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These ark solid tfAOTSi-TT-The boet blood purifier and ; system-. regulator ever placed within. the reoch .of sufloriiitf hunianitv, truly is Kleetrio JiV ■ tew. Inactivity of tjae livor, biljousnes , janndice, coustipation, weak kidneyn, b any. disease of the urinary orgams, o whoever requires uu ajijiefizer, toiiicor mild etimulaut, wil! always tind Electric Bitters, the best aud óiüy ccrt-iin rare Jsnown. They act mircly and (juiokly, every bottle guarauteed to give entere satinfaction or möney refiinded. Sóld at üfty cents a bottle by Merbach Hbii. The Chinete Ham'Iet's lament- lrihe times are out of joint." Tired and Lanqüid Women . Hou many women tkere are of wliom th?ee words are true: "Xhey feel lauguid upd tired, hardly able to bear wightion their fect, the bloom all gojie from thbir' cheeks, irratableand cross without meaning to be, nerves all upset, wprïied with the children, fretted over litflè tHliKs' a burden to themselvee, and yet witb n acute disease." What 'a pity itia: -But a'few bottlos of Parker's Tonic will drjve all this away, and relieve the troubdes peculiar to their sex. The grave is the home baae on the die man field. City hocula. A. F. Hangsterfer, tho caterer, makee the best Ice-cream and selle it lieatoer than any other manufaturer in the. city. Also has the finest Icecream Parlón in' the state, and ïf yoü don't believe it ;all and see for yourselves. .■ . '' Leave Sunday orders for Ice-Gream and Ices, at örangera' State-st. l ,., Grangers, State-st., are having ft;gpod ■' run oü Ice-Cream. Why? Booatine it is made from pure creiim- no adultera-, tion. j - iJ Grangers are making & spfeCiaHy of first-class catering. Large'-PartieaWedr. dings, Lawn Festináis, etc., fiííMislied with refTéshments: on 'flhort notioè.r ' H. & K. Örjingér ure SèDütó TèÖrfeaid5 and Icen at $1,75 per chútcfties; etc., fijrníshéd at a libërftl rcilnetion ,.u!; Kor Sale- Öne híorae' and Ton Büggy. No. M, E. Hurw-8t. (Jeo, ('ollina. Plúllip Scjmiitt'H GgoriVJe and Oream, 8oda,is the drink to qïieuch one's thjiíj For eale all over the city. -. Brlck for Sale. We have made arrangement with E . M fjewiB of Kast Milnn, to handle Iris brick m tbis city. Tliey uro íarmiperior to any made hërcv and any odc in need af brick oan sato monoy by examinint,' theni and gettint; p rices, before buyiiiK ölsewheré: RwATHES, KïTSli & PBTEUSON. For Sale or Exchange for City Property, 10 acres of land about one mile from Court House. Address P. O. Box ïmt. I have a Wind-mill Derrick and Pump for sale. Wm. Burke, Ann Arbor. Drink Cream Soda and Ginger Ale manufacturad by Phillip Schmitt. It is a harmless bevérage. C "Seal of Detroit." This tobáceo is highly recommendod by President Cleve land. For sale by C. E. Wagner, Ann-st. Cistérns built und ropaired.. Masón work of all kinds done on short nptice. Leave orders corner Fifth and Huron streets. Q. D. CoJJins. Johnson's hat store is just around the corner . LoAÑtiío.-- Money to loan on first-class Real Estáte MortgageatCurrent rates of Interest, Satisfactory arrangements made with capitalista desiring sueh investments. Evory con vey anee and transactïon ín nbstraets of titles carcf olly examinieiï as tp legal efföet . Z. F. King, Ann Arbor - - - - - -- - i - - - - AX UKIMA i; BKIiATXVE TO. THE PBKVEÑT1ON OF FIKES. Be it ordained by thé Mayor, Recorder rnd Aldernieñ of the city of AnnArbor, thatsectionnine of . au ordinancé ro.lativetp the prevention of JS res, made and piissed in Commón Cönncd June 17, 1851, and amended in Commou Couuoil Optobór ia, 1871,'Rnd ftgain likowise .amehded Sèpteroor i, IH82, ■ and seotiön ten of the same ordinancé b and the same are hereby amendod so ia to fead as follows! -■;.