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Sanlt 8ïe Marie is enjojing a building boom. A Chtboygan wiaeaera siya navig&tion will not open beiore May 15. Owosso's new gis works ara to be oomínenced abone the first of May. Look oat lor eounterfeit $20 bilis. They are numerotu in pirts of ttte state. Lufce H. Whitcomb, for 58 consecutivo yeara a resiilaat of Cold water, is dead. Tüe loss by the buming oí Wilsoo Bros' shingle mul in üamson was $30 000. The brick for the new Grand Kapide city hall will be manufacturad at Newaygo. Ooi. William B. Barron, a resident of St Clar since 1831, is dead aged 75 years. rs. Bailey , a Hudson !ady,died recently aged 104, lea ving a danghter, Mrs. Perry aged 80. Dewey & Son's iaotory in Kdamazoo was daraaijtd by fire reaently to the amonnt ol $26,000. A eolditrs' monument will be erectei at Grand Rapids. Ie will ba dedicated next September. The Chippewa oounty oourt house gives indications of collapsing, notwithstanning it ooet $40,000. Wni. Tibbfetts of South Saginaw, took mcrphine to heal the woand in hia heart. Wilii&m will die. The telephone company at Port Haron lost 1,000 by the bieaking of wires duricg the (.cene flootis. St Ciair boasts a 12-year oíd boy who can kate a lüile in three and three-quarter minutes on rollers. Frank Chappell of Bnchanan, aged 16, committed saicide by hanging ; no reason is Vaofvn lor the act. Capt. John Cook of 8t. Clair. whose arm was orushed oy the cars, refnsed to sufler amputation, and ditd. Belding manufaoturing oompany employs 75 men and have made over J3.000 refrigeratois sinci last Ootober. Prof. McLouth, of tue Normal school ohair of ekemistry, goes to the agricultural college with President Willits. Mrs. Homer Hoyt of Echooloraft, has received about 80,000 silk-worm eggs, and will try her forcane in the silk business. Hon. Jacob Becson of Niles, one of the f ounders of that city, and a member of the eoas aiiajal oimmiübao'lS , is deal. Active preparations for rtbnilding most of he "burnt diotricts" left by the three large fires in Stanton the past season are in progresa. Saalt Ste. Marie at present has to rely on doz teams lor their mails, the roads being impa&sable for teams between that place and de. Ignace. Eldred & Co.' steam eawmill bnrned at Blaffton, Maskegon oounty, April 12. Loss about $40,00 inmursd tor $20,000; suppoed incendiary. Jacob Keiler a nativo of Switzerland.Etabbed hioiselt to the heart, at Antrim,3hiawa?see coanty. Kgller hd been in Amerioa but a few months. alamtzao has been deeignated as the place for holding tha nxt air of the State Agricuitural's Society for 1885. The time is not fet fixed. Eev, Theedore Nelson, a Baptist minister, has been commiaaioned and qualified as superintendent of public inBtruction to suoceed H. K. Gas?. Lsstér Mead of Morgan, Barry counly, has begua to wear Blaine aud Logan hair and whiükers, and won'c ahave till (Jlevelaad goes out of cfflije. Levi Atwell, the Maple Kapids ex-marhal, who Bhot at Daniel Wilson on March 18 and was arreated ior astanlt with Dtent to kili, wasfound guilty. Henry Williams, alias Shephfrd, of Elk Bapids, is under arrest in East Saginaw lor the burglary ol th ticket office of the Michigan Central depot. Wolt weüof Jaokson, and Henry Weil of Charlotte, claim lo be the onJy beirs of Rosaalia Weil, who died in London, postessed ot $60,000,000. George Hopkinson, living three miles ea.t of Ponuac, died April 13, of paraléis. He resided near that city 43 years, and was weil known and respected. David A. Davis the Detroit man wko dtserted his lamily and eloped with a B'lint giri, has been arrested at St. Louis and will be returned to Michigan. Muiden City had its first fire on the i7th inst. when Charles Kruger's dweiling, and ihe dweliing, wagon shop and store room of Joseph Buoulter burned. Benjamin MuGulpin, Treasurer oi Holmes Towusnip, charged wilh the mfclezzlement of about $1,000 oljtax aioney htm oeeu ujuuJ over to the circuit couit tor trial. Bdward Thompson, aged 22 years, deputy pOBtmaster of Hiilsdale, a young man respecttd by theïeniire community, died on the 12th inst., atter a brief illness. Dell atteraoa anl J. 0. Eurrowa of Baad Ony, have been bound over to the United States ooart ai Grand Kapidi to answer the charge ot passing oouuterfeit money. JJ. Hagle, . D., o( Goodells, 8t. ;Clair couuiy, has accepted the eurgeon genualship ia aoiive service in4the northwest rebelJion, and left for his field of labor. A handsonie pnlpit of polished cherry is being oonBtruoted at tbe Union School FarniBhicg Company's shops at Battle Creek to adorn a ohurch at 'frentón, South Carolina. Miehael Brennan, an Bast Saginaw lawyer, .while altempting to board a train at Vass'ar feil under the oars in such a way that his foot was tembly crushed and mangled. Grand Rápida has a musical prodigy, aged four years, named Lulu Pettinger, who piays with tkgunce and accuraoy. 