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f 600 NOT CALLED FOR. It seoms strange that it is neccsaary :o persuade men that you can cure their diseasns by ofleriDg a premium to the man who fails to receive benefit. And yetDr. Sage undoubtedly cured ihousands of cases of obstinate catarrh with his "Catarrh Remcdy," who would neverhave applied to him, if it had not been for hü offer of the above sum for an incurable case. Who Is che nest bidder for cure or cash ? Love your enemy, but don't buy his boy a drum. A WONDERFUL FREAK OF NATURE 's somethnes exhibited in our public exhibitions. When we gazo upon some of the peculiar freaks dame nature occasionaily indulges in, our minds revert back to the creation of man, "who is so fearfully and wonderfully made." The mysteries of his nature have been unr&veled by Dr. R. V. Pierce. of l'uffalo, and through his knowlcdge of these mysteries ho Las been able to prepare his 'Golden Medical Discovery, which ia a specific for all blood taints, poisons and humors, such as scrofula, pimples, blotchep, eruptions, swellings. tumors, ulcers and kindred affections. Bv druo-Kist.. _ " The greatest honor that can De paid to virtuö 3 to live it. Rupture, piles tumors, lis lulas, find all disease (excepl cáncer) of the lower bowels radioally cured. Book of particulars two letter tatups. World's Disponsary Mbdical Asdociation, Buffalo, N. Y. Note thjs, girls. The man who is kind to animáis will mako an affectionate husband. S. B. Durfey, mato of stoamer Arizona, had his foot oailly jammed. Thomas' ficlectric Uil curcd it. Nothing tqual to it for a quigk pain reliever. Weed out contentment from your labor and your work will become a drudgery. The Clkkoy, the Medical Facul ■ix and the Peopi.e all endorse Burdock Blood Bittors as the best sj stom renovating, blood purifying toiiii in the world. Send for testimoniáis. It is human nature. All wako fools of themselves sometimos and many always. ForBurnb, Scalds, Bkuises and all ain and sorenessof the flesh, the grand household romedy is Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Be sure you get the genuine. True charity looks upon the faults of others with a generous negiect. Tho Rov. Wm. Stout, Wiarton, Ont., states: After beiDg incflectually treated by sevonteen different doctors for Scrofula and blood disease, I was cured by Burdock Blood Bitters. Wrile him for proof. Vice has lts season, but lts tuture, if it has any, ia hidden under a bushel. The disdgreeablc operation of forclr.ï liqui 'f. In'o the heart, ana Ihr use ol xcitiüg Ruuff-', are belug BUpsTiirdetl by E!., 's Criara Balín, a cure fcr Oatarrh, Coldi In the ïiv-ad ana Hay Fevcr. It is a safe aud pw.sant reraedy, beUg easily applkd iihthe Hoger. Ie is curtne cases which have defltd the doctors. trice 50 cent. At druzslt-ts. 6 1 cinta by mail. L y Bros.. Owego, N. Y. A ' -tal feing piano" is the latost Vieneso invention. It is said to give tbo voboIs distinctly and the consonante fairly. (Jeneral clebllity, feuiale weaknes", loss oi pbjeiCiil power, Brighi' Dlsease, auü nervous Ilscases, are speedily curtd by Hunt's Reniedy. It is f-aid that ten-seventeentüs ot all the voters in the United