-■ Sêotton 9.- It sliall riói bei Iftwful for auy persón heteafter: to:ereet or plaue any buililing -or part of a building on any löt ófpárt of a lot fronting on Main strect bet ween Ann street and Liberty street; nor on any lot.or aby part of a lot fronting on either side of Huron street between Second street. and Fii th street; nèr on nny li or any part of a lot ott Washington ' street, bet ween Main street and Yit th sljeet in this city, unless si ie li buildingior part of a building Bhiilt be constructe! of stone or brick, with party or tire wuHsöf the s;ime material, rising at least ten iirehes above the roof, if thé. saine he coverêd "with tnetal or slate, and if coverod with wood, thea at least twoféeti Nor sliall it be Ittwfnl fór' any person hereafter, without perrniusion of the Gbimnon üouncil, to ërect or place any building" ur part f h building on any lot orpart:of a lot fronting on Alain street' betWeen North street and Ann street; nor on any lot or part of a' lot frontiiig ou the siue street between Liberty etreet. and William Mtreet; nor on any lot or part of a lot frontina on Fourtk street between Nórth. street and Liberty stroét ; nor óïi any lot or part of a lot fronting, on. the weat side of Fifth street between ííorth street and Liberty street ; nor on any lot or part of a lot 'fronting (n the éaötr'side of First streetr between Catharine street and Williams. street; nor on any' lotoriartof a lot froutiuff on Secoud 'street between Catiiarmc stront and VVillian street). nor. on any lot orpartof a. lot frontiög on Detruit street bêtweeó Ann street and .the Michigan Central raíl road; nyr pn. any lot or part of a 'lot jTronting on Catharine stréét betwoin Socond street and Fifth street; nor on any lot or part of a lot fronting on Ann street bótwëën Second street and Fifth strêet; not 'on any tol or part of a lot fronting on' Hurón streét between First Btreet and Sécönd treet; -nor on. ony lot orpart of a lot froting: on Washington strèet between Firnt Htrret and Main streef nor. .on any lot pr part of a ïpt fronting on Liberty street between First street and Fifth. street, unless such build-: ing or part of a building' shall be con-j structed of sfone or ünck, with party orj 'öre walls of tlie same mnterinl, risin},' at least ten inches above the roof, if tho same be obvéréd with ïnetal' Or slate, and if covéred with wood, theu at least two feet. Pródëd, that nóthing contáinnd in this section shail bé öomtrued as pro; hibitijag 'the ' within the limit mentioned in that claüse of this section conimencingwith the' words, "Nor shall it be lawful for ány person ; hereaiter, without tSe peimissipn of' thé Common Council, etc," of any building of woöd whiph shall nót, be more than eight feot square, nor of any wood house f dtkeepittg and stoting. woó(i which; shall not exceed twenty feet in length, twe.lye feot iu height and twelve feet in width, nor ojf anybara.whieh shajl exceedtwept}' fouir feet-iH'length,.8Íxteeh feet in width, and twelrefeet in height f the common surf ace of the ground to the top of. the plat e, with