8he commenced htr musical performances at the age ol two years. James H, Thorn, a promiient citizen, a Hie-lODg Demoorat, and lor lifty -years a resident on the larm in the ïowiiship ol Jefferson, Hillsdale, Co., died April il, aged 69 yeare. The body of anunknowa man was found amang the driltwood in Grand tiyer about two miks east oí Saranac the other eveniog. There was nothing about his persea to identify him The dead body of Miss Margartt Kennedy was lound in the outhouse oí Miehael O'Oonnell, her brother-in-law, in East 8aginaw. M bs Ktnnedy. aged 33, carne from Bidulph, Ont. The widow ol ex-ratrolman Hoppe of Eist Saginaw, oommences snit for $2,500 on her hiiBband's life againet the Co'ínant mutual insnrance compahy. It is countested on grounds of suicide. James Kvans of Fennfield, Calhoun county, is missiug. He visited Battle Cre6k, sold a load of wheat, drew a larga sum from the bank and starled home. He failed to reach hid dtstination. Special mail seivioa will be establiahed between AppUton, Bmmet county, and Harbor Spricgs; alBO betwetn Goodhart, Emmet oounty, and Cross village, to date from the t opening of navigation. Secretary of State Conant has issued a ciroalar to the supervisors and assessors of the state calling attentioa to the act providing for the compilation of statistica of births, raarriages and deaths. Lands aggiegating 3,000 acres in Iosco Co., ordered sold for taxes, have been released by legal process on the ground that the general advertised a lamp sale thereof instead of according to the tax roll. The Charlevoix Journal desires it placed on record for the fature oldest iahabitant thai on April lst there were snow banks over six feet high in the village of CharleToix, in front ot the opera house block. Georga B. Hunt, treasurer of Taymouth township, Saginaw county, is under arrest, charged with iorbery. Mr. Hunt is a prosperous farmer aud he alleges that the charge was instigaled by his political eiemies. A bird believed to be a water hen was cauKüt at Onstead, Lsnawee county, a íew days ugo. From whence the feathertd bipe i carne, or why it was there alone, are qutstions which np to date it refases to anew r It will require about two week's work to excávate lor the foundation ot the Giat d Rapids new City Hall, and from 150 to 200 uien will be given employment conettantiy until the work of consirucüon is completad. Tiro fieight trains, one on the Flint & Pere Marauette railroadand the other on the Detroit Lausuig Northern railroad collided ut the Janction ac Fiymoath the other morning with a very serioas loss to both compacies. Bannister, Gratiot sounty, wants a brick yard, a cheese factory, a furmtnre or any wood werking iactory, and proudiy boatts that the requisites ior the sucoessful operation ot all there industries ai e tere in abundan ce. I Efforts are being made to draia 1,800 acres ol low land lymg between the townshipsof Olayoanks and Graat, in Oaeana county. When this is done it will add to tteir papulation and brisg a large tract of land under caltivation. The iron output ot the Lake 8uperior ruines for 1884, shows a total tonage of 2,455.94, toiis, valued at $12,718,453. Tneproductoi tris Lake Superior blast inriiaces tor the same year was 57,287, at au approximate valae ol t 1,203,028; James Gray, a Bay City printer, ha? jast been intormed that an nucJe in the West Indies who died a short time ago lelt him a fortune, which he is reqaested to claim at once. James has gone lo iuqaire into the circamstances. The major tf Grand Haven orders that in caee Gen. Grant dies during any night the bell is to be tolled b3 times after ringing the next mornicg: and i he dies during the day, the same toliiiig shall occur on the roeipt ot the sad ntws. ccording to the report of the treasarer o' the Asbury ceutenary lund of Albion college, it now amouuts to $180,000, of which $150,000 was given by Ezra Bostwick of Uoion City. The association hopes to make the fund $500,000. Geo. C. Kimball of Grand Rapids haa been allowed a claim of $11,000 agaicst the estáte of the late Nathaniel Thayer of Boston who had large lamber interests in Michigan, the claim being ior services rendered as manager of the pioperty. The sawmill and oar factory in Breckenbridge, Gratiot