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California condoles with Rouraanla over the advent of the 17 years locusta. The Poss Collar Pad of zinc and ! leather is unqucstionably the best pad ever made. Humanity demands its use on every horse wearing n ' ame rollar. It prevenís ehafing and po.siüvely cures SOM nocks. It is manufacturad by Dexter Curtis, Hadiaon, Wis. Sittinir Buil has sent a present of a bufïalc robe to hls holmess the pope. In Holland, Mich., C. .). Doesbury publishes the News, and in its columns strongly recommends Dr. Thomas' Electric Uil for coughs, colds, sore throat catarrh and aslhma. A sequel to "Beckctf Ie being written ky th. ! Britieh poet Lauréate. A PUKK AND KeLIABLE MEDICINE. - I A. compound Huid extract of roots, leaves, barks and berries 3 Burdock Blood Bittebs. They cure all diseases of the blood, liver and kidneys. Over 3,000 people vMt the Britl?3li National arr pillen each aay. FouEakaciie, Tootacke, Soro l'hroat, Swelled Neek, and the resulta of colds and iuflarumation, use Dr. Thomas' Electr'c Oil -the great pain destróyer. Colored gems and preciona stoues are having a great run in the east. Adolf Lalloz, carriage manufacturer, 119 Carroll Street, Bufialo, N. Y., states: I was troubled with nausea of the j ach, sic1?; headache and general debility. j Burdock Blood Bittei's cured me Sulphur smoke makes au ''army'1 of grasshoppers very tired. More than half a milllon dollars' wortli o) real estáte in New Haven is mvned by a few Yale proleasore. Abont three dozen rattle to the square mlle raana;;c to exist - despite ilepletion of their ranks'by butfhers- in the noble state of Iowa. VIGOR and VITALIÏyT": Are givcn to the whole systcin b (' Ihc purifyinp, toning. and sirentheninji infiuences of Hood's parilla. If jou teel "alllfooe," ure dcWliiated by distase, or the efiecUt of chaogioff wcalher, Hood's Sarsaparilla vvül builr,on up. Wc do not ask you j to Uke thls medicino merely becausc o!" wha'. wo y. i The thousands of peoplo who testlfy in its favor should certainlvconvinccyouof its great medicinal mi' ril. " I used Hood's Sarsaparilla last .prinfj ar.d cao Uraly say it helped me verv much. To thuse snlTtring with bilious complaints, nervous prostralion, orrheumatistn, I oirnestly recomnu'nd it." i Penter, Kalamazoo, Mich. M Hood's Sarsaparjlla af a blood purificr has oo equnl. Il Iones the svs'.cui. rtrefljftlimi and inviitoratcs, giving new lit'e. 1 have ïa't;n it for kidnev romplaint with the best resuUs; have used everal holtiss m my lamilv and lm HluSed lliat iiS reputalionis meriteiL" D. It 6AUBDBK, 8 IVlrl strsect, , Cincinna'i, Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all dniïeists. M ; alx f or S. Made only by 0. L HOOD & CO., Apothcuurlca, Lowcll, Mana. (OO Doses One Dollar. IT WILL PAT YOU TO GO TO DETEOIT . AND HAVE YOUB EXA.MTÏTED AND FITTED WITF 8PECTACLE3 OR EYE GLASSES AT TICIANS. 