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Bead The Tvo Sams' change of ad. Wm. A. Butler, Jr., of Detroit, was in the city Sunday. Over 100 loads of wool were marketed in this city Monday. Wood & Son and Jno. Nowland are in the wool business. E. S. Crawfori will go on the editorial excursión to Macinac. Thus far E. Kempf has purchased 75,000 pounds of wool. The St. Thomas building association give a picnic to-morrow. W. H. Hendrick has returned from a six weeks visit in Indiana. The Minnis band will make it hvely for the 5ii anites to-night. W. G. Burcho ei d has moved into the Millei house, on Millei avenue. Frank Hangsterfer will be caterer at the Milan celebration to-inorrow. John Nowland feil from his carriage W'dnesday and skinned his face. In tour days picking Dr. Nichols' strawberry p iteh yielded 112 bushels. A number of Aun Arborítes visited Ypsilanti, yesterday, and took in the circus. The old hotel office in the St. James building is being'put ín order for a billard room. The Hiiydn bami will give the Whitriiore Lake people a rare musical treat, to-morrow. Jobnaie Kempf wil! soon leave for a trip aronnd the lakes, to be gone about two weeks. C. T. Oonuely entertitined James nnd Jno. Shanahan, of Tribes Hill, N. Y., a portion of the week. Oontractors Harkins & Dignen commenced lighting the gasoline lamps for the city, Wednesday. Tuesday treasurer Watts received from couniy treasurer Belser $10,523.70, due the city for liquor tax. Mrs. B. Harkins and Mrs. Jno. 8chumacher left yesterday to visit Mrs. Mar ion Goodale, in Bay City. Boughton & Payne aretheonly ageuts for that bright and newsy paper, the Detroit Evening Journal. Telephones have been put in for the following persons the past week: Michael Stabler and A. A. Holmes. Flora Ross, held on the charge oL lar ceny, was discharged Wednesday for the want of sufficient evidence to convict. Judge and Mrs. Cooley are in Northville, Penn. The Judge attended the annnal meeting of the bar association. -The Michigan Central is selling tickets to and trom all stations, good until Mrtnday next, for one fare for the round trip. L. D. Grose, who was severely injured by the caving-in of a trench on Mmn-st., some weeks since, is able to be aronnd on crutches. A B. Gole favored this office with a box of strawberries, immense in size, the largest one measuring 8% by &% inches in size. Edward Wasser slipped from the plank crossing the dam, Sunday, and would have been drowned had not Dodger Keegan gon to bis relief. Mr. Southard of the university barber shop, and Dr. Baldwin, with their families, have been spending this week camping out near Independence Lake lom Matthews, a íamous clown, is living at Bnghton, England, 80 ears old, hale and hearty. The jokes that he used to get off are also hale and hearty, and much older than 80 years . In Canada - " Well, wife, I suppose we oiiKht tocill on the Maudelbaums.hadu't we?" " Yes, dear, I suppose so, hut they are horribly comrnon people; just think, they only stole a paltry $13,000. A correspondent su.ys that people in India are rarely bitten by snakes, as boots are worn to protect the feet . Huw dilïerent it is in this country, where people can't keep the snakes out of thëir boot." A natter sees one of his debtors pass him 1 y in the street without any recogmtion of his existence, and straightway becomes as mad - as a hatter. " Curse the fellow ! " he says, " he might, when I bowed to him, have the decency to lift my hat." "Does the shiniug steel blade which I hodd in my hand cause you excruuiatinff pam?" inquired an Oil City barber. "What?" "I asked if the razor hurt you." 'Is it a ruzor?" "Of course it is. Why?" "Ithought it was a saw, but if you are sure it is a razor, go ahead. The advertisement of Messrs. Bough ton & Payne, in another column, should be read by every person who believes in square dealing. The action of the , News' agent ought to mcrease the sale , of the Evening Journal, which contuins , as much solid reading matter and the very latest telegraphic news. We are informed that 98 per cent. of the subficnbers to the News now take the Journal, and are very much pleased with the change. A Newbraska editor (one of the hardshell persuasión, probably) placed the following inscription upon his wife's tombstoue. "To the memory of Tabitha, wife of Moses Skinner, Esq. gentlemanlv editor of the Bugle. A kind mother and exemplary wife Terms $2 a year, invariably ín advance. Office over Ooleinan's grocery, up two flights. Kuock hard. We shall miss thee, mother; we shall miss thee, mother; we shall miss thee, mother. Job printmg