roofe not to exceed oneqnnrter pitiJi, Iml kuc.1i srüiill building, Wood-bónöe or barn, shall uot be made tó front pn any street, nor bö lèss thau thirty feet from the Tlriè thereof except with the consent of the Council (norshall morp than one such house or barn be aliowd wíthpút suph consent on. aniy óne lot or premises oocupied as pnis tchoinent); No-barn,: ptivy, Jiog-peñ, siáuff liter-house, or any other building whioh shall be used or ooeupied for any purpose hable to prove detrimenjtal to the public health, or a nuisanoe ta theadjoining occupBnt or to the publioshuil be Huilt frönting on, anyöf the public, streets of said city, nOr within thirty ieet from thé lpè thëreof. öEgTioH 10.-If ány person shall erect any building within t]ie limita specified m seotion nint) of this wdinwicei éontrary provisioas iheceof, the owner or owners, builder or builders theEeof shall, oöconvietion violatión, be Ê' nnished1 by ft fine not. exoeeding one uudred dollsra, or by imprisónment in the oounty jafloi VVafihtüüáwGounty for a term aoi exceeding nioety daj'B, in the discretionof the Jiwticu wbonlmll f r the offender. öuch person or persons shaü alHo pay. a penalty of ftfty dollars for each and'every vreek such building shall remain so erected after notiee from any metnber of the Cdpimöh CotínCil or fire warden -to remove or nitor the same. The above : oriminoe was adoptad at a sessión of the Council held Monday eveuiug July 27th, imJOHN KAPP, G-bo. H. Pond, Muyor. Recorder, No. 6 . 8 Washington St. Have ou hand a complete stock of evcry ■ thintf in thr C roce ry Line. Tea Cofl'eesi tintl Sujrti i-, In lftrge aniöunts. ánd at CasÏL Prices And can seU at Lpw. figur. The large in-voice pt tías they Büy and H.'ll, ta Kooü proof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. 'fèy Epast their own OofTeeB'eroiy week, and none bit primo arttele )re utwtd. Their Bakery turns out excellent Bfr'oll.'C'iücea and Craeltera: C'ull andoee them Xptice to Credltoi. C'I'UB ()F MH'HKiAN, Comity of W,.slitn niift", ss. ífoflcé-fi hcrcliVKivi'D.'tlia't ly itn order of the l'robatw ;ui fór Cumw oL Viííihmiiw.-.iíiadii.,oii; the .of.,May, A.. IX IWMBi.siJLinoitth.s (rft-'M (.biif. ltt! wijte alhiwud forcn'ditprs.topttiiit tUélr .'laitn$ nL'iiiiisi (Kb csuiír of Bricifcet yfuïnon, lato'of 'siiiit ' tounty, dwffaPd. Wcltlmt allMTtMlltiirs dfiSkM Aecöaséa Át't! ri'ííuintl ti prflüenttluíir claim íiHid ProbaW-Ounrt. attte 1'rwbfctB )&L i tl; _- i i of Ann Arbor, for examination and "alloivuncf, "n uor-iwl'rc !)u: JUi '4;'y of Novembertlest. and tliut nucb liliiijs wlll W netird hcfoiv suid wuirj., i,r, 'i:in-,'lu.y, ""' -1'" rl" "f AwrusV .iknd hjx We8neHy; tluMth ilay of.NvémtrOex(, (. 10 o'clock in"thefuwrtí''-sdb,Qtaidiijttjs. ■ ., --S. AlUJAMlI.n-AIttiJMAN, ■-- J - JudBeof4Yo1)ate. ■ JOHN WOTZÍE ! THE Fine Boot and Slioe Ikk ! Á First -Class Hand - Sewed Shoo Worth $8 for 66.50 A FAULTLESS FIT GUARANTEED ! The Only Establishment in Ann Arbor that Manufactures its Own Uppors. Repairing Neatly Done ! CALL AND SEE SAMPLES. No. 53 South Main Street. W. (j. SNOW, Livery and Boarding Stable. In therearofE. Duffy'sjstore on Ann street. BEST EIGS IN THE CITY At reaaonable rat. I am specialïy prepared to accomtiiodate people for funerala, met can attend their orders in any part of the city and vicinity. W.C. SNOW :- Ann Arbor. For S-agars That are Strictly Pure, FOR COFFEES That are Perfeci in Flavor, FOR GROUND SPICES That are not Adulterated,! For Teas That Never Turn Red and SALT BY THE BARREl ! -GO TüJ. D. Stimson ANN ARBOR, MICH. peLAND&C0s LERAI' SODA Best intheWorlJ. . ' ; -u; j - t-- , - rv - -rr TT7 1 ' - ■ ■ f ff')r workliiK pci)jl". Si'ti 11) ets. lïpnstM'.'