner's grocery. Enquire of Chas. E. Wagner, Ann-st. Cali and see tLe extensivo aasortment of our Bed Room sets and be aurprised by learning our prioes. Koon & Haller. For this spring Koch & Haller have manufactured a line of Parloi' Furniture, wlneli can not be beat for style, and qnality and the pnces are simply astonishing. WANTED A SUITE OF ROOMS on ground-floor near the university. Ádrese Box 2915, city. Lewis & Gibson make the finest cabinet photos for $3.50 per dozen . Lewis & Gibson make the best 1photos for $3.50 per dozen. ChaB. E. Wagner pays cash for butter and eggs. Go to Chas. E. Wagner for smoked 1 mms and dryed meats. Lamps - A large assortment at Emanuel Wagners, Sout Main-st. For California dryed frnits cali on Chas. E. Wagner, No. 17, A 1 1 n -ut. A íull line of Crockery Ware at Emanuel Wagner's. Go and sit fnr your photos at Lewis & Gibson's gallery. The very best cabinets for $3.50 per dozen. Oranges and Lemons cheap, at Emanuel Wagner's store, No. 33 South Mainstreet. For Rent- The Henry Binder store on South Main-8t., now occupied by Fred. Rettich, Jr., can be rented on and af ter the first day of -May 1885. Inquire at Henry Binder's cigar store next to the Farmers and Mechanica bank. Who ever has to inveBt in a Baby Carriage the coming spring, should not fail to see the extensive aasortment that Koch & Haller have. Their specialty is the Whitney Baby Carriage of which they have the agency now lor the fifth season. These carriages are neat and yet strong and durable, well-built and will not turn out as a shakey affair af ter a few months usage. The pnces on them are to snit the times . Bananas, Cocoanuts, Lemons, Oranges, Confectionary, a fine line at Chas. E. Wagner's No. 17 East Ann-st. Smoker's Articles of all kinds, choice Chewing Tobacco, Cigars, etc, at No. 33 South Main-st. Emanuel Wagner. Chow Cnow and Mixed Pickles, Dried Beef, Smoked Sugar-Cured Meats at Chas. E. VVagner's, No. 17 East Ann-st. WANTED 3 SUITES OF ROOMS or single rooms, in the same house. Must be comfortably furnished. AdresB, at once, P. O. box 2915, city. "Where do you get your pure cider vinegar?". At Emanuel Wagner's, of course, No. 33, South Main-st. Canned Goods in great variety at Emanuel Waqneb's No. 33 South Main-st. I pay cash for Butter and Eggs, at 33 South Main-st. Emani-kl Wagner. For all kinds of Salted Fish cali on Chas. E. Wagner, No. 17 East Ann-st. For Bargains in Groceries cali on Chas. E. Wagner, No. 17 East Ann st. Dry and Wet Groceries, nice fresh stock to select from. Emanuel Wagner. Everything is first-class bonght at Chas. E. Wa?ner's, the grocer, No. 17 East Ann-st. Chas. E. Waguer's is the place to buy your groceries and get bargains. Cali and get prices for roofing, eve troughs and conductora at J. E. Harkin's. Fob Sale ob to Rent- The large frame dwelling nortti of the Electric light works on Fourth-st. There is a good barn, a fine well of water and good cistern on the premises. Apply to O. L. Matthews, over Rinsey & Seabolt's grocery. All kinds of farm produce purebased at Emanuel Wagner's, No. 33, South Maiu-st. Go and see the prices given with goods at Emmuel Wagner's grocery, South Main street. The only pure Cider Vinegar that is sold is purchased at Emanuel Wagner's, No. 33, south Main-st. A full line of Coal and Wood Stoves for sale cheap. Best prices in town. Eitherfor cash orwill exchange for corn, oats or hay. J. E. Harkins, 32 East Huron-st . Well Digging. - I m prepared to dig wells ou short notice. All orders given immediate at.tention. For particulars cali on or address D. R. Gough, Ann Arbor, Mich. J. E. Harkins, manufneturer and dealer in stove, tin and sheet iron ware, pumps and f urnaces. Work of all kmds promptly attended to. " A full line of coal and wood stoves. Loaning. - Money to loan on firat-class Real Estáte MortgageatCurrent ratea of Interest. Satisfaetory arrangements made with capitalista desiring such investments. Every conveyance and tranaaction in abstracts of titles carefally examimed as to legal effect. Z. P. Kino, Ann Arbor W. G . Lindsay is in the city with the viluable work of A. H. Baker on the "Horae." Many persons are subacribing for the work. Agents are wanted, full information will be given by calling on himat the Franklin house, or addressïng the pubhsher, G. L.-Benjamin, Fond riu Lae, Wis. I will be at the Franklin house bet ween 12 and lp. m. and 6 and 9 p. m. W. G. Lindsay. Stop and read this. I am bound to sell'thi! property in the Third ward on east Hiscock-st. and east of Spring-at. Contaimng one half acre of land or more. Commodious house, neven rooms below and three above, good well of water and large cistern. Splendid garden, all kinds of fruits, Apples, Pearu, CiherrieB, Grupes, etc. Will sell the above for $1,200. The title to the property is O K. and the property fne from all incumberiince. Will give special contract; part pay ment down. AddresH M D. L. Branch, Stockbridge, Ingham county, Mich. P. S. Will exchange for real estáte in Inghani Co.


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