solicited." . Ohelsea Herald: Will Van Biper is nursing a badly bruised arm recieved from a fall of ten feet and timbera falling on him. Jacob Heselschwerdt s cattle got into and injured the wheat of Charlee Fiah, of Bharon. Mr. H. oflered sixteen dollars to settle it. The jury gave Mr. Fioh five dollars. At the close of the trial. Mr. Fish made ai) uuprovoked and disgraceful attack on Mr. Hes elshwerdt, bruising his face badly. Three students f rum the unirersity passed through Chelsea last Thursday, on their way to Chicago their home, yia bioycles. They expect lo niake the trip in about four davs. G. H. Gay has been appointed a óleputy grand commander, Order of the Ked Cross, for Michigan. This is a well-meritcd honor Geo. BeGole shipped i buil log by mail, to a tobáceo dealer in Kentucky. Circus in Ypsilanti yesterday. Counoil meeting Monday evening. Albort Borg haa b haudsome covered delivery wagon. Judge Campbell ha reeigned trom the law departnient. Mrs. B. F. Granger is visiting her sister in California. The contraetors broke gronnd for the new jail, Monday. Warm weather seems to be slowly but surely approaehing. A. A. Grcgory, Jr., of Detroit, visited his home last Friday. Miss Edith Lord of Chicago, is visit - ing Mrs. Judge Beakes. The MisHes Burnstine of Detroit, attended commeucement . John Maley of Kalamazoo, was in the city the last of the week. Miss Dell McClellan spent the past week with Mattie Harrmian. Mrs. Dr. Cleveland of Pentwater, is visitiug lier mother, Mrs. Jolly On Thnrsday of last treek there were as far as heard froia, four weddings. Will Tolohard returned frora a fonr week's visit at Adrián last Thursday. Mrs. Gildart of Stoekbridge, was the gnest of Mrs. A. ). Sawyer, last week. Thos. Bonner has left Au Sable and will remain in this city for the present. Judge Joslyn held court Monday in the absence of Probate Judge Harriman. Capt. Manly and Dr. T. J. Sullivan will accompauy Co. A to Adrián oq the 4th. M. F. Howard and wife have gone to Devils Lake, Dakota to speud the summer. ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shanahan, of Tribes Hill, N. Y ,were theguests of A. Kearney over Bunday. A number of Ann Arborites attended the Theodore Thomas concerts at Detroit, last week. Mrs. A. C. Caldwell of Manchester, has been visiting her brother, the Kev. ü. E L. Crozier. Mrs. Yseult-Dudley, who shot O'Donovan Itossa, ha been acquitted on the ground of insanity. Miss Lulu Hangsterfer returned to Detroit, Monday, after a week's visit with her family in this city. Edward Duffy has been appointed post-master in place of J. C. Knowlton, and it gives general satisfaction to democrats. Mrs. Henley of Madison street, and danghters Minnie and Nina, were to start yesterday for Orchard Lake, where they will spend most of the summer. Observer: Sheriff Walsh, the genial "Billy,'" as he is familiarly termed, was in Saline, Tuesday. Mr. Walsh has gained golden opinions for his efficiency as SO otticer. A portable stage will probably be erectcd in tlie rmk and a part of the time it will be ujed for a tlieatre at pop ular prices of admissiou. Suacess to the uew enterprise. The hook and ladder boys go to Milau to morrow. Company A and varimis citizens will spend the day in Adrián. Otliers will celébrate in Dexter, South Lyon aud Wliitinoie Lake. Frank Hangsterfer furnished refreshments for 1,500 i xcursiomsts that went fi-om JackHOU to Whitmore Lake, last Saturday. Durmg the week he manu factured over 50ü gallons of ice-cream. Pontiae Bill Poster: It is generally conceded tkat "soap" and plenty of it, wasusedin the Michigan legislature just deoeased. Abo at $50,000 was evidently put where it would d ue most good. Shame ! Milan Leader: Mr Albert E. Jenkins, wlio is to have charge of kis brotber's dental office here, came down with the Dr. yesterday and was duly introduced to the people and installed into kis new position. The excursión train carrying Compiny A will leave to-morrow at 7:27 in., reaching Adrián at 9:15. The train will leave Adrián iu the evening at ü:45, rearhmg here at 11:30. Pare for round trip $1.00. Mrs. Jas Maloy, a resident of . this county Hince 1835, died last week, aged years, at the residence of her daughter, Mis. Shanah.n, Tribes HM, N. Y. The remains were brought to this place for interment. Ypsilanti Commercial: Friend Knowlton, postmaster at Ann Arbor, is superceded by Edward Duffy, on account nf offensive partisanship. Knowlton is one of your positive men. Not a cowardly hair in his head. Mr. 11 Tyler of Onondaga, Mich., has been visiting her son, Dr. Tyler of this city, the past week. She is remarkably active for a person more than 80 years of age, and one who shared the hardships of pioneer hfe iu this state 50 years ago. The Michigan mutual hfe insurance company, lately wrote Mr. Steele of St. Johns for $100,000 and Mayor Grummond of Detroit for $20,000. The company wrote last month !