140 WOODWARD AVE I .THEY MAKE NO CHARGE FOlii oVvTbeMS :BELD0Mg HALL'S gatarrh gure is Recomraenrted by Physiciansl SíOúMMÉMáíElñl Weminufaíture and Bdiitwitha positivo guarantoe thLt i'. wit! cure any CUSO, and wo pill forfait tbü abovetuauuut iiithifein single instanee, Itis unliko uy ahiT Catarrh Hl taken internaüy, aetlng upon the U!OOd. lf you ar! troubladTrilh tbia uistressing disease, ask yourDruggist for it, and ACCEPT NO IMITATIOa 011 SCDOTITÜTE. If 9 i hasnotpot it, send to ui and wo wlü forwatí immodiatcly. Frico, 75 cenia per bottle. f. i CHEey . en T-ir;rjo. o,ia nATC TÏBfhii Hostetter'd Stom(JlJlblIr BW ach Bitters conquen jfüai"ranSprrsf.t'pr,irïï 9 . "chronlc conatlnHtion, t -__ counteract s tin; efteSTOMACtrAf' feers of inrmal exbitter' B"g= MALT BITTERS. 12? IS TBCBl Blood Pürifier rê Health Restorer. Il nover fails to do its work in cases oí Malaria, Blllounitess, f onst-.pation, Hcadacho.lossof Appetlte and Sleep, Vervorm MeblUtj-, Neuralgia, and all Peínale Complalnt. Hop8 4 Malt Puteis is a Vegetable Compound. Itis a medicine not a Barroom Drink. It diners as wldelyasdoes niyandnight from the tbousand-and-one Mixture of vlle -wliisky flavored w;th nromatlcs. Hops & Malt Bitters is recommended by Physiciuns, minister and N ursea as bsins tbe Bost Fam ily Medicine evsr compounded. Auy woinan or clïild can take it. "From my knowledgn of its inp-eclients, under no encumstances can it injure any one using it. It contains no minsral orother deleterious subKtanco. real mmits, the remedy ia aeserving success. 'f C. E. DePüt, Ph. G., Detroit, Mich. Thoonly Genuino are manufactured by the HOPS & MALT BITTERS CO., Detroit, Mich. t. n. DiNcntiiv sons, Whfl!?ía! nms e. datis co., Airpnts Dtrclt, Mlck. nCllia. j .1 'rTi rn, n.'mii EF PAGES LtQUID OLUEfa I oscd by thousands of ílrst daca ffltrLTj facturen Q rOj . nd Mernanic on their best vrork. Keceived fr:' _ " ■ GOLD MEDAL.I'tKlon.'s;;. I'rnnounccdjirrtnyrf V6fl I glue krtoirn. Sentí carel oi'doalctwho doei notkéop ifirtO It,wlUifive2csUJiipsfor&AMPLECAN Plirf liteiil BiisaaCemc3tCo.,G!ancKter,Has.LLLLCaiog "ONCE SIOKE TO THE FRONT !. F The old rellable liouse of OKAY, ÏOT.UON fc FOX, Detroit, HeaiUiuartcrs for IR E WORKS! ï'lBtolr?, Caps, Flrecrackers, Balloons. Torpedoi, Fliffi y PIrewoAs, Btc Etc. KxhlblttonB, fur cltics and towns, sí.-íetica and pr!Vüte p rod, iir.d all orders tillcd with promptncia rtnd oUpatch. Onc ■ , "i Rldge'8 foei. f:i foritradlstlnctlon to othen 1 ïtó ncui ral ju-tIoh upon tbe bowcls. For tlif i-canon, It is fpoclally adapted to those Bcasons wlifn bowe) tronóles are ro frequent. Bemcuiiicr i:j!j' ' old and trled prcparatlon, havinif been In ase thirty yeara in Kuclind and Amt'rTcn. It id a safe and notirlshing dlet for all condlUons: Ji VLYDA Ê.PINKHAMf8 iftSm VEGETABLE COMP(PÍÍÍD fe9% . IS A rOSITITE CÜKE "R , . {r, jS All tlios pain ful Complaints y3 En1 Woknesses o conimou Wffl. , to our bft , ♦yV FEMALE l'OPILATIOS. , rrle $1 In HjiUd, plll or '.iE forn. Tti purpos ia toldy for the Ugiti;nati a!mr o distase and the relief of pain, and that J doe." il ( claimt to do, thoasandjofladie 111 jiaJii; tesUfa. ' It will care ontln.-ly all Ovarían trouble, inflama Uon and Ulccration, l'ailiug aud Msp'.cumtJts, anc consequent Spinai "WcaJiness, and ir panículas adapted to the chango of Ufe. It remores Faintncs, Flatulency, destroys all cravlng for stimulant-i, and rellcvi 3 WeaJuiöss of the stonircn It cures Bloatine. Hc-adachc, Nervous Prüitratlon, Gnurtü Dobiltty, BIOL-pk-iínesa, Dcpresslon ana Indi irtlon. That fecllng of bearing down, rauslng pain. lui backaot.''