county, owned and opeiatati by John LaJue, were totally des'royed by lire on the 16thinvolving a loss cf $7,000. A portion of the stock and lucber in the yards adjoining were eaved. The secretary of the treasory bas appointed Messrs. William A Moore, A. C. McGraw, W. C. Colbum, James L. Edson, J. W. MoGrath, E. W. Gillett and Samuel Hannalord a commissioc to select a site for the new public building at Detroit Two children of E. H. Danning of Detroit were eo badly poitoned by tating candy birds'neats and ggs, which were given them lor K aster presetts, that the physician for a time almoEt despaired of daying them. The eggs were brightly colored with analine dyes. Willard M. McConcell, pioneer and prominent resident oí Ponti&c, died recently of cáncer ot the fctomaoh. Deceased had resided in Pontiao and vicinity abont 50 years. He was aged 72 yeart, president tf the Second nalional bank, and one of the trustees of the ineane asvlum. The extensiva Eaw-mill of D. Stuart fe Co. at Otsego, wbich was on e of the principal uianutaetnring industries and gave employment to a large number of men, barned tn the 16h. It is blieved that the fire was starttid by an iccendiary. Stuari's losa is $4,000; insnranoB $1,000. An important amendment to the laws of the statu pabJio Ecnool, whieh has been approveil by tae governor, provides for admission to the school oi children between two and three years of age. Xhs aathorities of the school are conüdent that tthey can provide homes lor these little waifa. The managers of the First national bank of Owoseo thonght thtir ch&rter run until next November, whm in faoi it h&d expired already, and tne icstitution has gone into yolnntary liqaidation. A private banking inbtitution will do business in Owcsso until the stockholders oan reorganise. C. B. Chapman, propiietor of the Toarists' Home Ba y iSprings, ia Cnarlevoix coanty, wants to sell the house to the state lor use as a;soldiers' home. Tne houoe cost between $30,000 and $40.000 and in many ways is admirably adapted ior the purpcse ot a home. A committee wiil investigare the matter. IsaacShaw-wa-non-i-quot and Miss Lizie Keway were marrkd at Harbor 8pnngs. Tne ceremony was performed in the Cathoüo o&ureh and was mtneKsed by a large number oi Indians and white people. Now that Iiaao is married like the p'.le !ace he ought to drop the "non-i-qaot" part ol his nama. The state house oí correction has probably the most valuable single lot of swiue in this section ot the state. The total nutnber, at the cottnt, recently was 2L6, of whioh filty me spring pigs. Tney are mostly a cross ol the Berkshire and Poland-Cnina breeds The value put upon them is $1,250.- loma Mail. 3 Saveral of the leadiaj business men of Munroe are intereeting themselves in organimg a stock, company with $5,0u0 capital to give anuual stoelt and agricultura! faira. About hall the araouut was suütcnotd in a few houts. The company intnd bujiug the grounds and buildings ot the county agrioultural society. Two Lansing ladies will make happy their husbands by reason of a divvy in tte ' Frenoh svoliation claims.'1 'fuese adíes are Mrs. Col. Wm. Btag and Mrs. Chwles Moore, eaih of whom will reoeive $100,000, they being heirs of tae late Mons. Mjuten, wnose inttrest in" the claims amouutel I to 3,OUO,OUO. The first fatal accident in the history o the Datroit house of correotion oocurred Öaturday evenmg April 11. Henry J. Joey, b one year man trom Fort Smith, Ark., was adjutitiiig a belt on a machine whtn by some nieans a small iron rod 6tiuck the ür wheel and was driven into his lang. He died the next morning. While Capt. MoGregor was fast in the ice off Grand Haven on the steamer Wisconsin a daughtsr was born to him in Milwaukee. When he got ashore he ttlegraphed to his wlfe: "I arrired safely this morninK, all well." In answer he reoeived the iollowing dispatch : " Your baby daughier amved sately tnis moraing, all well." While Charles Wood, a farmer living in Kalamo, fclght miles from Charlotte, was dtawing a load ot cora staiks, his team becaine frightened and ran away, throwing him in suoh a manuer that bo'.h whéels ran ovet him, breaking several ribs. It is feared that relias also received severe internat iujuries. His recovery is doubtinl. Oeo. Pulten, the sixïhviotimof theOaooda accident, died April 16. The dead are: Oeo. Balteruo, 24 years old, leaves wife and ohild; Thomas Mitchell, aged 25, unmarried ; John flard wiek, 40, wife and elx children; Wm. Minard, 29, wite and two ohildren; and i?alton mentioned above. Gordon, the boy. is also in a precarious condition. Daring ihe past year the Detroit, Landng, & Nortnern road hauled 517,187 tons ot freight and oarried 622,055 passengerd. A total of $230,465 was paid in dmdends. The road operates 260.87 miles. The gross earningg ot the y ar were 11,338.591 64, a dec.