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Hood's Sarsaparilla

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DO YOU KNOW That Ihe verv best blood pnrifier nnd (print medíThat to overeóme extreme tired f e ling Hiere s cioe ís Hood's Sarsaparilla. nothinjj equal to Hond's Sarsapirilla. Thal it cures íerofula, salt rheum, hoils, pimples, That it is a wonderful medicine for rtetorlng and and all other diseases of the blood. slwrpening Ihe appetil. Thatit cures bihousneas, indigestión, djspepsia. Thitit purifica, aud enriches the blood. headache, and kidney and liver oomplaints. and strenglhcns ihe whole system. That the body is now more susceptible lo hem fit Thftt delays are d.ingerous- now is ihe time to take from medicine than at any olhir scason. Hood's Sarsaparill,i. " "I was troubled with duease of Ihe kidneys five ' I can íe.-omineml Hood's Sasaparilla to all as a yean and was urged lo try Hood's S.irsaparilla. safe, sure medicine. It curtid me of terrible lieadache Atter taking half a t-ottle I ielt jrrcatly reliived, mv and cured my little (rirl of su-e'lings In her neck appetite his never been fiogood, and I sleep sr.undxvhiih had been lanced twicc." Mbü. F. E. Lord, ly." O CongdoN, Burlington, Vt. Galo ave., Brcklyn, N'. V, Hood's .' arsaparilla Puiiftis Ihe Blood "For vears I suffered (rom indigestión, being very "Whcn in the spring I feit all run down and much restleís in the night, and in the morning I would eet debi it.ikd, I louod Hood'a Sarsapirilla Jolt the up with a very tired feeling. After taklng only part ni diiMnc to build me up. My 'Ie lso, alter mnch ofabottleofHord'arsaparilla I slcpt well and phjsical prostration, found in ita u new life and feil refreihed on waking. Hbod's Sarsjpirllla his lastiog benefit. Vpjn our little girl, who had been done mr more good than anjthinR elsc." Mks If. sick wilh scarlcl lever, ts effect, was marvelous en1). Winans, Jacksor, Mich. lircly removing the poison from her blood and re "Hood's Sarsap.mlla has been of marked benefit storing her toj{ood health. Hood's Sa'saparil la detome. Ihavcrenewed my strength; my appeltle is serves our highest praisc and is worlhy of the hie good; Hiei i ke a diflerent person." Mus A. P. favor in which it is luid bj the public." E. G. Proctor, Marblehead, Mass. Stratton, Swampcotl, Mass. "Last vring I was troubled with boils, caused by "I wat troubled .with Ut rheum three ycar; l mybloouueing out ol order. Two bollles of Hood's took Hood's Sarsaparilla and m enürcly cured, an S.irsajiarilla cured me, and I can safely recommend my weight has incrcased from IOS pounds to l.ij.' it." Joseth Schoch, Peoria, III. Mits, Alics Smith, Stamfnrd, Conn. Sold by all druKKsts. $1; ix for $5. Made only hy Sold by all druggists. $i;sixfor$s. Made only by C. I Hood & CO., apothecaries, Lowc Mas. C. L HOOD t Co„ apothec.iriei, Ixjwcll. Mas. lOOoses One ïïollar 100 n OiieDolla


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