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Henry Ward Beecher's Brother

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The Eev. Ilenry Ward Beecher has three brothers Uring. One of these is the Rev. Charles Beecher, known as the writer of some of the most quaint and touching hymns in the English language. Another is the Eev. Edward Beecher, a profound theologiau, far adranced in years, and living in Brooklyn, where he preaches from timo to time. A tliird brother is the Kev. William Ilenry Beecher, who is spending the serene years of a mellow oíd age at his home, C Honore street, Chicago. Mr. Beecher is 84 years ol), and, with the exception of the natural inñrmities of age, is a hearty and vigorous old gentleman. A gentleman who recently visited Mr. Beecher at kis home, found him in an exceedingly genial frame of mind and by no means indisposed to talk about the relief he had obtained from the rheumatism, which for many years had been a source oftroubletohim. In reply toaquestion,the venerable gentleman remarked, "Why, you want to know about Athlophoros. It is the greatest medicine in the world for rheuinati- rn. I had snftered with that disease for fiftcen yearn. My hands and my joints vire swclled. I had much pain, and many sleeploss niglits. It took my pain away, and gave me power to sleep. Do not understand me to say that my rheumatism is all gone. It would be a miracle if rheumatism could be entirely chiven away from an old man like me,'wko liashad it for years. I have some of it left, and occasionally I feel its pains. Thon 1 take more Athlophoros, and the pains are driven away. Even if it can't entirely drive out the cause of pain from a man who has had it so long, it takes the pain away, and that is a great deal. Sometimes I had frightful pains at night, before going to bed. Then I would take a dose of Athlophoros, and I soon find the pain all gone, so that I could enjoy a calm and refreshing night'a rest. "I believe Athloplioros will cure chronic rheumatism. I know that is sayine a great deal for it ; hut I say it. A tough oldcase of rheumatism like mine is very hard to cure, I know. Bnt see my hands ; they are no longer swclled as Uiey were. I am free from tlie pains I used to have. I sleep well, and what more onn an old man of 84 askfor?" Mr. Beecher's daughter ckeerfully confirmed what her father had gaid, and gave her testimony to the great advmitages lic had received from the use of Athlophoros. For a number of years, Mr. ('. L. AVc tmore, ofthe wcll known wholesale clothinje heuse of Messrs.Thompson&Wetmorp, 151 & 163, Fifth Ave., Chicago, wasgseatly affiiclcd whh rheumatism, which interfered noi onlv wilh his personal comfort, bu! i with lus ability to attend to business. He is now well. Calling on Mr. Wetmore, at his store on Fifth avenue, the gentleman, found him willing to converse as to his experiencc in ïopard to rheumatism. 'i :im (ola, Mr. Wetmore, that yon got lid of your rheumatism by the help ot' Athlophoros. Isthattrue?" "Well, 1 had been for a long while troubled with rheumatism, and I had tried almost everything in the line oí medicine, I may fairly say that Athlophoros finished the rheumatism, and final ly ovcrcame it. Some of the other remedies had given me relief, which proved onlv tempofary and incomplete. Bnt it was not so with the Athlophoros. Sinor I have taken it I find that I have no more rheumatic pains, either to annoy me I j day, or to interfere with my sleep 1 ■. night. My rheumatism was at times ven severe. All my joints were swollen, were very painful. I was detained at home sometimes as mneh as a month at a time, suffering aeiucly and unableto atiend to business. Now that Athlophoros has finished the rheumatism, I am happy to say that my sleep is pood, my appetite is regular and healthy, and I am everv day attending to business.' If you cannot eet Athlophokos ol your dnipglst, we wlll send lt expresa pald, onrecelpt of regular prlce- one dollar per bottle. Wc preler taat you buy lt Irom your druggist, but lt he Sasn't lt? do not be persuaded to sometlïlng else, but order at once from us, as dlrected JLTHLOFHORoa Co., 118 Wall Street. New York


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