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The reported death of President Barrios has been confirnied. Waverly, Neb., was -visiled by a cyoloue April lst. Over $50,000 damage was done. Richard Qrant White, one oí America's most oharming and versitiiewriterj. 13 dead Congressman Vanou of Korth Carolina has been appoinied aesistant coromiasioner oí pateuts. Stlrvivorsof theMexioan war, or their ea Ui lishad he'ia are to be given three months extra pay. Gen. Swaim bas asked for a review of his cite. The 8ecretary of War bw promised a re-heanng soon. The failureof the Exchange National bank of Norfolk, Va., resalta iu a loes to deposi tora of over $3.000,000. The president has removed the post mastPr at Eomc, N. Y., and tiesignatgd James B. Corcomn to act in his steady. Fire lossen in the United States and Canada daring March were $9,000,000, aboat $3 000,000 mate than average of Maicli n provions yeare. Beiweea 3,000 to 4,000 school children gladdened the White houae grounds on Easter Monday. President Clevelaiid shook hands with hundreds of them. Edward Lambert, 23 ;ears oM, celled Kt the home of hia mother-in-law, Mis. Ann A. Mnlligan, 136 Boath Desplaines etreet, in Chicago, to sea his wiie, fíom whom he has been tstranged. He shot and killed Mrs. Mailigan and also shot and aangeronsly wonnded his wife. He then killed biniielf. Republican membera of the Tennessee lecislatare are in a ttate of tiegï at the Maxwell honse, Nashville, Tenn. They are all 'ocked in a room, at the door of which are a namber of tffieers ol the honse, ready to arrsst them as soonlaslthey ventare out. Tüey staytd away iiom the seaiions to prevent the passage ot obnoxious meature. While a heavy atojm was pa: s'ng ovei Washiugto-a a few days tince the Waaiiiagton enument wa struck thtee times by lightniug without omging the lea%t datnag-i. Jol. Casey examined the alumicam tip with powerful teleecope and found it ai shatp nd bright as whn it was plaoad on the nmmit some months since.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat