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RUPTURK, BREACH OR HERNIA. New guavanteed euro for worst casos without use of knifo. ïhere is no longer nny nood ot wearing awkward cumberdomo trusses. Sond two letter slamps for paraphlct and reforoacea. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main Streot, Buffalo, X . Y. Schiller, tho great Germán poet is to have a bronzo statuo in Lincoln Park, Chicago. IS lï NOT SINGULAR that cousumptivos should bo the least appiehonsivo of thoir owa condition, whilo all their frionds aro urging and beseeching thom to bc more caroful about exposure and oyerdoing. Itmay well bo con&idered on of tho most alarniing symploms of tho diseaso, where tho patiënt is rcckless and will not bolievo that he is in dapger. Reader, if you aro in this condition, do not neglect tho only means of recovery. Avoid exposuro and fatieue, be regular in your ha bits, and use faithf ully of Dr. Pierco's "Golden Medical Discovery." ít has saved thousands who wero eteadily failing. Do not put salt in milk gravy Uil itis dono or it will curdle. Don't hawk, hawk, blow, spit, and disgust overybody wiih your ofiensive breath, but uso Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rcmedy and end it. The suddon and remarkable growth of the rollcr-skating pastimo has creatcd a constantly increasing demand for a certain sizo of box-wood for rollers, and where eighteen months ago a ton of throe-inch wood brought $30 it is now impossible to buy a ton for 8120. Tho prico has treblod in loss than a i , year. At the present rato of 1 tion tho world will be practically extmusted of its boxwood in loss than twolvo montlis, unless somo equally choap and durable substitute is found to tako its placo. Boxwood grows in Porsia and 'i'urkey, is of vory slow growtji and in its nativo country stringent timber laws rostrict the depletiou of tho growing trees. Roller-skatenianufacturers have tried rubber, celluloid, vulcanized fibres and compressed paper as a substituto for boxwood rollers, but for ono roason or another they have proved unsatisfactory. Dogwood, apple, popperidge, laurel and lignum-vit havo also been tried by sk&te maufacturors, but they have all been rejected, and nothing has yet boeD found which iu all respecta is as good for tho purposo as boxwocd.- [VVaK,r'own Timos. The very best remedy that can be compounded from our present knowledge of drugs, for colds, coughs, asthma, bronchitis and other lung diseases, is Dr. Wistars' Balsam of Wild Cherry. It has curod many cases of consutnption when all other remedies had failed. A single spoonful will euro an ordinary cough or cold and givo instant relief to asthma. It is soo'.hing, hoaling and strengthening to throai and hmgs and 18 yory pltasant to take. In the oarly daysof Maryland a tax of 40 pounds oi tobáceo was ievied upon I every taxable inhabitant for the pay of preachers. Tho tax was collected by the sheriff, who chargod 4 per cent. for nis services and also rotainod 1,000 pounds per annum for payment of the parish clerk. The laws of Virgina at the same timo allowod er ery proachor 1,500 pounds of tobáceo and sixteen barrels of flour annuallv. Art bullds on sand; the werks of pride And human páselos chanee and fall ; Bat that whlch sharea the Hfe of God With hlin eurylveth all. - [Wordswortb. Many whoso bloed had becomo poisoned from various causos, and whose ill health was indicated by pimples, soro feelings, aches, pains.urinary sodiments, catarrh and inflamraation of tho mucous membrane, constipation, dyspepsia, bad droams, norvousness, sleepless, etc, have been restorëd to perfect health by using Dr. Guysott'e Yellow Doek and Sarss.parilla. It is the only true blood urifter and strengthonor of mind and body. No other romedy equals it. Rest for the weary banda ts ood, And love for hiarts that pire, But let the manly habltude Of ïipTlght Boale bc mine. -J. (t. Wtlttier. Therc's is a hol} onvicilon that dwdls in the heart, Asong that ís èudr in lbo eoul, Acd it eays that real iroodness alone an impart '11e God-glven power oí control, To be true to that volee with its wonderiul foroe, To be true is to walk in the Nazarem 's coursr . - [E!la Dare. Motto for the cremationists -Death is real, and doath is urnost. -Boston ' Budget. A complete cure for that dobilitatmg drain that indicates aweakness of tho urinary organs, nasal catarrh and other evidences of a diseased uiucuous membrano may bo found in the uso of Dr. Guysott's Yellow Doek and Sarsaparilla. Don't bo frightened by the advertisements of quack doctors." This remedy will purify the blood, strerjgthen the parts aü'ected, heal all irritation of the mucous membrane, and removo all symptom of the disorders. It is a sure cure for uervous debility and general ill health. Tho United States imported 15,000,000 cocoanuts in 1884.


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