Detroit Markets

The graiu markel is Irregular but generalij i ïlgher, showing considerable atrengtb aiter an i arly decline, which Is Induced by the visible statement showing au increase. Provlslona ire liniK-v but not ([Uotably higher. The ÍÍO 1 1eral produce market Is qufet. Therecelpi oí itrawberriea i large and the market somewhat lemoralized. Eggs are a little strqoger aud renerally l .,V higher. Butter la unchanged md is (luifüs ewr. Snit lish show a decline of ubout ]c ]),t lb., caused chiefly by the liberal recelpts ot fresn Bsh. The hardware market ehowa sotne changes, nalla luiving advanc;d 5c per keg, wbile tío platea have decllned. Wheat- No. 1 white $ 99%@ 1 00 Wheatr-No. 2 red 1 00 W 1 00 Four 5 00 @ 5 25 Corn 48 @ 49 Oats 35 @ 88 Barlev 1 35 ( 1 50 Eye per 100 4 00 @ 4 50 Corn meal per L00 18 00 @19 00 Clover Seed bu 5 (10 @ 5 35 Timothy Beed 175 ( 1 80 Applas 'per bbl 3 00 @ 3 50 Apples per bu 75 (cö 1 00 Butterf ft 16 @ 17 10 @ 12 Egg8 11 @ 12 PoUitoes o9 @ 45 Turnipa 30 (w 35 Onlons ?bu 1 25 @ 1 50 Honey 13 (É 18 Beans, picked 115 (125 Beans, uupicked 90 @ 1 00 Hay 15 00 ()17 00 Straw 0 00 @ 7 00 Pork,dressed f 100 550 W600 Pork, mess new 11 74 (3)12 00 Pork, famlly 1:2 00 $ 12 25 ilams 9 M 10 Shouldcrs 8 @ 7 Lard 7 @ 7K Dried Beef 12 @ 13 Tallow 5 dit 5% Beeawax 30 @ 35 Beel extra mess 10 25 @15 50 Wood, Beech and Maple 5 75 @ 6 00 WoodMaple 25 % 0 50 Wood Hiekory 6 75 % 00 LIVH STOOK. Cattle- Shlpplng ateera, $4 90@5 60; rtockera au I 0J; cowe, bulls and mixed. l: through Texas eattle, 80 carloads, maket 1 1,- 15c higher, at $3 üO @4 75; western ranges, corn ted, í5@5 75. Hoos- Rough and mixed, $3 95@4 12; paeklng and shlpping, $1 15(4 30; light weiglits, S 9ü@4 40; skips, 3;3 75. Siikki' - Blow but Bteady; nativos, $2 75@ 4 50; western, 2 76@4 00: Texans, %L, 50 ; 3 50; lamba per bead, $2 25@3 25 "" "" AtKenosha, Wis., the 12-year old daughter of John Surges teil uito the river and inimediatelv sank. Mrs. Surges jumped in to save her life and was also drowned.
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