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James D. Fish, president of the Marine bank of New Taris, has been sent oead to ten years at Auburn prjson. Althougli séntunccd tu the full extent of the )ai üice Is regarded asjust. FishisnovGd jears oM. By good conduct his torm of iaiprio.uiiiMií. wiÜ expire In six and one half years. D1SSATI81' IED I) A 1 1 : V :.! E X. The dairy men of New York state are not satisfied with the rtccnt decisión of the eourt of appeals in the test oleoruargarine case. Tbey stato that "that eage (ihe people vs. Farx) was not a test case at all, but a bogus Buit gotton up by tbc oleoraargarlns manufacturera against onu of thciv own mimi er and pushed on the courtof eppeals upon a pretented statement of fact, ivliich dtd not exist in the case at all, :md wit!; n ( vi;U nee offered on the part of the pcople to counteract it." ATTIirt MASÏ VKA);8. That ''munler wil! out" has just been strangely veriied In lfenry cöunty, Virginia. Peter Grins, a colorea man, fias just been arrested there for the murrter of Mr. George l'onnill twwity years ago. The dead body of .ir. Pónnill, who '.vas among the most prominent citizens of the county, was toundln his office at that time. Uy liis side was the plstol of the dead man. The circumstances surrounding t'ne case secmed to polnt to suicide. This theory was accoptcd and nc.vcr contradlcted until a few days ago, when a élaughter of Grins' came to Martinsville and admltted (bat her father killed l'onnill. fihe declared that both slie and her mother were cognizant of the crime. The fathcr sent the dnughter away from home and liad his son eonvicted of horse stealinc and sent tothe penite'.iüarv. The sudden return of the daughter ai ter an exile of twenty years and the tartiüig confeesion she makes has caused quite a sensation. Peter Grins will be tried for murder. BAD OUTLOOK POR WIXTEK WHEAT. Soecial croprcpoits: from Dakota. Minuesota, Iowa. Kebraska, Indiana. Ohio, Michigan, Illinois. Kansas, Missouri, Kfintucky, andTennessee tothe American Rural i i meoiRochester N.Y. gathered by corre3ppnde :riü everycounty, sbovr' that "the f .rheat-prodwlng arcas do not promise mort taan brea'l and seca in winter wheat. The iir.-t tgventyn u i days of June werc exeeediugly trring, and oreas" that were thonírlt good lor (alt u ci'Op ::re now turning out largely cheats. All cstimates of the spring wheat yleld at present are ldle ooujectures. The i ratlva estimatee point to a ten per cení as comparecí with 1884. Corn Is doing fairly. In no state, howevcr, are the prospects abova thé average, "West of the Missouri the wholc Beason l:is been wet; east of the Missouri, cold 'and dry. The oat erop is much largor than thatof]88i because largi amounts oí wheat lands werc put into oats. On the hole the aeason is an average one. PÜOILISTIG POLAHDERS. For a long time there lias been seriona trouble in the Poiish Catholic chureb in Toledo bctween tbc prlest and bis followcrs and a factiqn who were opposed to him. O'.'cr a vear ago, in a row groiving out of tbia trouble, a man was killed, and the failure to conviet the parties guiltv of the offence stimulated the opposition, which has been increaslng in leroeity. A few days ago an ittempt was made to blow up the chiirch building witli dynamite. The trouble eulminated in :i general rlot, in wiilcii llrearms and ail manuer of woapons were freely used. Two men were killed .'mil scveral iojured, while quite a number ol housos were partially or enurely de6tryed. pólice made a large number of arrests andan extra forcowasstatioued on the grounds to prevent another qutbreak. The scène of the riot s over two inileb from the pólice stiltion, but h ïoree of policemen was on the ground an Boon is p :ssible and arresteil twelvo orflfteenof the leadingrloters and jailed them. Not less thau 10Ü men, v-omen and chlldren were engaged in the fight


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