States are engaged in agricultural pursuits. To en-iourage sleep, créate an appetlte, orace up the ey8tem, and to purify the blood, tate the unfaillne Hunt's (Ridney and L'ver) Remedy. When an owaer of a sailing vessel grows wealthy, would it bo proper to say tb at he has amast a fortune? Couohs. Brown s üronchial roches are used with sdvanUge to alleviate Couohs Sore Throat, and Bronchial Aflcctions. Sold orily in boaet. The only son of Sirïhornas Gladstone went oflf to Egypt with the Guards reoentlj. Sir Thomas is in his 90th yoar, and is Mr. Gladstone's only surviving brother. When you vi3lt nr leave New Torn City, vil Central depot, save Baggage Ezpressage and $3 Oarrlage Ulre, and stop at the Grand Union Hotel opposite sald depot 81z bundred elegant rooms flttcd up at a coetoí one miUon dollars; $1 and upwards per day. Eui opean plan. Elevator. Restaurant supp'ied with tne best. Horae cars, staes and elevated railroad to aU depots. Families can live better for less money at t!ie GrauJ Union Hotel than at any other first-class hotel In the city. The number of roller skatu.s manufactured in tliis country is placed at 300,000 pairs a month. The reeultof 35years Catar rli:- the bri:n' cr división cf iet u sp was sbeut huif s;oue. I cbtali el a bottle of Eij's Crrum üd'm; have used four bottlcí. apphtna; It to tho aB.otecl partswlth a ewab, wh'ch bas obou cured up thencstril?. I had p:viously trlt-1 all othfr rf-medifson the market.- J. A. W)od, 96 N. Hljih STfet, Columhus, Ohlo. It is a co ld dy whim n tramp freczos to death. I flnd E!}'b (Jrtani Bal ui KoO'l lor Catarrh of long staixtlne- M. N. Lafley, 1934 VtKi Chcetmit Street, Liuisvlll', Ky. Tho m:tn at the whoel has a stern duty to perform. "I wibh I could nnd eooietlilDg tbat woutd cure salle amd prerenttbe hjilr coming in white," Is an erpresslnii irequently henrrt. Veterlnary tlerboaBalve wlll alwftjg do It. Sold by Drugglsts. Skeptlclsm has invade i thedomaluol bumac tboufïht but Athlophoros has proved a conqueror over all doubts as to the power of medical science in dealing with those distresslng maladies- rheumatism and neuralgia. Rey. Dr. Wm. F. Corblt, of the 8t. Georga 8t. Methodist Chuich, New Havtc, pronounces the dtsease infallible, and be speaks from experience. Prlce, $1 per bottle. If your drueglst basn't it, Mnd to Athlophoros Co , 113 Wall Street, N. T. Farmers' Foll. Some farmers adhere, even ngainat thö f uil light of fat t and dlecovery. to tho old fatbloned folly of colorlng bntter vlth ciirots, annatto, and Inferior íxibítances. EOtwithslandlnti the splendld record made by the Improved lïutter Color, preparad by WelU, Rlchard3on & l'c, Burlington, Vt At acores of the best agricu llural Fair It has recetved the hlghest award over til eompetit"r8. Tne pure, aweeten and best Cod Livor Oll In the worid, manufaotured from freBh. r.ealthy L BF1 upon the sea shore. It la abaoluteb pure anf weet. Patienta who have once takt-.. It pre fer It to II othets, Phyalclana nave doideo It superior to any of the other olie In market Mh bTUASWiiL, IiAZBi)('o..Kew T rk. A CARD-W " wno are uitorirm noj errors and lndiscreUona of routh, nervon; weaknees, earl j decay, oas of mnnhood. c., I wlll tend a roolpe that wlll cure yon, FK8J1 OF CUAltUH. Thls gieat reniedy wa dlBOovered bv t mlaaionaryin öouth America. 