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22d Annual Award

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lHN c'aSHHÜI TO BB AWARDED TO OÜR SUBSORIEEJRS April 29th Next. I $j% f f mm 0 ff Has been awarded to our ■ M tyt II 11 subscribers in tho past ft ém& OjV VV tweuty-one years. L The Detroit Commercial Advertiseri ■ WAS KSTABMSIIKD IN 1SG1, and in 1803 the publisher adopteJ tho plan of glving hls 9 H subscribers casl protniumfl 'ñatead of chromos, mnps, &c. Tbc plan met with . : 6h U H continuel prosHTiiy tlir.t lt hos been kopt lip over sinee. Tho Awui'd to tako -' ,ee ■ ■ April authwill bc ihu The Award is taken in entire chaise byacommtttee of subscribers appointeu Zrom IK, B thoso present. Every thiug wa proiuiye wö carry out, as OUT age wiü show, for frauda M WÊÊ do not last long-. , THE DKTItOIT COMMERCIAL ADVFRTISER is a lam 6fi-colwmn vveekly paper, {■ U prlnted from new type, on i?ood paper, and isouo of ih'old reliahles." lt ia the best ■ ■ ïiimily weokly puUUshed in tho country, and contains departmenta for the l.ADli;s, H BH YOl'NO KOLKS and FARMERS, and, in uddition to this; f urnishes tho most InU'rcsting ■ BB HKWS of the day, stories, puetry, and selccted misceUaueous mat ter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.50 PER YEAR, H Each subscribcr partidpating in tlic Award of $35,000 in cash. 8 "Prt "VTffll TTTT&V Sen.i in yoursubscriptlon Rt onrp. n:;1 wewlll send H SB UU JM UI SJJjIjJaï. t our numbered reccipt, and stare paper at once. H ffr APPMTQ Wnntisl iu nll parts of the Unitwi States huU I 8 JJJ U AJIEli 1 J CauaJa, to whom a good commission is paid. ■ SENT FR E E. -Sample paper and prospectus contamina full parliculurs aud I 9 tho name of a few ivho have recelved jinmiums, sout freo. Sena íor om-, CUI TWS OVT lt v Hl not appear egain. Whea nnswerine, mention this paper. I ■ .ddress WW!. H. BURK, Pubüsher DETROIT, MICH.I VamaÊm -- i MJBfi- - BI - H- - i- P''Wkt SI- - - 8


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