-ease ot $267,853 93 trom the year previous. lts bonded debt Deo. 31 was $3,733,uüO. The attempted poisoning of Frank Uaderwood oí Charlotte ronsed iha people ol that burg to a high state of excitement. It is snpposea to have been done by the serrants at the hotel in a fit of jealousy. Stryohine had been pat in the syrap whioh he nsed on his cakes the night previoas. Prompt medical assiatance and the proper antidotes saved his life. A Vastar merohant offered to traie pants with a well-dressed tramp who carne inte his store to beg, and give him a quarter to boot. The bargain was etruok, the trade made and the tramp disappeared. Half anhour later the meiohant disooyered that his pooket-book with $18 in cash had gone off in the pocket of higpantaloons. The Inoky tramp has not been disoovered vet. The Senate has concnrred in the House amendmenttoUr. Hueston's joint resolution for the appointment of a Joint committee of tbree trom the Senate and three trom the House to be apuointed to investígate and report by May 15, as to the leaubility ol establishing a soldiers' home in this ttite and tbe adaptübility tf the Dearborn Arsenal proptrty or any other in the state lor nuch a parpose. Two donble funerala took place at Big Rgpids Saturday and öuaday the llth ano 12th inst. Four weeks ao Mrs. Kob.-rt Öcott died and her body was placed in a vault Ou the 9th htr hasbaud was killed by lalhug froiu a buiding. Saturday they were buritd in one grave. Thursday Koberc A. Or.iüu died suüdeuly at a lamber camp near big Rapids. öaturday his aged mother died ma denly and Sanday they were bnried. For seyeral mouths past the farmers and villagers in the norihern section ui Hamlau couniy have been ititenseiy exuited over the ñndinic of eold along the branch of Gabb river running throagti Aastin townahip aud having its tourue in the siampa and bluü east and northeast ol Tyre btation. FromTjre to south ot Cass City along .he river a namber ot farms have been takea ty couipanies that have been organized for tha purpose of mining. The excitement over the alleged discoveries of mintial deposita aroand Caes City coDtinnes auabated. The Johnson & Depew mining company are prepartd to sink löxüs Kvi about five or six luiles sontheast ot Caso City, one kas already been suok to a depth ot 'Mi leet and t hei r_ motto seems 10 be "gold or China." The 'ast assay of ipeuinnna taken trom the Barface is said to show $3 (J2 in gold, Detween $$ and $9 in silvcr and $47 in uopper to the top. Tne body ot Homtr A, Barnes was icncd dtad in bid in Bay City the other evening, he having commiited buieide by taking clio ral. H carne tu U iy City irom Carthage, N. Y , where he has a wite and children wit a whom he has not lived very happily. The deed was caueed by deeponaency and poverty. He leu a note saying it was unncceasary to holdan inquest, as he had taken eliior&i, fcnd requestei that hia wite ba written to. He was 'ál j eats ol age, well eduoated and bad ttuditd lor the mmistry. One of the saddest sights we have wi,i.eased or soma time was an Indian lunera) last wei-k. The body was of a little caild, aud was enclostd in a rough box store, drawn on a hand sled by a raggtd little luüian boy. Tha only mourner was the mother, who ttudged wearily af ter thecorpse thi-cugli tcie snow. Then ollowed a hall dcxan tomia'hetio tsaaws, and another little boy carrying a cross. It was a sight to tcuch the ttart o) a white mother, and one not scon to be foigotten.- bar Springg Independent. Mrs. Christine Konk of 3reokenridge, Gratiot county, has written to Jacob Seligman , the well kno wn clothier of Kist ö&gitiaw, offering him onethird oi the eatate in Scotland to which she eays she and her brother are the sole hti.-a, it he eetabiishes their claim and gets what ia their due. The property she lays claim to is valned at $25,000,000, and is tituated in the vilUge ot Baioutrie and U known as the ' Iron Slinger Farm." Airs. Kjnt claiud to have hal the matter investigated, and can furnisti prooi satisfactory to i-how that her claim is a good one, and also witnessts as to her identity. It is entailed property. Hhe statts that the matter has been in the hands ot agenta m the Old World, who, having been bribed by thoee in posses&ion, have sold her out.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat