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At the me.etm í oí the stat.: board of health, Julv 1 an prtSïiitecl a report of lii luvestiïations oñ po:s:nous"-Chaese. It is well known'ihat cases oi s-.vere illness foliow the eating oí som ■ cheosv. Sucta instances are oí frequent oeeurrence In the North Germán fountriea and in the United States. In Eusr!and they are loss frequentie observed; while in Franee, wh;re nuioli eheese is made and i-aten, these cases are said to occur very rarelv. Á few yeans ago the repntatiou of a large (■lieese factoi-y in Northern Ohio w:is destroyeiJ hy the great ñuniber ot cases oí alartnin5 illness arising irom eatiiv; lts i-ueeje. Dairymeu know this cheese as "sick" clieese. KINU3 OF CHEESE TUAT AHE POISOXOUS. A Germán author saye: "The numerous Icind8 oí solt cheese, prepared in small families, or on small farms, are gènerally the cause oí the symptoins; while it is quite exceptional to hear of syraploms arisiug trom the use oí eheese preparo! in large quantities." Some two years ago a familv m Al;ena, Mieh., was lxjisöned bv eatina; ofcottasre cheese; but the cheese that poisoned so maay in this state last vear was made at one oE the largcst factories in the state and by a thoroughly experieueed cheese maker. The old foul-smclliug cheese, such as Limburger and Schweitzer, have never been known to be poisonous. EFFECTS OF THE CHEESE. The srmptoms produccd by "slek'! eheese, as repórted by Germán and American physieians, agree quite closely and are as follows: Drvuess of the mouth and throat with a sense öf constriction, nausea, vomiting, diarrhcea, headache, sometimes doublé visión, and inarked nervous prostration. In rare instances tho suilerer dies from collapse. As a rule recoverv ooéurs in a few bours, or at most after a few "days. The symptoms of cheesepo son'nij and those of saüsage, eanned meats and fish-poisoning are verv similar, though , death results more frequently from the others mentioned than from cheese-poisoning. HOW TO RECOGXIZE POISOSOOS CHEESE. There is no certain mems aside from a ehemical exanvnation by which a poisouous cheese eau be distinguished f rom a wholesome one. The mos-t reliable ready method is probably that proposed by D. Vaüghan a year ago, andit is as follows: Presa a small strip of blue litraus pjper (whieh can be obtained at any dru store) agaJnst a f eshly ent rarface of the cheese ; if the pjper is redJenvd instantly and iutenstl; the cneese muy be regarded with suspic.ou.' Mhea treatcd in thisway any green cheese wlll redde-n rhe litmus paper, but ordinarily the reddening wiil be produced slowly and will be slight. If the piece oL cheese be dry a tmall bit should be rubbed up with an equal volume of water, and the paper should then dipped in the water. Dr. Vaughan does not regard t-e above test as free i'rom error, but as the most reliable readv means now known. Every grooery man should upply this test to c-ach fresh cheete whicn he cuts. The derjth of the reddening of the paper may be compaved with tnat produced by cheese which Is known to be wholesome. NATCRE OF THE POISON. Dr. Vaughan has succeeded in Isolating the polson. to he has given the name tyrotoxicon (from two Gi eek words which mean cheese and poison). It is a product of slight putrefactiou in the cheese whieh probably occurs in tho vat, as the curd lias been known to poison a person:. Bv this slight putrrfaetion, or excessive fermentation, as it may be called, a large amount of uutyric acid is formed, and this in the presenee of the casein of the cbeese is capable of developing a poison. Different samples of poisonous cheese contain different amounts of poison. The same weight of cheese from one cake furnished three times as much poison as that from another cake. The poison was obtained in long, needle-shaped erystals which are freely soluble In water, chloroform alcohol and ether. The smallest visible fraguien of a crystal placad upo;i the end of the tongue causes a s'narp stining pain at the point of application, and in ' a fcw minutes dryness and constriction of the throat. A elightly larjer amount produced nausea, luns; anu uiarructa. me mulsou i umuic ai t the temperature of boiling'water, and lor this t reason even poisonous cheese may be eaten , with impunitv after belng cooked. The subgtancc has also a murkeJ, pungent odor, and i through the nose one can obtaín sufficient oí , the volatile poison to produce dryness of the , throat. This is true, however, onfy of the iso lated poison. In the eheese the taste and odor , of the poison are both modifled to suca an ex, tent that they would not be ïvcognized, as ha? ] already been stated. i m Deeper Water Ways. Lieut.