. aiiiï we will ya (ree Hl" I f a royftl. vrilnnlile samplo box of f Li L I ■" feoods Chat will pin you iu I !n way rif -irtïikiiiK ni'.ri iiixm'y in rt. fow days than you ever thóught pisblr at ayy hiuiim-ss. ('upiial notfequlred. ;.Yuu n.n livi ui home and work onU , lii' uil Lln!ifn'. AUof both. uexe, of A.aátts, grimjly aucpessfin. :o centa tj $S eafüli" "iari'(ciri:viTy i-vniiir ■ 'Hinr fl whp wapt vvork huiV test 'thiUxiHiüëtw, w niiik)Uii8 niip.vrallclert offer: Tö alt who aTe nat well sat Isfii-il wv uill Mt-iid $1 to pay for tïuj troublt1 jt . wrttH usi FciU-iurtl'nlaní. Uir rtiuiis. etc... ent 6r. Immense pay absoluUtfy aura for all iMio BtaSC: at cc. . Don't; tl.luy. Aaüress, STINSOMïbCH„ I'ortlaud, MaltiCj . " ( f I B M H All Beer wil I be Delivered Free of Charge, ■ ■ - ■■ ■ -■'-. ■ ■ _ Dealer n - STONE, LIME, WATER LIME CALCINED PLASTEf?, CEMENT, LAND PLASTER, PLASTERING HAIR, -And all Kinds of- "WOOID. ÖT"OFFICE:- Corner of Flfth & Huron StreetS, opposite Firemen's Hall. Aun Arbor, MicU. FÖÖlLi! Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, Shrubs Rosee. Also all the New Varietics of Clematis - specialties for fall of 1885. Russian Mnlherries, Apricots and Tyler Raspberry. All stock fhat fails 10 grow we agree to replac for one-half the retail price. I will cali on all my customers during the next month. People desiring any of the above stock will do well to reserve their orders until I cali. CEO. E. STEVENSON. ál Washingtoh-st, Ann Arbor, Mich. Agent D. 8. Pearson & Co., Genevá, N.ï 1 _ - - ON Y KI II PhotogrophB by H 1 1 II U IJ U I the new Uvy l'late Proeeas. l'or 50 cents we will send postpaid Boche'B Manual for Amateurs, tuat gives full instructiouH for makin tlie pictiires . Outflls we furnish froin $10 upwarda. Our Photoqraphio Bulletin, edited by Prof. Cbas. E. Candler, uead yf the Chemical Department of the School of Mines, Columbia College, published twice a month for only $2 per aunum. keepg Phptographers, professional or amateur, fully posted on all improvementa, apd answers all queations when difficultieo iiriflo. Circulare and price lists free. E. Sl H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Manfacturcr of l'hotiiumphic A)iiiritun and MatwUUjt. , 591 Broadway, New York City. Forty yem exUiblixltïd in iliin line nf business My Aiiil litoitiut ! Now is ttif I imp nf year that people are lookliiK for BIG BARGAINS ! In tïood?. I wil! say that forthe next thirty ilays I will niake pants and suita low-er than ever they t-n1 made befóre in tbis city, and jersons can not put thcii' iiioih1)' to better uaöthan to come right in now and leaye thcir orders. I ani r'(lu(ln my siuniiKT stock, whicli wlial! ini Kas. aml I am ulso receivine laie invoices of l'all and Winter Vutti-rns bi all Ulo Ieadinfr and Nol)ll' Styles, whfcfi I sliall pdt a at wonderf'i)' '"w primes. Niu t-niuf mul st.-c int', niid you wlii not be iisppolntd. A .pt-rftjct Ut ííUHraiitet-a prfijonej jhcerfully refunded. gameta ber the plkée St. James Block, W-. Huron St., tjext loor -te I.ewig&Oibson'js HioUi?ra0h (iullery. W.