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Health, Wcalth and Happinesi Are more intimately connected with sound stomach and good condition of the blood tlian most people suppose. Thin blood means weakness, languor and miserj'. A dyspeptic stomach means all the horrors you can think of. Brown's Iron Bittors means enriched blood, good digestión, healthy appetite, sweet sleep and vigorous strèngth. Mr. Henry Hallam, Sojth 17th street, St. Louis, says, "Brown's Iron Bitters relieved me of dyspepsla, puriíied my bloed, and gave me an appetite." Thousands of others testify in the same way. Queen Victoria has commanded that the Princesses Loiüse of Walos and Victoria of Teek are nol to go out much, but are only to be taken to a few speciallv favored housfs. She strongly dlaapprovea oí nnmarried Priucesses attending partles, exi e;t at the palace, prosumably, Baya the London Trutli, because non of her own daughtcrs were allowed to do so. The Duke oí Schleswlg-HoUteln-Anjpiatenburií. Ii i said, will shortly proceed k Kuglana to become a suitor for the hand of the Princesa Lonlse oí Wales. Ho carne f age last Feruary. Is the ncphow of Prince Christian. pouesses large familv estates in Silesia, aud enjoyfl an allowancd oí L 15,(X0a year from Uie Germán government; so, for a Germán princo, he la a acclded ]art. Over 375tan(lif"atcs applled for admission to Harvard college thl year, ot whlch numbrr 318 took íhcir examinátions at Cambridge. Of these, 198 passed, í5 without comlitions; 49 put off pan of thcir work until the fall, aod soven were rejeeted. This ís a good showlns. Wnen tho resolta from the exumínations fu other places are received it la antiiipated that the oexl Creshmen -lasí at Harvard will prove to be the largest on record. The Famous Notre Dame. On the SOth of last January, the Sisters of the most noted Catholic ladies seminary in the United States, the famous .Notre Damp, at (ovanstown, ncar Haltimoro, Md., made public a eard, oertifying to the beneticial results attending the use of lied Star Cough Cure in that iustitution. They state that tlfey found it cfficacious aliko for relieving ooaghs, oppressions on the chest and irritation of the throat. Officials of the Board of Health of Brooklyn, Baltimore and other eities have likewise publiely proclaimed tho virtucs of this new dlscoTory, which is entiroly free from opiates, poisons and other objection's. IT WILL PAY YOU TO GO TO IETJEi,OIT AND 1IAVE YüüR EXAMINED AND FITTÈD WITH 3PECTACLE3 OR EYE GLASSE3 AT EOEIIM ffc WRIGHrS, IMPOKTERïJ. JEWELEKS AND - riCIANS. 140 WOODWARD AVE. I THEY MAKE NO CHARGE FORÍ TESTINa EYES. AND SELDOmI YML TO GIVE REUER__J fOUOg OStricbcs are warmed out of tlicir shella by [ncubatore in California, and manifest great atouishment when thej discover I they are not in an Afrlcan ilesert Tliey have not vet liecome accustomed to belr.g lxrn on thls continent. M. L. Blair, 'Alderman, óth Ward, Scranton, Pa., stated Xov. 9 '83: He i haa used Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil for : sprains, bnrns, ciits, bruises and rhonmatism. Cnred time. A man from Canada was in Toledo, Oblo, a few daya ago hnntlng lor hls wifc, 97 yer old, who, he