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The entire village of Somerset, P. Q. was aestroyed by flre recently. Cyclones and floods have caused great destruction in several western state?. A flre oecurred in Cleveland, Ohio, May lfi in which three persons were burned to dêftth. It is said that. First Assktant PostmasterGeneralHay wlll resigu because of ill uealth. The seventeen year locusts Lave made their ippearance iu great nunibeis at Bridgeport. ! Since April : there has been a loss of over 3,OCO,0OU j„ tin. netgoli.l in the United Stetes reasury. Oklanoma boomers have takc-n a fresh start and are determined lo take possession of the orbiddcn land. Rev. Allen Wriehl, a Choctaw Indian, has been eleeted president of the New York union theological soiuinary alumni. The supreme courl of Indiana aflirraed the ' validity of the law requiring saloons to be closed from 11 p. m. to 5 a. m. The decisión was unanimoas. The appropriation for the payment of a bounty to volunteers, their widowe and legal heirs and for pay for two and three-year volunteers has been cxhausted. Rev. David Winters died In Dayton, Ohiü reccntly. No man living had preached so manv funeral sennons or married so mauy coupletHe liad married 5,093 oouples. The census of Washington, whieh has been In progresa f or eome time under the direction of local authorities, is about eoinpleted and shows a population of 'Mi.OO. The New York Herald of recent date prints a graphic account of the Wholesale kidnapping of colorad people in New Orleans,who arcafterward taken to Guatemala and sold into slaverv at $10 a head. ' The committee anpointed to count the csh in the treasur}' and unfinished notes in the bureau oí engraying and printing, have eompleted their work. The cash aïid unfinished notes correspond witli the treasury booka. Charles Henrv Rtfeg, the Neo who murdered olil jMrs. Lydlá Maybee and her daughter Mary, at O.yster Bay, L. I., nearlv two yeara aso, was hanged in the jail at Hu'nter's Point L. 1., May 15. He died without a struggle oecretary Lámar has written the board of pension appeals to hurry its business. He understands the board is eeveral thousaud cases behind, and he orders au examination of this state of affairs to see if it cannot be bettered. The postmaster at I.ouisville bas been di reeted not to deliver money orders and reelstered letters to the Trader tea company of that city, as they have been convicted in the local eourts of using the mails to advertise a lotterv scheme. Chief Justice Wallbridge says Louis R-,el mnst betried in the district, or provlnce where he was captured. H could not be taken to Winmpeg nor sent lo Ottawa. The Dominion government might isstïe a special commission and send up judges to try him. The locomotiva and aIi;theToar exccpt the passenger coaches of a mail train went throuirh a trestle 00 leet high at Vale. B. C, the other ïnorning. The tireman and brakeman were killed. Hie express messcngvr and mail elerk werc sligbtly injnred. Two spans of the trestle had been washed away. Arined men surrounded the guards in charge ' of a squad of prNmers from the Texas i itentiarv and compelled the guards to release the convicts. Tbeoutrage is due to the hue and cryfiusttheetni)!oymentof convlct labor outskle the penitentiarie. The governor has offered a reward of $'M for the 'cónviction of any of tbe leaders in the outrage. The long list of Information furnished the House eommittee on expenditures in the ! partment of justice by the secretary of the treasurv, regaröing un;ul.justed accounts etc, ' of bonded omcials, appears the name of only ■ one Michigan in;ui - Kobert L. Warren, formerly receiver of public moneys at East Sao-inaw. The $27,737 57 claim against him wa compromised with nis sm-eties on pavment of íao.003 and costs of suit.


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