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Pencil marks aru made iudehble by washing thctu with well-skimmed milk diluted with an equal quantity of water. Capacity of an ice house may be computed by calculating the nuinber : of cubic feet in the house and dividing the result by thirty-five. üld feather beds are ira pro ved by putting them upon a cleau grass plot daring a heavy shower, permitting them to be thoroughly wet througb and then dricd and beaten with light rods. It freshous the feathers. Old and dry putty may be removed by washing ït lightly with a brush dipped in nitric or uuiriatic acid.' Within a couple of hours after sucb anapplicatian the putty becomes suflicieutly soft to bo rcadily handled. Indian damask is among new furnishing materials, to be used for the same purposes as crotonues. lt has a glossy surfaec like satiu, with damaslc figures, over which is the color printing, which completes tho doublé seheme. Recently imported cretonnes show j long figures as tall hollyhocks and I peonies with a good piecc of the stem as well as the ilower. A heavy stylo of this fabrie is designated rcoquette, and another new variety is woven like printed canvass. A simple method of decoration for the center of uninteresting front door panels is found by inserting in geometrie patterns some good-sized brassheaded tacks. If inserted beforo the painting they may be made of the same color as the door. Molasses pufts are easily made, and ! nico when eaten hot. One cupful of sugar. one-half cupful of butter, one cupful of molasses, one cgg, one tablespoonful of ginger, ono teaspoonful of soda, one cupful of hot water, four cupfuls of tlour, and a pinch of salt. Bake in gem pans. A pretty coruer clipboard is made of plain deal, upon which is traced a pretty pattern of plunis and blossoms. The background is covcred with oak staining, and the pattorn is shaded with sepia. This may bo easily made at home, and when French polished lt has the effect of inlaid wood. Young radianes are in season for breakfast. To prepare them for the tablo scrape them very slightly in water, cut a tiny square from tho bottom of each railish, but bo sure to the center green leaf reruain on the let stalk. This is to be eaten with the radish; it prevenís any symptoms of indigestión. For lifirht window curtians niaterials aro now in uso which give variet}7 to the okt and well-wofn imitation laces, which .so lon? have figured as the proper thing. From simple cheese cloth to Iudiao silks, one tuav go through a long list of niatcriafs more or lcss expensivo, whieh may be used with good ofluct. Gilded work baskets are showu in the most fantastio hat shapes, some flattcned until the inner sides, with satin lining, nearly meet, and niounïed on a gilt roller skate. Others in gypsy hat fornis, lined in tlie same manner, with deüeato tinted satin gathered in puffy fulness, are trimmed on the outsiclo with ribbons, as a hat might be. An elegant toilet set is in corn colored plusli with lnvender satin discs embroidered and applied. Another is cream colored plush and with pink satin discs is embroidered with design of morning glories in the fair and glossy filo silk which is most admired in work of this kind. Such sets are accompanied by handkerchief cases to correspond. Corn beef hash, in spite of its name, is one Of the most appetizing of dishes, It is worth having a pieco of corn beef at dinner to get the goou uso of the reninants afterward. Minee lino, add an equal quantity of cold rnashed potato, and, if you have it, a bit of cooked ham fat; bind together with a raw egg and a little chopped parsley. Bake in a small pudding dish or fry as croquettes. A dainty specimen of a mouchoir case is in bolting cloth laid over salmón pink satín, the gauzy white material having orange colored discs tinted nnon it, within which spaces are pansies embroidered in filo silk. The article is lincd with orango quilted satin crossed with white satin ribbons on iis two lids or folds, around the borders of which is a full jabot of duchesso lace. Linen umbrella cases, oither doublé or single, are decorated with etchings and mottoes. One of the designs for the top portion show two childish figures, that of a little girl curiously holding a newspaper and questioning, "Do it say rain?" Aiuong other mottoes are, -'Tako me," Wet or dry, a friend ain I," and "Weather wise." in connoction with an owl perched on a weather vane. It is as rnuch a faney to chango the window curtains often as it is to renew the flowers in a window. The machine-ombroidered muslins in white, or sot-olï with a color, fnrnishes clear and pretty new haugings, so rnuch less expensive than costly lace or silk, that it is a, real pleasure to refresh the room at a trilling cost. The pretty stamped thin silk can thus be put away until a less dusty season. Toilet sets showing a decoration of delicate painting on bolting cloth borderod with soft lace are the most aiiv elegancies shown. Others are botïi painted and embroidered, a rose or lleur de lys being in needlowork within the outiinc of a stained dice. The arrangement of staining with chemicals in this kind of art work is an invention by which effect is gained with even the lightest and most sketchy forms of embroidory.


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