says. eloped in April last witn an Ohio man of il. The woman has twelve ihildrcn and severul gnrodchlldreiL Bad Draixagk causes mach sickness, and bad and impropcr action of the llver and kidneys is bad drainage to tho bitman system, wiiich Bnrdook Blood Bitters remedy. It isrstlmated that the animal product of tbc marblc quarries of Vermont is 1,200,000 I cubic feet, with an inerease ui about 7.",000 feet a vcar. Bi-waue ok FitALDs- Be snro you : pet the genuino Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil. It euros Colds, Croup. Asthma, - Deafness and Iiheumatism. A story comes from California that a pólice officer at Los Angeles haa beeomc (l-!irious írom the too frequent brasuing oí his tceth. Georgo Campbell, HopL-insville, Ky., ' says: Burdoek Blood Bitters is the best preparation for the Blood and Stomacfa ' ever manufactuníd ■A colt was liorn reccntly in Indiana whlch welghed twelvc pounds only. It was p-.-rfeetly formed and is doing wc!l. Tired languid Dull Exactly expresses the condltlon of tliouaauJs of peo' Mu at tlils season of the jrear. The ik-picsslng effect oMhc íriinn wcathcrand thy wcakened conditionof he body, are qulckly arenóme !' the uee of Hood' Srsapar!lla. Wiiy tnScr 'jiiïcr wben a remcdy is so close at Ttkeftnow. I! will glvc you licalth. strength, and energy. "I took Hood's Sarsapnrllla íor Ioíís of appetite dyspcpsla, and general languor. It did me a rast amount of good, and I havcno liesltnucy In recommendlng it to my frloadi and all needing medicine." J.W, Willkfokd. Qiiiney, ui. "Hood's Sarsiiimrilla tonf s u; my systom. purifles my blood, sharpens mynppetite, and secins to build me over." w. J. Blaiü, Coming, N'. Y. "I could not slccp, and In Uie morning ld hardly 'ife enough to got out of hcJ. I liad no appctltc, nd mjríace would break out wlth pimples. I declded to takc rHood's Sarsaparillrt, nud loon bogan toslcep soundly; could gctup wltboul tbal tlrcd and langtild eellng, and my appetitc lniproved." li. A, SantoedKent, O. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drugRlsts. U: slv Cor 5. MaleonlTtT C. I. HOOD i Cü.. Apoth(N:ar[cs, Lowell.Maia. IOO Doses One Dollar. Everybodv in London who bas daughters to marry gives a hall, if possible, Inasmuch as, if they do not, thcir girls, unless possessed of some extraordinary attraction or very high rank, receive scareely anj invitatioiis to such entertainments. Worth Knowing. The worst ecald or burn can bo cured without ft scar If Cole's Carbolt salve fs promptly used. Sold by Drugglsu at 25 nnd ro cents. A gentleman iishing iu Lough Currane, Ireland, aocl a j:ound and a half trout, whose stomach appeared unusuallr distended. Upon ripping lt open be founü a" fullv tledged sparrow, quite perfect, without even a feather di3turbed. Let lly fisbermeu take the bint. Joshua Tuthill, Saginaw, Mich., had Brighfi Disease, and was enredby 1 Ttint -s Kemedy. Mr. Keiran l'aul. tfce London publisher, paid $27,250 íor the manngcript of Gordon's díary. 'E0UOH ON CATARBH." Correct offenslve odors ut once, complete cure of worst cascs.also uneiiwlcd o gargle for Diphtherla. Sore Throat. 