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A Lady's Perfect Compauion. Paiulesn Ohildbirth, a new book by Dr. John H. l)ye, one of New York's most skillful physicians, shows that pain is not nesessary in Ohildbirth but results from causes easily understood and overeóme. It clearly proves that any woman may become a mother without sufïering any pain whatever. It also tells how to overeóme and prevent sickness, swelled limbs, and all other evils attending pregnanoy. It is reliable and highly endorsed by physicians everywherc as the wife's true private companion. Out tuis out; it will save you great pain, and possibly your hfe. Send two cent stamp for desenptive criculars, testimoniáis and conüdential letter sent in sealed envelope. Address Frank Thomas & Co Publishern, Baltimore, Maryland. "Sheol and blazes" is but a poor substitute when a man steps on a tack. Au Enterprislug, Kcliablc House. Eberbaeh & Son c;m always be relied upon, not only to carry in stock the best of ever) thing, but tv) secure the agency for sueb. articles as have well-known merit, and are popular with the people, thereby sustaiuing the reputation of being always euterprising, and ever reliable. Hiivmg securedthe agcucy for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discov9ry for Consumption, will sell it on a positive guarantee. It will surely cure any and every affection of Throat, Lungs, and Ohest, and to show our confidence, ve invite you to cali and get a Trial Bottle Free. A young mother should not be to ambitious to correct her children. She should begin at the bottom. Wiiat will Suuely Do It. - Cne's hair begins to fall out from many causes. The impon ant question is: What is sure to make it grow in again? According to the testimony of thousands, Parker's Hair Balsam wil 1 do it. It quiokly covers bald spots, restores the original color when the hair is gray or faded, cates dandrulf, and canses the soalp to feel cool and well. It is not a dye, not tireasy, kighly perfumed, safe. Never disappoints those who require a nice, reliable dressing. " I care not who makes the breeches of the family," said a strong minded wife, "as long as you wear them." JJucklcn's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Briuses, Sores, Ulcera, Salt Klieum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Oorns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay requirud. It is guarantegd to give perfect satisfation, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son. KEPOKT OF THE CONUITION OK THE Ann Arbor Savings Bank. At Ann Arbor Mich at the close of business, on Monday, July fi, A. D. 1885. made in accor dance witii Sectlons ÍH, 19 and (i7 of the Genera Banking Law as amended in 1871. RESOURCES. Loansanddiscounts $256,728 6 Bouds audmortgages l40.rj'.r; 73 U. S. 4 per cent. registered bonds 11,4ÜÜ 00 Overdrafts J8S 06 Furniture and flxtures 1 ,ttöO 86 Due trom National and State banks,.... 76,472 3f Cash on hand 39,755 0!) Total $536.068 75 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $ 50,000.0 Surplus fund 50,000.0 Profltand loss 1,071 i July dividend 8,(133 01 Due depositors 422,064 6 Total $520,068 75 I do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7th day of July, 1885. ADAM D. SEYLER, Notary Public. REMOYAL Having removed my stock of HATS AND GAPS ! To No. 7 W. Huron-st., In the St. James Block, I would be pleased to have oíd customers cali ou me, and new one stoo for thrtt matter, as Iintend to give everybody GrRIC;A.T BABGAIN. &. full Une of Hats and Oaps Cheap for Cash. E. J. JOHNSON. Michigan (Tentrae The Juagara Falh (Rouie. TIME TABLE, MAY 24, 1885. AU trains run by Ninetieth Merkiian, or Central Standard Time. IHIINCl K Afc-i . - i Á A h h ff A. M. A. M. P. M P. M. P. M. Jhicago Lv. 7.20 9.00 4.00 SAO 9.30 Hiles 11.45 12.15 T.45 11.50 12.55 Decatur 8.30 1.43 Uwtou 8.45 a. m. 1.58 Kalamazoo.PM 1.42 9.15 6.45 1.15 2.S2 Baleeburg 7.03 2.01 2.49 Battle Creek... 2.23 7.31 2.23 3.17 Marshall - 3 07 7.57 3.42 3.40 Ubion 3.32 8.20 4.03 A, H Jackson Ar. 4.30 Jackson Lv. 4.34 4.15 9.15 3.25 4 50 SrassLake 4.53 9.36 ñ.12 Jholsea 5.17 9.57 5.33 üexter 5.33 10.12 5 48 imiArbor 5.63 5.30 10.2S 4.40 tí.OT rpsilanti 6.1U 5.45 10.45 4.55 6.23 Wiiync Jnnc... (.35 H.05 11.05 6.18 6.45 Springwells.... 7.10 6.3S 11.35 5.5( 7.20 üolrou Ar. 7.20 6.45 11.45 6.00 7.30 r.M. p. m. St. Thomas Ar 11.15 10 yt 8.25 Weiland 2.03 1 22 808 Falls View 1 55 6.32 Niágara Falls 2.31 I I 2 00 6.37 Susp. Bridge.. 