-C. BURCkriELD. ■ 'T'HE BILLIARD PARLOR OF BLISS & BLISS No. 10 NORTH MAIN STREET, Has been refltted, and we have the Finest BMIiard Parlors inthe City! A Full Ijne ot TOBACCO & CICARS ! The Original W, W. Bliss 5-Cent Cigar, BEST OF ALL. Itl.l SS &. BLISS. CHARLES RETTICH, Dealer in - - Sheet Iron, Tin and Copper Ware Particular atteatioti paid to putting up ROOFING AND EAVE TROUGHS. All kinds of Repairina Done Promptly ! Repairing pumps a speclalty. stov.s and pipo cleaneu. Pleasé cali and see me at No. 1, East Liberty-st, ■ Ann Arbor RIMOYAL Having removed niy stock of ■ ■ HATS AND CAPS ! ToNo. 7W.Huron-st., In the St, James Block, I woirld be pleaxed to . have old customers éall on me, and new one stoo for that matter, as Tintend to Kive everybody OREAT BARGAINH. A Mili liiii1 ut' Hata and v.'ap i'lu-ap for Cash. E. i. JOHNSON. i -35$$ïCöOD HEWS ! 13 L AJDIES. Y"-% GiWi-Mt uüuuoniunU evorofs Mlmjl ■ fert d. Nuw'syour timo to firt-t uy jffi-w3n orders f,T our cel' lrtu Tea rjtryjVtr and Cofï'e1!,!! soco roa beautifVWifffVfO fuir.KldlianilorMn'"'"1'""1 ' hmBSmtml T,,i Set, or ÍUniimi D. f,rIi t Oiild Band Mm Roee Dinurr Set, or Oold Bnd Mona c Jenritd Toilet 8ct. For fnll particular ddriM r TUK GUEAT AIMURKAN TBA CQ 0 .otice to CreUitors. OTATE OF M1CHIQ VN, Uounty of Wushtona w ' O as. Notlce is herby Kireu, that by au ord er f of ohe probate court for the couuty of Wiislitu ' naw. mude ou the Hth day of May, A. l). l 1885, six montïis from hat date were allowed for oredltora toprweatthetrolalmi a.iinst the esP tate of PatrickMurphy, late of said oounty, der" ci-asi-il, aml that all creJitors of said dece ased " art: rfiuirrtd to present thöir claims to said prolíate court, at the probatn offleó in the city of lJ Aon Arbor, for cxiiinination and allowance, on or before the Uth day of November i,xt. undthat Bücn claims willbeheard before said court on l'rliliiy. the day of AiiKiist. and on Samrday, the 1 Ith dny of November in'xt. at tu o'clock m V the forenoon of each of said days. DatodAim Arbor, May 11, V. 1) 1885. tl WILLIAM I) HAHU1MAN, n j JudKe of Probate. 8 AA f% f gni présentsRiven away O ■Hl lis, .,i, iis 5 umit-i postaee e' ƒ I II ui.t by mail y Ou will I" J L U U f U U U K. f ree a package of L goods f larie ' value. tnat will start ou in wnrlc that will at once briuR you in moneyfaster than "Janythiiifrelse in America. All abou the t$iü, - l llüO in presents with each box. Agents wanlfd !" everywhere, of elther s,.-, of all aces, for all "' tlii' Üm-, or spare linie only, to work for us at Iheirown homes. Fortunen for all workers abèolutély aasured. Don't delay. H. Hftllett & (,'o„ l'ortland. Maine. - " - - - J If You Have Any Accounts. of For Collootion, Rend tbeüi to.Eiyreno K rU Frueáuflf, Lawyer, Itüom ü, Opera' -Honaé . block, Ann Arbór. Üoliéctioñs riiade m L any part of North America. t .... ■ Mortgage Sale. rKF.VULT having been mode in the enndi'JlJ. tions of a, certain iudenture of moitagi execuwd by James Suaw and Sarah Sháw. nis wife.of Sorthfleld, Washtcnaw (JotiBty. Michi (fan, to Hudson T.' Morton, of suid conntytmd state, hearing date the yixtc.'inh day of -April, In the year of xur 1-ord, one thousaad eight hundred and scventy-four, and r;crded in the office of the Regibter of beeds foraaid county of "Washtenaw, ui Liberforty-ujne(49)of mortgair8, on page 518, and ('uly 4ssigped ly the said' ifudson T, Morton to William llulbert, uf the city" of Ajm Arbor, in said cuunty and suite, by