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Talmage has gone to Europe for a suramer'8 trip. Ilon. R. F. Merrick, tbe famous Washington lawyer, is dead. Silver lias been dlseovered about cight miles west of Pittsburg. Rlehmond, Texas, was vioited by an $100,000 lire a few ilays ago. S. L. Phelps, ex-minister to Peru, died at Lima a few days since Gen. Lawton bas abamloned the trail of the A pat-hes n New Mexico. 2 Tbc dominion parllament has pas-sed the rebellion urunt of f 1,700,000. James D. Fisk of the Marine liank of New York lias been ddnied a new trial. A movement for tbe admission of New Mexico as a state is already under way. French Canadians are raising money to defend the half-breeds at the coming trial. Edward L. liedden bas been appoiuted collector of customs for the district of New York. Samuel L. Burdett of Washington, D. C. has been elected Commander-iu-chief of the G. A. 11. Prof. James B. Kimball of Bethlehem, Pa., bas been appoiuted director of tbe mint, vice Burchard suspended. The remains of ex-Minister Phelps, who died in Lima, Peru, have been embalmea aud willbe brought to Washington. McCullouiih, the actor, has become violentlj Tisanc, and is confined in the Bloomingdale, N. T. asylum for the insane. Director of the mint, Burchard, says he will not resizn, and proposes to test the power of the Presiden!, to remove him. Two members of the Illinois legislature are aecused of serious crimes, one of an attempt at bribery and tbe other of rape. It is reported thatGen. Middletonhasoffered $3,(XX) lor Big Bear, dead or alive, (1,000 each for thrce other ehiefs, and SlOüeaeh for a ! her of eouncñlort. A collision on the Wabafih railroad, near j Woodstock, Mo., resulted in the death of two men. The condnetor's watch was too slow, henee the collision. Rumored at Quebec that all arrangements conoerning the purehaw of the Nortn Shore line for the summcr terminus of the C. P. R. have been cauceled by tbe government. Chrales A. Buddensiek, the New York . tractor recently convicted of manslaughter, has been sentedced bv Recorder Smythe to 10 years' imprisonment and a une of $500. Canada has orderöd new quaraiitlne regulations against Mediterranean and Lomion ! seis, to remain in lorie UU October 13 next. j Victoria and Syduey are made quarautine stations. The falling off in tr ...suiv rcceipts for the past ye;r haa been greater than at first supposed, owing to the Increased erpendltures ior pensions. The surplus rund is about $30,000,000 instead of $30,000,000. A visitor at the White house tlie otlier day asserted that he was on a divine niission. Hu was arrayed in white Unen and ornamentad with flowers. He said lie had a rcsldenco ia heaven and another in California. Henry A. Myers of Ualtimore. convlcted of cruelly beating bis wife, after au unsnceessful effort to escape punlshment tlirougti the court of appeal, receired bis 80 lashes at the liauds of the sheriff. He bore the infiiction wdl. The duty of placin the eeal on tlie United States notes, etc., has been transferred from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to the Treasurer's offlee, with the object of Insnrlng greater security in the cnmpletion and Issue of the notes. The Sioux Chief Bittine Buil was in IVushington reoently and sought ar interview '.vith the President. The exccutlve was too busy bowever, to more than shake hands with the son of the forest, whereapon Iatter Vciime very angry. Second Lieut. Carroll Mereer, of the Uuitcd States Marine Corps, wbo was tricd liy courtmartlal in New York for drunkcuneuft on the Panama expedition, has been sentcneed to two years' suspension on lmlf pay, ami to retain his present nurabev on the register duriiig that time. Speaking of the Iniportatlou of Boston de pendent childrcninto tlu's state, Bishop Oillespie thinks the idea of taking rtepen-jent diildren from othcr etates to enn: for when .ve have so many in otir OWH stíito nuediug bornes, andjust as likel.v o prove satisfftctory, ia wrong. Mrs. Jolm W'onil of Clinton, Causdu, a fi-isky dame of 67 summers, elop-d with Win. MraJlcy aged 21. The loving eouple -.ver,' arrosteJ n Toledo. They took with them aboai f1')0 of Mr. Wood's riioncv. but coneolcd him uv Uaving him the 12 children tbat ealled Mrs. Wood mother. Mrs. R. J. M'array of Uomcr has u word which an únele tcok írora a Urítisl: ofíicer which he killed in the -.var of ISl'J. Th s;vord was glven to her brother, her uncle's namesake, who was a soldier in the v,rar of t'ic reboUlon, and who was killed ut the hifi baitlv of Bnll Lun. A freight train on the Indlanapolls, De'-atar & Spriiigfield railroad at N'orth Salem, t enty six miles west oí Indiana ;l is. knocked uuknownwoman and t'.vj elilMren, aii.-d 9 and 13 years respeetively, off a twentv fooi irestle, killing them all.' Tiie woman llved wsne tune and said her name was Sarah Wilson. Tliey were evidently tramps. The marble statue of the late President Garfield, presented by the state of Obin to the natioual stati'.ary hail, was unveiled rceently without ccremcmy in the presence oí Governor Hoadlcy and two or threc members of the commitres from Ohio. Thev expressed theniselves vt'iy much pfrased with the etatue and will rccouitneud lts acoepUince. J. C. Forbcs, a celebrated Canadiau artist, was attacked with hemorraire f-orn the nose a few (lav!) ago and bleil to dtnla. Mr. Forbes had beVn suffering' from cttiirrïi. ïo obtain relief bcinjectedintohisnoLiüsa patent dicine, which so ate away the ring o' the arteries of the nose thatt hey burst, and uil efforts of his medical attendantx to check the flow of bl oJ failed. A waterspout borst over Longvlew, Terae, the otheraitemoou. lioiDgabout 1.00u daniage. lts maio foree was spenton the üelús iidjoïllinEc. In some paris' of the '. wo stream of water six feet deep ran oorn the streets. Alter tne storm had liossufl innumerable tish vete fooud In tho ileWs and streets. None oí the fish were le.?s ttuui Fuuv Enchcs loog and íxubdredsof tliem iru : U'm tuches. A discase supposed to bc a species ot g. anders bas been disuovcred among horses., infles and othor animáis in tiie u-'ihboi!; o ' of Pittsburg. A unmber of horses and ..uien have died. The diseasc is fatal in ever. tase, nd owners of in and at out tbc city are becomine; thoroughly alanned. A til al examination of the dísease has been made and prompt measures adoptíd to prevent lts :;cr'her SDread. _____________


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