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Michigan Legislature

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MAÏ 13. Sexate - The following bilis were passed cbanginit names of certaiu strcets In liay City; the strcet opening act of Detroit; atnending Bectinn 5774, Ilowell relative to determlnation of estafes at will; fór the flllng of contracta or leascs whlch coutnin provlslons tbat the Tendee or lessee may or sliall retaln the titlé or a Hen thereon; fora record of notioes of sults at la affecting title to r, al estáte; araending law organizing schooldistrict of Rogerj; th ■ autüorfze suits atlaw upon Indebtness before maturity lost - reconsidered and tabled; amending sec. 585, Uow., authorizlnj; judgea of probate to appoint registers; reiative to townstlps and election of township ofllcersi anthorlzln? guardiaas to carry out contracta made bv their wards; relative toa stenographer for thefourth judicial circuit; amendinï sec. fi.Vr;. il,,'v.. relative to inquests; atn tndina Bees. 4i; -:i, Hov... relative to the common jurtsdiction of counties; requlriog parties to civil suits to tile bilis ofparticulars oí their demanda; amendinc 5078, How., relative to the organization of township boards of school Inspectors; am n Iing sec. 4878, How., n!.,ti,- to the appinl ment of Tteitors to tate ifttitutlóns; providlng for the collection of piarían Btatistics; amending Sec. 7526, Howell, relative to proofs of deruands in sutts: problblting use of words "warranty deed" on any document excepl ,i full warranty deed. Laid on table. The governor sent in the iollowlng nomioattoni for commissioners to arrange ('v üw semi centennial cclcbration of Miènlga. into the Union: Thomas D. Gilbert of Ken!, Williani A. Moore of Wayne, James Shearer of Bay, Henn Chamberlaln of Berrien, T. S. Readof Cass' Member of the state military board, C. D. Long of Flint, viee Osburn, reslgned. Conftrmed. House - Bills passed: to perfect the title to a village ;plat in Mt. Pleasant: Inoorporatlng the vïllage of Frankfurt, Benzle countv; I detachiug territorv froni Portaire and ittacniñg it to Adams township. Houghton caunty; prohibitine; the compact for board system of insurance conipanies. was tabled. Adjourned. MAl 14. Senate - Senator Belknap, in behttli of the Senate janitors and messengers, presen ted Lieut. Gov. Buttara with a fine gold headed cane. Mr. Buttara accepted the gift and feelingly expressed bis thanks. Keportcd adversely: By the judiciary committee, H. 312, amendlng law relative' to interest on installmente on written contracts. Senator Pulver offered a resolution directlng the committee on public health to rnake ao investigation as to the effect of nleomargarlae and butterine on public healtli. Lost. The eoncurrent resolution directing the state auditors to Investígate the claim of .raines Audi rson for expenso and service in raising ■ regiment of colored troops lor service in I lic rebellion was adoptcd. The Senate refused to reconslder the vote by whieh all after the enautlng clause was strieken from Senator Hawlcy's Uquor bilí. HorsE.- Bills ua.ssed: For the publlcatlon everyyearofa manual of the legislatura; allowing the UBlversity 1-10 of a mili on the yaluation, lost, veas 43, nays 42. The "niinorlty bilí," so callea, was taken from the table and passed over the governor's veto. veas. 72 nays 18. The Senate joint resolution extending the time for the completion of the Marquette, Houebton t Ontoaaeoo wasalso taken trom the table and passed; te regúlate roUer skating rinks. laid on the table; abolishing the superior court of Detroit, laid on the table; suspendmg for flve years the operation of sec o478, How. relative to a specinc tax on irold silver and lead ores, ; amendlng sec. 9651, How. relative to inspection of jails; to require railroads to clear embanliments for fortv rods each sidc of roail crocelngs, enacting clause struck ou.t. Adjourued. Mat 15. Sexate - The governor noted his approval of tbc; acts to provide for assigmng errors on churees to jurors in civil or criminal cases. : amendlng section 8382, How.; relative to mecbanics' Hens; detaching lends from Portare, in Houghtou county, afldattachïng same to Adams; incorporating Frankfort; The minority blll" was reeejved from the House, having been passed over the governor's veto, and on inotion of Mr. Havriey was laid npon the table for future action. The Senate concuiTed in the action of the House in ameutling the joint resolution extend".ig the time lor completion of the Marnuette. Hoiiirhton s Untoaagon railroad, prorided ten miles are built by July 1, 1SSK. 