8end aelf-addreeaeo q'VlOTO U) Birv. JOHPH T. INMM. tflatlot. U. N. Y - ai A 1ACEROI S CASE. EOCBESTER, Juie], 1852. "Trn Yera apo I was attacked wi' u the a ;bt Iotfree and diathly palns ín my b v k ai.i - Kidney 'Estei dlig to the end of my toi braln ! "Wbleh made tnc c'tllriousl "Froia agoDy. "It took three men to hold me on tus b, .1 times I "The doctore trled Ín yaia to relltve me, but to no purpose. Morphine and olher opiata! "liad no íffc' ! "áfter two ín . , 1 f [ was giv. n up to d!c! "When my v f heard a nelj't 1, , .. „t h,_,. BltUrshad done Tor her,-. 1 „nee jtot and irave me eome. The li .'e eased my bfain and eeemed togo liu... through ïay systtm fcr the pain. The second tfcee pbeciI tn-i eo roucb tbat 1 slept twohourc, soicethlüü 1 hd mt dono for ,wononths Belorel had ned flve bottlcs 1 was well ai d a' Work bard r.s any man could, fi,r over tbrw wei ; bnt I v.orhed ioo ïard íor nij Mrcngl i , acil lakln; a ard co'iï, .wasttk-i! wttb 1 e mout 1 ca huJ palufal rheuroa'lfra II Lbrouicb u.v kjumd thntcvtr was ki'owu. "Í callcd the dcu' pgalu ai d aiti r ti ?crel weeks ihey Itlt mr a crtpplr ou crulcbes for ifp, s 1 bey s d I n . i 1 frirod : a 10M UBtmyCHSf, hik! ti r!(J '!..;. Biiler :nred nlm btd ould tur . 1 pootiidat ilm, bu". bc tras 1 o nucsi 1 a liiducvti to nsethem ásalo. Iq lc-ss tb.u. fuur k I ibrcw nu) n.y crutcbes ai ■! , ii' towork Hy lit'y and kepton uelcg the b:ttt!s fi.r k-, uuti 1 btcamv as well as w. i„ , , m for slx years tlnoe. It has aleo eund u y líe, wtihad ticin Blek for years; and Vrpi trBÍ1 DT.y cblWrm wc:l andhcaltby witi fr iu io t jiLue Ur.lis. per year. There li do u d 10 bc alck t ali if tho; bitters are um J . .J. ,J. h f.iík. Et-8upervisor. "That poor lnva!:d .■. líe ! "áisíerl "Alother ! 'Or daunhti r ! "Cau be ma'ic plclun: of hi uli.i. '. "wlth a few hintll kof 11 1 B:turfl " WiUyw kt thei'i mffert' {gr-None g,i,u'r„: wlth-uo a banc!i i,f Kr, er Ropa on the Ml lab.l. Stiun 1 ibe, polsonous 6tu2 nlib "Hodm " "Ilrp6" m thelr name. 'L'ho latest, custom at Ënghtta country hou303 u to draw lo'.s to lietirroino who shall sit by whorn at dinnir. "Rousb on tule' octu t,ui linVt aio Jdtto. 150 ■Wellí'JIoalth líoiiewor for weak men. A oornoob pipo faotory atWashington, Mo., emploma üfty men. "Itongh on Pau" 1'uroBea flamer. luuia 00. 'WelU' Health Henewer" for Dyspepgi, DebllltT. England consumes annually five times as muoh tea as coffee. ' 'Ronth un Toothaohe. Instant relief . Üüj. "Bongh onltch," cures bumora, ernptlom, ringworm, teiter ealtrhenm. froeted feet. obUblalns. Thore are 168 school bousesm Boston valued at $7,800,000. "Boajih on oonghTTröches. 15c Llqnld, 2to. "Wella' Health Kenewer" for Dellcato women. Tho latest miracJe accomplished by prajer is tho cure of a kleptomaniac. 'Rongh on Corns" bard or af t curn, bc nlone. 