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The Country At Large

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Queen Victoria, through Mr. West, Brltísh MinUtor, and the Prjnee aml Princesa of Wales sent dispatches of condolence to Mr3. Grant. KITST 00. The president has issued a proelaniatlon orderlng all cattlemen to vacate the Cheyenne ond Arapahoe Indiau reservation in Indlan terdtory wit!iin40 days. A NATIONAL MONUMENT. Mavor Grace of New York has appointod a commlttee of 100 citizens to raise New York'a Bhare of the expenses for the oectlon of a natiraal monument to Gen. Grant. ACQJCITTED BECAUSE IHBAHB. T. W. Jackson, Rlel's seo-retary, was triedal Regina and aequitted o the ground oL in9anlty. The erown eonsented to thererdiet, liaviñ1 itself offered evidence of insanity. The trial was merely formal. GHANT'B MONUMENT. R. B. Hayes makes the suggestion that the the G. A. R., take lead in the matter of erecting a monument to Grant. S. S. Buidett, commandcr in chief ot the G. A. R., suggeats that the monument bc paid for out of United States treaeury. A TKAN3FER. Af ter a cablnet consultation and in aecordaneewith the ailvice of Gen. Sheridau the eecretary oL the Interior has declded to turn over to the war department the complete control of the Cheyenue and Arapahoe reservation In the Indlan territory. A COMPLETKD COMMITTEE. Vice-Presideut Hendricks has added the mimes of Senators Allison of lowa, Hawley of ( uní eticut, Cockereil of Missouri, Manderson of Nebraska, IngalJs of Kansas, and Camden o!' West Virginia, to the 3enate comniitfce to att nd the Grant obsequie. IT'S BMBEZZLSMÏNT. The attorney of the postoffice department lias rendered an opinión that a postmaster who uses postal l'iinds for his own benefit, intendIng to return tUein when the time for dejwsit arrivés is gLi:lty oi embezzlement. Tliese funds must not he touched for private use. THE COW DID IT. An Suwanee. Ga., on the Richmond & Danvillü Railroad, a ditch train ran over a cow thowing ons car from the track In the car were lUteeu Negro tran hands and six bar3 of iron. The car turned on its side and the iron feil upoa the Negrees killing seven and woundlng three more. AN INSANE ACTOR. The eommission appint:d to inquire into the menUtÉt'on l'.tiou Oi McCullough. the actor, report as follows : '-Tuat the said John McCullough is, at the time of the taking of his inquisitióu. a lunatic and has been so for the space of six mimths past, but enjoys some hu'id intervals, yet by reason of his said lunacy is incapable of riianainj; his person or estáte." EXROLLMENT OF INDIANS. A late enroüment of the Cheyenne and Arapiuoe Indiana shows a falliusf off since last eensus in Is74 of 2,498 pope. The Cheyènnes then numbered 8,095 aud Arapahoes ;i 3iW, wh:ie the pre.-ent count sLo.vs the former to have omy 2,3J9 and the 1,300, or a total of 3.4U9. By th'.s eouBt the government will gain annua'lly $93,000 In issuance of beef. A FALT.INO TIER. While au excursión steamer was loadlug wit.) passengers at a pier at Chatham, the pier collapsed. throwlng into the water 60 persons, princ.pallv woineu an-1 Children. Many persons were'rescued half-drowned and uneonseious and were taken to a neighboring hospita'. It is b.'lie.ed sveral persons were drowned after biing stuaned by falling on the piles. ROAOB'S RECEIPTS. Tlie Washington Post saya tbe followlng nmoiints hae in-en paid un the government veseels te'.n constructed by John Roach: On the Do'piiiii, $283,003, the contract priee being ,,00 J; on the Atlanta, ;ñ" .000, the contract price on whch wai 831T,OJ0; on the Boston Í557 0O3 conirtict price being 1810.000, and on the Chk.;t;o, $64,588, the contract price telng $889,000. EXPOP.T3 AND IMPOSTS. TLechlef of the Bureau of Sutt'stic; rejx)ris that ihe total values oí the importa of rnerchandise during thu t'.vilve montha euded June 30 Iï85, were ic7r,4T8,850, and during the nrevinnatwelvemoatns $887,007,688, adecrease oí 90 330,843. The valu s of tbe exp jrts of merchandise i'or tbe twelve montka ended June 3 i. 18 5, were S741,í:9:3,eSi, and for the twelve montlia ended June .iU, 1384, were 740.513,609, an increase of $1,: .89,074. OUSTINO TUE WUITES. After mature eonsideration, the President and bis Cabinet have reaclied the conclusión that the leases of lands u Indian Territory neld by calt'.emen are invalid and it bas been determinad to take step3 to have thera set aside. (en. Sheridaa has reported that no permanent fcttlement of tbe ludían troubles in the