. UalwaTH prrmancntly curod Dyitausc Send stamp to Lyiiu,"Ma33., for pamphlet Lettjrsp lnouirT onnaentially answered. i sale at drrtórs I # ♦ " Narrow Escape. RociiESTEK, Juno 1, 18S3. 'Te Tcars ago I was attacked wlth the most Intense and dcatbly palns fn my back and - Kidveyt. "Extendintt to the end oí ray toea and to mj brain ! "W'ioh made me delirious! "From agony I ! 1 ! "It took three men to hold me on my bed al times! "The Doctors tried in vain to relieve me, bul to no purpose. Morphine and olher opiaten ! "Eadno effect! "Aiter two months I was riven ud ta d!e! ! ! V "When my wife hcard a neiRhbor teil what Hop Bitters had done for heK she at once got and gave mi soroe. The first dose easr-d mv brain and seenx cd to go huntlng throuüh m'v system for the pain. The bccoikI (lose caeed mo so much tht I slcpt two hourB, somethln; I had nt dme f-r two montha. Be foro I hail used live hottles. I wns wel! and at worï aahartl qb any man ooukl, for itvcr thrce wceka; but Iworkcd loohardforiny strenprth. anj mklnga bard coid, was taken wth the most acute and palnful rheumattsm nli through my ystem that ever wu known. 'I callcri the doctoi r.Min. rqcI after Rfveral week they left me a cripriii' on cratches for Hfc, nsr.hej sald. Z met % frlcnd and tol1, tilín niy crp. and he said Hop Bitters had cureil hhn an:l woulil rare me. l poohcdat hlm. out he was toearaeat I was induccd A Ufiethcm iigaln. In teMthan tour weeki I threw my my crutche and vent to irork llfrhtly and kopt on uslng the bitten forflvc weeks, anttl 1 bccame as well as any man LWlDff, fin-I !i 'or sl.x years slnr-e. It h:. my h i'. ulio had been slck iorycars; andhas kepl her and my children well and healthy wit'.i rrom two to three bottles per year Tbere Is no nood to be sick at all It these bitter are used. .1. 3. Beiik, Ex-Siirxrvlsor. "Thnt invalid wifc Sister, .fother. "Orduuglih r!!l "Can be made the pictm-e of hralth I "AVith a few bottlcft of Hop Bittors ! " WW. ymi kt (htm suffer ! ! ! .' Pi-osecute Swlntlteratti If vhe i yon c.ill for Hop üitti-r ís-kk í)iekx clüstk of 11. i'. (.).; ï i; . bkl) the druijslst hand9 out mr, I). Warncr'a Germán Hop Hitten or wlth other ilv" name, refuse lt an-i shun M you would a vfper, aiul !i Uo ! taken vniit iti'.iM-y for stutï indlct liiin for the traud and Bue hlm fr the damaffes for the swindle and we win reward you IQwrally for the conViotlon. precce la i "I7OK of bonen anil cattl iinthlna i.:ires witii Vetorlnary Carbollaalre It. !■ theosi'. lhatlevc no scar nnd invarlffinal color, olrllty druggists ut to :t:ntH aii'i - Tlierc are only 2-:;S distlnct cbaracters In Abyssln i. Hard to Eelicve. H is hard to believe íh:it n man ■%' cured of a Kit'ny disease afler his body was swollen as b)L aa a barrel and he had been givea i p a incurable and lav t deaih's door. Yet tuch a was accomp ished by Kidney Wort in ihe perfon of M M, Devereaux of loni.i Mirh., wliosays:" After thirteen ot'the best doctors in Detroit had given me ap, I was cured by K'dníív Wort. I want everyons lo know what a boon it i-. G? ftuantity and Quality. In the Diamond Dycs