16c. "Buchn paiba." Oroat Klflney and Urlnair Cnre. Tho postal cards cold in thia oountrj ast year numbered 362,876,750. Halford Sanee &m,ffa3SS Th ís remedy evtilaiiis no in rUnu drugt. ELY'8 CREAM BALMCATARRH when ppllcd into the CSJJ-J uostrlls, wiil be absorbed, H iTH effactutlly cleanslnic the 9mL itWH head of citarrhal virus, UfJfnEAM BM-'Vrt causirg healthy ■MK CURreCCW1! tions. It allajs HLSrMWÍJ"Prír.I tlon, protects the mem ■ WjfeCOiJi lADl brane f rom fresh colds, VuAVrTVPDinl &? A cumplctely hoals the ttl JFS jL sores and restores the K &.&&Lm senses of taste, smell and B, y' Am hearing. It Is S e07&k not a LiQüiD on I tfsë5B A few applicatloni ■ mWttt&&% lieve A thorvugh H mmvy U S A .1 ble to use. Pnce 60 cents U A Y tTITX CD " TLllXi BLT BROTHERS, Owego, N. Y] .-;-..,.,......,.,. - y - ' t-YD!A PINKHAM'S , ÊsrWk VtGETABíS C0MP0ÜND tÏa ." J3 A rüSITIKCTRE FOR VStiS ' " ;1";; "!■ nl ComplaintA JCsHm& to our best ♦♦ P- : k fcMALE ÏOPCLATIOX. Mm $1 (d llqdd, pin er Iosige fens. rs purpose Ís soleiy for the letitimat KeaUng oi Osease and thé relief of pain, and that it doet all it claima to (U), thov&wdsof iadies can gladly testify. It Wlll curo entirWv ali Ovarían troubles, Inflaiuma. Uon and Ulceration Falllng and Displooenients, iina consequent B] cnefe, and ís partlcularly adapted to the ■. #' Ifemmoree Fkiut . .. ..i ". ■v.íi,5troTaDcravinft' torstimulantH, ai d ;-.-!; ■■ - "jJ:nt.'i of the Stomach. It cures BloacJ) ■ rroua ProstratloB Qneral Doliillty, aio -pi ■.,uv„ Eoprejwlon and I .■)■ fosUon. Th;it f.t-lm .- cf be&rtag down, aaMngr pfi'xu anci boofcaoha la al - tly c-itvdhy tt? q Bend sicmp to ïynn, Ha ., tor im?hlrt. LetT'oi Uiquirycoiifl'Jtííitia.Ii. u: ■■ 7 ■■'.. "r$itL'ot(7,t{miÈ&. -jt m m 4 I rnEAP, STKONii, rasy to apply, doem not rust or rimlet fa ]w A SLrBSTITi;TP FOR PLASTrU, nt Hnlfthe C , oL lasts tlie buUaUic. CABPBTS AND RVl" of Bima, doablo the wen of oil cloth. CataloBne amï s&mpleayr, W.H.FAY& CCCamden, NJ $5Q REWARB w!ll be pjttii for any Grata Ft of same size that cn oleui u4 hAg &s mueh Gralo or Swd ia os d7 m our Iatnt MO AKCtt 4ruln and Seed Neparatop so 1 ltüffsvr or our Improrr WarehuuM MUI wich Kan&ltter uhich we offer ohep. Cflrcu"nEWARK MACHNEfCa. Columbuo, OhlOb FARMËffS FRIËNDT 13th yonr. Largcst and most popular Farm Paper. Most reading matter; fewer advertisements. Bert writers. Kleennt premiums to subscrlbcrs. 50 centê a ytar. A trlple-piatt'd Sugar Spoon or Butter Kntf forSO ci extra. Senrl youra and yowr nelghborr Dames for free fianipK coplea and lllustratedpremlam Ust. Addrcsa. 'FARMERS FRÏEND," Son tb Bend, Iad. JDsrPYCllLÏÏffS STEEL PENS ' Sold Br ALL DEALERSThroughoutTEie WO RLdV ■ COLDMEDALPARIS EXP0SmON-IR7a { #R. U. AWARE THAT Lorillard's Climas PItg bearins .- red tin íff7TbáTLorilIari - Itosp l.cnfnnecuti hatLortllard ■ Nnyy Clipp nii. and that Lorillaid's Sni",i l)fst and clieai)Ct. quallty oonsldered ? jtn Can mako 85 to SIS per dT aelltnc UyjUj2tJF MA2-. :lll' nnd XVS1XE8S a' FOItaifi. Alldv.i. Pabíons' Bl-sinesp C'oll (e, Kalamaioo, Mlcb; "THE UES - MfAPE8T." ( meras, i ippcsAw-Miiui ImePowfTs U .. LL2 Cloier Ballen (Baltitll ' ■■ tEtlla..Pampiil ■Bil FrloeliTU8A litmn ft ry.'or CO-. Mapfll(l. OblO, ACENTS WANTED Í x new ri.rt -Tino scissoits siiaiíii:KI!. RKllxntskht I.M-jte Proflt. Sample.lftc. OHV SON. P.O. Btu 5SI,lMlaIa., Pa. mr imwi '"- j ■■ ■■■ ■'■■■ ' ■ ■


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