WMtten assixiinu-nt baring date thè seventeenth day of July. out' thOtbUmu etgbt hundred and seventyfonr, which assignment is recorded in the office of said Register of Deeds of said couiity, in Ulier seven {") of assignments of morigages, 011 .page 589, and again duly assigned by Goinstoi-k V. Hill, as the administrator of thé estáte of tlie satd William. Hulbert deeeased, to the aid ITud son T Morton, by written assighment bearlng date the fourth day of December, in year of our Lord, oue tliousand eight hundred and i-iíílit y-throe. and whtch assimuent is recordaU in Líber 8 of assignments of mortgages, in the ■lid office of the said Register of Ueeds for said eouhty, on page 369, and by which dcfault, Lhe power of sale coritaiñed in said njortgape, baving become operative, anfl no snit or procM-4Jns at law or in chancery havïngbeen-iostitutea to recover the amount due ui said mortgag or the note acoompanyiiiLp thesame, and there being now claimed to tv duo on said note and jiiortgage the sum of tu-o huiHli-tfd mul thirty-nine dollars and twenty-flve cents (í3'J.2ó). Notice Is, therefore, hereby giveu that said mort gage wiU be foretlosed on Saturday, the twentysixili day of September, A. D. une tíniusánd eight hui'irtred mul eij,')ity-rivc, ut tr-n o'eiOoK in the folrèoooB uf that day, by a ale at. publir auction to the highest bidder, at the south fi-unt door of the (Jourt House, iu the city of Ajiii ai"bor, in said county of Washlrnaw (.said L'ourt House beiu the place of holding the circtlic court for said couuty), of iiiortgatred prëitaIses described in said mortKaKö, or so much tbereof as may be necessary to satisfy ihr ïinount due on said mortgage and noie,' with reaiiuable costs and expenies; which mortifigeil preniises are describad in said mortKage is follows : All thosecertaio piece or parceU of land simite and being i:i the city 01 Ann Arbor, ín the jounty of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, ind described as follnws, to-wit: All of lots numbered one hundred and two 102), one hundred and three (IU3), one hundred in. 1 four(lM), and one hundred and live (1U5), in ïoseph 1. Baldwin's tbird addition to.the oity of' mui Arbor, Michigan. Dated June HU, 1885. HUDSON T. MORTON, E. D. Kinne, Mortgagee and Assignèe. Attorney for Mortgagee and Assignee. Estáte of Edwin Lawrence. STATE OF MKIHIOAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the probate court for the iountyof Washteuaw, holden at tlw probate of ice, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the tith day of July, in the year one thóusand ■ight hundred and eighty-ftve. Present, Willjam D. Harrinian, Judge Of Projatc. In the matter of theestate of Edwin Lawrence, leceased. On reading and flling the petition duly verifleil, if John K. Lawrence praying that administraion of said state may be grauled to himself or ome other suitable person. Thereupon it is orderod, that Monday, the lOth lay of August next, at ten s'floolt in tlie foreloon, be assigued for hearing of said peition, and that the heirs at law of said Beaamd, and all other persons interested in said state, are reqmred to appear at a session of said Ou rt, then to be holden at the probate oltlee, in lie city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, ! any there be, why the prayer of the petiioner should not be granted. And it is .irther ordered that said petitioner give otlce to the persons