$3bU,UOO, and the present month $352,000. They expect to do over $4,000,000 this year. Enterprise: Tne Manchester cornet band have decided to celébrate the 4th of .luly at Hilver Lake, iu Freedom flve miles northeast of this vlllage. There ill be a bowery dance in Gerringer's grove, a'ternoou and evenmg, for which Knapp's orchesira oL Tecumseh, will furmsh music Five bands have been invited and ure expected to be present. Everybody is invited to go and have a good time. Preeman & Burtiss have taken m over 6ü,0OÜ pounds of wool thus far thia season. The following from the Gtand Rapiiis Herald, refers to an old Ann Arbor boy : Without a doubt Frank E. Kean, a prominent Knight of Labor and for many years a cigar manufacturer in this city, will be appointed to a deputyship under Collector George N. Davis. Kean is a working greenbacker and has allways been a hard worker in the severul campaigns. He has a considerable influence and bis appointment will give general satisfaction aud be a recognition of the yóunger element, who in late years have shouldered the brvmt of the burden. Milan Journal: C. H. Minnis, of Ann Arbor, and a member of the celebrated vlinnis orcuestra, has opened a shoe ihop in the Gay building. The pros pects indieate that old Washtenaw will ustain her fair name as a wheat pro lucing couuty, this season, with one of the biggi'st yields on record. Miss Onie Williams left Friday morning, for Ann Arbor, where she mtends spendinü the summer visiting relatives. Prof. Gregory will leave next week, for New York City and from there will take the first steamer out for Germany. He ex pects to return next nummer. The one mitigating eircumstance ibout bard times and low wages is the increawed pnrchasing power of a dollar. The Boston Commercial Bulletin has been tiguriug on the subjact, and comes to tiie conclusión that $1 will buy as much of the necessaries of life to day as 81.35 in 1875, $1.32 in 1855,91 cents in 1845 and $1 .19 in 1825. In other words, the purchasing power of a dollar is 19 per cent. greater than it was in 1825 , and 32 per cent. greater than it was in 1855. A dollar will buy more to-day than in most previous periods in the history of the nation. ïhe Steuben llepublican pnblished at Angola, InJ., iu speaking of a change in one of the firma of the place sayH: "Since the change in the firm Mr. W. H. Burke of Ann Arbor, Mich., bas occupied the position of prescription clerk, a place that he is particularly well qualified to lili, he being a gradúate of the pharrnacy department of the university of Michigan. He has also held the position of prosciiption clerk in one of the leading duig stores of Ann Arbor for several months. Persons qualitied to judge pronoxince hiña a most excellent chemist, and oue fitted in every way to occupy the reponsible position heholds." The young man referred to is a son of Wm. Burke. I The rink will be opened to-morrow. J. Imus and L. I. Loomisareat Strawberry Point. Prof. Bellowa of ïpralanti was in tho city Monday. E. P. Mason is rebuilding his house in the fifth ward. Director of the mint, Bnrehuid, has been bounced. Mrs. M. U. Peterson is visiting f riends near Cleveland. Justice Oooley haa resigned from the supreme bench . Mrs. Wm. Matthews is visiting relatives at Milford. Larry Kahoe has opened a barbel shop at Whitmore Lake. Olerk Davis paid bounty Saturday on 568 woodchuck scalps. Mrs. Prof. Olney has gone to join her husband at Oharlevoix. Protection hose company, in uniform, go to Adrián to-morrow. W. K Hendereon wants to be deputy internal roveuue ooilector. August PreofT, fiftli ward, is building two cottages to cost $1,000. J. J. Walker is building a large addito his residence ou piety hill. ,T. Wassar has built the dencks for lowenni,' pipe into street mitins. Liberty street is being graded and the gutters are to be lowered a foot. Washteuaw lodge I. ü. O F., hold their semi-annual eleotion to-night. Men workiug in the water works trencilles receive $1 12,' cents per day Gerniania lodge and the Germán band give a picnic to morrow at lielief park. Everything indicates the nomination of Goy. Hoadly by the democrats of Ohio. Hutzel & Co, expect to have 150 men at work digging trenches in the next two weeks . Another crank uamed Hugo Keek is to jump from tlie Brooklyn bridge tomorow. Jno. Keek & Co. are