-Co). Poe, having in charge the in." Erovcments of rivers and harbors in Michigan i as niiide his annual report to the Chiei of Engineers. He recommends that the channel at üie LimeKiln Crossing be made 400 feet widc Instead of 300 aa at Bist contemplated. In th3 Saginaw river it is proposed to secure a channel ol 200 feet iu wldth with a depth of fourteen feet from Saginaw Bay to Bay City an 1 twelve feet thencj'to the head of the river, a distance of about twenty-threc miles. Hay Lake channel, in the Sault Ste. Marie river, Col. Poe says, should be deepened to twenty feet. He thinks f iilly seven years will bo occupied in accomp ishins; tbese results and it will be well to remmber that the improveraents will not become ivailable until the whole is completed. A mije appropriation is recommended for the imp'rovement of St. Mary's Falls Canal and the river between Lakes Superior and Huron. The lncrea-se in tonare urges in the strongelt way that the work of preparing to take care of a commerce greater than the present canal and lockase svstem eould accommodate shall be cutered upon without delay. The St. Clair Flata Bhlp 'canal is U6ed by nearly 40,000 vessels a yiar, carryinf nearly 20,000,00 1 tons. It is proposed to widen and deepen the channel. Appendrt i :i tabulated statement showing the amount ol money available and the amount asked for the u xt tiscal year and the amount requlrod to completa tbc work: Rivers and Asked ppnni..„,i Harbors. able. for. equnea. Detroit River.... $149,385 SlöïJSG None. St. Clair Flats Öhio Canal None. 158,398 $153.293 Clinton River.... None. 32,920 32,926 Lake Huron Harbor of Rel'ugc. . 24,522 100,000 100,001 Saginaw River... 8,50'J 105,800 871,000 Au Sable liarbor 4,900 None. None. Tli un der Bay Harbor 4,535 10,030 10,000 Hay Lake Channel 124,307 500,000 2,334,155 St. Mary's Falls Canal None. 350.C0D 1,750,000 Dry Doek, St. Warv's Y n 11 s Canal None. ir.0,000 8,233,S72 Mili Ownora' Ultimatum. A j int conference of m 11 owners from Bay City, West Bay City, Saginaw and East Sagiuaw was held in East Sagiuaw ün the SSi -1. Of the etghty elght milis on the river seventy were represented either by the owners or by proxy. A comrnittee of four, which had been appointed for the purpose, submitted the followlug, which was unanimously adopted: As efforts ave beiug eonbtautly made by designing inen to convey the impresaion to the employés that it is the Intention of the mlll ownevs to soon start their milis and salt works on various plans as to houis of running and the scale of wairos, and belleving that many employés are deluded by these false prouuses, now tberefore, that the posUlon of the mili owners maï be íu'.ly understood we make the following statemunt and pledge: First- The wagea wh'.ch prevailed in the various milla and aalt works at the time the men wero compelled to quit work, were fully as high, and ;n some cases higher than the employers could aftord to pay without actual pecunlry loes; the wagesbelng hlgher than the average pa;d for that class of labor throughout the Uuited States, the same being $1 70 per day. Sceoud - No complalut has beeu made by the employés au to the hours of labor for the past tel) years. Some i the mili owners last spring offored to run lln-ir milis on ten hours' time witu a proportlouate i;i', which offer was rejecU'd by their employés. Tbird- Iu view of the fact that the wages paid were as h'g'ü as weeouldaflord topay and the hours íor' labor satisfaetory to our employés uutil laterference by professional agi] '.ators, thereioro vc hercljy determine not to 6tart our milis and salt works until thu meu ! are willing' to returu to work on the same basis as they wi re wheo the works were shut down by an armed mob. A íew mili oivners desired to have the resoluüoaa ?o iUirt'Jtf! as to provide startlng tlie mil!? at ten :#urs wlth proporttonate pay, but this did nut meet the approval of the maiority of those present. ______ Will Sooii beDa'.armiued. The week endhiï Juiy ?0 was the third week süice the. strike waa Inauaurated in the SagInaw Valley ar. l l slnee the milis shut down. Three salagle milis and two sawraills at East Saginaw are in operation uud five iuüls are ruuntne at the oiher end. This leaves seventv-eight milis and ne.arly as maay salt blocks'ldle. A low estimáis places the; dally pay rol of mlll at Í13,OO I, frO'.n whicii the rnoney taken out oí circulation in