1 ■ :■L. There are no white serrante at the White House. THE HOPE OF THE NATIOH. Chlldren, Blow In derelopmeat. pony. scrawny and delicate, use "Wcir.. ,-{■: Parisian belles noy carry'plstols. CATARRH OF THE BLADDER. BttngbiK, lrrl d natton. all Ividney and Urlnary Cunipl-' cur.'d by ■ liuohnPaiba." 1. "Ilail Columbia" is ST ye.irs old. When vouvisit orleav New York city, via Central depot, sav Baggage Ezpressaee and Í3 Carriage H i re. and atop it the (iraud Union Hotel, opposite sald depot. Six huudred dr gant rooms fltted up at a cost of oue million dollars: $1 and upwanls per day. European plan. Elevator. Restaoraat siipplied with the best. Horse ears, stages and oJevated rallroad to all dert. Families can live better for less mouey ut the Grand ünlon Hotel than at any other flrst-class hotel in the city. Cleveland eau sing tenor. If aftlieteil with ore over, use Dr. Isaac Thompson'a Eye Water. Drugglsta gelllt 35c. Those persons whodonot need Iron, but who are troubled with Nervousness nml Dyspepeia, will find in Carter's Llttle Nertb Pilla a most desiraWe arttcle. Tli v are mostlv oud iu combination with Carter's l.ittle Liver Puls. and in this way often eiert a most magical effect. Take just one pill of each kind unmedlately after eating and you iil bc free (rom Indigestión and Dyspepéia. In vials at 25 cents. Sold 3y all Drllgits. ÏF YOÜ "WANT A IKK, Send 13 cents for Dm IIuyers' OriDZ, 100 cnjrravingrs, coloredplate. Associated Fanclcrs, ■LJ7 South Elght Btreet, Phlladolpliia. The purest, swef-1 -st mtl best Cod Liver OU in the world, manufactured frotn fresh, healthy livers. up on the sea-shore. It ia bsolutely pure and sweet. Patients v.hülinvc once tafeen it preferlt toallothers. ■hysiclans have (K-clded it superior to any of the othcroflsin markct. Made by Camykll Hazaïïd, & 2o., New Vork. Chagped Hands, Face. Pimplos, and ïïough Skin, cared oy using JuniperTar Soap, made by Oaswmll, Jazabd & Co-, Xew York. High Priced Butter. Dairymei ofien wonder liow their moro favored cf mpclitors get such hih prices for their buttcr the rear round. It is by always havin? a umform gilt edged article. To put the "gilt cde" on, when Ihe pastures do not do it, they use Wells, Richard, son & Oo's Improyed Butter Color. Every butter maker can do the .same. ,Sold every where aod warramed as harmlcas as salt, and perfect in operaion. A CABB.-Tö all who are siiíTerlngfromerrorsof 'outh, nervous weakiifss. Oftriy tlrcay, loss of irmniood, etr., I wlll srnd a recipe that will care y.m. 'HF.E OF CHAJBGE. Tblsgreat remedy was discovred by a missionary to Soutü America. Send selftddreued cnvelope to REV. JOSLflI T. INMAN, &tatlou D, Kew York. UalInrH Qaiipa Exprcsly forfamlly use. Onlytold ndlIUru OdUOC ln uttlfs. lïest and cheapest. blRMAN reMEDT for T.irg-. CURES Rneumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backachc. Meadache. Toothache. SoreThi-oal.KnrllIns'-Kprninit.BruiM, RariK.