Territory can be aflected whlle tbe cattlemen are in possession of the best lande and it is the intention of the President to remove the disturbing element and reserve Indian Territory for he exclusive oceupation of the Indians. The uethod o!' procedure bas uot . yet beeo deteru neil. A Presldentlal uroclamation ïnay be ssued, but it is regarded by well informed persons as more probable ihat actlona will be beliiin in the ünfted States courts of the Western Jlyision of Kansas haring jurisdiction oer ,he Territory look ing to a declara tion of the nvalidüy of the leases. A. LIFE VOlt A LIFE The huge elephant Albert, belonging to the Barnum show, killed hls keeper, James B. McCorraiek at Keene, N. H., a íew days ago. During the aftainoon performance lames S. Hutchinson, one of the mancgers, announced that as tbe elephant had taken human Ufe it would have to be shot. He requested any member of the Keene Light CJuard who were pVesent to report to tueir captain at the door of the museum canvas. At 4:30 p. m. the elephant, escorted by two keepers and 38 riflemen and nearly all the members of the show, was takeu dowa a deep ravine aud securely chained to se'veral large trees. (ieo. Arstingstall, the trainer, drew a ehalk line arouiuf the animal' 8 lieart and one aronnd the brain, as tariiets for the sharpshoot?rs. The huoe brute trumpeteil most piteously. At a ííiven signal the soldier fired, and the elephant feil deacï in hi-s chains without a struggle. He is next in size to Jumbo, and was valued at $10,000. SH'UATIOS OF WHEAT. Ileury Clews & Co. say : The wheat proble;n, and the reducedcro? yield wh ch makea it doublv oné, promise to be solved iu the uear l'ature by the movement of the product that shill íol'ow harveít operations. l'ntil now, this imputinte ement in making prices hits been ooscured bv the influenoes of tlie loreign situatiou and the accumulation in do;n1ti warebousei. Wuether this movement shall be lave ör en a 1. dependa upou the linanelal rrsources o: the farmers. Tliey arewellaware of the ext a of the damag.' to the plant ia both thu winter aud spring wheat eeetions, aud should they be in a p isition to wlthhold iriim market a quantlty that might prove excessive, and sell only sufficient lor their imm d ate requiremeatï, no considerable decline trom present prics ís 1 kely to occur. On the ot hau.l. howvor, afree, large movement would prove too niuch, in the event of contiir.ud aucuimilations, for a market airead; abundantly suppüud. The stanstical fuuudation to the present mark t luis Improved somewhat during the j :;st three montlis, aud the result of the exr ort movement for t ie yeaí lias, In the main, atisfactory. Tl.e vi-ible supply appears to be larger in comparison with the eorreiponding period Ín lormer years. A faet may be Btated in this connect:on that seems to Uave etcaped tbs notice of maDV. During the last year iour new warehouíing polnts were n !d d to tli ■ lie . thus lacreasiEg tlie amount oí the agrt'gat; we kly report. The barden of thls visible snpplv is !oi ged in Chicago. Throughout the year the over-zealcras operatois for á dee'iue have ben predicting disasters fiom exoeestre accuinulationi and a consequent surplus. Beginning July 1, 1884, and índed July 2. 18 5. the exports whieh have prevalled througiiont the vear have stimulated mi locreased demand, and new uses have been Cound for the product ; in fact the consumption hout the world has greatly Increased trom the same cause. The European situafon, espec-ially In London, may be brlefly summed up as on indifEtrent one, for the time being, so far as supplies trom American sources are coneerned, since lndian and Australia are so bountiful. In the United Klngdom and on the Continent their own barvests are likely to be eiiual to the immediate requirements.' as the ludian harvest has been before tlam. and as ours must be alter them. Brietiy, then, provided our üroducers are in an independent position, present pt ices may be regar Jed as representative of Ui 'valué oí the new erop of 188d. Regardlng the condition of the winter wheat, we eau hut repeat that the damage has been levere, and, unfl tho ictual outp it is di'termlned, the least said the better. Te spring erop is uroiressitg ouly fau'ly, aud somc de8f.ructiou Irom insects is reported, aud a decrease in the yield is not unlikely. It would take Si.O.Ü.OOJ women to hug the globe, (ven tt ''■■:: tlasued hands and Btetoliec, _ , __ . „,.. ,


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