inore colorín:; is yiv. n than in any known dyes, ;ind they ive f:istcr and more brilliant coiors. loc. :it all drunilxa Well--, Rlchardson & Co., üurlington, Vt Sample card, 32 Colon, :tn:l book of directions for 2c atamp. Relief from Siek Headachc-, Urowsiness, Nausea. DIzzineM, l'ain in tlie Side, &C., guarantoed to those asSng Carter's Lfttle I.iver Pllls. These cornp'.aiots are ncarly alw'av i hy torpid livor and constJpated boweu. Restore these organs to thelr proper functions and the trouble e ase. Carter's l.itilo Pili wfll liotiii.s every time. One plll ís a dose. Forty in a vial. Frico ';5 cents. A. t AX& It - 'i o ni .1" .1 .vi m su.innují iroi! errort of youth, njiouf woakneiB, early decay. loas of manh-ort, Ac., I wi!. send ü receipe thtit wlll cure too. KRUK I)K i.HAllüK This great rBned7 wal 41coverod by a miJslonary in Hjutïi Amerlua. Sen4 elf adnrecd envelope to KKV. JOSBPH T. INHAN Stntiop l. New vort , If afllieted with sore ever, use Dr. ísaao Thompson's Eyc Water. Drugirists sell it. 25c, The purest, swectest and best Cod LfTer 011 ín tho woild, manufactored rraso rreab, hcaltliy Uvors, up on the .-■ wlutely juire und swcct. Patients who have onc-.e taken it proferí t toallutliera, oelaed it Bunerlor to nnyofthe other olla In market Made by Caswei.l Hazard, Co.. N-w Vork. Chapped llunds. Face. rimiHe?, nnd lloi'gh Skln, cured by ustng Juuiper Tar Soap, made by aswkll, Hazabd a u... New Fork. Hnlf-irH Saupo Kxpressly forfamüy use. Onlv sold roil . : ■: ; jdfc IIAV I-Aii;it, jmmwP Attached to wagon. d#llv"1 wtnrow HanBUaHBUí orfwathon to ttielisyrack, without anv extra holp. a blnatlon wich rleKa ]lnt titirrtor renURT Bf3.' 'K' 'E-nsf of hay : i' more tlia: half. Send ' WHBallll1llB)r i OTTAVA. 1I.L tjjrjiK _ BOSS B' '. COLLAR PAD __- -SLOf Zinc &. Leather NO MORE fSOltlC ÍIí;CJvS. It wlll pofltivcly prevent chaüng and caro sor Withor-. Horse can be worked while cure fs perfectert. Har-ess makers wil! refun t woner ir uot BatUñtd after t daya tria! liXTilt CUills, 'iadion. WU. tR. UAWARE Lorillard's Ciiinaz Plug bccrtnK ft -rrf fin tag ; that Lorillardi líuef LenfAn60Ut that Lorillard' ivr C'lly-plnir. atui thaf I.orlllani's SuuÖa, i cqnsumMonT I havo a positivo ro:ae(lj'f"r tliofibovodlscoüe; by 1M oso th-m-ftii-'iif raaos, oí tlio vortt klni untl of Ion Btnodlc chave lieen ciired. Imief.l, i-ontrnnls mVfulíff ln iiscraciicy.thiít 1 wi 1 sondTWO lJOTi'U S FPJCB togcthorwltiia VAÍ.UABI.ETRKATISE on tluidiMH, toauy suüTerer. Glroexnrpssurui I O. uJdr , Dll.T. A. SLOcüiI,isi PcariSt., Kw Yorkv ■soiTira MEiff&gssss Telecraph Instltute, KaJunaioo, Mích. SciiU Journal. "■ fHE BtST IS CKEAPE8T.M iKins. THRFHFR mi-iiiul Bomrowtrs i nnCOnlinO eburDBlIen CSultadto&l)eotJon AnUíor fUKB Iüub. PmpüK nad iMom to TW AuiMMkT M Xajrlor Co-, UuuQvld, Otlx ffiLd'SaFiS torkiiix'SniiTxjriíTs.Samitla -fJV outfit tree, Ail m-ss cnu-iuuaU 'W-T . Suspender Co., CiuciuuatJ, O jjPf gy[ Bro. JcDafiian's Jokes ÊT S i80paie.ri'ustrated. Sent, S Tafiy Kl l'ii,t.!ilil í: ! 'i ivnfV.nta. üar'-'orí uhlUiln llaux, S9Í 1 BacbuiiSI.,!lwTly KIPPERS Pfl8TlTïls!S"EisS ■V. W. V. 26 (Mi IWEwa S.aamruam, lÁoanon. Ubi


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