the last three weeks may readily be computed. It is EOt alone this loss vh'c':i the working element has to susiain, but the stoppage meaus 185,000,0J0 feet of lumhcr Ies3 in tne production of the season and a correspondlng decrease in the outfiut of loga oext winter. Necu-ly every branch of mereasitile trade is suffering from the idleness of these yi int industries. How long it win last Isaprobiem not easy of solutíou. Whi'e there are ear marks of a slight weakenlng of the strikers, they possess eonfldnee in their ability to üoldoutindethiitely, and an effort is to be made to effect a un ion of engineers, sawyers and fllers. skilled labor that cannot be easily replaced. Iï it should succeed thi strike may be prolonged. Many of the men say they are ready to go to work, but are at'raid to. Üthers demañd concesíilona which the mili owners are unwillin? to g ant. It eannot be denied that the men lmve som? friievanees, but their mistake was in goln2 out a time of great depression, and the labor market is overstocked. The salt block of Warner & Eastman, which was shut down by foiee and two of tha men nearly killed by the strikers, has started again, also the milis of Blisi Bros., and C. L. örant & Co. Tab wlü sreatly weaken the cause of the strikers and it is 'iutiinated they will use every effort to prevent any more milis from startin z. All of the deputles have been discharged by the sheriff, and the strikers are well behaved and quiet. It is believed the turning point one way or the otner is near at hand. Michigan Mourns. Gov. Alger issued the following proclamation regarding the death of Gen. Grant: Executive Office, Lansixö, July 23, 18S5. -The nation mourns to-day. Our great and beloved military chieftaiu who saved the Union from wreek and disintegration has passed from earth. It is most fltting that every loyal citizen of the commonwcalth as well as of the nation should by act and thoucht show the marks of respect that are due to the memory of this great nero. The capítol at Lansins will at once be appropriateiy draped and all the state offices, so lar as practicable, will be closed on the day of the luneial. I sineerelv hope that all citizens will, at their respective homes and claoee oí btt3lnéss, display appropr.ate emlrems of murning, and that all business will be suspended during the hours of the funeral. Let us all show a proper regard for the man who, by his great ability aud lidelity to his country, carnea US saieij tnrougn me uury ordeal of war. Let us all remember and reverence the immortal name oí Ulysses S. Grant. By the governor, !:sell A. Alger. H. A. Conant, Secretary oí State. The íollowine; dispatch was sent to Mrs. Grant by Gov. Alger : Execvtive Office. ) Detroit, Mlch., .Tul y 23, 1885. f My Deak Madam- ïhe pcop e of M caigan i nith one voice unite with you and your íamily 1 In mournins the loss of your distinguished husband and the soldiera's ídol. Permit me to ad I my personal heartfelt svmpathy for the loss of my oíd beloved commander. RU83ELL A. ALGEK. Mr3. U. 8. Grant, Mount Mearegor. Tributs of the G. A. H. Department Commander Chas. D. Long, of the Grand Arm; oí the Republic, Debaatment Michigan Issued from headquarters at Flint the followinsc: Comkades- To-day a uation is mournina; the death of one of the greatest military chieftains the world ever knew. '1 he Supreme Oommander of us all has seen iit to eall from our midst our comrade Ulysses S. Grant, and while we bow in liumble submission to His will, yet do we deeply mourn. "As ourlieloveü comradeis lalddown to rest, lot us eherish his virtues and l;;arn to imítate them. It 8eems well that we should leave our comrade to rest. where over him will bend the arehing sky, as it did in great love when he pitched his tent, or lay down weary and footsore by the way, or on the battle-iield f or an hour's sleep. "Ás he was theu so is he still in the hands of the llcavenly Father." "God giveth His beloved sWp." Out oí the great lote we all have ior our departed comrade, it is desired that all po?ts of thls department will at once take appropriate act.ion by the adoption of suitable resolutious, tobaentered upon the records, and that all post rooms ba draped iu mournlng for the period of thirty days trom the date of the funeral exercises, and that suitable. memorial service be held on Sunday, the 26th inst., or the Sabbath following, by every post in this department, and that pO3ts attend such service in a body. The Luxury of Strikes. The maintenance of the state troops involves an enormous expense upou Saginaw and Bay counties. The daily expenses can only be ap]iroximatelv estimated, but according to Adjutant Sperry, of the third regiment, tbey are about as follows : One coionel, 13 per day ; 1 lieuteuant coionel, 610; 1 major, $8; 'i adjutaut and quartermaster, ï6.50eaeh; 5 captains, (28.36; 5 ftrst lleutentants, $20; 5 pecond lieutenants, $18.75; 5 flrst sergeants, $12.50; 20 othcr sergeants, $45. f he Oflïcers' payfhus amounta tp .