ürulih.Iiutl liilo. A.tD ILt OTHER IIOmi.T PAIXS AND AU1ES. Scld bj Drusel9lsnd Dealer cvet THhpie, Ftlty (X-Qtsbuttl. Dlroctlons lu 11 LAügunircs. THE CHARLES A. VOGELEK CO. (Sarc,„r.wA.T0OEIJJiCO.) lUltlmor. M.I.. I . S. l. MWHVnïïCi ÏÏ17R7Ï TTV jTowt M un t: 01. il, í'rcíftfiluro Decar, Vrnknc14, Bruin and all fonnsof XítbHItr In Mrn from earlr error, ipnoranc, viro orruo mi OuU-kly sol Luür Currd withoutconñnem' nt v.v 1I10 ' CIVIÁLE TREATMENT bowflrmiyestabiishedin Amei tcaofly onitui-rl: FREE to euriicnt I n q 11 1 re rt, (ii"t tu Doy s, or curioHty-seeRen), lai-Re Ülmtrated work on blMaei of the Mnii4.Urliuirr i-ui. Bral And Nerreft. (Scalt-ri, for6 cents ti stampa.) Gives testimonlalg-buslness&jidinedlc&lrefTL-iM-uit.&c. t.'n-nlttlon Freo. f n RADWAY'S K K ñEADY I lililí RELIEF. A CURE FOIl ALL 8UMMER COMPLAINTS A tri-.spoonful Ín linlf n lunibler of water will ín few moment cure CRAMPS, SPASMS, SOUR STOMACH. NAUSEA. ciMITlxii. HKAUTBüKN. XF.RVOüSÑESS. SLKF.PLESSSKS8, SICK UF.ADACHB, DIARRHCkA, DYSEN'TÉUY, CIIULKRA MOltlíUS, COLIC. FLATULKNCY, AND -.. nTKUNAJL PAINS. CHOLERA umi tevere euei oí :!:■■ forrgolní Complaiuts, sec our prlnted dírcelloos. mi. t ix iti r.miova iojsjra FF.VEK ANU AOUJi. Therc la not rcn-.cdlal agent Ir ül ■oriil that Ttll enre Kever and :tp.d ní oth'-r Malurion% Itíilous, andotl, -! !v RADWAY'8 1'ILI.S) o qulcklvns RADWAY'S KKADY RKL1EF. RADWAY'S IiKAJ)Y RELIEK ISA CI'I'.K FOB EVKIÍY PAIN, T00T1I M.HK. IIEAI'ACHK, SCIATKA. LUMBAGO. NKÜUALOIA. HHKUilATISM, s !■ 1.1. i 'RAISS, BRUiaBS, l'AINS I TME HA OS LÏMBS lt.ptli-part or part wbfire tilt' pain or ditïïculry exiuts will aliom Instar.' ■ ;ifnrr. It wat the Bral md la THE írM.Y PAfN RF.MK.DY thatlnstamly stops i: ..■■rninp p:tlns.IIays inflainma'.iui:. aetherof thc Lnngs, Stomach, liuwels, or other tl-ntls or orgaas oy one appUcatton. I'IUCE, üO CENTS per bottlc. Sold by druggisl DR RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN REOLVENT, The Creat Blood PurífíerFOR THE CURE OF CHRONIC DISEJ Cttronlc Rheuraal Ism, Bcroftila Glandular Sweiiinsf, Ilacktntr. Dry 1 Compla .: f thc LuntíS. Iippala. Watrr Brasil. Whfte Sv PlllnE, Tumors, Ernptloj Mercm I eraaleComplain 1, Goot. Hn.-psy, Rfckcta, Siilt Khcuin, Uronehltli, Coosuinptitm, Klaney, J r Compiatnts, Wc. DrRudway8 Sarsaparilian Hcsolvcnt. A remedjr eompoced ol Ingrediënt of cxtrannlinary medical propcrltleu, essentíal ii puiify, l. -. repair und iitvif.ratc thí brolcen-down an-l wtMtA body- guicK, Plkasast, fAFE and Pxemasimt in ite trctnii'iitanct ctirn. SOLÜ BY AtL DBÜGGI8T& One Dollar a bottlc. Dít. RADWAY'S REGULATINO PÍLL, 77; Oreal Liver and ülomach Remedy. Perfectly tastolrss, elegantlT coatei!. imrge, rrgntate, puiify. cleao Dr. Hadway's Pilla, Coi i: dlíordertof the btomucl!, I.!v r. Bowels, Kidueys, lllsdaer, Ni'rvii: etlpailnn.í Mtlrcneui, Indigestión, !)ypi'pïln.Binou8fx, lnflainm:itío:i of t!ie Bowjtls, riles, nii'laU d'-aru:iKMiicnts of ïlic Inït'rnal Viscera. I'ureiy :c, conialnlns no mercury. mtncrals, or deleJrugs. Prlce cents per 1o.k. Sold by 11 (rugglsU. REA.D "FALSE AND TKÜE." 8end a letter stamp to DK. IlAWAYiCO,X'o.S Warren xrrA, New Yui-k. taflnfurmatíon wortb housands will be sunt lo you. I "Jes V.'lydiVe.Vihkham's . ÍJOÉi VEGETABLE C0MP0UN8 fcS . ' ÍS A POSITIVE CURE FOR IÊji-Jb A11 t!l0se Pinfol Complalnt gëj ' and Wcoknessps 10 commo bc t0 oar bcit wPS FEM1LE POPtLiTIOS. s Prlee (1 la HíU, 1" or WrMr fa" distase and the r'Uef of jín, a.irf Uft do Ü il claimt o do. thousandtof ladieí can gladbj tatt,ly. " It wlU cure entlrcljr olí Oyariim troublwi, THBnirar tlon id Ulceration, Falling oad liisplacerseat, ana consequent Splnal Wealtness, aud ir partlcdariy adaptad to the chance of Uíe. ♦ " a . It removes Falatne, Flatulencr, destroTsallciuYlaff for stimulíínt. and relieves VeaVnss oL ttoo otomHcu, It cures Bloritlngr, Headachca, Norrana ProatratiNJ, Oancral Debility, Slecplosunass. l)cprnlon and IndV cestlou. That fríllnz of bfarinft down, rauanir paln. mn backachr. 