2.40 I 2 15 6.47 Buffalo Ar 3.35 I I 3 15 7 40 UOINQ WEST. S SÍ á -SS í 8TATIONB. d hí ü „? SS "! S fl M2 m LL A. M. P.M. P. M. A. A. M. A. M. Buffalo L. 6 00 11.30 5 00 11.35 a:m. P.M. Susp. Bridge.. 12.30 12,35 Niágara Falls 12.43 12.53 Falls View p.h. 1.02 St. Thomas... 3 00 4.05 9 20 4.45 Detroit Lv. 7.35 9.05 4.00 7.00 9.10 Springwells.... 7.45 9.15 4.10 7.10 9.Ü0 Wajiic June... 8.23 9.43 4.45 7.45 9 46 Yiwílanü 8.521 10.13 5.12 8.01; 10.U7 Aun Arbor 9.121 10.28 5.30 8.23 10 20 Uoxter 9.37 5.52 8.44 Ohclsea 8.57 6.07 9.00 7rnssLake 10.27 6.39 10.10 P. M. Jackson Ar. 9 25 Jackson Lv. ;il.00 11.42 7.07 11.55 Albion 12.S2 8.10 9.58 12.42 Miirshall 1.05 8.48 10.38 1.07 Battle Oreek.... 1.31 9.82 10.58 1.35 Galcsburg 9.57 Ü.23 Kalamazoo 1.58 10.20 4.45 12.05 2.32 Lawton...p. M. 5.18 12.45 Decatur 5.35 1.00 Niles 4.00 3.45 6.40 1.48 4.13 Chicago Ar 8.20 7.10 10.35 6.00 8.05 The New York Exprtas, a fast tram leaves Chi 3ago at 3.30 in the arternoon and makes the fol inwing stops, Mich'gan City, 5,17: Niles,6.13; Kal ïmazoo 23; Battle Creek, 8.01; Jackson, 9.15 Ann Arbor, 10 CO; Ypsilanti, 10.21; Springwells 11.05; arrivinginDetroit at 111.5 P. M. The Chicago Express, a fast train leaves Detroit at 1.00 p m. making the folowing stops: Wayne Junction, 1.S4; Ypsilanti, 1.50; Ann Ar bor, 2.02, Jackson, 3.01, Albion, 3.32; Marshall, 3 48, Battle Creek, 4,08 ; Kalamazoo, 4.38; Miles, 5.48; Michigan City, 6,55; Chicago, 9.00. 8unday excepted. i Saturday & Sunday exceptea ffiaily. O. -W. Euqglks, H. W. HA YES, a. 1' A'l.A.. Chicaao. Aat. Ann Arbor. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Northern Michigan Kaihvay. THBOUGH TIME TABLK. rakinj effect June 11, 1885. Going North. Going South. 4 12 1 STATIONS. 1113 Ex. [ Mail I Standard Time. Ex. Mali. p. m. a. m. Leave Arrive a. m. p. m. 500 T:05 Toledo 9:30 5-.0C 5 0 7:14 Manhatten Junction 9:26 4 55. 5 15 7:23 Alexis Junction 9:16 4:47 5 50 815 Monroe Junction.... 8:42 4:14 6CÍ 830 Dundee ... 8 30 4:04 610 84B Azalia 820 3 54 B 2H '.MW Milan 8 06 3 45 (138 íl-22 Urania 7 52 1 330 648 932 Pittsfleld 74C 3 23 702 950 Ann Arbor 7 á7 3 10 745 1045 South Lyon 650 2 25 Oonuectióna at Toledo wiih rstlroada dlrerging. At Manhattan Junction with WheelingS Lake Erie K. R. At Alexis Jnnctlon with M C R. R., L. S. R'y and F. ét P. M. R. R. At Monrot Junetiou with L. S. & M. S. At Dundee with L. 3. & M. S., and M. & O. E'y. At Milan with W., St. D. & P. R'y. At Pittsfleld with L. S & M. S. R'y., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Lansing & Northern R. R., and G. T. R'y. H. W. ASHLEY, W. H. BENNETT, Gen. Superintendent. Hen. Passenger Agt. "GRAND; TRUNK RAILWAY INCLUDING THE GREAT WESTERN DIVISIÓN. The Niágara Falls Short Line. Pullman and Wagner sleeping Cars and Elegant New Dining Cars on all Express Trains east and west. All trains arrive at and depart from Brush-st. depc t on Central Standard time, which is 28 minuta slower than Detroit city time. Main line train via Port Huron. DEPOT FOPT OF BKUSH STREET. Leave at Arrive at Toronto, Montreal and East 8 00 am 89 25 am Buffalo 800am 505pm Port Huron Express 4 30 pm 5 05 pin Toronto, Montreal and East. 11 00 pm +9 35 pm Buffalo Fast Express. 1 1 00 pm 0 35 pm Great Western División, Depot Foot of Brush Street. Leave at Arrive at Atlantic Express 6 35 am 8 35 am Express ..1305noon 3 20 pm London Express 5 8Opm ju 50 pm For tickets and intorniatlon apply to General Ticket Oftice. 169 Jefïerson avenue, corner Woodward, or at Depot Ticket Office, foot of Brush street, Daily. Except Sunday. J. HICKSON, General Manager. Wil. ROBINSON, Mich. & S. W. Pass. Agt., Detroit. Qilbirt Bliss Pass & Ticket Aat., Ann Arbor. lookTöütm Gentlemen can Save Twenty-Five per cent. by having their Uil Male! FRED EHHIS Who has opened a Tailor SIb-o-p Over Reynold's Store, Ann st., Next door to J. D. Stimson's grocery. No slo work, but everything made in a workman-like manner A Perfect Fit is Cuaranteed FRED. EHSÍIS, Ann Arbor, Mich. ■PU B y y MACKINAC. The Host Salightfül SUMMER TOUR f Alaos Steamers. Xxw Ratas. Tour Tripe per 'Week Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Bvery Weelc Day Eetween DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write for our "Picturesque Mackinac," Illustratcd. Contaica Sail Partioulam. Milod Freo. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. O. Whitcomb, QtN. Pas. Ast., DETROIT. MICH. UU Tl DEIOCW


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