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- Did you Sup pose Mustang Linimcnt only good for horses? It is for inflammation of all flesh, D0YQÜKÑ0W "lor monttas I suffcred with malaria an( ncrvous dyspepsia. Du ring tbo attacks I experienced Bevore pain, accompnnied iy that extreme tlred and languld feellng. C'ould not cat or sleep. Would get up mrn1ngi Tvith hardly Ufe enough to move. None of the usual medicines employé 1 In such easea had nny effect upon me. From time to tian I was luid up and unablc to attend to anj business. Flnally a drug-g i;t of tnis city sug. KOPS AND MALT BITTERS, I commenced taking tliom, and now Ianm well and hearty ns any one, and cannot say too much Inpralse of thisex cliënt remedy." A. .7. PowelIj, 18 Woodtjildge SU, Detroit. Il you cannot pret Hops an1 II AIF IliltcrB of your druffgist wa wlll sena It expros3 pald, onrecolpt of regular pi ice, ona doilar per bottle. We prefer tliat jou buy U irom yourduggls but lf he hasn't t, do no be permaded to try sometlilng elee, but order at once f rom us as diroctod. Do not get Hop and MAIr Kit ter confoundod with other Inl'crlor prep. aratlons of similar name. Take nothin bui Hops and JIAI.T. Xono geaulnc uuless manufacturad by the H0P3 & MALT B1TTEHS CO., Detroit, Mloh, FAKItAND, 1YILL1AM8 CO., üetrolt, Mich. t. b. HCBiiK ,m [ Wholesale iiMB.iTiSirtco.. Mih Agents. 1.1. UODDS CO., Detroit. II IclW K K READY i 111 Ui relief CI.-RKS AS rmr.F.TH Colds, Sore Throat, Lumbago, ■pieurisy, Coughs, Pneumonía, Inflammations, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Hoadacho, Toothaoh Ast hm, DIFFICULT BREATHINC. In theee cuca th BEADY RELIEF should f Plilied freely over th affected parta antll a .buiw Ing sfnsatiun ia feit, and It wlll be found in even caae tbat the READY BELIEF la a qulck, arfe, powerful and rellable remedy. In severe riw when danger U threatened, one or two doaea of DS, BADWAY'8 PILL8 will help the READÏ KELIEÍ In effecting a cura. 8way'g Rea4y Relief ia a Cure fr Tf.rY Pain. Ki.rains. Bruisen, ains In the Back, Chest. r l.lmhM. It was the II i-h t RBd is the only Pain JtcamcUy Tbat instantly atopa th? moet excruciating palna, a laye laflammatlon, and corea Congrstion, whethero, the Lungs, Stoniach. Bowels, or uther gUsda or organs, by one appUcation. A teaapoonf ui In half a tnmbler of water, will, t a few momínts, curo Crampa, Bpasms, Soor Stomach, Kanaea, Vomltlng, Heartburn, Nervousneaa, BloeplesBueBB, SIck Headache, Iiarrha, Collc, Fltalency, and all intemal Pains . MALARIA in its Various Form& Tbere !s not remedial agent In thla world iat wül cnre Fever and Ague, and all other Malsnooa, Billloua, Bcarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, ard other feveri (alded by BADWAy PILLS) o quickly aa EADWAY'8 READY BELIEF. Prlce 5O ets. per bottle. Sold by drnggiata. DR. RADWAY'S Sarsaparillian Resolvent The Creat Bloed Purifler. For the nue cf all ChroDio Diaea8 Chro Rheumatism, Scrcfula, Glandular Hwellinft, Hacklnl, Dry Cough, Canoerous Aifections, Syphllitio Con plalDts, Bleading of the Langs, Dyspepsla, Wate Braah, White Swellings, Tumors, Pimples, Blotcbea. Eruptiona of the Face, Ulcere, Bkin and Hip Dlaeaaea, Mercurial Diseaees, Fcmale Complainta, Oont. Dropsy, lïickftB. Salt Rhoum, Bronchitis, Conautnpttftn, Kldney, Bladder, Livcr Complalnts, etc. SCROFULA, Wcother