offering great bargains. Their new ad. will teil you all about it. The steamer Waite runs from Toledo to Put-in-Bay, July 4. Fare 50 cents for round trip. The Misses Ladd left Wednesday for Charievoix, where they will spend several weeks The ladies' decoration society and the tifth ward band spent Saturday at Whitmore Lake. A son of John Manuing, while fooling witli a revolver, Saturday, shot himself through the arm. Jas . Hunter has been bound over to the circuit court from Ypsilanti, for breaking into a house. Yes, they are selling out at Keech's lumber yard, but at the same time the yard is kept well stocked The Misses Kittie and Ora Hatch are visiting friends in Jackson. l'hey will be absent about ten days. Billington, tlie "uuisance," graduated from t e literary department last week, and the city will soou be rid of him. Business must be good at John Finnegau's, and the Adv mee iron mower taking with the farmers, as we notice daily one or more machines on the way to the country. The Ypsilanti Commercial is everlastingly copyiug our items and creditmg j 1 i II A t Á I tnein to tne Argus. trni on your speciacles, biother, and look a little closer hereafter. Col. G. M. Devlin of Governor Alger's staff, while on nis way home from Port lqnd, Me., stopped oif in this city Monday and spent the day with his sister, Mrs. W. A. Hatch, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Millen, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Goodyear, and Prof. and Mrs. Frotkinghani, go to W kitmore Lake next Wednesdav, where they will spend Borne weeks at the Clifton house. Otseningo lodge, I. O. O. F., elected the following officers Tucsday evening: N. G., Charles Grossman: V. G., Christ Schlenker; M. 8., C. E. Godfrey; P. 8., G. I. Diekl; treasurer, Wm. J. Miller. The Washtenaw eounty medical asso ciation met in Ypsilanti last Friday and elected Dr. McLachlan of Yoik president. The doctor is the youngest mem ber of the society who has ever been honored by the presidency. lireeze's Herald is supplying a longfeit want in Grand Rapids journaliam. The paper is nicely gotten up, is bnm full of news, and printed on tinted paper. The band wagon journalist will not down. Judging from the last few numbers, in which he hits them hard, some of the Grand llapidsites may wish he had given the place a wide berth. The Dbmocrat extends congratnlations to the Herald. There was a change in the rutes of postage Wednesday. Letters will be two cents au ounce or fraction thereof, instead of the same rate per half ounce or fraction. On newspapers entered as second-class matter, the rate will be one jent tor each pound or fraction thereof, ' ane half the old rates. Drop letters will ulso be two cents per ounce at letter aarrier offices, and one cent per ounce where free delivery by carrier is not established. The same rates will apply to matter addressed to Canada, but not to other foreign countries. The New Yerk Eveniug Post says that it turns out that the suggestion of lowering the national flag ou the interior building at Washington, wheu Jacob Thopson died, was made to Secretary Lamar by the oflïcer of the interior de partment who customarily attends to such matters, and who not only is a republican but was a gallan t unión soldier, repeatedly wounded ïn battle ; and worse than all that Thompson's portrait hung undisturbed with that of other secretarles in the room occupied during his term of office by tlwt roaring, rattlinic, cursing, swearing patriot, Zachariah Chandler. When such a unión man as he could tolérate the traitor's picture, the hoiflting of a fiag, in aocordance with immemorable cuslom, to announce his departure from this life seems a mere trirle. We notice that a Grand Eapids citizen named D. Al. Benjamin has gone to Washington to teil President Cleveland that the greenbaekers should not be recognized in the distribution of federal offices in this state. This Benjamin must be a fooi. He certainly acts like one. His mission will undoubtedly prove a dead failure. There is no doubt that the administration rill appoint some of the most prominent national leaders to important offices in Michigan. As faithful aud oonscientious laboréis f or the fusión cause, they have rendered services of estimable valué in wresting the state from the thraldom of republican rule. They are jusily entitled to the consideration with which the president proposes to treat them. So f ar as we can learn. Benjamin's jackassical exhi bition of himself meets with only the hearty contempt of all level-headed dem ocrats. -


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat