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Lake Shore's semi-annual statement shows a deficiency oí $85,606. Public drinking fountains are to be placed at difEerent points in Washington. There is a strong probability that Riel inay escape through tke medium oi a flaw in the indictment. Employés in the Cleveland rolling mili are on a strike. Over 15,000 men are idle in eonsequence. Prof. Charles Kendall Adams of the Michigan university, has been elected president of Cornell uniYersity. Prof Barnard of the Vanderbilt observatory at Nashville, Tenn., discovered a new cornet on the evening Of July 7. Dr. K. H. Gilbert, projector oí the New York elevated railroad system, is dead. He had long been troubled with chronic diarrhosa. AH the striking conductors and car drivers of Chicago who were discharged have been reengaged and the strikers are jubilant. Secretary Whitney has revoked the order prohibiting naval officers from having their wives with them while at foreijtn port. The Cleveland, Ohio, christian tempcraue0 unión has severed its connection w ith the state and national assoeiations, believing in nonpartisan aetion. Maxwell, the man suspected of the murde of Prellar whose dead body was found in a trunk in a St. Louis hotel, is making prepara tions for a long fight. The agrlcultural eonvention held ia Washington requested the commissioner to trv to secure a weather signal sationed at every national agricultural college. The C'apadian governnient have withdrawn their bill giving an annual subsidy of .$12:,C00 for flve years to the Allen steamship coinpany for cari-yin;; English-Cinadian mails. Lieut. Webb, eoniieeted with the Alert of arctic expedition, has been court-martia'e.l and found guilty of dranken ness. He will be suspended from" service for two years. Six editions of Miss Cleveland's book Imve already been sold, five in America and one abroad. A seventh edition is In press. The author still refuses to let her portrait appear n the book. A bill is before the Canadian parliainent making a charge of $50 on each C'hinaman entering the Dominion, and restricting vessela bringing in Chinese immigrants to one foi very 50 tons of tonnage. Eben E. Rexford, author of "Silver Threads mong the Gold," and other popular songs, has been appointed postmaster at Shiocton, Wis. The salary of the postmaster ot Shiocton, Wis., is $342 a year. The world's exposition plaat buildings and machinerv at New Orloans have been sold at auetion "for $175,0U0. They were bid in by Mr. Newman, Dut were probably purehased for the new exposition company. A motion is before the Dominion eommons that the government recognize the services ol the militia forces enir;iged in snppressing the outbreak in the northwest by giving each man a grant of script redeemable iii land. A. J. Huncke, a miner, brought in news from Fronteras of au engagement between the Indians and whites,8) miles sontheast of Fronteras, in which he reported ;:0 Indians and 16 Americans killed ana several wounded. Five hundred and forty-ooo inorraons, in charge of Eider J. Hanscn, arrived in Xew York on the steamship Wlsconsin the other morning. They are Danes, Swedes and Norwegians. They started for the west at once. Hibbs, ex postmaster at Lewiston, 1. T., who stole $15,000 and cam ; ncar gettlng $40.000, has written aletter to Attorney-General Bryant, of the postofïico departmnit, complaining that a registeml letter he sent to a [rlend containing $600 never reached its rlestlnation. Two young ruflansof Erie, l'a., put a bunch of firecrackers under the dross of Mis Lizzle Waügoner, whieh lgnitcd her clothlng and caueed her to be burned to death. About the same time a buil gored Mis. I!. Lewlsandran it horns through her lungs inflictíug fatal injuries. The bureau of statistics reporta that during the 11 months ended May St, ls", there were exported from the United States 520,888,124 gallons of mineral oiis, valued at $45,533,000. l'his amount is nearly $4,000,000 greater than the value of oils exported during the same period in 1884. Tlie governor of Kansas has addressed a letter to the secretary of the interior, protesting atalnet the propesed transfer oí Apache Indians from Arizona to "Nomansland," The governor says it is un invasión, and violation of the clear purpose of the spirit of the law oJ February 17. 1879. Wm. H. Pudney. the aged sexton of StGeorge's church, New York has been sentencedto20years' lmprieonmeut for criminallj assaulting a girl 10 yeai s of age. VVhen tbc judge pronounced the sentence Pudney feil senselcss to the flúor. He was taken to the Chamber Btreet hospital. Gen. Nelson A. ICtles, commanding the De" partment of the Colombia, bus been ordered to relieve Gen. C. C. Augur, coniinaiuüng the Department of the Missouri, who bas retired from active service. Gen. Miles will go immedlately iato the field to asaume commandol the forces In the Indian territory who are watching the Indians. The Hessian fly has made great devastatloü in the whiat tields of various lowns in W'aynf countv, New York. In Arcadia the loss is e timated at 20,000. In the lm medíate vicinitj of Lyons the loss is GstUnated by coreful ob servers at $70.000. In soine placea the termers are burningthe wheatoelda in order te extermínate the insect as iar us possible. It is the purpose of the managers of tli? new exposition wiiicli is lo be opfued at New Orleans in November to rétalo and enlarge the Mexican exhibit, and to secure exhlbits froni the South Am Tlcan amt Central American states and the Wcsi Iniiia isUinds. Secretar} Bayard promlses tbat thls project will have the friendly support of the state departmeat. L. N. Hibbs. tnc defaulting [daho postmaster, is in tbí Victoria (!. t'. i jail. Hclakes the matter cooly. The money on his person, about f 10,000, was sewod In the leg of lus trousers. The supreme eourt refused to admit Hibbs to ball, pending the arrlval of evidence froiii the United States. His counsel are eouüdent he cannot be extradited. The Garfleld Btatue corumission of Ohio have aeeepted the report oí the eommitteí which lias examined the Btatue at Washington and aeeepted the saine. They decided to erase from the pedestal the letters "James A." and have only the name uGarfleldï! in large letters ' thereon. Gov. Hoadly will present the staliu ! to congress by letter and it will be unveiled immediately without formalities. The paint and bla;ksmith shop of T. B. Pratt & Co.'s buggy nianufaetory in Elkhart, I Ind., were bitrued the other nlght with their I contents. The loss is about $85,000, covered by Insurance distributed between the Queen, of Liverpool, Pennsvlvania, Home Mutual, Germán, of Freeport. N. H., and Westohestei compauies. Over" 100 men are throwuout of epj. j ployment, Tbe cornpany wiU rebutir}.


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