transmltted f rom parents or acquired, la wlthin the cnrative range cf thsSAKSAPAKILLIAM BOESOLVENT. Cures have been made wkere persona have bee aiBIcted ith Scrofula from their youth wp to 20, 90, and 0 reara of age, by Dr. Ëadway's Sarsaparillian fiesolvent, A remedy composed of lngretlientB of exlraordinarj medical proporties, eaaential to purffy, hral, rcpaii &ud lnvigorate tho brobeu-down and waated body- Quick, P'.easjsnt, Safe end PaBaCAHBn ia its treatment and care. 8OÍ.D BY D.CaGISTS. I'ricf, $1.00 per uott,. DR. RADWAY'S REGULATING PILLS For the care of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver. Bowcls, Kidneya, l"-.dder, Nervoua Diseaaes, Losa of Appetite, Headache, Constipation, CoBtiveneee, Indigefltlon.Dyfpepeia, Bilioueness, Fever, Infianouv öon of tho Boneis, Piles and all derangementa 4 the Internal Viscera. Purely vegetable, containir3 do mercury, mlneralB, or dcleteriotis drugs. l"rif", ts per box. Hold by all druggiahr. EEAD "FALSE AND TBUE." ' Bend a letter stamp to KADWAY k CO., No. S Warren Htreet, New York. tVInfarmatioa wntUnaand8 wül b sent to yon. , A POINTER FOR YOU ! Vo'j'Il never loose anything by "keepinf posted. Maps, pa m pi i Iets, papers, etc, concerning I2mddp Farming, Stock-raising, Fruit-grcwíng, Mining. Mamifactnring, etc-, in Kansas. New MttXICO Arizona. California and i Bent fkeh o Application to C. B. SCHMIDT, Commiisioi i.-miíration, A. ''. & S K R-. "WoDéka. K.t. gTsüMfe'?- hN'IKELY m - ' ■- wJffÊoSÊfi 5 . ' uur [H-nliTs or BeiK? 5 J, K. !'OKTi:ii :MLSB (unwu.!ll..forc'lreua InTecUon. j'.a. April ïr.istö. .;k AWARE 1ÊÈ Loriilard's Ciimax Plug 'tü ''ii-inra "-ii tin lag; that I.orülard' iiosc Eenfflne oul ; that Lorillard'1 f : !:'"■ E". i")i i.oriilard's Snuft j, í . i . . 1 du-ui;,-, stUaííty cnsi'lcreU 't Ilmvoft posKa-u i' 07lt oso l . ■ and ol font UaodllU fa' ■■-' Is iiivfalti In Ita PRKJI toiietherwli . thldlMMi tO ÜUJT {...■::-, -r. -,.■■■ i' i) -iklr Sfl Xl..t, 4.tsLOCl'iItl0liirlrit.ow YorL RUP T? TT Tï. Tfi I eoat" - raspxaiAii thuss H Tbfa -íí!.; 4I1.1 tJBADC. ViTiDpr.itri .ik; yiílii-. w'cvíry u.oUnD.retstilne ri I ■■ tLehernJ.Uwvs. Itrure. Worntovwiit-iiiVAl ■■■"Ith eomfcrt. íiicloeO Stamp for CirciUr. V -S tP' in both Univrmtv HunpiUlt. Ak ynnr druraitt. EÜA.S'0 lauXBUIiXJivS&iCC. H-ÜS9, Aj Ar Hor, Hib. M ri lar... :.ii Kliirnnt4HprO JH I b Hutad ïl.iml Autoeraph Album with M 9 ■ ■ïv.'jtitiona, 12pdge IliiiMrtcd Premium ai TSSb E Prifciliiicand eiit'iiCniivasinK Outfit, aü th%9 forlOctB. P'iOW v; CO-, YfUesville, Conn'CE IIW8B" innithan'sJokêT' aT tk H MM iTOted. Sont, ■ UHH' M ilV-i:. iil.lurTwelvo Cents, FEMALE PILLS, i.ïïi1. Savlnf!, Cot ton Root and other good tonthly Fcmale lit-L'iiUtüi.-.. Itv mail wranpra lir tilain wrapper. 11 uu por bux. Of W. U. 1'KyiüK, at. Joiupli, Mix LPiRN TELEQRAPHY, or SHOBT-HAND ik CiHflH TYPE WRITINa ticre. Sitnations foi nlfhed Aildresr ValcuiiDe liroü., JanesrUU, Wld nmmuM ..,,.v,,iu, ,..ii(uri in 16 ■BvlllnM (o CO tara. ps.TtillCaraaV Uil Sulvfl J otjci'iiens. Ibanun. Obi ÏTïlli) Sample itouk, fremtum list, l'ricc .ist sent tilU'3 free. U. S. CARD CO.. Centerhrook. Ct, vt.Ct.ti. O- 3- 18 A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but t isa part. Everylady may have it ; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies.


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