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Departing Winter hc blood slupeish and full of impuritics, the nervous Sfiten labftd M.itc, and Ihc wholc body debitltated. HoodSJSRraapiuilIa ia jusl ihcmedicmc to cleanse Ihe blood, to give stcadiness tothc nerves, and lo restore Ihat fteling of strength and ambiüon whlchaaket o ny kimiof labor. Try il now. 1 1 was troubled wilh salt rheum tlucc ycars. I twk Hood's Sarsaparilla :inJ am entirely eored, ;nd my wcirIU has increascd from loS po-.mds to I35." Mrs. AlicI Smiih, Slamfonl, Conn. "Iist spring I was Irouhjed with boils, caascd by my blood bcing ou of order. Two bottlei of llood's Sarsaparilla rureü me, and I can safely rcconimcnd il.'1 JosEni gcirjcii, Pcoiia, lil. "lusod Hood's Sarsaparilla lasl spring and can truly say ithclped nis vcry much. To thosc sulkring with bilions ccmplainls, nervont prostration, or rheumaüsm, I enrnestly rccotnmcn'.l it." Mrs. E. CABl'EVruu, Kalamazoo, Mich. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold bj all druggkts. $1; riz for $;. only by C. I. HOOD&CO., Apothecarlu, Lowali, Maw 100 Doses One Dollar (jravo injusüco- The eulogistic inscription upon tbo average tombetono. -Boston Transcript. E!y Broa., Öwego, Ñ. Y:- Please send me two bottles oí Cream Balín. I can't do without it. It is the best medicine for Catarrh In ths world. - J. U. EdmnnsoD, Coup City, Neb. If "bread is tno staffof life" then pound cake must be the gold-hoadod cane of existence. - New York Jov.rnpJ, ACentuky of prosress liaa not produced a remedy equal'ioEly's Cream Balm forCatarrb, I Cold in the Head and Hay Fever. Ii la not a l'quld or a snuff, tut Is perfectly eate ünd cbbíly ipplted wltli the Hoger. It glves luim'idlat.e relict ard cures the worsi casc,6. l'rlce 50 cents. At druirtrlts. O cents by m ïtl. Els Bro3., Owego, N. T. Books, paniphieta and music can be 3ent at tüird-class A cold of unusual severlty wrncli 1 took laet autumn di veloped lato a dlllhulty decl'Jedly c&tarrhal in all lts characterlstlcs, threattnlnR a return oí ray o.d chronlc malady, catarrb. Ünc bottleof Ely's (Jream Balm completely cradioatcd cvcry symptom of that palnful and prevailing disorder. -E. W. Warner, 105 Hud9on sireet, UocUester, N. Y. New Yoik City is provided with 250 telegraph offices. AGBEAT oruption has cuised tho overthrow of thepoiitcal botses. Luie' Carbo.lsaire wlll cure ttll kinds of erupttons, Uchiníf tina Irritallng discases of the skin uotl scalp. l'rlces 25 and WJ cünts. At DruKKltts. Tne puren, sweetest and best Cod Llver üll In the world, manufacturen f rom fresh. hoalthy Javera upon the sea shore. lt is absulutely pure and sweot. Fattents who havo once laken lt profer lt to all otheis, Physlclans nave decided lt superior to any of the other olla In market. Made by UA8WEU,, Hazard co,. New York. lt affliicl -d with öore Evos, use Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eve Watftr Drnggl8t seil it 23 Prominent Kuiter .Halte.. Thcfe ïs no dissent from tlic decisión of cuuiid and capaSle dairymen, Ihal the Improved Bulter Color of Wells, Illchardson & Co., Burlington, VL, is the best in the world. men as A. VV. Checver of Uanachatetto, E. I). Masoo, Vermonl, Francis A. Hoflman, Wísconsm, use it, and ,recommend it as superior to all others. A CARD - 'i' aI1 w'"j &re sunering from errors and tndlscretlons of youth, nerveus wenkneas. early decay, loss o' manhood. &o.. 1 wlll send a recipe thnt wlll cure yon, FHHJI OU Cli A KUK. Thls (reat remedy was dlscovered bv a m'.sslonaryln SduiIi America. Send self-addressed OTelOpe tl HBV..TOKPTT T IVMV Hlwtol.N. Y Halford Runce uaed in all tirt-class hotels. Makcs your footl mure nutrltloua. Red Star trade„e7mark. fOUGHfURE l'ynfrom OpiáteSf Emética fltil 1'oison.i. A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE I'or Couahfc, Soro Ihronl, HoMMCI Inlluen' iiI(U. Brmehltfa) 4oup, Whoopinc t-'ouch, A-t'in.:.. Gullid. 1'iilnfln Cket, i broa. l.nnirTrïr 50 o nt n ttottle, Bold by PrnL" and T)mlrr. Porties unabU ■ ■ mpüy p t J. l.r t'iii.i u-Hl i'Yi-' (u-i bott vakLby endino on?, dollar io TUK CHARLES A. VOÖELER tOXPAXT, Owann Hanobctui IjwIUrwurf, 3lrjl..n.l, I , S. A. ATA DDU ï:i "w uajggnpuFAM balsvi H!!níLY'SJW Uloanscs the hcad■fVnx AM BnV5ri 'ays Infimamfttion. ■ RfpiSBp'"! Hals the sores. Uocoo' DJ stores the soncos of PjMEYERWjj êfA taste.s&iell.hearing. KL 0k A POSITIVE CUKE. y gJsM Cream Halm LWr .■bI has Kalned an enriable iB?bVxOB reputatlon whererer BciC--y.1 knowD, displaclng all y V i A . 1 other prcparatlons, A ■tira Partiële Is applled into U A Y Kr VrK cacn notr"; no T-n llrtl I k I kil aKreeable to use. PrlcefiOc. by mail or at drusgsts. Send for c'rcular. EbYÉROTUBltS, DruggisIS.OweBO, N Y. TETTPik The attest anbjects lf ■ I l Bf for lover and aguc, Uljtll ■ B i tfV and remittenis. are Tl W rElEBltTtD 'IA the debilltated, bllpp Humw p OBJ ana nervou8 TmP (YjBCL Tltal stamlna and 9ffiDI ;., Hver, Btoraach and : ffitjyjABÍrJrfcHTK ll cradlcats malarwSúJBBÍMM ial comP1ants of an - 'SSflr uncqualed amoiiR f fc STOMACHy nurnatlonal remePCIPVEk Klr al by all # tl DruKKlstB and ö B Btf I o a 1 e r s tconera-ly .


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