interested in said estáte, of. ia pendency of said petition and the hearing lereof, by eausing a copy of this order to be ulilished In ï?iè Aun JToín Denwcrnt. a uewsaper prlnted and ci.,-culat-d in said county, suriTssivu weeks nrevitius to said day of eaiing. WIIXIAM V. HARRJRtAN, Itruecopy.) Judge of Probate. W. Q. Doty Probatn Register A'otice to Creditors. TATK OF MICHMAN, t'ouiity of Washtenaw ? ss. Notire is hereby given that by an order of w probate court fcr the countv of Washtenaw, lade on the 13th day )t July. 4. D. 1885, six onths allowed forcreditor i prt-st'nt their claims ajiainst tin'. Oftota of irah Hibner (formurly Hcinlei-shot i, late of saitl mnty, decfaased, and that all creditors of said )-- isedare roquiredto present thejr claims to saui 'obate court, at the probate office Inthe city of lm Arbor, for exaniinatiou and allowance, on ot, the l-'ith day of January next. and tlial icli clainiK will be heard befóte said court, on lesday, the I3th day of Uctober. and oi Wutl nesly tl-.t! 13th day of January next. at ten o'clock , forenoon of auah oí siud days. Palsd, Ann Arbor, July 18, A. D. 1S8S. C. JOSLYM, Circuit Judge, act inp as Judee of Probate. - - - -. ( 4f% ■ ■ Saiui 8 cents for postáge i II I I I rel freo a ooiitjy rRI f F of goods which will t I 1 1 Ah ■■ help you to moru money i ïht away than anythhiK else inthisworlj. .-Vu either sex succeed f roiii lirst honr. TKé limad I d tu fortune opens be'fore the worlrers, t Imoly snrt-, Atonce address, True& Co., t isla. Maine. AKETHE A.A.DEMOeRAf . . ... Estáte of David Forslicc. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. County oí Washtéñaw O ss. Ata sfKsinii m' ii-;i..irc court, for the i eounty of Washtenaw, holden at the probate of■ fice m the city -of Aun Arbor; oiv-MorHlay, the I 27th day of julv. in the year ■ thousand i eight hundred and eighty-five. Present, William t). Harriman Sudue of Probate In the matter of, the estáte of David Forshee, i deceased. ()n readingand filingthe ueütiondiilv veri Sed, f John Forshee. prayüíg (hul ,i'lie!]'.istra,tion of saíd estáte ihny be'graiitetl Roblnson, or some other suitable perron. Thereitpon, it is ordered, thac Monday. the Mtta day of August pext, (rt leii o'clock tn tbe forenoon, be aaügñed fór tbc bearing of said and that Mie at Ijtw of said deoeAHedf and all othur pefaéns interesled in snid estale. are. rcqni; appearata scssion of said uourt.llien to-wi hokten at the probate office, in the city o! Arbor. and show cause f an whv the prayer of tbö ptitionerishould not be granted. ' And 'It is fflrfhèr ordered. that said petitioner give noüce M tfte persuiis in(erested msaid estáte, of thp peudeiiey t' said p and tho hearing thereof, by canslnic a order to be published in 1 1 1 - a.nn ockat, a new.spaper printèd and c-ircultiti '1 in said courity three Buccedve wi-ks v'eviiMslo said day of hearing, WiLIMUD. HAUHl.UAN'. Atrüécopy. Jncl(ceof 'Profcatc. VV'iixiAM . O. Doty. Probate Ktvi,ster - - - rr- : EstatP of Dirtïan Keer. STATE OF MICHICAK. Otñmií óf Waiíuiaw ss. At t session.of the pjfobatü atMit th county of AV'aslitenaw, hoUlen t thfe U office inthHuityot Alïll Arbor. op -Mütul . Btb day of July. in the year one 'tUou sand eight hundred and eisïhty iive. l'rcsent, Hun. Cbauncej Joujui, Circuit Judge, aeting as Jnage of l'robate. In the matter of the estatjj of Chi dewased. .Ou readinK and the betitiön.'ctnTy yfcrl Ui-d, of Caroline (iei_-ei. pniyiug thut nitliimis tratration of said estáte ruay !