Í1Ü5.50 daily. The pnvates receivu t2 per pay each, S14Ö. The subsistence is $242. This gives a total of L847.50 daily. To this must be added the expense for tugs for conveyicg soldiers to and lrora the waterworks, rent ol armoiies, regalr and incidentals, which brings the expense to about Sl.OOO per day. Two companies were on duly nine days and" thrée companies seven days at an expense of b.-twcea $í,UO0 and S10,00Ó. In Bay county there were about twothirds the number of men, but as mueh of the expense was Dcessarily iiicurrei anyway, the cost thus far to that county will not fall much below $5,000. Tiie tr.;nsportation, it is estimated, will bring the total cost of the troops to about $13,03. By th3 amended law, the auditor general pays this sum out of the general fund and charges it back to the counties to be collected as a tax. Michigan to the Front. Special erop r porta f roía all the winter and Bprfeg Wheat growing ftates to the American Sural Home of Koohester, N. Y., state that in the northwest the winter wbeat situaHon is generaily considered iavorable, but Michigan alone ralaes a erop equal to that of 1S84. In southern llhuois, Orno, Missouri, Kansas, Tenn.-ssee and Kentucky there has been no improve.mcut in the past 30 days. In the lattpr two States the mil ers are buying old wheat to start lip the r milis. The spring wheat prospecta indícate an average erop ïf the bot sun does not scqi'cq it. The grass erop oL the nortlnvest will not, equal that of 1884. Oats stand bountiiullv. Corn shows gieat improvement, having mide a great gain in the last 14 days. A New Blilrotd. The ihst sjrvev oí the St. Clair River & Detroit railioad Las been completad. The survcy was under the management of Assistant Eugiueer Torv. oí' th? Michigan Central. Tuesuiveyoi was 11. F. Beau of Jaekson. The Iin3 start at S:. Cllr and runt down the river to Marine Citv, thence to Fair Haven, Anchorviilu, New Baithnore, Mt. Clemens, Fraser and Center Line, wiiere it lnterSftSta t'ue Dutroit & Bay City branca oí t!ie Michigan Central. Tuis is oñly a ureliminary suivey to get a map of the surrounermg ountvy. The levelins was done and the topographical features taken bv Mr. Casey of Detroit. The eountrv passed ihrough is the easiest to grade and bridge of any in the state. Toggery for the Boys. Contracta for furnlshing uniforma for the state militia have been ordered as follows: W. C. Boylan, New York, !!00 overcoats at $8 40 eaoh; E. S. Pierce, (rand Rápida, 000 blouses at $3 aSeach: M. C. Lüley, Columbus, O., 500 dress coats at $7 62 each, i.üaO cork helmets at SI 77 each, and 000 fatigue caps, with gossamer covers, at i0y cents each: Pettlbone manufacturinfr campany, Cincinnati, 500 kuapsacks at 1 15 each, ánd making 500 dress costs at $2 55 each, UK) blouses at 9u ceacli and 1,3ÜO trooaen at $1 L0 each. Provided fnr for Five Years. Joe Howard, alias Killoran, the Coldwate: bank robber, when b o iirlit into court for trial withdrew his plao of uot guilty and plaaded guilty, and Judge Peeier seutenced hiiu to Juukson lor.five year. MINOR STATU HAPPENINGS, i Battle Creek wants letter carriers. The Oscoda village board has decided to erect a jail at ouce. Louis Thompson, a younglad of Jackson,was drowned while bathing. ! Fire student9 oL the agricultura] college hare been expelled for bazing'. Mlekson G. Cobb, a 74-yenr o:d pioneer of Pontiac township, is d'ead. Charlevoix is to h:ve a uewflouring mili with a eapacitv of 100 barrels per day. Hon. Tkeodore Romeyn, for over 40 years the reeognized leader óf the Detroit bar, Is d ;ul. The output of the Holyoke silver mine, In i th Ishpeming district, is said to have ussayed $5,000 a ton. . A. A. Lewis' luinber yard and planing mili in Flint have been destroyed by fire, loss j about $17,000. The balance of Adrian's unexpended 4th of July fund, $230, has been donated to eompany B, f'irst regiment. Thomas Foley of Maple Rapids, chareed with the muider of bÍ3 iufunt children, has been held for trial at the circuit. B The Cadillac & Northeastern narrow guage j ïailroad is being rapidiy extenJed and will reach Muskrat Iake about Aug. 