'The follow,n? passed 011 third reading: For the compulsory reformatory cdueation of juvcnile disorderly persons. The solüiers'home committee made a report reciting thelr eonclusions on the subject of selecting a site. The governor approved of the ioiut resohition extendí ng the time for the 'corapietion of the ICarquette, HouMhton & Ontonagon railroad. Adjourned till 8 p. ni. Monday. House- The eommittee on ii}u ilcipa) corporations reported favoiably on the Detroit annexation bil] passed by ihe Senate, Mr. Walthew dissentiug. The governor notëd hls approval of the following act3: AmendnffSec ■J;,',tt. Howell, relativa to inquests; providina lor opening aad Improving sírcets an.l allevm Detroit; regulring billa of particulara of demands of parties to civil mits: making lt a misdemeanor to unbitcu or rtrive away liorsesamendiiiir Se.-. 43TS, Howell, relative to appointmeqt of visitara to state institutloní; ami'iidine 8ecs. 44:; -43. C. L. 1871, relativo to comm u jurisdlction oícounties; providin" for the collection of apiarian staüstlcs: amendlng Sec. TjOrS, Howell. relative to townsbip boards of school inspectors. The special eommittee to visit proposed sites for a state soldterg' home reported tr,;t a larga numbeioí cltíea bad been visited. and at uearly every place propoaltions oí oonations were submitted. The eommittee was of the oppiniou that the necessitv for the liome was great. The Dearborn arsenal was (ïot at present avallable. A bilí was passed establiahing school district bonndarfes in Rich Lapeer township. Mr. Holman offered a conmrrent resohition for tinal adjournment on saturday. June 6, no business exeept the sienmg of bilis to be transaeted after May 30. Laid over one day. Adjourned till 9 p. m'. Mondar maï 19. Sexate.- Tho followlng bilis pasa d : Making an appropriation for improvementa at the tato hou "f eorreetlon; estaDÜshlng a board of building: inpeetors for Detroit; aniendiug sec. 610ÍI, Howell, relative to adjournment o? sares of real estáte on executlons; uniMiding section SO.'O, Howell, relatlve lo attaeüment The greater part of the morning essiou wasdevoted to cons.deriug the Ford capital puni.shment hill as a Bpeclal order and the afternoon was gpent in wurk In comralttee of the whole Adjoiirned. Hoi-iE- The folloving pasjed uuless otteriviseuoted: To consolídate the laws relative to prisons, laid on the table; for unifoiiiiity of the accounts of superintendente of the poor lost; the general hisrhwav laws passed; tncorporatlsg the schools of iVntonto prevent lnjury w deslrsction of bagaatje1 regulating the transportatlon and of Texas eattle; for a revisión of the prattice of he law- referred baik to the Committee on Hays and Meas; tfraendlng the eenaral plank road act- passed; inakinv' an apiropriatlon for improvemeut Dowagiac dcekroposlng an ameiiduient to 'seitiou 28 ichedule of the Co.istltution rel■Uive to the Gtovernor's appolntments, .unending laws relative to oilVnses agalnst property to stand as sectlon 9176, A. Howell' amendiug seution 9.5, Howell, relative to pay 3f troept; relative to petit [urors in L'pper Península- passed; for iin nd rif' act relative to appoiutment of an AgglsUn ProsecuUng Attoiney in Waync eounty; relative to a (.-vna7terylnPark Towushrp St. Joseph County ; for the sale of tbc Jri-wi Countv fairgrounfla. Alter Considi-riiiL' inar.y bilis in comliuttee of the whole the House iidjcurned, A cowardly ass.uilt ivas mudo upon An'ms Naggle of Langston, near Greenvllle, ashe was returnlpg borne the other evening. As be ■ras entering the gato to bis home, me one iealt him a blow on the slde of the head ivith a :)ub, whlch lal ! him insensible, u whieb coudition he reniaincil eeveral honra, i! Isíeared the injuyes will resull fatolly. The voung man is a quii-t, orderly feUovv, re pected by alf ind lt snot knonu that he J-.ii ■ i au enemy. John Stuek, a paluter of Big Raplds, was orrested last weck lor tii'ating bis wik-. ïue ivomau conseouentlr soughl refnge with a brother of Stuck. Wheft Stuck ruluased he called at tbe resldenee of his relative and shot at hiiu but fuiU'd to do.any in jury. The brothers then cllnchtd aeiffhbors interfering, John fled. He was overtaken bv in offleer bowever, but rather ihau suffer liiiiisell to be taken Into custody, he drew a knife and slashed it acro.-is bis turoat, inflicting u serious but uot mortal wound. The cxain;:;alion vt Detective Charles L i Moran and Patrolman Scoby tor shootlng Will I Heart In Grand Raplds not long ago, resulted in the discharge oí Moran and. the holding of Seoby for trial. In Scoby for 'trial Judge Holmes said the ollleirs had a rieht to detain prlsoners whether theoffensecommitted was criminal or clvlc, but he thouglit it best under the clrcumstancea that a hiuher court should investígate tüe laots, as the public ould then be bettir saüsiled Bail was üxed at $1,000 aml promptly iuruished.


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