■ grautiï tfi Em orv Leland. or some ntlu-r suitable pettiofc Thereupon it is orderecj that Monday. 'the "ril day of August next, at lüo'clock in tbe roro'oon, be assigned for the heürlne of said p'inttion and that the heiis at faw of suici deceased, and all other persons interesteden tuiid estáte, are required to appear at a sesaion of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, m the citj' of, Ann, Arbor, and . show cause, if any there be. why the prayer "1 the petitioner shotild aot be granted And It is further ordened. that said-. petitioner give noticé tö the persons intéresten in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copj of thif order to bé püblished In The Atth Arwif Btmocrat, a newspaper printed and circuíate I ti said eounty. three auccessive weeks previoust saidday of hearing. (, . Circuit Jutlge, acting Judge of Probate. (A truecopy.) Willum Q. Dott. Probate Register t'liiwicery Ordor. THE (.IKCUIT COUKT for the County of Washtenaw. In ghancery. Hattie Redman, Coiuplainant, c.. Elias C. KeJman. Pefendant. Sint pending in the Circuit Qonrt for tiie eomitv of washtenaw. in öhancery at Ann Artior, on tiie ith day of June, A. D. 1885. It satisfactorily ajipearing by nflitlavit 011 flle, that the defendant, Klias (.'. Keduian, is nota resident of the state, hut resides at Ui City, in the state of Missi uri. on poción of .). 1 Lawrence, eoiuplainant's is ordered that the said defendaut, Elias C. Uedniun, cause his appearance to de enten-d herein. within four months from the date of this oi-iler, and in case of iiis appearance he cause his nnswer to the eoniplainant's bill of e.omplaiut U) be lal "tl and a copy thereoX to be Beived on said com plainant's soliciior within twenty days after service on him of a eopy of said biil and jioticc of this order, and that 111 default -thereoi aaM blij to be taken asconftsetl by the said non-resident defendant. And it is furüier ordercil. Unit wilh111 twenty doys after the dat" hercol', the said r.omplainant eause.a copj of this nuice tobe publlshi d in the Ann A 1 1101 IU: . i 1: : . .1 1 paper priuted. püblished and cirenlatini; 11 said county. and that 8Ucb pilMlerttion he eotitinued therein at least onoe Ineson eek tor st ceks in succession, or that she canse a copy of this order to hu personaily sarved on said nn resident defendant, at least twentj days iiefi.rethe aboVed mie pivscribed for iim appeanincc. J. F. Lwi!KMCï. P. McKkusa.v Oomp't's Sollcitor. One oí lUrtiut ■ i'ourt Comnnssioncrs forWash(A true copy.) Iran Qo.rJlielUgan. JoHN' J. ROBISON, Register. Commissioiurs' Aot re . STATE OK MICHIGAN , County of Waaktenéw, ss. The undersigned haviiipheen uppumtiil hy tlie Probate Court forsald oonnty, yominisioners to reoeil ö, examine :m 1 a4jQW all eliJms amt demands ..f all persons agolnst the esta of rianmel Swain, late of Baid coiinty IdeLvancd, hnreliv give iioUecihai wx ni late ar allowcd.liy onler 'rfsali BivbaM CPVrt, tor crcditors to piyüi-jjt in, -ir claipis againa stal e of said deceasid. aiirt that...liey will m itthc retjdenceof John w nShe atinge of Milaniii said uur . ■■■ - 2Sd lay of -September aiulon tcember next. ut tcuoVi lay.s, to récfiive. aam. ■laiins. DatedJuneiJ.lSb.VVH.1.JAM WA'. - JcilIN W. l.l CumiiusiiOliors. - ...


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Ann Arbor Democrat