1. The patrons of husbandry will hold a picnic at Charlotte, August 25. to be addressed by Hon. .J J. Woodmau of Pontiac. Fred. Schcrmerhorn of Stronach, aged 35 years, was taken with cramps while bathing in the Little Manistee rivcr and wa9 drowned. Frank Rowley of St. Louis, aged 45 ycars, feil dead in the harvest field from interna! rheumatism. He leaves a wife and two children. Three raüways, the Toledo & Aun Arbor,the i Chicago & West Michigan and the Flint & Pere Marquette, talk of reachiug up into Autrim county. John Williams, a Negro 85 years old, who upon hls emancipation in Virginia joined the Sejond Micuigan cavalry, is dead at Paris, Kent county. Richard Fletcher of Bay City, 1 5 years old, was found dead half-way batween the residence of his two sons. lt is supposed he died of heart disease. Louis Reaume, who caused such a reign oí terror in Chicago recently, and kiiled anollicer in that city, has been cleclared insano, and sent to his relatives in Mielgan. Dyer Dunnin!;, a prominent citlzen of Milton township, Cass" county, was killed by a piece of timber striking him on the hcad, while assisting a nelghbor in rai.-ing a barn. C. H. Booth of Kalamazoo, who not long I a"'o was arrested charged wit i euibezzlement, ! has been bound over 10 the circuit court for trial, bail being given to the amount of $:2,0U0. Sir Garnet Wolseley, in compl mentina AUitralian troops in the Soudan latelv. paid special atteniion to the Jackson. Mich., wagons, by which the equipmjnt was transported. They were spccially made for this service. W. U. Bennett of Lansing, aged 00, whilo temporarily nsaae, shot h.mself thruugh the head. He liad until within a month been employed in the office of the au litor general, iiaving been appoinled by Whitney Jones thirty years ago At Grand Rapids another section will be added to the soldiere' monument. It will be eight f eet high and inscribed: "In honor of the sol liers and sailors of Kent countv, 1561-05." This will increase the height of ihe mjnument to thirty-three ieet. The gold seekers of the upper peu!mula will devote a larjre part of their attention to the Holyoke silver lead range this slimmer. Some remarkalile dlECOveries are reported from that región. A chemist in Ishpcming assaved a specimen last week which ran over $o,0U0 to the ton. The board of directora of Battle Creek college have decid d to organlze a manual tra'ning school c'epartment to be oj.erated in connection with the regular branches of the college course. Several machines liave been placed in position already, and more will be added. The state encampment of the knlghts templar of Michigan wlll not be held at Grand Rapids at the time of the reunión of the army of the Cumberland, as bas been announced. The exact dates have not be.n fixtd, but it is supposed the knights will gather during the last week in August. The body oL a 5-year-oli boy named Wm. Rumm was found in the boom of F. E. Bradley & Co.'s saw mili in Bay City at a point where bis bat was diseovered. Tbe little fellow had been missing since the evening before. It is supposed he had gone to the nvev to bathe, wheu be feil iu and was drowned. Henry Zeitler of Mei e lith, where he was in the employ of the Field lumber company as bookkeeper, was found dead iu bed at tbe Shei-iml house in East Saginaw the other afternoou. He had been ailing some time, but it is thought deatb was hastened by a partial sim. stroke. He was Sï years of age and unmarriedMr. Henry Ray, a eontraetor of Coldwater, Vïho was laylng stone walks around the court house in Charlotte, was taken suddeuly ill the oIIkt moraing and died the next morning :it 1 o'doek. The doctors think bis sicknfs; was cansed by extreme heat and toa frequent iudulgenee in ice water. The reinains were taken to bis home in Coldwater. Brighton taxpayers almost to a man signed a bonus bond íorürlO,COJ iu favor of the Toledo & Ann Arbor road after they had been ad. dressed in favor of arailroail by Hon. I. WCase, Hon. David Thompson and Father Doherty, the Catholic pastor tliere. The road will now come to Brighton. Howell will have its $20,030 bonus ready iu a few days. Jas. A. Dyer, a pioneer of Jackson county is dead, aged 73 yeare. Mr. Dyer came to Jackson filty years ago. He was the first merchant in Jaêksou. ile was elected Sheriff in 1840, appointed Postmaster in 1S4S and served four years. In ls(jt be was elected Justiee of the Peaee and served sixteen yearH lic was the first man made a Masón in Jackson county.


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