1 alwaVH pcrmaneatly curd bv taofl. Sond stamp to I.ynn, Unte., for pamphltt. Ixtvartvl lnaiUryaonüdentiaily auswered i or salt at drzgit ♦■! TUT POr.IT Irtfl' Drl]lsthewII and pumpsouttna int ÜCUI II. rutiiiifTH of the Drill ,ot each fL I f fg P l Etioke. Drives tho ca&infrordrilla '■■V# I ali'.lc under it to Wít it folloTf. WFIlnPMI I i R I Tcstitho ell vithout removln nCLLUnlLL LJ. ♦uolalRunaeasierthananyother' 1 gTÓOMlS & MYMAIT, Esptclally Ín Cholera Infantum Is the ase of Rldge's Food Invaluablc. Many cases could be cited where evervthinp else had f ai led. and Ktdge's Food has bron tríed and retatned. Bj tlie strenth impart ed and its neutral actíonon the buwels. the physíctan has been ablcto use such remedies as :o effect perfect resto rat i on of tl health. +SiL boss W COLLAR PAD nt Zinc & Leathar. WO ORE fSORE rTEICKJS. H wlll porltlrely prevent cbatlng aad care foto Withr. Hor6f cn be worlícd whlle ourel perfeefert. Harness inakfr wlil reiuaa uioney lf not tatlsOad after 80 davs titai. JJJXTLK CLItTIS. Madinott. Wij. iHb S0 REWARB HHQHa wftl be pili fw r Crida f M ■HSmfilg r m tu thil Ma cio u4 Sf kif u nocb Ur!a ar Serd i tM , J SHHRfe il U oar ratcnt UOMUCV WDBjBttBB Cmla Má 8c4 fteparotof ■BiHKHKffl ' Bssp r c lMprTé4 A -Ai fr#hot SX1U wiü Riwüfc ■l . ffr BH nr '!i:'1 wc c?tr CíeLE PAGES ÉLIQUB9 OLUE Awardcd GOLD MEDAL, LONDON, 1SSA Ü1 by Mon Sc Ramlin Oniao and Piano Co.. Pr.tlroui P]ce Or Co. :r. Mfd only bv the RUSSIA ._ CEMENT CO GLOUCESTÊR. MASS.SOLD lÜ=' EVERYWHERE. as-Sumpia Tin On by Miil, 2fe ■Örmall ABíhiniií"creliTeryiitogiTm-H Byrntiiaie piliqrlxl the worst cats,instirescomfort-H Kable tleep ; c-iï ccts cures whf re a) l .hm f iL 4 ■ Hfrtoi ronvinres lh moit f!.'p!ic:il. PricooQc. AndH ■14X),oIDrnírfiitorbrinill..Smi;kjfREEB femmPCHJTIMANj8tPnlgj #R. U. A WAR E Lorillara's Climaz Ping: ■ -.-? rín toa; that LorlllardV itosc Ienf Ilnccut; that Lonllard' íTT í'lippiKir aiid LorlllnrcTs Snuffit &"1 osiderad? JR U P T U B L ! nSk EG N'S IMPERIAL TRUSS Tj Thl-í nuw n u-! spring: and '" "' """ "- ■■ ■■■ 1.. fvcry inor '■■'" rciaiuínjí the hernia always. It cures. C_ '"- n hay ftiul xioirr u-jth comfort. Enrlos ar etamp Used fn bnti IIrsp't:ilg. ikypardrag IMPERIAL TRUSB CO, ox'Í2Sy -Vnn Arbor.Mirii. HE BfcST IS CHEAPE8T."" BiruPotren I IIMUOliCnO Ciorer lallen (Saltadl to all aectioni. l nftor itkee IUos. PiuapMc inirrlc- UTAttíh-r M Tajtor Oik. Kaïwilold. du KIODER'SPASTiLLES.iyScLwiiTÍ: ■1 .1 IM. II l '- -■ "T "TlTI CPR1DUV TAPGIIT AJTD SITI'ATIONS ■ tLtÜnflrnl FI'RNISHED. Clrculnrs fre ItAXBMTINB I5KOS., Jauesvillo, WÜ.J W. N. U. D- 8- 29 IPIlISa toiod'js. Nopavll:! C'nred. UI lUill bt. J.Sri on, Oblu.


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