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Cit v Locáis. Second-hand Organs from $20 to $40, at Wilsey's. Bonjos ! Baujüs ! Banjos ! at Wilsey's Miisic Store. Heavy apnng stock of Wall Papera at Andrews & Witherby's. Fresh, beautiful patterns. Frico the lowest in the county. Fresh layer figs ouly 15c per pound, at A. F. Hangsterfers, Main-st. All kinds of Fruit eau be had at H. & R. Oranger's place ou State-st. It you want a new suit from $5 to $25, cali ou the Two Sarna. For a nice glass He da stop into the State-st atore of Granger Bros. Evervthing is new and ürst-class at ltandall & Burnham'a. If you want Fine Rubber Coate, cali on the Two Sams. Choice Oranges ouly 15c per doz., at A. F. Hangaterfers, Maiu-at. Andrews & Witherby are offering the moet artistio Geiling I)ecorationa in the city. Only experienced hangers furnished. If you want Fine All-Wool Pauta at $2.75, cali on thu Two Sams. Hurrah for Spring and Ice Cream ia being made daüy at A. F. Hangsterfera, Main-st. If you want childrens Olothing, cali ou the Two Sams. For the beat liue of Baae Ball goods go to A. F.Hangaterfers, Alain-st. If you want a Hut cali on the Two Sams. Soda water on draught at the Granger Bros', store on State-st. Kiindall & Burnham have special faoilities for doing Large Work. Oive them a cali. Geuuine Walnut Curtain PoleB at Andrews & With-.-rby's for 50c. Largest variety of poles in the city. It you want to deal with a strictly One Pnce House, cali on the Two Sams. Chas. E. Wagner paya cash for butter and eggs. Just Arrived - A car load of the flnest of Schlitz'a Bottled Beer at P. Rttich's, Washington-st. See the new Plaque Photua at U-uk la 11 & Burnham, exclusive agenta for Aun Arbor Go to Chas. E. Wagner for smoked hams and dryed meato. Bananas, Cocoanuts, Lomons, Orangea, Confectionary, a flne line at Olían. E. Wagner'a No. 17 East Ann-st. Curtain Shades of any length and width manufactured by D. Kierutead. Only the very beat material used. More Bargains at Andrews & Witherby'a. Spring Shade Fixtnres 20c., Dado Shadea 50c , Plain Shades (best) and Spring Fixturea 60e. Chow Chow and Mixed Picklea, Dried Beef, Smoked Sugar-Cured Meata at Chas. E. Wagner's, No. 17 East Ann-st. D. Kierstead is prepared to manufacture to order Slate Curtains of vnrioua patterns. Leave your orders at hia shop on north Fifth-at. For all kinds of Salted Fiah cali on Chaa. E. Wagner, No. 17 Eaat Ann-st. For Sale - Covered Phaeton, enquir at American Express office. Eight, 10 and 12-roll patterna of Wall Paper - flne designs - one-half price at Andrewa & Witherby's. Now ia a good time to leave orders for curtains at D. Kierstead's,north Fifth-at., Ann Arbor. Tar Walks. - Partiea who intend to put down Walka the preeent season, ahould cali on me and learn price per rod before making contracto. You can aave money. Geo. Walker, Box 1814, A. A. For Bargains in Groceries cali on Chas. E. Wagner, No. 17 East Ann st. Get your pictures framed at Andrews & Witherby's. The best goods for lower prices than anywhere elsc. Everything ia first-class bought at Chaa. E. Wasrner's, the grocer, No. 17 East Ann-Bt. For Sale.- New top Buggy, side bar, latest atyle, for oash, or will exchange for good horse. J. S. Earl, Buchoz house Detroit-st , corner North-st. Chaa. E. Wagner's is the place to buy your groceries and get bargaina. For Sale Cheap. - House and Lot on southeast corner Fourth and Packard-ste, Ann Arbor. For terms inquire on the p remises. Cali and get prices for roofing, eve troughs and conductora at J. E. Harkin's. A full line of Coal and Wood Stoves for aale cheap. Best prices in town. Either for cash or will exchange for corn, oate or hay. J. E. Harkins, 32 East Huron-st. J.M. Gonld has made arrangement e with the Beaver Island Fshing Co., to have shipped daily fresh Codfish and Smelts, White Fish and Pickerel. He siso paya cash for Butter and Egga and all farm produce. J. E. Harkins, manufacturer and dealer in stove, tin and aheet iion ware, pumpa and furnnces. Work of all kinds promptly attended to. A full line of coal and wood stovea. Loanino. - Money to loan on firat-class Real Estáte MortgageatCurrent rates of Interest. Satisfactory arrangemente made with capitalista deairing .such investmenta. Every conveyance and tranaaction in abstracte of titlea oaref ally examimed as to legal effect . Z. P. King, Ann Arbor Stop and read this. I am bound to sell the property in the Third ward on eiat Hiscock-st. and east of Spring-st. Containing one half acre of land or more. Commodious house, neven rooms below and three above, good well of water and large cistern. Splendid garden, all kinds of fruits, Apples, Pears, Cherries, Grupes, etc. Will sell the above for $1,200. The title to the property ie 0 K. and the property free from all incumberunce. Will give special contract; part payment down. Addreas M D. L. Branch, Stockbridge, Ingham county, Mich. P. S. Will exchange for real estáte in Ingham Co. t3 iTl 1 i C w To clear out my immense assortiment of liquors, I will sell Fonr Summers Old Hand-made Sour Mash Bourbon Whiskey At Detroit Pricea.


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Ann Arbor Democrat